Demon Shift
When a low demon on the infernal totem pole trips and accidentally shatters an urn full of souls, he's got to track them all down or risk some pretty serious punishment. What follows it a vibrant, gorgeous, but challenging puzzle platforming title that packs a lot of character into its design.
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The main mechanic is eerily similar to the one seen in Project Giana...
The little demon reminds me of the devil in the Reincarny games. With that in mind the jumping mechanic was positively eeeeevil. Sometimes it wouldn't double jump at all, sometime it would without me pressing anything. And I found that sticking to the walls became more of a hindrance than a help. But none of the issues with the physics stopped me from completing all the levels and getting a gold medal in each one, so I don't want to discourage anyone from playing a fun game. I had to giggle at the very end seeing what Satan was doing with the souls.
PS. Does anyone know how to get the last achievement? The one that says;
Continue Your Journey
If it is the one I think just log back into the game!
Hmmm... I did that and even replayed the first 2 level sets. Maybe I got a bug or something. No biggie, thanks anyways!
I'll post this in a spoiler, but I think there is a "cheat" to the game (maybe it isn't, but it's the only way I've been able to finish a level without using the warp thing).
If you die and spam "up" from the moment you died till the moment you respawn, you can "fly". That is, if you continue pressing up frequently after you've caused the "bug" to happen, you can simulate flying.
If you touch the ground, you lose the bug and have to die again to re-enable it.
A cute little game, not too difficult but the medal adds a nice incentive for the completionist. Though some of the gold medals seem ridiculously easy to get.
The only thing I'd change is the pause that happens when you switch worlds; that makes the timing on the platforming tricky at times, and means you never get that fluid-feeling perfect run in (except on the levels where no switching is necessary).
Otherwise I thought the mechanics were solid and the difficulty was great for a casual game. I'd love to see a sequel.
at least here, at least now, on a mac, the controls for this game are so tight it deserves ten million extra tons of kudos & commendations.
it's a great little game elsewise but i did wanna give a shout out to just how well the commands work. no doing stuff for no reason, no slipping, no supposed to be doing something but somehow, instead, doing something else. just a well made game.