Doodle Devil
In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, some things were created by an all-benevolent superbeing-type god. A not-so-benevolent deity also has a job to do, though, and once the world exists, his task is to cause a little mayhem. The original Doodle God, both the iPhone version and the browser game, focused on creating the universe by mixing basic elements one after the other. Doodle Devil, on the other hand, is about crafting the darker side of life, blending rudimentary concepts together to create chaos.
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I was hoping to see a Flash port of this one, too, and I've been on the lookout for it. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be one even in the works.
My guess is they created the Flash version of Doodle God to help get word out about it before they had any idea how successful and popular it would become.
I saw the title and thought, "It can't be a Doodle God sequel, there's just no...". But, then I saw "Doodle God" and "sequel" and thought, "IT IS A DOODLE GOD SEQUEL!"
Imagine my horror when I saw "Platform: Mobile (iOS)".
No! Curse you, Jobs!
In all seriousness, I am upset that the sequel to that surprisingly fun element-mixing game is not available for me, someone with no smart phone of any kind, to play (though the squiggle-face rating does have me nervous).
So if you could, first tell us of any plans for a future flash release of this or any other game. Second, tell me what warrants the squiggle-face rating.
In short, I have no iPhone, iPod Touch, or Droid phone. I wanted to play. Why the squggle-face?
If I recall correctly, the original had a squiggle-rating too, because of:
human + human --> sex
I personally don't believe the mere existence of sex to be worth the higher rating, but I understand that JiG is very conservative with ratings for sexual content.
The fact that they'll run games with orange-level content for violence but not run games with similar levels of sexuality or nudity is another reflection of the same bias. It's one I consider unhealthy, but that's a whole separate discussion.
Now aren't you glad you asked?
[Your comment does not accurately reflect the policies of JIG. Our game ratings page clearly contradicts that. We are conservative with ratings for any content that may be viewed as objectionable. We aren't here to censor, just to inform. -Jay]
Doodle Devil Walkthrough
How to get all 107 Elements
Given Elements
Air = Given Element
Earth = Given Element
Fire = Given Element
Water = Given Element
Beast = Given Element
Chaos = Given Element
Darkness = Given Element
Light = Given Element
Order = Given Element
Man = Given Element
Woman = Given Element
Apple = Given Element
The remaining elements in the order we found them:
Human + Apple = Sin
Man + Women = Sex
Man + Women = Life
Sin + Sex = Lust
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Tobacco + Human = Diseases
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Fire + Tree = Ash
Lava + Water = Stone
Lava + Water = Steam
Stone + Fire = Metal
Fire + Water = Steam
Earth + Fire = Lava
Air + Fire = Energy
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Human + Metal = Weapon
Electricity + Air = Radio Wave
Sin + Weapon = Wrath
Corpse + Electricity = Frankenstein
Human + Darkness = Mutant
Demon + Human = Soul
Apple + Earth = Seeds
Demon + Human = Corpse
Fire + Tree = Ash
Fire + Tobacco = Diseases
Earth + Seeds = Tree, Mushroom, Grass
Seeds + Energy = Coffee
Coffee + Human = Work
Human + Pride = Polititian
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Sex + Mechanism = Censored
Life + Earth = Worm
Sin + Soul = Inferno
Human + War = Suffering
Beast + Diseases = Rat
Inferno + Soul = Suffering
Vampire + Air = Rat
Darkness + Beast = Demon
Death + Beast = Cerberus
Inferno + Air = Sulfur
Energy + Darkness = Death
Water + Death = Styx
Sin + Work = Sloth
Rat + Air = Dove
Sloth + Knowledge = Robot
Women + Gluttony = Suffering
Human + Sloth = Car
Demon + Order = Copyright
Coffee + Human = Work
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Copyright + Knowledge = Money
Man + Money = Work
Human + Money = Work
Sex + Money = Censored
Sin + Money = Greed
Sin + Money = Theft
Tobacco + Coffee = Poison
Water + Sulfur = Acid
Sin + Greed = Envy
Wrath + Envy = Murder
Human + Greed = Gambling
Soul + Corpse = Resurrection
Human + Angel = Prayer
Light + Life = Angel
Beast + Wrath = Wolf
Beast + Water = Fish
Fish + Weapon = Piranha
Demon + Energy = Magic
Magic + Stone = Egg
Human + Prayer = Heavens
Human + Prayer = Religion
Sin + Religion = Heresy
Heresy + Human = Psychology, Atheism
Earth + Knowledge = Oil
Heresy + Religion = Sect
Oil + Acid = TNT
TNT + Metal = Bomb
Bomb + Mushroom = Nuclear Bomb
Blood + Human = Vampire
Women + Magic = Witch
Earth + Seed = Grass
Demon + Mechanism = Tv
TV + Book = Computer
Life + Computer = Artificial Intelligence
Earth + Seed = Mushroom
Blood + Human = Vampire
Computer + Computer = Internet
Mechanism + Computer = Robot
Radio wave + Computer = Cell Phone
A.I + Robot = Cyborg
Egg + Worm = Snake
Weapon + Beast = Blood
Snake + Beast = Hydra
Demon + Water = Cthulhu
Frankenstein + Cthulu = Friendship
Magic + Egg = Dragon
Demon + Human = Soul
Beast + Darkness = Demon
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Human + Copyright = Lawyer
All elements organized by category
Woman = Given Element
Man = Given Element
Weapon + Beast = Blood
Women + Man = Sex
Demon + Human = Corpse
Human + Pride = Politician
Human + Copyright = Lawyer
Man + Women = Sex, Human
Human + Metal = Weapon
Nature's Elements
Earth = Given Element
Air = Given Element
Fire = Given Element
Water = Given Element
Fire + Tree = Ash
Lava + Water = Stone
Lava + Water = Steam
Stone + Fire = Metal
Fire + Water = Steam
Earth + Fire = Lava
Air + Fire = Energy
Darkness = Given Element
Chaos = Given Element
Women + Gluttony = Suffering
Inferno + Soul = Suffering
Sin + Soul = Inferno
Human + War = Suffering
Tobacco + Human = Diseases
Energy + Darkness = Death
Water + Death = Styx
Fire + Tobacco = Diseases
Heresy + Religion = Sect
Evil-Demon + Energy = Magic
Human + Apple = Sin
Order = Given Element
Light = Given Element
Soul + Corpse = Resurrection
Human + Angel = Prayer
Human + Prayer = Heavens
Human + Prayer = Religion
Light + Life = Angel
Man + Women = Life
Frankenstein + Cthulu = Friendship
Demon + Human = Soul
Apple = Given Element
Plant-Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Plants-Apple + Earth = Seeds
Earth + Seeds = Mushroom
Earth + Seeds = Grass
Earth + Seeds = Tree
Seeds + Energy = Coffee Plant
Sin + Religion = Heresy
Human + Greed = Gambling
Sin + Money = Greed
Sin + Money = Theft
Sin + Greed = Envy
Wrath + Envy = Murder
Sin + Sex = Lust
Sin + Work = Sloth
Sin + Weapon = Wrath
Sin + Sin= Pride
Human+ Beast = Werewolf
Beast + Darkness = Demon
Magic + Egg = Dragon
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Women + Magic = Witch
Blood + Human = Vampire
Darkness + Beast = Demon
Snake + Beast = Hydra
Demon + Water = Cthulhu
Death + Beast = Cerberus
Corpse + Electricity = Frankenstein
Human + Darkness = Mutant
Beast = Given Element
Egg + Worm = Snake
Rat + Air = Dove
Monster - Beast + Wrath = Wolf
Magic + Stone = Egg
Beast + Water = Fish
Fish + Weapon = Piranha
Life + Earth = Worm
Beast + Diseases = Rat
Vampire + Air = Bat
Coffee + Human = Work
Sex + Mechanism = Censored
Heresy + Human = Psychology
Heresy + Human = Atheism
Demon + Order = Copyright
Man + Money = Work
Copyright + Knowledge = Money
Human + Money = Work
Sex + Money = Censored
Coffee + Human = Work
Earth + Knowledge = Oil
Oil + Acid = TNT
TNT + Metal = Bomb
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Bomb + Mushroom = Nuclear Bomb
Tobacco + Coffee= Poison
Water + Sulfur = Acid
Inferno + Air = Sulfur
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Earth + Seed = Grass
Demon + Mechanism = TV
TV + Book = Computer
Life + Computer = Artificial Intelligence
Computer + Computer = Internet
Mechanism + Computer = Robot
Radio wave + Computer = Cell Phone
Sloth + Knowledge = Robot
Human + Sloth = Car
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Electricity + Air = Radio Wave
A.I + Robot = Cyborg
All alphabetized for easy access:
A.I + Robot = Cyborg
Acid + Oil = TNT
Air + Electricity = Radio Wave
Air + Fire = Energy
Air + Inferno = Sulfur
Air + Rat = Dove
Air + Vampire = Rat
Angel + Human = Prayer
Apple + Earth = Seeds
Apple + Human = Sin
Beast + Darkness = Demon
Beast + Death = Cerberus
Beast + Diseases = Rat
Beast + Snake = Hydra
Beast + Water = Fish
Beast + Weapon = Blood
Beast + Wrath = Wolf
Blood + Human = Vampire
Bomb + Mushroom = Nuclear Bomb
Book + TV = Computer
Coffee + Human = Work
Coffee + Tobacco = Poison
Computer + Computer = Internet
Computer + Life = Artificial Intelligence
Computer + Mechanism = Robot
Computer + Radio wave = Cell Phone
Copyright + Human = Lawyer
Copyright + Knowledge = Money
Corpse + Electricity = Frankenstein
Corpse + Life = Zombie
Corpse + Soul = Resurrection
Cthulu + Frankenstein = Friendship
Darkness + Beast = Demon
Darkness + Energy = Death
Darkness + Human = Mutant
Death + Beast = Cerberus
Death + Water = Styx
Demon + Energy = Magic
Demon + Human = Corpse
Demon + Human = Soul
Demon + Mechanism = TV
Demon + Order = Copyright
Demon + Water = Cthulhu
Diseases + Beast = Rat
Earth + Apple = Seeds
Earth + Fire = Lava
Earth + Knowledge = Oil
Earth + Life = Worm
Earth + Seed = Grass
Earth + Seed = Mushroom
Earth + Seeds = Tree
Egg + Magic = Dragon
Egg + Worm = Snake
Electricity + Air = Radio Wave
Electricity + Corpse = Frankenstein
Energy + Darkness = Death
Energy + Demon = Magic
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Energy + Seeds = Coffee
Envy + Wrath = Murder
Fire + Air = Energy
Fire + Earth = Lava
Fire + Grass = Tobacco
Fire + Stone = Metal
Fire + Tobacco = Diseases
Fire + Tree = Ash
Fire + Water = Steam
Fish + Weapon = Piranha
Frankenstein + Cthulu = Friendship
Gluttony + Women = Suffering
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Greed + Human = Gambling
Greed + Sin = Envy
Heresy + Human = Psychology, Atheism
Heresy + Religion = Sect
Human + Angel = Prayer
Human + Apple = Sin
Human + Blood = Vampire
Human + Coffee = Work
Human + Copyright = Lawyer
Human + Darkness = Mutant
Human + Demon = Corpse
Human + Demon = Soul
Human + Greed = Gambling
Human + Heresy = Psychology, Atheism
Human + Metal = Weapon
Human + Money = Work
Human + Prayer = Heavens
Human + Prayer = Religion
Human + Pride = Polititian
Human + Sloth = Car
Human + Tobacco = Diseases
Human + War = Suffering
Inferno + Air = Sulfur
Inferno + Soul = Suffering
Knowledge + Copyright = Money
Knowledge + Earth = Oil
Knowledge + Sloth = Robot
Lava + Water = Steam
Lava + Water = Stone
Life + Computer = Artificial Intelligence
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Life + Earth = Worm
Life + Light = Angel
Light + Life = Angel
Magic + Egg = Dragon
Magic + Stone = Egg
Magic + Women = Witch
Man + Money = Work
Man + Women = Life
Man + Women = Sex
Mechanism + Computer = Robot
Mechanism + Demon = TV
Mechanism + Sex = Censored
Metal + Energy = Electricity
Metal + Human = Weapon
Metal + TNT = Bomb
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Money + Human = Work
Money + Man = Work
Money + Sex = Censored
Money + Sin = Greed
Money + Sin = Theft
Mushroom + Bomb = Nuclear Bomb
Oil + Acid = TNT
Order + Demon = Copyright
Prayer + Human = Heavens
Prayer + Human = Religion
Pride + Human = Politician
Radio wave + Computer = Cell Phone
Rat + Air = Dove
Religion + Heresy = Sect
Religion + Sin = Heresy
Robot + A.I = Cyborg
Seed + Earth = Grass
Seed + Earth = Mushroom
Seeds + Earth = Tree
Seeds + Energy = Coffee
Sex + Mechanism = Censored
Sex + Money = Censored
Sex + Sin = Lust
Sin + Greed = Envy
Sin + Money = Greed
Sin + Money = Theft
Sin + Religion = Heresy
Sin + Sex = Lust
Sin + Soul = Inferno
Sin + Weapon = Wrath
Sin + Work = Sloth
Sloth + Human = Car
Sloth + Knowledge = Robot
Snake + Beast = Hydra
Soul + Corpse = Resurrection
Soul + Inferno = Suffering
Soul + Sin = Inferno
Stone + Fire = Metal
Stone + Magic = Egg
Sulfur + Water = Acid
TNT + Metal = Bomb
Tobacco + Coffee = Poison
Tobacco + Fire = Diseases
Tobacco + Human = Diseases
Tree + Fire = Ash
TV + Book = Computer
Vampire + Air = Rat
War + Human = Suffering
Water + Beast = Fish
Water + Death = Styx
Water + Demon = Cthulhu
Water + Fire = Steam
Water + Lava = Steam
Water + Lava = Stone
Water + Sulfur = Acid
Weapon + Beast = Blood
Weapon + Fish = Piranha
Weapon + Sin = Wrath
Women + Gluttony = Suffering
Women + Magic = Witch
Women + Man = Life
Women + Man = Sex
Work + Metal = Mechanism
Work + Sin = Sloth
Worm + Egg = Snake
Wrath + Beast = Wolf
Wrath + Envy = Murder
Jay -
My apologies. I'd clearly misremembered the ratings system.
You apply it consistently and fairy, but I do see a higher tolerance here and in the culture of gaming as a whole for explicit violence as opposed to sex. That's more of a cultural issue than a JiG-specific one.
As I said, a topic for another conversation.
[Correct, you'll get no argument from me there. But the internet already has porn sites, and we don't want to be associated with those. ;) Cheers. -Jay]
Dear Doodle Devil Creator,
I have an android phone and the substitutes for doodle god/devil aren't cutting it. I highly suggest you make a flash port with commercials/ads so you can benefit financially. By being iphone specific you are unable to reach a tremendously larger audience! If you can find a way to have a flash port and make money too then please do so!
Does anyone know how to contact the maker(s) (I don't know how many people made this) of Doodle Devil? Because I'd like for them to hear that so many people objected to releasing this only on smartphone
[I've contacted the developer and just learned that a Flash version is indeed on the way. Follow us here at JIG because we'll be among the first to report it when it's available. :) -Jay]
Flash version!! Awesome.
In case people didn't know, Doodle God's mobile version had more features than the flash version (justifying the .99 cent price tag), and Doodle Devil will most likely do the same. So if you want the full full version of the game, you will still have to buy the mobile version.
Honestly though, it's not that much of a difference. The mobile version had a dual hint system and maybe 20 more elements. Then again, if you have a smart phone, it is only .99 cents.
Bought it, played it. Meh. Is there a reason
you start with 9 elements instead of 4? It felt like lazy design to me. One of them (chaos) doesn't even get used.
Also, most of the combinations "X + human" also work as "X + man", but for some reason not as "X + woman". Not sure if the others weren't coded out of laziness or sexism.
I dont get it what so great about a game that maximizes what bad classical adventure designs had let you to: try everything with everything. So aside for all the bells and whistles and granted great game name referring to "The man who stare at goats". The answer is to all is not 42, but n factorial!
To be a positive critic than just a grunt, "the hint lights" are definitive an improvement, but still the game might have a good idea inside, it just doesnt make enough of it. It could e.g. give you puzzle hints right within the game, like what would have to be created - and you have to guess the elements. That way, there is more to it, than an everything with everything clickfest. Or a finger fest on the touchable :-)
You really should consider putting a big label similar to the Mobile Monday label on any mobile articles; the large amount of content on JIG and my extensive time here has made me acquire a certain amount of skill for filtering what I'd be interested in playing and what I wouldn't be, or wouldn't be able to play. Mobile Monday is one of the things I automatically glaze over, not owning a smart phone, but when there isn't a clear label [other than the tags] at the top of the article, I'll often read about it, get excited, and then be ultimately disappointed. It would be a great help if you could put a banner-type label on any mobile articles as well as the regular Mobile Monday feature, as they are in an entirely different classification from your regular content and, as far as I have seen, often throw people off and leave them disappointed.
Thank you,
[Thank you for the feedback. We are working on a mobile site that should solve this issue. Please be patient while we're in a transitioning state. Thank you for your visits. :) -Jay]
@Buttons re your comment about X + man = X + human but not X + woman: Thank you for making that point, because that's something that bothered me rather and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed it.
Man + Man = Friendship. Human + Human = Friendship. Woman + Woman = not a working combination.
And of course Man + Woman = Sex. And Lust is illustrated by a nude woman - as if there are no straight women among the game's target group! (The obvious (to me) illustration of Lust would have been a heart with devil horns.)
I don't think that the creators of the game set out to be sexist, heteronormative or misogynist; it's probably just a result of not thinking through the concepts but instead just falling back on kneejerk definitions. Unfortunately it means that the game feels sloppy and random.
I'm not complaining about the cost, because it's dead cheap. But because of the impression I'm left with, of carelessness from the game's creators, Doodle Devil is not a game I think I'll keep playing - unlike Doodle God.
Excuse me, but there seems to be something missing from the walkthrough. It clearly lists "weapon" as an element in at least 1 combination, but nowhere does it say how to create the weapon element & it's not among the given elements.
Also, some of the combinations listed don't give any reaction, but that's probably because I'm playing the flash version. I'm sure the mobile version has more elements.
@Rygar: I'm looking into that right now.
Also, if anyone wants to take our walkthrough and use it to build one specifically for the Flash version (which isn't likely to change), I'll offer up a bounty of a couple free games of your choice. It must be well-formatted and easy to read like ours, and accurate to qualify.
This is uncomfortably Christian. Someone didn't get the memo that there are many other religions, many spiritual paths. I for one do not believe Gandhi and Buddha are in hell for not following Jesus.
And of course, science tells us not to make assumptions about the world, not to take things on faith. At least, not about the physical world, the only one science knows.
Sorry. But I just thought, this game may offend people who do not follow the Abrahamic faiths.
Doodle Devil Walkthrough (Flash version)
By Category:
Water (given element)
Fire (given element)
Air (given element)
Earth (given element)
Steam = Lava + Water
Energy = Air + Fire
Lava = Earth + Fire
Stone = Lava + Water
Metal = Stone + Fire
Ash = Fire + Tree OR Fire + Beast
Beast (given element)
Fish = Beast + Water
Worm = Life + Earth OR Human + Magic
Rat = Beast + Diseases
Dove = Rat + Air
Egg = Magic + Stone
Snake = Egg + Worm
Chaos (given element)
Darkness (given element)
Sin = Human + Apple
Death = Energy + Darkness
Suffering = Woman + Gluttony OR Sin + Soul
Diseases = Fire + Tobacco OR Human + Tobacco
Inferno = Sin + Soul OR Death + Fire
Magic = Demon + Energy
Sect = Religion + Heresy
Light (given element)
Order (given element)
Friendship = Human + Human OR Cthulu + Frankenstein
Life = Man + Woman
Soul = Demon + Human
Heavens = Human + Prayer
Angel = Light + Life
Prayer = Human + Angel
Religion = Human + Prayer
Electricity = Energy + Metal
Car = Sloth + Human
Radio Wave = Electricity + Air
Robot = Sloth + Knowledge
TV = Demon + Mechanism
Computer = TV + Book
AI = Computer + Life
Cyborg = AI + Robot
Cell Phone = Radio Wave + Computer
Internet = Computer + Computer
Human (given element)
Man (given element)
Woman (given element)
Sex = Man + Woman
Corpse = Demon + Human
Food = Human + Tree
Blood = Weapon + Beast
Witch = Woman + Magic
Politician = Human + Pride
Lawyer = Human + Copyright
Werewolf = Human + Beast
Zombie = Life + Corpse
Frankenstein = Electricity + Corpse
Vampire = Human + Blood
Demon = Beast + Darkness
Cthulu = Demon + Water
Hydra = Snake + Beast
Dragon = Magic + Egg
Apple (given element)
Seeds = Apple + Earth
Tree = Seeds + Earth
Mushroom = Seeds + Earth
Grass = Seeds + Earth
Tobacco = Fire + Grass
Coffee = Seeds + Energy
Lust = Sin + Sex
Gluttony = Sin + Food
Sloth = Sin + Work
Greed = Sin + Money
Theft = Sin + Money
Wrath = Sin + Weapon
Murder = Wrath + Envy
Pride = Sin + Sin
Envy = Sin + Greed
Heresy = Sin + Religion
Knowledge (given element)
Book = Knowledge + Human
Money = Soul + Demon
Work = Man + Money
Gambling = Human + Greed
Censored = Sex + Mechanism OR Sex + Money
Copyright = Demon + Order
Psychology = Heresy + Human
Atheism = Heresy + Human
War = Politician + Pride
Weapon = Human + Metal
Mechanism = Metal + Work
Sulfur = Inferno + Air
Poison = Coffee + Tobacco
Acid = Water + Sulfur
Oil = Earth + Knowledge
TNT = Oil + Acid
Bomb = TNT + metal
Nuclear Bomb = Bomb + Mushroom
House = Stone + Human
Acid = Water + Sulfur
AI = Computer + Life
Air (given element)
Angel = Light + Life
Apple (given element)
Ash = Fire + Tree OR Fire + Beast
Atheism = Heresy + Human
Beast (given element)
Blood = Weapon + Beast
Bomb = TNT + metal
Book = Knowledge + Human
Car = Sloth + Human
Cell Phone = Radio Wave + Computer
Censored = Sex + Mechanism OR Sex + Money
Chaos (given element)
Coffee = Seeds + Energy
Computer = TV + Book
Copyright = Demon + Order
Corpse = Demon + Human
Cthulu = Demon + Water
Cyborg = AI + Robot
Darkness (given element)
Death = Energy + Darkness
Demon = Beast + Darkness
Diseases = Fire + Tobacco OR Human + Tobacco
Dove = Rat + Air
Dragon = Magic + Egg
Earth (given element)
Egg = Magic + Stone
Electricity = Energy + Metal
Energy = Air + Fire
Envy = Sin + Greed
Fire (given element)
Fish = Beast + Water
Food = Human + Tree
Frankenstein = Electricity + Corpse
Friendship = Human + Human OR Cthulu + Frankenstein
Gambling = Human + Greed
Gluttony = Sin + Food
Grass = Seeds + Earth
Greed = Sin + Money
Heavens = Human + Prayer
Heresy = Sin + Religion
House = Stone + Human
Human (given element)
Hydra = Snake + Beast
Inferno = Sin + Soul OR Death + Fire
Internet = Computer + Computer
Knowledge (given element)
Lava = Earth + Fire
Lawyer = Human + Copyright
Life = Man + Woman
Light (given element)
Lust = Sin + Sex
Magic = Demon + Energy
Man (given element)
Mechanism = Metal + Work
Metal = Stone + Fire
Money = Soul + Demon
Murder = Wrath + Envy
Mushroom = Seeds + Earth
Nuclear Bomb = Bomb + Mushroom
Oil = Earth + Knowledge
Order (given element)
Poison = Coffee + Tobacco
Politician = Human + Pride
Prayer = Human + Angel
Pride = Sin + Sin
Psychology = Heresy + Human
Radio Wave = Electricity + Air
Rat = Beast + Diseases
Religion = Human + Prayer
Robot = Sloth + Knowledge
Sect = Religion + Heresy
Seeds = Apple + Earth
Sex = Man + Woman
Sin = Human + Apple
Sloth = Sin + Work
Snake = Egg + Worm
Soul = Demon + Human
Steam = Lava + Water
Stone = Lava + Water
Suffering = Woman + Gluttony OR Sin + Soul
Sulfur = Inferno + Air
Theft = Sin + Money
TNT = Oil + Acid
Tobacco = Fire + Grass
Tree = Seeds + Earth
TV = Demon + Mechanism
Vampire = Human + Blood
War = Politician + Pride
Water (given element)
Weapon = Human + Metal
Werewolf = Human + Beast
Witch = Woman + Magic
Woman (given element)
Work = Man + Money
Worm = Life + Earth OR Human + Magic
Wrath = Sin + Weapon
Zombie = Life + Corpse
I'm a little bothered by the sexism and heteronormativity (unintended or otherwise) in this game as well. To add to what was already mentioned in above comments:
I think woman + gluttony = suffering was supposed to be a joke, but I just found it rude. Especially since there's nothing for human or man + gluttony
I'm not bothered enough to stop playing, but it would be nice if future updates took care of some of the (hopefully) unintended messages the game is sending.
There's so much to be offended by if someone wants to be offended... I think it's okay for a game's developer to have a different perspective than me, though. It's just a game, after all.
Besides, it sounds like there will be more combinations coming out in the updates.
Thank you for the walkthrough SkylerF!!!
And since this is a creation game, and in many cases a commentary on society, I think it is particularly appropriate to comment on the direct and indirect messages it is sending.
Directly, it implies things like television is inherently evil, or that politicians are arrogant, but the messages it sends indirectly on other topics are worth examining as well. Women are only useful for sex, witchcraft, and suffering (if they eat too much). What does that say about the value of women in the game's society, or to take it further since the game is meant to reflect our society, how we value women?
Additionally, the whole premise of the game being taking small elements and turning them into larger things also sets the stage well for this sort of discussion. Sure it's just a game, but if you combine the various messages within it, you get a larger view of things. We grow as individuals and as a society by exchanging different views and experiences, not by sitting by ourselves and not interacting.
But if you want to talk strictly gameplay, I can do that too. As I believe was already mentioned above, what is really gained by having three separate tiles for "human," "man," and "woman?" It just slows the game down with repeating combinations. And on another note, as for the "chaos" tile:
I found combining "nuclear bomb" and "war" results in it, which I think would have been a much better way to introduce the tile, rather than having it be a starting element that does nothing
Just to add my 2 cents to the mix here.
I believe it's fine that some games force us to look at things from a different perspective, even if that perspective is a flawed one. There's nothing that forces us to accept that perspective as the norm, but we are free to choose (Woohoo! Freedom) and publicly take a stand by expressing our disagreement or approval in the form of sensible, compassionate discussion (whoohoo! First Amendment). After all, what is art if not to force us to look at things from different perspectives and comment on them.
And I believe this is especially true for the many varied forms of entertainment we enjoy, not the least of which is games.
What I meant is that the game is completely based on Christianity, it seems an intentional Christian game. Not only is that potentially offensive to people of other faiths (what with the Christian tendency to try to convert you),
it is unscientific in the extreme. Our understanding of the universe has moved on a lot, and not all the element interactions are even logical.
Strangely, this wasn't such a problem in the first game. That was more lighthearted, less judgmental, and less based on one single religion.
Well, see that's another freedom we enjoy here in the US, Freedom of Religion, which means we are free to practice religion of our own choosing.
So, what if someone wants to convert others? We are still free to choose (there we go again) whether to allow ourselves to be changed. Personally, I don't wish to have others try to convert me, and I'll make that known before the discussion goes very far. That is my right as long as I act responsibly and compassionately.
I don't know about you, but I would rather someone try to convert me than to have someone wish me dead for not believing in what they believe is true, which can and does happen in religious extremism. So, I believe we all need to be very mindful and compassionate towards others, especially when their beliefs differ with ours.
And if a particular entertainment piece contradicts our own beliefs and values, we are again free to choose not to play.
Please note that we rated this game orange due to the level of potentially objectionable content it contains.
The Christian references didn't really bother me (and I'm not Christian) - I thought it was kind of fun delving into a theology's ideas like that, e.g. human + apple = sin is just clever. :)
Like a few other people have said, I also found having "human," "man," AND "woman" unnecessary, especially seeing as often only one would work in a combination.
Overall I found that the connections were not as intuitive as in the original Doodle God - I found myself resorting to trial-and-error clicking much more quickly, as opposed to being able to guess at potential new elements.
Regardless, it still looks great and was a fun way to kill 10 (or 20 or 30 :P) minutes.
hmmm was really looking forward to a great sequel to doodle god, but this wasn't it. In fact it wasn't even much of a sequel, more of a 'tweak', they just added a few extra tiles and a new group. I guess I can't really complain too much as it's free and I still kind of enjoyed playing it, but I'd be pretty annoyed if I had paid for the iphone version. Really hope that they make the sequel that the original deserves!
For example I'd like to see a version where you start as some kind of primordial soup and your goal is space travel. You'd have to work you way up through life to homo sapiens, and then up through all the technologys. There could be multiple paths and you could get a score on the lowest number of combinations it takes you.
My opinion:
It is not necessarily "Christian" all the way through.
The beginning certainly was.
Human + Apple = Sin
Many different religions believe in a reward/punishment afterlife. "Angel" and "Demon" could be interpreted as "spirits." The concept of a soul is not unique to Christianity. Just look at Hinduism.
Television. There is no doubt that what is on TV now often has questionable (and sometimes immoral) content. Thus, it is an "evil" "mechanism."
And arrogant (or prideful) politicians is a common stereotype. Whether it is true or not is debatable.
But I don't get the
Woman + Gluttony = Suffering
when Man or Human does nothing.
I highly doubt the developers meant it to be so controversial. I took the game as a fun diversion that could possibly contain food for thought.
I agree with my fellow internet zombies. While there were some combinations that made me laugh, a lot of them were simply "WTF?" moments for me, not making sense even after I read the walkthrough. And seriously, is it that difficult to make women react to the same combinations as men??! Lazy coders! Shame on you! And should I even bring up the fact that you can make witches, but not wizards or warlocks? I'm insulted.
The unlogic and what I'll generously assume to be inadvertent sexism bothered me to the point that I gave up before finishing it. There are also some things which are not illogical, but wrong.
Two from before I quit:
The fruit of the tree of knowledge was not an apple.
Frankenstein was a man who created a monster; not the monster.
The most interesting part was the idea of building the seven deadly sins because it's one of the only parts of either game where you can guess at the goal, but even here inconsistent logic derails the game; sin+food and sin+sex make certain sense, because it's a sinful approach to either that create gluttony and lust, respectively; by that logic sloth should be sin+leisure, not sin+work.
Someone commented about the first one of these that it's a game you feel compelled to keep playing, but feel bad about yourself afterwards. I see that here too; there's too little logic to puzzle things out without the in-game hint system or a walkthrough, in which case you're just tossing stuff together from a recipe book. Not worth the effort or the attention it's getting, in my opinion.
As a female Pagan who is married to a male Witch, I found the
Woman + Magic = Witch
combo a little insulting. I assume it was unintentional on the part of the developer, but it was still an eyebrow-raiser. Putting
Magic in the Evil
category was similarly irksome, and didn't seem to jive with the flavor text.
Alright, a large problem I see with the mobile walkthrough...
Well, it says "these are the order in which we found these elements", but, problem is, some of the elements they use - a lot of them, actually - are not actually created until further down in the list.
For example, grass+fire=tobacco. Grass isn't created until around 15 elements later, so how could you possibly combine it with anything?
A little reorganization is needed, really.
Also, I'm not entirely sure why this is rated Orange. There's pixellated nudity, I suppose, but that comes under Yellow... I honestly cannot see one thing in this game that warrants an Orange rating. Unless you count tobacco as a drug reference.
Ahh, controversy, where would we be without it? I immediatly noticed the problem with the combinations utilising "Man" but not "Woman". I think the developers did this, because
(A):It requires less coding.
(B):They thought it was "better" for views of most people to be addressed.(Even though most of these views are not "politically correct"!)
There is a working flash version of both doodle god and doodle devil right here on JIG.
This walkthrough needs updating. The version I have on my iPhone has 157 elements, not 107.
I also had some issues with the X + Woman combos, being a woman myself, but not enough to deter me very much. As an optimist, I assume laziness rather than sexism.
And the
heresy + human = psychology
combo just made me laugh.
It's a free (and rather simplistic) game, guys. Getting upset about the controversial elements is akin to crying over spilled milk.
I jumped into Doodle Devil immediately after being charmed from start to finish by Doodle God. The effect was kind of like eating a delicious apple, reaching for another one, and finding a worm in it.
I was squicked out right off the bat by the heteronormativity, especially since it could so easily been averted.
Just have man+woman be the only combo that gives sex+life, and have human+human give friendship and man+man/woman+woman give sex without the added life element, and there you go. It's that easy! I don't think it'd even be any more offensive than the other sexual content.
. But, nope, evidently there's no such thing as gay and women obviously don't make friends ever.
I know it's just a casual alchemy game, and they probably weren't thinking in that much depth, but frankly the fact that they didn't think about it in that much depth is kind of offensive in itself. Y'know, considering this is a game about thinking about combinations in depth. I tried to just ignore my squicky feeling and keep playing, but it pretty much soured me on the whole experience and I stopped not long after, with no particular intention of going back.
They don't have to cater to me, but me and my non-heterosexuality feel marginalized enough in the real world - I don't need that in my games, too.
It's a pity, because I really enjoyed Doodle God and I liked the idea of Doodle Devil. But I'm not going to buy it. I might not even buy Doodle God, but we'll see if that's just the bitterness talking.
I have just set up this account I commented earlier about the doodle devil iOS update and here is what I have found so far
car+air=airplane. house+house=city. money+politician=corruption. energy+fire=plasma. plasma+weapon=plasmagun. human+wrath=warrior. airplane+bomb=bomber.
also chaos is no longer a given element you get it by
war+nuclear bomb.
p.s I couldn't find cellphone in the walktrough so here it is
computer+radio wave.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Doodle Devil Walkthrough
How to get all 107 Elements
Given Elements
Air = Given Element
Earth = Given Element
Fire = Given Element
Water = Given Element
Beast = Given Element
Chaos = Given Element
Darkness = Given Element
Light = Given Element
Order = Given Element
Man = Given Element
Woman = Given Element
Apple = Given Element
The remaining elements in the order we found them:
Human + Apple = Sin
Man + Women = Sex
Man + Women = Life
Sin + Sex = Lust
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Tobacco + Human = Diseases
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Fire + Tree = Ash
Lava + Water = Stone
Lava + Water = Steam
Stone + Fire = Metal
Fire + Water = Steam
Earth + Fire = Lava
Air + Fire = Energy
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Human + Metal = Weapon
Electricity + Air = Radio Wave
Sin + Weapon = Wrath
Corpse + Electricity = Frankenstein
Human + Darkness = Mutant
Demon + Human = Soul
Apple + Earth = Seeds
Demon + Human = Corpse
Fire + Tree = Ash
Fire + Tobacco = Diseases
Earth + Seeds = Tree, Mushroom, Grass
Seeds + Energy = Coffee
Coffee + Human = Work
Human + Pride = Polititian
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Sex + Mechanism = Censored
Life + Earth = Worm
Sin + Soul = Inferno
Human + War = Suffering
Beast + Diseases = Rat
Inferno + Soul = Suffering
Vampire + Air = Rat
Darkness + Beast = Demon
Death + Beast = Cerberus
Inferno + Air = Sulfur
Energy + Darkness = Death
Water + Death = Styx
Sin + Work = Sloth
Rat + Air = Dove
Sloth + Knowledge = Robot
Women + Gluttony = Suffering
Human + Sloth = Car
Demon + Order = Copyright
Coffee + Human = Work
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Copyright + Knowledge = Money
Man + Money = Work
Human + Money = Work
Sex + Money = Censored
Sin + Money = Greed
Sin + Money = Theft
Tobacco + Coffee = Poison
Water + Sulfur = Acid
Sin + Greed = Envy
Wrath + Envy = Murder
Human + Greed = Gambling
Soul + Corpse = Resurrection
Human + Angel = Prayer
Light + Life = Angel
Beast + Wrath = Wolf
Beast + Water = Fish
Fish + Weapon = Piranha
Demon + Energy = Magic
Magic + Stone = Egg
Human + Prayer = Heavens
Human + Prayer = Religion
Sin + Religion = Heresy
Heresy + Human = Psychology, Atheism
Earth + Knowledge = Oil
Heresy + Religion = Sect
Oil + Acid = TNT
TNT + Metal = Bomb
Bomb + Mushroom = Nuclear Bomb
Blood + Human = Vampire
Women + Magic = Witch
Earth + Seed = Grass
Demon + Mechanism = Tv
TV + Book = Computer
Life + Computer = Artificial Intelligence
Earth + Seed = Mushroom
Blood + Human = Vampire
Computer + Computer = Internet
Mechanism + Computer = Robot
Radio wave + Computer = Cell Phone
A.I + Robot = Cyborg
Egg + Worm = Snake
Weapon + Beast = Blood
Snake + Beast = Hydra
Demon + Water = Cthulhu
Frankenstein + Cthulu = Friendship
Magic + Egg = Dragon
Demon + Human = Soul
Beast + Darkness = Demon
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Human + Copyright = Lawyer
All elements organized by category
Woman = Given Element
Man = Given Element
Weapon + Beast = Blood
Women + Man = Sex
Demon + Human = Corpse
Human + Pride = Politician
Human + Copyright = Lawyer
Man + Women = Sex, Human
Human + Metal = Weapon
Nature's Elements
Earth = Given Element
Air = Given Element
Fire = Given Element
Water = Given Element
Fire + Tree = Ash
Lava + Water = Stone
Lava + Water = Steam
Stone + Fire = Metal
Fire + Water = Steam
Earth + Fire = Lava
Air + Fire = Energy
Darkness = Given Element
Chaos = Given Element
Women + Gluttony = Suffering
Inferno + Soul = Suffering
Sin + Soul = Inferno
Human + War = Suffering
Tobacco + Human = Diseases
Energy + Darkness = Death
Water + Death = Styx
Fire + Tobacco = Diseases
Heresy + Religion = Sect
Evil-Demon + Energy = Magic
Human + Apple = Sin
Order = Given Element
Light = Given Element
Soul + Corpse = Resurrection
Human + Angel = Prayer
Human + Prayer = Heavens
Human + Prayer = Religion
Light + Life = Angel
Man + Women = Life
Frankenstein + Cthulu = Friendship
Demon + Human = Soul
Apple = Given Element
Plant-Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Plants-Apple + Earth = Seeds
Earth + Seeds = Mushroom
Earth + Seeds = Grass
Earth + Seeds = Tree
Seeds + Energy = Coffee Plant
Sin + Religion = Heresy
Human + Greed = Gambling
Sin + Money = Greed
Sin + Money = Theft
Sin + Greed = Envy
Wrath + Envy = Murder
Sin + Sex = Lust
Sin + Work = Sloth
Sin + Weapon = Wrath
Sin + Sin= Pride
Human+ Beast = Werewolf
Beast + Darkness = Demon
Magic + Egg = Dragon
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Women + Magic = Witch
Blood + Human = Vampire
Darkness + Beast = Demon
Snake + Beast = Hydra
Demon + Water = Cthulhu
Death + Beast = Cerberus
Corpse + Electricity = Frankenstein
Human + Darkness = Mutant
Beast = Given Element
Egg + Worm = Snake
Rat + Air = Dove
Monster - Beast + Wrath = Wolf
Magic + Stone = Egg
Beast + Water = Fish
Fish + Weapon = Piranha
Life + Earth = Worm
Beast + Diseases = Rat
Vampire + Air = Bat
Coffee + Human = Work
Sex + Mechanism = Censored
Heresy + Human = Psychology
Heresy + Human = Atheism
Demon + Order = Copyright
Man + Money = Work
Copyright + Knowledge = Money
Human + Money = Work
Sex + Money = Censored
Coffee + Human = Work
Earth + Knowledge = Oil
Oil + Acid = TNT
TNT + Metal = Bomb
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Bomb + Mushroom = Nuclear Bomb
Tobacco + Coffee= Poison
Water + Sulfur = Acid
Inferno + Air = Sulfur
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Earth + Seed = Grass
Demon + Mechanism = TV
TV + Book = Computer
Life + Computer = Artificial Intelligence
Computer + Computer = Internet
Mechanism + Computer = Robot
Radio wave + Computer = Cell Phone
Sloth + Knowledge = Robot
Human + Sloth = Car
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Electricity + Air = Radio Wave
A.I + Robot = Cyborg
All alphabetized for easy access:
A.I + Robot = Cyborg
Acid + Oil = TNT
Air + Electricity = Radio Wave
Air + Fire = Energy
Air + Inferno = Sulfur
Air + Rat = Dove
Air + Vampire = Rat
Angel + Human = Prayer
Apple + Earth = Seeds
Apple + Human = Sin
Beast + Darkness = Demon
Beast + Death = Cerberus
Beast + Diseases = Rat
Beast + Snake = Hydra
Beast + Water = Fish
Beast + Weapon = Blood
Beast + Wrath = Wolf
Blood + Human = Vampire
Bomb + Mushroom = Nuclear Bomb
Book + TV = Computer
Coffee + Human = Work
Coffee + Tobacco = Poison
Computer + Computer = Internet
Computer + Life = Artificial Intelligence
Computer + Mechanism = Robot
Computer + Radio wave = Cell Phone
Copyright + Human = Lawyer
Copyright + Knowledge = Money
Corpse + Electricity = Frankenstein
Corpse + Life = Zombie
Corpse + Soul = Resurrection
Cthulu + Frankenstein = Friendship
Darkness + Beast = Demon
Darkness + Energy = Death
Darkness + Human = Mutant
Death + Beast = Cerberus
Death + Water = Styx
Demon + Energy = Magic
Demon + Human = Corpse
Demon + Human = Soul
Demon + Mechanism = TV
Demon + Order = Copyright
Demon + Water = Cthulhu
Diseases + Beast = Rat
Earth + Apple = Seeds
Earth + Fire = Lava
Earth + Knowledge = Oil
Earth + Life = Worm
Earth + Seed = Grass
Earth + Seed = Mushroom
Earth + Seeds = Tree
Egg + Magic = Dragon
Egg + Worm = Snake
Electricity + Air = Radio Wave
Electricity + Corpse = Frankenstein
Energy + Darkness = Death
Energy + Demon = Magic
Energy + Metal = Electricity
Energy + Seeds = Coffee
Envy + Wrath = Murder
Fire + Air = Energy
Fire + Earth = Lava
Fire + Grass = Tobacco
Fire + Stone = Metal
Fire + Tobacco = Diseases
Fire + Tree = Ash
Fire + Water = Steam
Fish + Weapon = Piranha
Frankenstein + Cthulu = Friendship
Gluttony + Women = Suffering
Grass + Fire = Tobacco
Greed + Human = Gambling
Greed + Sin = Envy
Heresy + Human = Psychology, Atheism
Heresy + Religion = Sect
Human + Angel = Prayer
Human + Apple = Sin
Human + Blood = Vampire
Human + Coffee = Work
Human + Copyright = Lawyer
Human + Darkness = Mutant
Human + Demon = Corpse
Human + Demon = Soul
Human + Greed = Gambling
Human + Heresy = Psychology, Atheism
Human + Metal = Weapon
Human + Money = Work
Human + Prayer = Heavens
Human + Prayer = Religion
Human + Pride = Polititian
Human + Sloth = Car
Human + Tobacco = Diseases
Human + War = Suffering
Inferno + Air = Sulfur
Inferno + Soul = Suffering
Knowledge + Copyright = Money
Knowledge + Earth = Oil
Knowledge + Sloth = Robot
Lava + Water = Steam
Lava + Water = Stone
Life + Computer = Artificial Intelligence
Life + Corpse = Zombie
Life + Earth = Worm
Life + Light = Angel
Light + Life = Angel
Magic + Egg = Dragon
Magic + Stone = Egg
Magic + Women = Witch
Man + Money = Work
Man + Women = Life
Man + Women = Sex
Mechanism + Computer = Robot
Mechanism + Demon = TV
Mechanism + Sex = Censored
Metal + Energy = Electricity
Metal + Human = Weapon
Metal + TNT = Bomb
Metal + Work = Mechanism
Money + Human = Work
Money + Man = Work
Money + Sex = Censored
Money + Sin = Greed
Money + Sin = Theft
Mushroom + Bomb = Nuclear Bomb
Oil + Acid = TNT
Order + Demon = Copyright
Prayer + Human = Heavens
Prayer + Human = Religion
Pride + Human = Politician
Radio wave + Computer = Cell Phone
Rat + Air = Dove
Religion + Heresy = Sect
Religion + Sin = Heresy
Robot + A.I = Cyborg
Seed + Earth = Grass
Seed + Earth = Mushroom
Seeds + Earth = Tree
Seeds + Energy = Coffee
Sex + Mechanism = Censored
Sex + Money = Censored
Sex + Sin = Lust
Sin + Greed = Envy
Sin + Money = Greed
Sin + Money = Theft
Sin + Religion = Heresy
Sin + Sex = Lust
Sin + Soul = Inferno
Sin + Weapon = Wrath
Sin + Work = Sloth
Sloth + Human = Car
Sloth + Knowledge = Robot
Snake + Beast = Hydra
Soul + Corpse = Resurrection
Soul + Inferno = Suffering
Soul + Sin = Inferno
Stone + Fire = Metal
Stone + Magic = Egg
Sulfur + Water = Acid
TNT + Metal = Bomb
Tobacco + Coffee = Poison
Tobacco + Fire = Diseases
Tobacco + Human = Diseases
Tree + Fire = Ash
TV + Book = Computer
Vampire + Air = Rat
War + Human = Suffering
Water + Beast = Fish
Water + Death = Styx
Water + Demon = Cthulhu
Water + Fire = Steam
Water + Lava = Steam
Water + Lava = Stone
Water + Sulfur = Acid
Weapon + Beast = Blood
Weapon + Fish = Piranha
Weapon + Sin = Wrath
Women + Gluttony = Suffering
Women + Magic = Witch
Women + Man = Life
Women + Man = Sex
Work + Metal = Mechanism
Work + Sin = Sloth
Worm + Egg = Snake
Wrath + Beast = Wolf
Wrath + Envy = Murder
Posted by: Jay
November 15, 2010 1:05 PM
Doodle Devil Walkthrough (Flash version)
By Category:
Water (given element)
Fire (given element)
Air (given element)
Earth (given element)
Steam = Lava + Water
Energy = Air + Fire
Lava = Earth + Fire
Stone = Lava + Water
Metal = Stone + Fire
Ash = Fire + Tree OR Fire + Beast
Beast (given element)
Fish = Beast + Water
Worm = Life + Earth OR Human + Magic
Rat = Beast + Diseases
Dove = Rat + Air
Egg = Magic + Stone
Snake = Egg + Worm
Chaos (given element)
Darkness (given element)
Sin = Human + Apple
Death = Energy + Darkness
Suffering = Woman + Gluttony OR Sin + Soul
Diseases = Fire + Tobacco OR Human + Tobacco
Inferno = Sin + Soul OR Death + Fire
Magic = Demon + Energy
Sect = Religion + Heresy
Light (given element)
Order (given element)
Friendship = Human + Human OR Cthulu + Frankenstein
Life = Man + Woman
Soul = Demon + Human
Heavens = Human + Prayer
Angel = Light + Life
Prayer = Human + Angel
Religion = Human + Prayer
Electricity = Energy + Metal
Car = Sloth + Human
Radio Wave = Electricity + Air
Robot = Sloth + Knowledge
TV = Demon + Mechanism
Computer = TV + Book
AI = Computer + Life
Cyborg = AI + Robot
Cell Phone = Radio Wave + Computer
Internet = Computer + Computer
Human (given element)
Man (given element)
Woman (given element)
Sex = Man + Woman
Corpse = Demon + Human
Food = Human + Tree
Blood = Weapon + Beast
Witch = Woman + Magic
Politician = Human + Pride
Lawyer = Human + Copyright
Werewolf = Human + Beast
Zombie = Life + Corpse
Frankenstein = Electricity + Corpse
Vampire = Human + Blood
Demon = Beast + Darkness
Cthulu = Demon + Water
Hydra = Snake + Beast
Dragon = Magic + Egg
Apple (given element)
Seeds = Apple + Earth
Tree = Seeds + Earth
Mushroom = Seeds + Earth
Grass = Seeds + Earth
Tobacco = Fire + Grass
Coffee = Seeds + Energy
Lust = Sin + Sex
Gluttony = Sin + Food
Sloth = Sin + Work
Greed = Sin + Money
Theft = Sin + Money
Wrath = Sin + Weapon
Murder = Wrath + Envy
Pride = Sin + Sin
Envy = Sin + Greed
Heresy = Sin + Religion
Knowledge (given element)
Book = Knowledge + Human
Money = Soul + Demon
Work = Man + Money
Gambling = Human + Greed
Censored = Sex + Mechanism OR Sex + Money
Copyright = Demon + Order
Psychology = Heresy + Human
Atheism = Heresy + Human
War = Politician + Pride
Weapon = Human + Metal
Mechanism = Metal + Work
Sulfur = Inferno + Air
Poison = Coffee + Tobacco
Acid = Water + Sulfur
Oil = Earth + Knowledge
TNT = Oil + Acid
Bomb = TNT + metal
Nuclear Bomb = Bomb + Mushroom
House = Stone + Human
Acid = Water + Sulfur
AI = Computer + Life
Air (given element)
Angel = Light + Life
Apple (given element)
Ash = Fire + Tree OR Fire + Beast
Atheism = Heresy + Human
Beast (given element)
Blood = Weapon + Beast
Bomb = TNT + metal
Book = Knowledge + Human
Car = Sloth + Human
Cell Phone = Radio Wave + Computer
Censored = Sex + Mechanism OR Sex + Money
Chaos (given element)
Coffee = Seeds + Energy
Computer = TV + Book
Copyright = Demon + Order
Corpse = Demon + Human
Cthulu = Demon + Water
Cyborg = AI + Robot
Darkness (given element)
Death = Energy + Darkness
Demon = Beast + Darkness
Diseases = Fire + Tobacco OR Human + Tobacco
Dove = Rat + Air
Dragon = Magic + Egg
Earth (given element)
Egg = Magic + Stone
Electricity = Energy + Metal
Energy = Air + Fire
Envy = Sin + Greed
Fire (given element)
Fish = Beast + Water
Food = Human + Tree
Frankenstein = Electricity + Corpse
Friendship = Human + Human OR Cthulu + Frankenstein
Gambling = Human + Greed
Gluttony = Sin + Food
Grass = Seeds + Earth
Greed = Sin + Money
Heavens = Human + Prayer
Heresy = Sin + Religion
House = Stone + Human
Human (given element)
Hydra = Snake + Beast
Inferno = Sin + Soul OR Death + Fire
Internet = Computer + Computer
Knowledge (given element)
Lava = Earth + Fire
Lawyer = Human + Copyright
Life = Man + Woman
Light (given element)
Lust = Sin + Sex
Magic = Demon + Energy
Man (given element)
Mechanism = Metal + Work
Metal = Stone + Fire
Money = Soul + Demon
Murder = Wrath + Envy
Mushroom = Seeds + Earth
Nuclear Bomb = Bomb + Mushroom
Oil = Earth + Knowledge
Order (given element)
Poison = Coffee + Tobacco
Politician = Human + Pride
Prayer = Human + Angel
Pride = Sin + Sin
Psychology = Heresy + Human
Radio Wave = Electricity + Air
Rat = Beast + Diseases
Religion = Human + Prayer
Robot = Sloth + Knowledge
Sect = Religion + Heresy
Seeds = Apple + Earth
Sex = Man + Woman
Sin = Human + Apple
Sloth = Sin + Work
Snake = Egg + Worm
Soul = Demon + Human
Steam = Lava + Water
Stone = Lava + Water
Suffering = Woman + Gluttony OR Sin + Soul
Sulfur = Inferno + Air
Theft = Sin + Money
TNT = Oil + Acid
Tobacco = Fire + Grass
Tree = Seeds + Earth
TV = Demon + Mechanism
Vampire = Human + Blood
War = Politician + Pride
Water (given element)
Weapon = Human + Metal
Werewolf = Human + Beast
Witch = Woman + Magic
Woman (given element)
Work = Man + Money
Worm = Life + Earth OR Human + Magic
Wrath = Sin + Weapon
Zombie = Life + Corpse
Posted by: SkylerF
November 20, 2010 8:25 PM