Deep Chalk: Third Phase
In the third episode in Zack Livetone's series of abstract point-and-click adventures, you once again accompany a floating crystal through a world of photographic landscapes and chalked-in plantlife, coaxing various bits and tibbles into place in order to solve puzzles. Some objects need to be pushed, some clicked, some nudged. Turn up your speakers for this.
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if someone, then I really loath pixel-hunting and I routinely make remarks about it in my comments when i meet it in a game. Here i met no pixel-hunting. Maybe i only was lucky and clicked on the right place purely by chance, though...
As for speakers on... Well, right now I've got neither headphones, nor loudspeakers attached to the PC, so I simply HAD TO complete the game without any audio-clue. And it was no problem. Or again i got just lucky?
I recognise nearly all of the music samples used in this game, which I suspect means I listen to too much Boards of Canada. Ah well.
Good game though. Atmospheric is a word that gets tossed around a lot, but I think it definitely applies here. Mind you, though, I got stuck on level 2 for what seemed like an age, all because
I didn't realise you had to make the image from the telescope stay in place in order to roll the ball. I knew I had to roll the ball though, so there was a lot of frustrating mouse over action before I caved and looked at the comments.
Deep Chalk Walkthrough
Click the Lever left of the words "third phase"
Screen 1
Use the buttons on the bottom right corner, so all the poles are in the boxes.
Mouse over the sun in the middle of the screen. Flower buds will appear on the branches below. Mouseover the flower buds to make them bloom. Keep doing this until a bridge is formed.
Screen 2
Knock the ball off the pedestal by moving over it with your mouse
Mouse over all the butterflies so they form a bridge.
To the right of the big hook in the bottom center of the window, there is a button. Push it, and then nudge the ball into the hole that is formed.
Screen 3
Hit the button near the diamond so that the diamond followed your cursor.
Mouse over the symbol in the top right corner, it will tell you which order to hang the umbrellas up. The numbers will be located near each umbrella.
To hang the umbrellas just move the propeller under each one.
Move the vehicle over to the bottom right corner and the diamond will get out.
Screen 4
Press the buttons on the rock below you so the electricity arrives at roughly the same time. The order will be middle, left, right.
Use the water valves to water the seed so it turns into a ball.
Click the seed
turn off the water after the ball falls so that the new leak will act like a bridge.
Then watter the ball on the ground.
Screen 5
Use the broken pipe from the tower to repair the bridge.
The second piece is in the crack between the rocks after the bridge.
The third is down in the middle under one of the flowers.
Mouse over the fireballs?, and follow them all so they all get to the right side of the screen. Keep mousing over them.
Screen 6
Mouse over the sun, it will highlight places around the screen you need to click to remove the poles.
The code for the radio occasionally falls off the bridge.
I've read the walkthrough, but I'm still very much stuck on level 3.
I hover the mouse over the umbrella symbol in the top left, a sound plays but nothing appears to indicate what order I'm supposed to put the umbrellas in. I've tried clicking, randomly placing the umbrellas, but nothing works. I don't think I'm missing anything, but just can't figure it out...
Cute, pleasant, like the other two but just different enough. And I am pleased with myself for doing it without walk-through help.
Wave your mouse at them from top to bottom to get them started. The bottom one will go off-screen for a while.
First chase the other orb that went up. As soon as it starts moving (or maybe before), go chase the one that went right. The timing is just right that if you alternate, you can probably keep them going.
The third one will reappear coming from the upper-right at about the time you have the other orbs nearly in place. Quickly chase everybody into the path, and you're there.
It took me a few tries to figure this pattern out, and a couple more to execute it right. But it does work, and I am no speedy-mouser.
It's the three tiny dots surrounding the umbrella symbol. If you hover over one of those, little numbers will appear next to each of the four umbrella stations. If you accidentally do them out of order, just finish all of them and they will come off and you can try again. When they are all hung up (and stay hung up), hover next to that odd thing in the lower-right corner.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Deep Chalk Walkthrough
Click the Lever left of the words "third phase"
Screen 1
Use the buttons on the bottom right corner, so all the poles are in the boxes.
Mouse over the sun in the middle of the screen. Flower buds will appear on the branches below. Mouseover the flower buds to make them bloom. Keep doing this until a bridge is formed.
Screen 2
Knock the ball off the pedestal by moving over it with your mouse
Mouse over all the butterflies so they form a bridge.
To the right of the big hook in the bottom center of the window, there is a button. Push it, and then nudge the ball into the hole that is formed.
Screen 3
Hit the button near the diamond so that the diamond followed your cursor.
Mouse over the symbol in the top right corner, it will tell you which order to hang the umbrellas up. The numbers will be located near each umbrella.
To hang the umbrellas just move the propeller under each one.
Move the vehicle over to the bottom right corner and the diamond will get out.
Screen 4
Press the buttons on the rock below you so the electricity arrives at roughly the same time. The order will be middle, left, right.
Use the water valves to water the seed so it turns into a ball.
Click the seed
turn off the water after the ball falls so that the new leak will act like a bridge.
Then watter the ball on the ground.
Screen 5
Use the broken pipe from the tower to repair the bridge.
The second piece is in the crack between the rocks after the bridge.
The third is down in the middle under one of the flowers.
Mouse over the fireballs?, and follow them all so they all get to the right side of the screen. Keep mousing over them.
Screen 6
Mouse over the sun, it will highlight places around the screen you need to click to remove the poles.
The code for the radio occasionally falls off the bridge.
Posted by: Kero
August 4, 2009 6:41 PM