Looking for a fight? Then try on the highly polished, turn-based combat oriented RPG from MINTgames. Former soldier Tradda just wants to live a peaceful life, but his King has one last mission from him and will not be denied. Journey across a massive map battling dozens of monsters and fiends in your quest to bring down a traitor.
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Make sure you have several ways of reviving yourself. There are a couple of levels of spells for this purpose, and items as well. Have enough in your arsenal before you get there. Although, I will admit that in normal mode it's hard to expect how difficult the general will be prior to reaching him.
Generally, after you get the reviving thing going, his insta-kills are worse than his strong group-effect spells. Get some magic resistance.
Rose Plucker: Beat the island boss.
Chum Tosser: Beat the desert boss.
Cold Killer: Beat the ice cave boss.
Royal Birler: Beat the swamp boss.
Mine Sweeper: Beat the mine boss.
Top Tipper: Beat Admiral Tip Top.
Horn Breaker: Beat Admiral Horn.
Champion: Beat Admiral Horn in Challenge Mode.
Mage Master: Master all spells. (Level the 4 basic spells to 3 stars. Need not be on the same character.)
Coin Collector: Collect all 21 signets. (See below list)
Note: Hidden bosses appear as very rare random encounters in their areas. Just walk around. I'm not sure if the Thieve's signet helps with these.
Veteran Signet
Rhydol starts with it.
Ninja Signet
Buy at Tradda's Farm for 50,000AU. You'll probably have to come back later for this one.
Blaze Signet
Buy at Blankley (Bulgart Fields) for 1,500AU.
Sea Signet
Buy at Blankley (Bulgart Fields) for 1,500AU.
Storm Signet
Buy at Blankley (Bulgart Fields) for 1,500AU.
Scholar's Signet
Buy at Aldron (Fiddici Woods) for 7,500AU.
Treasurer Signet
Randomly found on any of the thieves. Found in Fiddici woods, Parder Coast, and Maryn Peninsula.
Thieve's Signet
Beat The Black Brigand. (Hidden boss in Fiddici Woods)
Adrenaline Signet
Beat the island boss.
Faith Signet
Buy at Narbo (Carintine) for 8,000AU.
Randomly found on any of the mages (little guys standing on a staff). Found in Carintine and Maryn Peninsula.
Stone Signet
Beat the Raging Boulder, a large and dangerous rock. (Hidden boss in Carintine)
Beastmaster's Signet
Beat the desert boss.
Coward's Signet
Beat the ice cave boss.
Polymath Signet
Beat Elo the Polymath, a purplish-black-clothed mage. (Hidden boss in Widdenburn)
Engineer's Signet
Beat the swamp boss.
Contingency Signet
Randomly found on some enemy. I think it's either the ogre or the wind spirit found in Parder Coast.
Thorned Signet
Beat the mine boss.
Equality Signet
Buy at Pentama (Maryn Peninsula) for 25,000AU.
Randomly found on some enemies. (Can't remember for sure, but I think it might be the bears found in Arleton Plains and the Barubic Range)
Guardian Signet
Beat Dodger and Wilde, a pair of legendary (and brightly colored) soldiers. (Hidden boss in Maryn Peninsula)
Conqueror's Signet
Beat Admiral Tip Top.
Horn's Signet
Beat Admiral Horn.
What conditions cause worms to come up to the surface in real life?
When he's underground, hit him with water to make him pop up. Nothing else does appreciable damage to him while he's underground. Once he's up, hit him with whatever you want until he drops back down. As you keep going, I think he stays up for shorter and shorter intervals. Either that or it's random.
He's got a decent damage output and speed for that area, so you may need to level up first.
I don't think it's appropriate to drop the term RPG, even though I agree that most RPGs are a poor substitute for a good tabletop game. Games labeled RPGs tend to have pretty consistent mechanics and make sense.
I'd like to see some "RPGs" that tend towards the other way - little or no combat and a lot of focus on exploration. Sort of like that Explorationsland game in the Explore compo, I think is a good example.
Oh my GOSH Tip Top was hard... very arduous battle.
Only Cochran could revive, I didn't invest in the "revive with full health" spell, and I ended up using every last Divine Seed I had.
I'll explain how I had me team set up:
I didn't record levels before I started, but probably everyone was on level 22.
Tradda had the Thieves' Signet out of habit (silly me, I know).
Rhydol had the Engineer's Signet (another dumbass move on my part).
Cochran had the Stone Signet (a poor guess since he didn't get attacked physically anyway).
So I might as well have not been wearing any signets at all for that fight.
I'd built Rhydol to get increased skill orbs from attacking enemies, and would use Brand or Lambast, whatever he could afford. He also used Fixate once or twice at the start of the battle. He was my main (or only) damage dealer.
Cochran would heal by magic, either individually or the group, and had Fire and Water spells (but only Tsunami, not the group-fire spell).
I was basically at a loss what to do with Tradda for most of the game and eventually made him a jack-of-all-trades; he could heal individually or the group, but not revive, he could cast lightning spells, he could whack the enemy with his sword, and he could Phase Shift his turn to another member of the party.
So the battle was basically a heal-fest with Rhydol attacking as much as he could. Sometimes Tip Top would use his instadeath spell on Cochran and I'd have to use a divine seed which was annoying since I'd only brought six to the fight.
Horn? A pushover.
Here's a good tactic to beat everything more or less. (Bosses require certain tactics, so this doesn't count for these. But the bosses are easy enough anyway)
You should focus on three main roles.
** Healer - Equality Signet (I used Tradda) **
This role is about survivability and should be pretty much invincible if used correctly. This character will be your healer. You do not however need any magic healing spells, but learn "Heal" just in case. If no healing is needed, this character will either assist your other characters, or attack using Bellow or any other offensive attack you have.
Skill points should be spend on Vitality. Once your character is on as much HP as you want, stack strength.
Useful Skills: Meditate, Robustx3/Unyeilding x4, Osmosis, Bellow (For wasting skill orbs if your other characters are in no need of orbs), Resiliant.
With Robust x3/Unyeiling x4, your character will gain all skill orbs on one defend/attack, which you should do ASAP. When your characters are in need of health, use meditate (The equality signet makes you heal everyone). Everyone should restore to full health, or at least to 90%. Then defend/attack on the next turn and repeat. If your characters don't need healing on the turn of your tank, simply use osmosis to transfer the orbs to your spell/melee damage character. If they don't need orbs, use Bellow.
** Melee - Horn's signet (I used Rhydol) **
This character will be your main damage dealer and should do nothing but attack or use reviving seed on your spell caster if he dies.
You should therefore use talent points which benefit malee damage (Red).
Stack Strength on this character. Nothing else is needed. Put a few on vitality if he dies quickly.
Useful Skills: Bellow, Brand, Lambaste, Fixate, Vengeance, Tenacious (1-9) and Unyielding x4.
With Unyielding x4, your character will gain all 5 skill orbs on one attack meaning he can do a lot more damage the next turn. When there are multiple mobs, stick to attacks that hurt them all, such as Bellow.
** Spell - Polymath signet (I used Cochran) **
This character relies mainly on offensive spells, but it is very useful to have a good healing spell arsenal too. Intervention/Revelation is a must, to revive characters who die. If this character dies, then your melee damage character should resurrect this one with a seed.
Stack Magic on this character to increase damage done.
Useful Skills: The whole magic talent tree. Gentlemen (1-9), Scholar (1-9), Serendipity, Blood oath.
Cast offensive spells at all times with this character and only use rejuvenation if your Healer has no skill orbs and your team is in need of serious healing. Your Healer should transfer all 5 of their orbs to this one at the start of the fight, so that Serendipity can be used to regain mana when required. This character should have 5 orbs at all times when possible. Due to the signet this character gets 1 skill point after every spell cast, so orbs shouldn't be an issue anyway. If your healer dies and you don't have mana or skill orbs, use blood oath and pray to the gods that you don't die next turn. Use serendipity and resurrect your Healer.
Hope this helped! :) Now go Pwn some monsters!
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I enjoyed the game! Very good.
Here are two things I think would greatly improve it:
1) More of a distinction between where you put your skill points. It doesn't seem to matter at all. If you completely ignore Vitality on one character and pump it up on others (11 vs 38) your HP goes from about 1200 to 1700, which just isn't as high as I would expect. And speed? You would think that a character at 60 would go more than about twice as often as one at 12. I think the effect of skills on stats, damage, etc should be greatly increased.
2) Something more to do when you're done... I like that the game doesn't just end (and not let you save the fact that you won, like many games do) but there's an implication that there are still monsters to fight, and unless I want to redo random easy battles (I don't, not even for the signets), there's not. Why not open up a new area with scaling monsters? At least then you have something challenging to do while you try for the signets or your talent points or whatever. And as long as there was a realistic way to keep levelling, they could even throw in another two or three bosses for really high level characters. That would be pretty awesome - and not all *that* much more effort for the designers.
For those that have trouble building their characters, here is how I build mine and they work pretty well for me.
supporter/item user
Tradda has a decent amount amount of str and magic to start which makes him sucks as a melee and as a magic user. The build primarily focus on speed. The point is to get him to be so fast that he can defend and pass skill orbs or use items in boss fights or pass his turn to your dps(damage dealer) characters. 2 to speed 1 to vit for every lvl.
lvl 3 robust, Mediate, phase shift, and osmosis
Suggest all extra skill points to go in resilient and immutable
defend to get 5 skill orb and osmosis it to other characters, if they all full use phase shift to let them get more turns. Use items if you have to.
Melee damage dealer/semi healer
Decent amount amount of str to begin with makes him a good melee damage dealer. 2 to str and 1 to vit every lvl. The reason why he is a semi healer is because he doesn't his mp that much and sometimes melee damage are ineffective which makes him useless for that fight. This build does not put any point in getting skill orbs since its all passed from Tradda.
Mediate, Bellow, Brand, Fixtate, Lambaste, heal
Suggest all other skill point into resilient, immutable, and tenacious
use fixtate a few times then use bellow if there are more than one enemies. Against bosses spam Lambaste(if not enough orb spam brand). Use heal to give Cochran more turn to do damage.
Magic damage dealer/ healer
Decent amount of magic to start, the build use Cochran as a designated healer unless magic do more damage. 2 to magic 1 to vit per lvl.
Water, Tsunami(optional), Meditate, Serendipity,Rejuvenation, intervention
suggest extra skills go to resilient, immutable,gentlemen, and scholar
use water as damage skills, heal whenever you have to, use serendipity to turn skill orbs into mp. This should be your primary character to pass turns to since he can heal, revive, and do damage.
So yeah, I have a french computer, meaning that my keyboard is an AZERTY, not a QWERTY, and during the menu tutorial, when I am asked to press M to display the menu, nothing happens... Even if I press on where the M key is on a QWERTY. A bit frustrating to be blocked by such a stupid thing...
Anyone have a solution?
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Walkthrough Guide
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Rose Plucker: Beat the island boss.
Chum Tosser: Beat the desert boss.
Cold Killer: Beat the ice cave boss.
Royal Birler: Beat the swamp boss.
Mine Sweeper: Beat the mine boss.
Top Tipper: Beat Admiral Tip Top.
Horn Breaker: Beat Admiral Horn.
Champion: Beat Admiral Horn in Challenge Mode.
Mage Master: Master all spells. (Level the 4 basic spells to 3 stars. Need not be on the same character.)
Coin Collector: Collect all 21 signets. (See below list)
Note: Hidden bosses appear as very rare random encounters in their areas. Just walk around. I'm not sure if the Thieve's signet helps with these.
Veteran Signet
Rhydol starts with it.
Ninja Signet
Buy at Tradda's Farm for 50,000AU. You'll probably have to come back later for this one.
Blaze Signet
Buy at Blankley (Bulgart Fields) for 1,500AU.
Sea Signet
Buy at Blankley (Bulgart Fields) for 1,500AU.
Storm Signet
Buy at Blankley (Bulgart Fields) for 1,500AU.
Scholar's Signet
Buy at Aldron (Fiddici Woods) for 7,500AU.
Treasurer Signet
Randomly found on any of the thieves. Found in Fiddici woods, Parder Coast, and Maryn Peninsula.
Thieve's Signet
Beat The Black Brigand. (Hidden boss in Fiddici Woods)
Adrenaline Signet
Beat the island boss.
Faith Signet
Buy at Narbo (Carintine) for 8,000AU.
Randomly found on any of the mages (little guys standing on a staff). Found in Carintine and Maryn Peninsula.
Stone Signet
Beat the Raging Boulder, a large and dangerous rock. (Hidden boss in Carintine)
Beastmaster's Signet
Beat the desert boss.
Coward's Signet
Beat the ice cave boss.
Polymath Signet
Beat Elo the Polymath, a purplish-black-clothed mage. (Hidden boss in Widdenburn)
Engineer's Signet
Beat the swamp boss.
Contingency Signet
Randomly found on some enemy. I think it's either the ogre or the wind spirit found in Parder Coast.
Thorned Signet
Beat the mine boss.
Equality Signet
Buy at Pentama (Maryn Peninsula) for 25,000AU.
Randomly found on some enemies. (Can't remember for sure, but I think it might be the bears found in Arleton Plains and the Barubic Range)
Guardian Signet
Beat Dodger and Wilde, a pair of legendary (and brightly colored) soldiers. (Hidden boss in Maryn Peninsula)
Conqueror's Signet
Beat Admiral Tip Top.
Horn's Signet
Beat Admiral Horn.
What conditions cause worms to come up to the surface in real life?
When he's underground, hit him with water to make him pop up. Nothing else does appreciable damage to him while he's underground. Once he's up, hit him with whatever you want until he drops back down. As you keep going, I think he stays up for shorter and shorter intervals. Either that or it's random.
He's got a decent damage output and speed for that area, so you may need to level up first.
Posted by: qoalabear
June 29, 2010 5:45 PM