Diversity is more of an escape-the-house game, rather than escape-the-room; in order to finally achieve freedom, the player must exit first a bedroom, then an office, then a nursery and finally a bathroom. This aside, Diversity is a well-executed, if fairly standard, point-and-click game, no doubt inspired by the classic Crimson Room.
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I think I've found my new favorite escape game, and yet...I'm stuck! XD
I'm in the baby's room. So far I've figured out:
The key you get is for the diary on the top shelf, with the books. When you unlock the diary it gives you the code 32214 (unless it changes). That code is for the baby crib.
Also, the things you do in the desk area don't last. Pour quoi, I wonder?
I got the key for the door in the baby room:
When the curtain is down, use the pole from the baby crib just above it to knock down the key
I used it on the door. The key fades, showing it's been used. And when I click on the door I hear an "opening" sound effect, but nothing happens. The door doesn't open. A bug? Something I'm missing?
Anybody stuck?
For a good ending:
-Room 1-
facing the mirror, open the second drawer
go left once, click on pillow and collect zippo
left again, opening the fridge to find a knife
left twice until you see the closet. Open the left doors to find... A nude lady! Poke her with the magnifying glass to find a hairspray bottle.
combine the zippo and the spray bottle
drag the combo onto the knife and voila, you have a blue thing.
back onto the screen, turn left twice and place the blue thing into the pot in front of the mirror and you get a carrot!
go back to the closet and open the right door and feed the carrot to the guy. He smiles! :] take his tape player.. play it
this is the code to the door.. if you can't figure it out, it's 1675347. and congrats, you passed the first!
-Room 2-
click the box in front of you under the table
open the first drawer to find a crowbar and a key
click out and left. zoom into the drawers. open the 3rd drawer with the key where you will find a knob.
turn left again to use the knob on the second drawer, open it to find a shiny key.
spin to your left where you'll use the key on the second drawer of the cabinet and receive a red key
click left to click right again.(click near top right) use the red key on the door and you're free.. of this room at least.
-Room 3-
Click the top shelf on the right side to find a red diary.
Head left 3 times to open a closet where you'll find a key. Use the key to open the diary
Follow the hint in the diary. Turn right twice. Zoom on the crib and click the bars numbered from the left. 32214
Go left, use the long stick to poke the top of the curtain thing to get a key
Use the key to get outta here..
-Room 4-
Go left once, click on the pot and find a rat.
head right once, find some floss in the trash under some junk
right once again, click under the cabinet, and there's a cat! tie the floss to the rat
drag the rat to the cat and the cat will disappear
click the long key.. Head left or right until you see a string that leads to the attic.
Click it, and unlock the door. A ladder will fall, click the skies and you are out! Finally!! And this is only 1/5 endings, so good luck!
I've been naughty. XD How to get the bad end, please read the lovely post by blink on how to get the stuff, I will just say how to make you bad. :3
Bad Ending Room #1:
I threw/used the dart that can be found to the right of the closet(you must be facing it) to open a hole to get the hairspray. I melted the blue thing away from the knife and stabbed the guy with it(you can also set him on fire with the zippo/hairspray combo but I do not know how the fire thing will change the ending however it does seem to give you more bad points)
I've used the crowbar to open the first drawer, pressed the DOWN button on the elevator, and used the floppy disk on the computer found the other OTHER trash can.
I did the code thanks to blink to get the wooden stick from the crib, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT get the key to open the diary for some reason that gives you good points, and we want to be bad, don't we? I got a needle from the trash can and poked the ball, then went to the desk and clicked on the BLACK MARKER, that should have drawn a skull. You can get the the key down from the curtain with no good points, but a cool thing is if you click the curtain it say quarantine underneath. XD
Go left, click on the top drawer and get a white jug of flammable something, go left again until you see the washer machine, click on top of it to get the duckie, and a red green bottle.
Go back until you see the mirror, click ontop of it to get a magnifying glass, then go back and click on the trash to get the rat, then up on the towel hanger thing, look at the dead rat hanging there to get a lighter.
Pour the flammable something on the rat and LIGHT IT ON FIAH! >:D place the rat into the washer(or maybe it's a dryer I don't know.) It will get mad at you, then use the magnifying glass on the head to get the long key, head left or right until you see a string that leads to the attic. then do everything the blink walkout said. :)
I do not know what to do with the other items in my inventory in the last room, everything I do makes me get good points.
Adding the green and red bottle to the toilet gives you good points, placing the duck in the tub(thing to the left of the toilet) give you points, ALSO adding the duck soaked in something INTO the toilet give you even MORE good points(and I think placing the long key in there helps too, I can't remember). :/ You can also get the toilet scrub brush from the side to said toilet I have no idea what those items can do but it might help someone else. :)
So, tell me, how do you like being EBIL?! BUWHAHAHA!!
I apologize for any errors, it's four am and wanted to get this out to you JIG people, you guys helped me a lot in games, and thank youse. @_@ *hearts*(sorry if this is double post, something was wrong with the captcha thing. O_o;)
One walkthrough of Diversity
General starter hint:
The pointer turns to a hand if there is something to poke at.
First room:
Start from what you can see: a chest of drawers.
Pick up the magnifying glass
Turn left to the bed
In this view there is only one clickable item!
Turn left to a small cupboard
... and pick up whatever you can get inside
Turn left twice
Investigate these cupboards too!
...like in "Private Investigator" ...
... and find a can of hair spray.
Combine two of your inventories
And combine the result with another one
Use the result to scare away the ugly kid
Pick up and play!
Turn right to the door
Well, there's only two clickable points...
Try the keypad
Listen to it!
Copy the melody from the tape recorder to the keypad
- and the door will unlock!
Second room - Office
There are some drawers under the desk
You might as well poke at the computer, wen you're at it.
Turn left
Always check the waste baskets in this kind of games!
Try crowbar or key to get into a drawer
Turn left
As I said just before ;-)
Didn't the game suggest it was a handle you found?
Turn left
Check the drawers (as always....)
You did find a key in the previous view, didn't you?
Turn left. Back where we started!
Well, WHAT might a computer need to work?
Let the meta game begin!
This time, take a closer look at the printer
and the waste baskets
Use the things you found to get yet another level of game-in-game
When you get bored, step right from the computer and tamper with the door instead.
A red key might do it.
Third room - Nursery
It is always a good idea to check book cases for clickable areas
Maybe the upper shelf?
Turn left
Seems to be nothing useful here. Yet.
Turn left again.
Still nothing you can use. Or reach?.
Left again.
A cupboard!
There are not very many locks in this
But didn't you find
Combine two of your
In this kind of games, other people's
diaries are NOT forbidden lecture!
Turn left
You can look at the usual suspects here, if you like.
Turn left a few times more, till you see the bed.
Remember the diary?
Hey, wasn't there something you could not reach? Go for it now!
Turn left, just once
Find a place to poke at.
You did break the bed a bit, remember?
Good, now let's find the door.
Fourth room - Bathroom
Start at what's close.
A flower and a cupboard. Perfect hiding places.
Turn right
A classical place to look!
Right again
Try the usual suspects...
Rats... blocked...
How about
making a little cat toy?
Almost done. Search the washing machine and rubber duck if you like
Then return to where you
There's something hanging from the
With a lock.
You did make a cat toy, didn't
Anyone of you got stuck in the bathroom as well?
I lighted the rat on fire while it was still in my inventory, and now the game won't let me do anything more.
When I click somewhere it gives me a full sweeping zoom around the room, only to bring me back to the starting point.
Weird... bug or feature?
Clicking the printer should run a script which makes your ACTUAL printer print out a picture (which I think differs depending on whether you're good or bad in the game). I think it's just the programmer's funky way of letting you know which path you're on.
Of course, if your printer isn't set up right, or not on, or whatever, it will probably cause your computer to have a bit of a fit.
For those having printing problems/not having printers:
Install something like CutePDF (http://www.cutepdf.com/, free) and you can print it to a PDF, then view it.
Now that I've given that piece of advice, it doesn't seem to want to install on my computer :P Perhaps someone could post the PDF so everyone has it.
Interesting game, the way it varies the env from room to room depending on your alignment.
It's pretty buggy though. It keeps hanging on me and spinning all the way around the room.
Also, for those who don't feel like working all the way through it
Right click and select 'play' to see the ending based on your alignment immediately.
Holy stuck game, Batman! I noticed some little off things here and there, but when I got into the bathroom, it was worst of all. I can't move the rat or duck (both of which are soaked with the appropriate liquids), when I click the thing hanging from the ceiling everything just goes gray until I unclick it, and now when I try to turn right once, it goes all the way to the right then all the way to the left then back to the right to stop where the view started. I'm sad, now. =\
Nope, I tried it. It gave me EVIL points either way. *shrug*
The ending isn't scary, you just a creepy family photo and some bad words from them. Does anyone know what the evil bathroom looks like? I don't want to go in there and find a dead body and blood everywhere... *shudders*.
Go look at the printer inside the computer. If you can't get a full image, go to the computer inside of that computer (make sure you use the extension cord, not the infected floppy) and look at the printer. You should see a heart and a skull. Not sure what it means though, but it could just be hinting how good/evil you are, or telling you what the good/evil bar thing means.
To be GOOD:
Use magnifying glass to examine naked woman picture (That doesn't sound good, but it's better than use it for dart practice)
Put water from melting frozen knife using hairspray + Zippo combo into the flower pot on the desk.
Give the boy in the closet a carrot, allowing you to take the tape player.
Plug extension cord into the computer.
Use key to unlock and open drawer with printer on it.
Baby Room:
Draw a heart on the paper by clicking the RED marker.
Use key to open lock on the diary.
GOOD bathroom:
Give toy mouse + dental floss combo to the cat under the sink.
EVIL bathroom:
Use ducky to suck up bathwater.
Squirt ducky with bathwater in it at washing machine to short-circuit it.
Pour the caustic soda into toilet.
Scrub toilet with caustic soda in it with brush. (all clean!)
To be EVIL:
Use dart on naked woman picture, thus destroying it.
Stab the kid sitting on tape with knife.
Set the kid on the tape on fire with hairspray + Zippo combo.
Clicking on the elevator Up-Down buttons (huh?).
Clicking CANCEL after pressing the printer's green button. You can do this repeatedly, and your score will keep going down.
Putting the virus infected floppy into the computer.
Use crowbar to break into drawer with printer on it.
Baby Room:
Draw the skull on the paper by clicking the black marker.
Use needle to pick the lock on the diary.
Use needle to poke holes in the bouncy ball on the shelf.
GOOD bathroom:
Pour petrol on the cat in sink cabinet.
Pour caustic soda on rubber ducky in the tub.
EVIL bathroom:
Pour petrol onto the rat.
Set petrol soaked rat on fire using Zippo lighter.
Put flaming rat in washing machine to short it out.
Pure Evil:
A photo of a creepy looking family with razor sharp teeth, red angry eyes, and a fiendish smile, and the words from them: "Send us a postcard from hell, A-hole! Love Mum, Dad, and Damien"
Photo of a gangster-ish family, with the father chewing on a cigarette, and the words from them: "Hey son, or.. Grandpa.. or.. eh.
Photo of badly drawn and blandly regular people wearing gray, and the words from them: "Hello son! We have no strong feelings about your return what so ever."
Photo of a smiling, regular family with a little boy in a red cap, and the words from them, "Hi son welcome back. Mum dad and Jack."
Picture of happy smiley beautiful family, and the words from them: "See you in heaven Son! Love, kiss, and hugg. Mum, Dad, and Jacob."
Dylan - Regarding the radio,
I think the radio is just for setting the mood. You hear different things depending on how "good" you are being. Speaking of, has anyone been able to get a quality version of
Ode to Joy
in the office? No matter how good I am, I can't seem to get it to sound nice. Is there some way to get more points -- in the
meta-game in the computer
Okay, so I went ahead and didn't read the review (all I really need to see is "escape") and somehow managed to finish it on the pure evil ending without meaning to. I didn't even know what the title meant or that it had different endings. I'm so used to one thing working in one place in escape games. I guess it says something about my character.
I'd found this one a while ago, but didn't know about five endings. An unspoilery enough hint would be that, for the first room, whichever method of getting out you pick locks you into it, so you can't pick a better/worse way; for the other rooms, you can get change the alignment meter either way, but the decor will change with it.
i think the game is broken.
playthrough 1
got magnifying glass, zippo, and knife, used MG on that naked woman (wtf moment) and got hairspray. faced the mirror, clicked on the mirror, i spun around the room. i dragged the spay to the mirror, it got stuck. draged zippo onto it, and the 2 fused. then i couldnt move
playthrough 2
same as playthrough 1, but instead of clicking on the mirror, i clicked on the end table. i spun around really fast, and shot to the next room (huh?). then my screen flashed white and i got a picture saying
Hello son! We have no strong feelings about your return whatsoever. and 3 people were in it
so one of the endings was ruined for me i guess.
playthrough 3 and above
game starts, i get the pitcure again. this happens no matter what. i closed the game, reset my computer, cleared my cookies. o well. i guess ill play something else ~'-'~
I had to keep restarting the game because I kept getting the same glitch as SIL.
I'm impatient sometimes and when I tried turning quickly, I ended up only being able to interact with one area because when I tried going right or left, the camera would do a 360 spin quickly and I would end up facing the same point.
I'm kinda sad since this game seemed promising. I would've been pretty good, I was in the white. (I had to end in the bathroom since it was the 3rd time it glitched.)
I heard that the evil side can get creepy so I kept freaking out when I did something that made the pointer go more to the dark side.
Some things were a bit unreasonable in my opinion like using the magnifying glass on the
naked lady picture
in the first room (well it was to me, I'm a female darn it and only 14. I also thought that the code in the first room was too hard.
The music was okay, but the one in the bathroom with the tapping pissed me off after a while and I had to make it mute.
Overall, the graphics weren't too bad, movement got annoying at times, the puzzles weren't that bad all the time but some were pretty hard. The music was okay, but I thought the idea of diversity with the different endings was pretty interesting. It could have more potential if they changed things, but it's not horrible IMO.
Not a waste of time, but I'm afraid I may not recommend it to everyone, especially to those who are impatient. I still gave it a 4/5 though.
This game is the first totally unplayable game I've ever encountered at Jay's. I had a lock-up trying to play with the keypad in the opening room. Then twice more in the office meta-game. Three strikes and you're out....especially when this game accounts for 100% of the screen freezes my computer has ever had!!!!! If you made this game, please take up knitting.
[Edit: Screen freezes are unusual in Flash, could it be just a Flash Player issue? -Jay]
Agreed, JIGuest. I got almost done, after putting up with all the other painful aspects of the game, then suddenly every time I clicked the room spun around back to the same view. And where I had once been able to see the
trap door on the ceiling with the lock,
there was suddenly nothing but a flash of light whenever I clicked there. :(
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Walkthrough Guide
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One walkthrough of Diversity
General starter hint:
The pointer turns to a hand if there is something to poke at.
First room:
Start from what you can see: a chest of drawers.
Pick up the magnifying glass
Turn left to the bed
In this view there is only one clickable item!
Turn left to a small cupboard
... and pick up whatever you can get inside
Turn left twice
Investigate these cupboards too!
...like in "Private Investigator" ...
... and find a can of hair spray.
Combine two of your inventories
And combine the result with another one
Use the result to scare away the ugly kid
Pick up and play!
Turn right to the door
Well, there's only two clickable points...
Try the keypad
Listen to it!
Copy the melody from the tape recorder to the keypad
- and the door will unlock!
Second room - Office
There are some drawers under the desk
You might as well poke at the computer, wen you're at it.
Turn left
Always check the waste baskets in this kind of games!
Try crowbar or key to get into a drawer
Turn left
As I said just before ;-)
Didn't the game suggest it was a handle you found?
Turn left
Check the drawers (as always....)
You did find a key in the previous view, didn't you?
Turn left. Back where we started!
Well, WHAT might a computer need to work?
Let the meta game begin!
This time, take a closer look at the printer
and the waste baskets
Use the things you found to get yet another level of game-in-game
When you get bored, step right from the computer and tamper with the door instead.
A red key might do it.
Third room - Nursery
It is always a good idea to check book cases for clickable areas
Maybe the upper shelf?
Turn left
Seems to be nothing useful here. Yet.
Turn left again.
Still nothing you can use. Or reach?.
Left again.
A cupboard!
There are not very many locks in this
But didn't you find
Combine two of your
In this kind of games, other people's
diaries are NOT forbidden lecture!
Turn left
You can look at the usual suspects here, if you like.
Turn left a few times more, till you see the bed.
Remember the diary?
Hey, wasn't there something you could not reach? Go for it now!
Turn left, just once
Find a place to poke at.
You did break the bed a bit, remember?
Good, now let's find the door.
Fourth room - Bathroom
Start at what's close.
A flower and a cupboard. Perfect hiding places.
Turn right
A classical place to look!
Right again
Try the usual suspects...
Rats... blocked...
How about
making a little cat toy?
Almost done. Search the washing machine and rubber duck if you like
Then return to where you
There's something hanging from the
With a lock.
You did make a cat toy, didn't
Posted by: JIGuest | August 20, 2008 7:46 AM
To be GOOD:
Use magnifying glass to examine naked woman picture (That doesn't sound good, but it's better than use it for dart practice)
Put water from melting frozen knife using hairspray + Zippo combo into the flower pot on the desk.
Give the boy in the closet a carrot, allowing you to take the tape player.
Plug extension cord into the computer.
Use key to unlock and open drawer with printer on it.
Baby Room:
Draw a heart on the paper by clicking the RED marker.
Use key to open lock on the diary.
GOOD bathroom:
Give toy mouse + dental floss combo to the cat under the sink.
EVIL bathroom:
Use ducky to suck up bathwater.
Squirt ducky with bathwater in it at washing machine to short-circuit it.
Pour the caustic soda into toilet.
Scrub toilet with caustic soda in it with brush. (all clean!)
To be EVIL:
Use dart on naked woman picture, thus destroying it.
Stab the kid sitting on tape with knife.
Set the kid on the tape on fire with hairspray + Zippo combo.
Clicking on the elevator Up-Down buttons (huh?).
Clicking CANCEL after pressing the printer's green button. You can do this repeatedly, and your score will keep going down.
Putting the virus infected floppy into the computer.
Use crowbar to break into drawer with printer on it.
Baby Room:
Draw the skull on the paper by clicking the black marker.
Use needle to pick the lock on the diary.
Use needle to poke holes in the bouncy ball on the shelf.
GOOD bathroom:
Pour petrol on the cat in sink cabinet.
Pour caustic soda on rubber ducky in the tub.
EVIL bathroom:
Pour petrol onto the rat.
Set petrol soaked rat on fire using Zippo lighter.
Put flaming rat in washing machine to short it out.
Pure Evil:
A photo of a creepy looking family with razor sharp teeth, red angry eyes, and a fiendish smile, and the words from them: "Send us a postcard from hell, A-hole! Love Mum, Dad, and Damien"
Photo of a gangster-ish family, with the father chewing on a cigarette, and the words from them: "Hey son, or.. Grandpa.. or.. eh.
Photo of badly drawn and blandly regular people wearing gray, and the words from them: "Hello son! We have no strong feelings about your return what so ever."
Photo of a smiling, regular family with a little boy in a red cap, and the words from them, "Hi son welcome back. Mum dad and Jack."
Picture of happy smiley beautiful family, and the words from them: "See you in heaven Son! Love, kiss, and hugg. Mum, Dad, and Jacob."
Posted by: Ainegue
August 21, 2008 1:59 PM