An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

ClickPLAY 2

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4.5/5 (1071 votes)

ClickPLAY has returned! NinjaDoodle's crazy mouse-based game of discovery, geometric shapes, and rampant clicking is back for more with ClickPLAY 2! One part puzzle, one part action, and three parts experimentation, ClickPLAY is all about messing with your environment to see what you can accomplish. And, next to eating chocolate cake while riding a roller coaster through a pool of bacon, it's one of the best ways to spend 15 minutes of your afternoon!

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Walkthrough Guide

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ClickPLAY 2 walkthrough


Level 1

  • Drag the moon down, and the play button will pop up on the other side.

Level 2

  • Look for the egg that is spinning the opposite way as all the others, click that one and it will open revealing the button.

Level 3

  • Click the lever to turn on the machine, then drag the circle and the triangle into the machine. It will spit out the button afterwards.

Level 4

  • Click on the the stick that is at the top of the pile until there are none left.

Level 5

  • Click on the men to change their hats. Give them each hats that match what their holding.


    The whip keeps the hat they start with, the hook gets the pirate hat, the magnifying glass gets the tweed hat, and the ninja star gets the black hood.

Level 6

  • Click the box once and it will move to the right.

  • Click the two parts of the PLAY button that are over the box.

  • Click the box again until it is centered over the two remaining parts of the PLAY button.

  • Click the parts of the play button and they will fall into the box completing the button.

Level 7

  • Click the car once to start it. Click and hold the mouse button down to make it turn. Keep it in the center of the track so it collects all the stars.

Level 8

  • Click and hold on each of the screws to take the plate off.

  • click on the sections of the PLAY button until they are rotated to where they should be.

Level 9

  • Click and hold on the rope and drag your mouse down to pull the screen up.

  • Keep doing this until you are at the top of the mountain.

Level 10

  • Click on the car to start it, and click again to make the car jump over the spikes.

Level 11

  • Click and hold the top of the pump, move it up and down to inflate the balloon. Once the balloon pops click play button that's flying around.

Level 12

  • For this one you have to get the bomb to blow up on the crate after 7 seconds. The best way I found to do this was to first make the setup in this screenshot, make note of the button marked with a red dot. Step one.

  • click on the bomb to get it started

  • After the bomb hits the button in the screenshot with the red dot, make that button point right.

  • If you did it right the bomb should explode right on the crate.

Level 13

  • click the buttons on the sides to spin the wheel and make it all white.

  • The optimal pattern is


    +3. +3, -2, +3, -2, +3.

Level 14

  • Click where you want the golf ball to go. You need to get it into the hole in 4 shots and it can't touch the sides.

  • If you are having trouble refer to this screenshot for a solution. Mini Putt

Level 15

  • Watch where the button drops, and have the duck dive in the water to get the button.

Level 16

  • Look at the time on the clock, and look out the window to see if its night or day.

  • Once you figure out the time enter it in 24-hour time into the safe and then hit #.

Level 17

  • As the plane flies overhead click the screen to make the plane drop a bomb.

  • Bomb the three buildings and the play button will appear.

Level 18

  • When the ball bounces it will change shape. Just drop it a little bit at a time until it is the PLAY button.

Level 19

  • Click on the cats in the right order to make the PLAY button appear.

  • To find the right order


    Look at the bowls they are eating from and click them in alphabetical order.

Level 20

  • Click on the monsters eyes to make him open all of them.

  • Starting with all eyes closed click:


    The bottom left eye, The top left eye, The top right eye, and the bottom right eye.

Level 21

  • For this one you just need to click all the pieces really fast, as well as in the correct order.

  • The order is


    Bottom right, top right, bottom left, top left.

Level 22

  • Drag the cloud in the sky over the sun and Humpty will take off his sunglasses.

  • Click his eye to make him wink and hop to one direction a little bit. Keep this up and he will eventually fall off.

Level 23

  • Click on the bottles to change their labels and put them in the correct order.

  • Note the first letter of each label.


    Poison, Lemon, Ale, Yolk.

Level 24

  • Click on the penguin to make him jump.

  • Avoid 15 snowballs in a row.

Here is my version of the walkthrough. I corrected some errors.


1.Starry Night


Drag the moon down.

2.Egg Spin


Click on the egg that spins in the wrong way.



Click on the switch to open the machine, then put the circle and the triangle in it.



Click on the stick that is over the pile until there is no more.

5.Who's Hat


Click on the top right guy once, then twice on the bottom left one, and finally click 3 times on the bottom right one.

6.Boxed In


Click on the box, then on the two blocks over it. Click on the box 4 times, then click on the two blocks over it.

7.Lap Star


When you click on the car, he starts moving. When you keep the mouse button pressed, it turns left. Get every star to continue.

8.High Voltage


Put the cursor over a screw and keep pressing the button until it falls. Repeat with every screw. Click on every block until they are in the correct angle.

9.Ropey Rockies


Drag the top of the rope down, then the other one, again and again. Caution, when you stop dragging, the screen goes up. You may do it in 3 clicks.

10.Jumpin' Ride


Click on the car to start it and on the screen to make it jump. Avoid the spikes. Don't jump too soon.



Drag the pump down and up until the ball breaks, freeing the button. Try to click it know...



Even if there are lots of solutions, here is mine. The numbers shown here represent the buttons and the number of times you have to click them.


When you click on the bomb, it will move and follow the arrows. At the end, it will get stuck between the 0 and the 2 of the bottom line. You will have to click on the 2 button once when the bomb has 2 seconds left.



Click on 2-3-2-3-2-3

14.Round the Bend


Click where you want the ball to go, but don't make it fall off the track. Click only 4 times.

15.Head Bopping


Notice where the button falls, then dive the duck's mouth in the water by clicking it, to make him catch the button.

16.Break In


This level is not always the same. Look at the clock. I think it is always 12:15. Now look at the windows. You know if it is AM or PM. Write the hour in 24-hour based form, then press #. Note that after 23:59, it is not 24:00, but 00:00.

17.Drop Zone


Click on the screen when the plane is over a building. Destroy all buildings.

18.Bouncy Bounce


The best way to do it is to drag the ball all the way up, then let it bounce.

19.Meaw Meaw


Click on the cats in alphabetical order according to their names.

20.Eyes Wide Open


Click once on the four corner eyes, but not on the middle one.

21.Piece Me Together


Click really fast on the blocks in this order :

22.Humpty's Fall


Drag the cloud over the sun. Click on one eye. Again. Again and again...

23.Happy Hour


Click on the pots to write the word PLAY with their first letter (Poison-Lemon-Ale-Yolk

24.Penguin Bowling


Click on the penguin to make him jump. Don't touch the snowballs.

Sorry for double-posting, but I found useful to write here the minimum clicks needed for each level.


1. Starry Night : 2
2. Egg Spin : 2
3. Ingredients : 4
4. Mikado : 9
5. Who's Hat : 7
6. Boxed In : 10
7. Lap Star : 2*
8. High Voltage : 13
9. Ropey Rockies : 2**
10. Jumpin' Ride: 5
11. Ballbuster : 2
12. Boombastic : 5***
13. Round'n'Round : 7
14. Round the Bent : 5
15. Head Bopping : 2
16. Break in : 6
17. Drop Zone : 7
18. Bouncy Bounce : 2
19. Meaw Meaw : 7
20. Eyes Wide Open : 5
21. Piece Me together : 5
22. Humpty's Fall : 10
23. Happy Hour : 9
24. Penguin Bowling : 16
Total : 144, if I'm right.

*In the "Lap Star" level, you need to click once to start the car and then many times to make it turn. I don't actually know the true number of times you need to click to turn perfectly. Then you click again for the play button.

**In the "Ropey Rockies" level, you need to grab the ropes in order to get up the mountain. When you grab a rope, you can get the rope out of the screen. I could do the level by clicking only 2 ropes, then the button, but someone with a bigger screen might do it by clicking only one rope.

***The "Boombastic" level is kind of custom, so you might find a better solution than me, but I did it in 8 clicks (counting clicking the bomb and the play button). It is impossible to do it in less than 5, but I didn't find a better solution than 8.


Yay! ClickPlay 1 was great, and now a sequel! I love games like this...

tenkuchima November 14, 2009 6:58 PM

lots of fun, did in 557 clicks


Aw, stuck on humpty dumpty T_T


Great game!

For humpty dumpty you need to


click him on the eye


and to see the eyes you need to cover the sun with the big cloud

Carny Asada November 14, 2009 7:14 PM

Got to level 21, but I think it can't be done with a touchpad. Sigh.


Great game!

For humpty dumpty you have to:


click him on the eye till he dops off the wall


and to see the eye you have to cover the sun with the cloud


ClickPLAY 2 walkthrough


Level 1

  • Drag the moon down, and the play button will pop up on the other side.

Level 2

  • Look for the egg that is spinning the opposite way as all the others, click that one and it will open revealing the button.

Level 3

  • Click the lever to turn on the machine, then drag the circle and the triangle into the machine. It will spit out the button afterwards.

Level 4

  • Click on the the stick that is at the top of the pile until there are none left.

Level 5

  • Click on the men to change their hats. Give them each hats that match what their holding.


    The whip keeps the hat they start with, the hook gets the pirate hat, the magnifying glass gets the tweed hat, and the ninja star gets the black hood.

Level 6

  • Click the box once and it will move to the right.

  • Click the two parts of the PLAY button that are over the box.

  • Click the box again until it is centered over the two remaining parts of the PLAY button.

  • Click the parts of the play button and they will fall into the box completing the button.

Level 7

  • Click the car once to start it. Click and hold the mouse button down to make it turn. Keep it in the center of the track so it collects all the stars.

Level 8

  • Click and hold on each of the screws to take the plate off.

  • click on the sections of the PLAY button until they are rotated to where they should be.

Level 9

  • Click and hold on the rope and drag your mouse down to pull the screen up.

  • Keep doing this until you are at the top of the mountain.

Level 10

  • Click on the car to start it, and click again to make the car jump over the spikes.

Level 11

  • Click and hold the top of the pump, move it up and down to inflate the balloon. Once the balloon pops click play button that's flying around.

Level 12

  • For this one you have to get the bomb to blow up on the crate after 7 seconds. The best way I found to do this was to first make the setup in this screenshot, make note of the button marked with a red dot. Step one.

  • click on the bomb to get it started

  • After the bomb hits the button in the screenshot with the red dot, make that button point right.

  • If you did it right the bomb should explode right on the crate.

Level 13

  • click the buttons on the sides to spin the wheel and make it all white.

  • The optimal pattern is


    +3. +3, -2, +3, -2, +3.

Level 14

  • Click where you want the golf ball to go. You need to get it into the hole in 4 shots and it can't touch the sides.

  • If you are having trouble refer to this screenshot for a solution. Mini Putt

Level 15

  • Watch where the button drops, and have the duck dive in the water to get the button.

Level 16

  • Look at the time on the clock, and look out the window to see if its night or day.

  • Once you figure out the time enter it in 24-hour time into the safe and then hit #.

Level 17

  • As the plane flies overhead click the screen to make the plane drop a bomb.

  • Bomb the three buildings and the play button will appear.

Level 18

  • When the ball bounces it will change shape. Just drop it a little bit at a time until it is the PLAY button.

Level 19

  • Click on the cats in the right order to make the PLAY button appear.

  • To find the right order


    Look at the bowls they are eating from and click them in alphabetical order.

Level 20

  • Click on the monsters eyes to make him open all of them.

  • Starting with all eyes closed click:


    The bottom left eye, The top left eye, The top right eye, and the bottom right eye.

Level 21

  • For this one you just need to click all the pieces really fast, as well as in the correct order.

  • The order is


    Bottom right, top right, bottom left, top left.

Level 22

  • Drag the cloud in the sky over the sun and Humpty will take off his sunglasses.

  • Click his eye to make him wink and hop to one direction a little bit. Keep this up and he will eventually fall off.

Level 23

  • Click on the bottles to change their labels and put them in the correct order.

  • Note the first letter of each label.


    Poison, Lemon, Ale, Yolk.

Level 24

  • Click on the penguin to make him jump.

  • Avoid 15 snowballs in a row.


how do you complete level 16?


I got less than 500 clicks!


fun and quick...the perfect casual game!


I loved ClickPlay 1!

Having Major trouble with level 21 on this one though... My mouse skillz are just not fast enough! :(


Right-clicking is pretty much essential for 21.


I think Lv21 is the hardest... still can't beat it as a matter of fact.


I'm totally stuck on 21. peaice me together. Even with a mouse I couldn't do it. And they don't seem to have a "select level" option. This game is cool but it's sometimes gets frustrating with not other way to skip the level.


Argh... Level 21 has now made me rage quit, I think I'll try it again when I'm not so tired.




1. Drag down the moon.


2. Find the egg that spins in the opposite direction to the others, and click it.


3. Pull the handle, then put the circle and triangle in to it.


4. Remove the sticks, starting with the one on top.


5. Change the outfits accordingly: Fedora with whip, Pirate Hat with Hook, Sherlock Holmes Hat with Magnifying glass, and ninja costume with shuriken.


6. Click box, click the two pieces above, click box 4 more times, click the pieces.


7. Click mouse to start, then press again to turn counter-clockwise. Collect all the stars to proceed.


8. Hold down your mouse button on each of the screws, then click the pieces to rotate them.


9. Pretty self-explanatory, click and drag down the ropes to get to the top.


10. Click to start, then click anywhere to jump.


11. Click and hold mouse button on pump, then pump up and down and catch the play button.


12. Make the top left arrow and the two below it down, then make the bottom left arrow point left.


13. Start with -2 then alternate between the two until all segments are lit.


14. Click where you want the ball to go. Tip: Place your second shot in the top right corner so you can shoot in a "V" shape through the final bend.


15.Make sure you look where the Play Button falls, then try to pick it up with your beak.


16. Look at the time, and whether it is Am or Pm then enter the according 24-hour (military) time into the safe, then press the hash button.


17. Pretty simple, drop bombs on all the buildings.


18. Lift the ball and drop it lightly, so It wil change to the Play button.


19. Click the cats' names in alphabetical order.


20. Middle, top right, top left, bottom right, middle, bottom left.


21. Quickly: Bottom right, top right, Bottom Left, then top left.


22. Move the big cloud over the sun, then poke Humpty's left eye (on your right) until he falls off.


23. Click the bottles to change their labels so the spell: Poison, Lemon, Ale, Yolk. PLAY.


24. This is a bit of a challenge: Mouse to move, click to jump. Keep the penguin in the middle, as balls can come from either side.

There you go, hope this helped! ;)


Great game. Love this style.


The walkthrough is WRONG for level 21.


I tried a million times doing it in that order and never got it. Then I tried bottom right, top right, bottom left, top left, and got it first go.


Hit detection on the penguin level is way off. What is this, the unfair platformer's point and click cousin?


It's a shame I can't enjoy the rest of the game but level 21 is ridiculous. I simply had to give up; there is no way my poor carpal-tunnel afflicted wrist can accommodate clicking at that speed.

Patreon VIP Chiktionary November 14, 2009 8:41 PM

I LOVE Click Play! I'm a real Hoshi Saga and Kagi Nochi Tobira freak so having CLick Play 2 is a real treat for the weekend.
484 clicks - A Bronze 'Mole in the Daylight" medal for me. But that was my second round.
First round...erm...1700 and something clicks.


So his walkthrough isn't right? Hmm...


Since people seem to be having better luck with the other order for level 21 I've updated my walkthrough.


I'm totally frustrated with lvl 21. My Wacom tablet is usually a big advantage when needing mouse speed+accuracy. I'm normally good with this kind of thing, but I cannot do it at all.

The rest of the game has been fun but that level leaves a bad taste in my mouse ;) Can't skip it and have to restart from level one are both bad, too.


A fun series. VERY glad they have a mute button though! XD


Good Lord, level 21. I have a touchpad, which is pretty bad, but hey, I beat Portal with it. Level 21 took at least a dozen tries.

Other than that, really cute. I liked the Humpty Dumpty bit.


Without level 21, this would be 5 stars. Every other level is discoverable. It's easy to understand level 21, but near impossible to beat. I could only beat it using the right-click cheat, and even then it took me several tries, even on the second pass.

Every other level is fun and enjoyable. Level 21 just ruins the whole experience. I think that level should be removed altogether, or redesigned to place more emphasis on the order clicked, and not on a ridiculous speed requirement.

Otherwise, I loved every level.

Peasnquiet November 15, 2009 4:25 AM

Well, actually for Level 21, if you slow down and notice, you'll find that


the bottom right piece actually stays in the center the longest, followed by the top right, and so on and so forth; in effect, it is not a timed thing in the sense of randomly clicking and hoping it will stay.

So it's not that frustrating/nonsensical/unexplanable after all?


So what would the minimum clicks be?


level 21 is these types of games but this just ruined it for me. 150 clicks or somethin on 21 and still cant beat over!


I would prefer eating bacon while riding a roller coaster through a pool of chocolate myself. Bacon is better for eating and chocolate works better in pools.


If you keep going on level 21 it seems to slow down periodically to help you complete it. Even then I still had problems but finally got the slowdown at the right time.


Level 11 is pretty much impossible, for me at least. Am I the only person who gets odd flickering effects around objects?


Ahhhhhh!!!! I can't get pass 12! T_T!


For Level 21, I found it easier to minimize my browser, and the game minimizes with it. Not too small, but it makes the space between the clicks much smaller- which helps.


BlackWolfe Coyoten November 15, 2009 10:17 AM

Add to level 24 walkthrough:


Move the penguin horizontally with the mouse to help avoid the ball.


I agree, level 21 ruined it for me. Spent 15 minutes on it, quit in rage last night and came back again today. Had to play through all the other levels to get back to 21 first!

Tried the right clicking, tried the minimizing browser, can't get it. I prefer the levels where figuring it out is the hardest part, not the speed of your clicking.


I agree about level 21. It's impossible on a trackpad and I can't do it with a mouse either. I don't know why I was surprised, I never got beyond the first level of the original ClickPlay. Do the developers have superman like mouse reactions?


I normally consider myself really fast with a mouse and I can't beat 21. I have a sneaking suspicion the timing is related to computer speed, and I have a fast computer. When a level has this much of a universal reaction to it, something is off.


OKAY seriously i need help with lv. 21!!! nothing is working what so ever.... T.T im about to die!

flowerdoggie November 15, 2009 4:58 PM

Have I forgotten how to tell time? The walkthroughs are not helping me with 16. No matter what I enter as the password, the safe won't open.




The time has to be entered in 24-hour format. Thus, 12:15 AM (if it's night out) becomes 0015. 3:00 PM becomes 1500, and so on. Also be sure to press the pound key afterwards.

Twilgiht Lover November 15, 2009 6:45 PM

Someone wanna help me on level 12?

brokenrecord November 15, 2009 7:49 PM

Level 21 just makes me angry. I'm beginning to suspect that there are no actual levels after that one. It's a trap!


any time a game leaves me in pain, it's a bad one. Really, 21 is ridiculous. You need 4 perfect clicks in under a second. Carpal Tunnel ahoy!

TheMusicGirl November 15, 2009 11:51 PM

997. :(


Funny. I got level 21 on my second try.
Second time I played it, I got it on my first try.

It was 22 that gave me trouble. :P


I finally beat level 21 with the use of cpukiller (, which is ordinarily only used to play old games which used the computer's speed to control timing. Kinda sad that's what I had to resort to so I could finish the game.


How do you beat level 19?


I finally got the gold 'left handed spanner' award at 199 clicks! It was so hard that I cried then fainted!


Wow. I managed to get through level 21, with a touchpad, and without right clicking. I didn't have the screen minimized (though now I wish I'd thought of it). It *is* possible. Keep trying. But not if you're gunning for a minimal score. :-P


I had issues getting the game to function properly. I got stuck on Level 13 because none of the pieces lit up for me. I spent a good ten minutes clicking every pattern I could imagine before giving up, checking the walkthrough, and realizing that it just wasn't working properly. When I restarted the game, I got stuck again, but this time on Level 3 because the machine's lever wouldn't move, no matter how many times I clicked on it (or dragged or right-clicked or anything). After reloading the entire webpage, I was able to get through the whole game without issues.


By the way, Level 21 was not particularly difficult for me at all. After clicking through the pieces once or twice, I noticed the pattern and clicked in the appropriate order.


Either level 12 is broken, or I'm missing something--on occasion the bomb will go right past some arrows with changing direction. This makes it very frustrating to try to figure out a working path.


Ahhh! HALP! I couldn't figure out how to "operate" level 14, and ran out of par... now it won't let me interact with anything, and there doesn't seem to be a reset button for this level. Is there anyway to reset it without having to start the whole game again? :(


I don't know if I'm really fast or what, but I was able to finish level 21 easily.


Silver Garden Rake! 326 clicks!


I hate these games. I thought this one would be better but it got worse. Stop making these games frustrating for the non laser mouse folks. I still use a roll mouse.


I can't get past level 21 either. If the timing is tied to the speed of the CPU, well that's just stupid.


I'm REALLY confused with 16.... I forgot how to use military time again.... :'

Im stupid.... -_-#


Ditto level 12 being broken. Even with the walkthrough setup, the bomb goes through arrows. Just to clarify,


if the squares are labeled A-D horizontally, and 1-4 vertically, it is bypassing B1 on the walkthrough setup.

It varies as I try other configurations.


Level 21 is too hard for those of us with laptops. Would be hard but possible with a mouse, but my computer's touchpad just can't react fast enough (the second piece jumps back too quickly).

NOTORIOUS GAMER November 17, 2009 2:34 PM

best game ever , kinda. completed in 403 clicks!

Micheal Rein November 17, 2009 3:45 PM

Why does everyone think 21 is hard? i thought it was rather easy.

I got 240 cliks for first try and 209 clicks for 2nd try


Hi, I had to quit Clickplay2 on level 21.
tried for 2 days. that's enough. But I would like to try the original Clickplay but cant seem to being it up. Is it still on line?


Fun until 21... Wish I could beat it, but it's just too frustrating


Love the series. Really do! However, I agree that Level 21 is too fast. Can't complete... yet.


Military time is as follows...


00:00=12:00 midnight





The time is random and also depends if it's day or night.

I proudly join the chorus of level 21. Just too darn fast. O well.


i bet it in 346 cliks


did it in 345 click


394 clicks! <3


242 clicks!


I got 240 clicks. Friend me on Xbox live



234 clicks for me. :P I'm pretty sure 21 is related to how fast your computer is, considering how easy it is for me with my 5 year old comp.


I feel so damn good after finally beating 21 without cheating


Well I did all levels with a touchpad. So I guess its do-able.


189 clicks on 4th try :)

Sarah Dvorak November 20, 2009 3:14 PM

198 clicks! id say thats not to bad. :)


Ok, I still am stuck on 16. The hour hand (little one) is on the 12, and the minute one is on the 3. And its night time. can someone please help me! I'm getting frustrated, I don't know how to do military, and its really bugging me.

_______________ November 20, 2009 3:26 PM

189 2nd try


on lvl 21 you dont have to drag the pieces.
just click them
i got it like 3rd try :)
291 clicks total


Level 21 is easy takes a few tries but youll get it all to do wi the timing of the peices. Got 207 clicks on my 2nd go


i have a touch screen computer. level 21 was a brease

Anon E. Mouse November 21, 2009 10:43 AM

For level 21


I think it may vary. You have to see how ling each piece stays in the middle when you click it. For me it was top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right, but once you see how long they last it becomes more simpler. Don't quit in frustration, people!

the ckilcked November 21, 2009 4:43 PM

i got level 21 after understanding the order it wasnt that hard. got 378 clicks my first time playing


188 clicks!




178! (: .


Hooray! I actually finished the game! After leaving it for a few days due to rage quitting over level 21, I decided to give it another go.

Also, thank you Anon E. Mouse your helpful hint was completely right. :)

I finished in 295 clicks!


225 on second try. Yay! I got gold medal.


225, second try
patrizia: thats not true. 225 clicks is silver. not gold :-p


i cannot get past level 21!


I beat it with 2591 clicks


i got it in 237 clicks yay!


woot! I got it in 286 clicks!


Yay! I beat it with 375 clicks and beat 21 with mousepad.


1100 clicks! :0...T_T


This is exactly the kind of game I love! I completed ClickPLAY2 in 524 clicks! (:


Level 10 help!?


Car? What car?


I think this is easy game. Can pass it easily with only 160clicks. But still i love it :)


I got it on 315 clicks


Haha fun fun! A little under 400 clicks. Love it! =]

john cobby November 25, 2009 8:59 AM

998 clicks, bet nobody can beat me


:]i completed it in 598 clicks lol


290 clicks :P and for 21? dont just go in a circle.

21 is a puzzle!:
They all have a different pullback speed, for me the bot left took 3 seconds to come back and the top right took about a half a second to retract, so I clicked the 3 sec first and the half second last and got it on my second try :P, this is a PUZZLE GAME
not speed clicker 2000


got it in 175 clicks... very fun to figure out

Mrs. Bobbert November 26, 2009 5:07 PM

i got it in 186 clicks


What about level 23? I got to level 23 without a walkthrough... <.>


beat it in 218 clicks woohoo


Here is my version of the walkthrough. I corrected some errors.


1.Starry Night


Drag the moon down.

2.Egg Spin


Click on the egg that spins in the wrong way.



Click on the switch to open the machine, then put the circle and the triangle in it.



Click on the stick that is over the pile until there is no more.

5.Who's Hat


Click on the top right guy once, then twice on the bottom left one, and finally click 3 times on the bottom right one.

6.Boxed In


Click on the box, then on the two blocks over it. Click on the box 4 times, then click on the two blocks over it.

7.Lap Star


When you click on the car, he starts moving. When you keep the mouse button pressed, it turns left. Get every star to continue.

8.High Voltage


Put the cursor over a screw and keep pressing the button until it falls. Repeat with every screw. Click on every block until they are in the correct angle.

9.Ropey Rockies


Drag the top of the rope down, then the other one, again and again. Caution, when you stop dragging, the screen goes up. You may do it in 3 clicks.

10.Jumpin' Ride


Click on the car to start it and on the screen to make it jump. Avoid the spikes. Don't jump too soon.



Drag the pump down and up until the ball breaks, freeing the button. Try to click it know...



Even if there are lots of solutions, here is mine. The numbers shown here represent the buttons and the number of times you have to click them.


When you click on the bomb, it will move and follow the arrows. At the end, it will get stuck between the 0 and the 2 of the bottom line. You will have to click on the 2 button once when the bomb has 2 seconds left.



Click on 2-3-2-3-2-3

14.Round the Bend


Click where you want the ball to go, but don't make it fall off the track. Click only 4 times.

15.Head Bopping


Notice where the button falls, then dive the duck's mouth in the water by clicking it, to make him catch the button.

16.Break In


This level is not always the same. Look at the clock. I think it is always 12:15. Now look at the windows. You know if it is AM or PM. Write the hour in 24-hour based form, then press #. Note that after 23:59, it is not 24:00, but 00:00.

17.Drop Zone


Click on the screen when the plane is over a building. Destroy all buildings.

18.Bouncy Bounce


The best way to do it is to drag the ball all the way up, then let it bounce.

19.Meaw Meaw


Click on the cats in alphabetical order according to their names.

20.Eyes Wide Open


Click once on the four corner eyes, but not on the middle one.

21.Piece Me Together


Click really fast on the blocks in this order :

22.Humpty's Fall


Drag the cloud over the sun. Click on one eye. Again. Again and again...

23.Happy Hour


Click on the pots to write the word PLAY with their first letter (Poison-Lemon-Ale-Yolk

24.Penguin Bowling


Click on the penguin to make him jump. Don't touch the snowballs.


Sorry for double-posting, but I found useful to write here the minimum clicks needed for each level.


1. Starry Night : 2
2. Egg Spin : 2
3. Ingredients : 4
4. Mikado : 9
5. Who's Hat : 7
6. Boxed In : 10
7. Lap Star : 2*
8. High Voltage : 13
9. Ropey Rockies : 2**
10. Jumpin' Ride: 5
11. Ballbuster : 2
12. Boombastic : 5***
13. Round'n'Round : 7
14. Round the Bent : 5
15. Head Bopping : 2
16. Break in : 6
17. Drop Zone : 7
18. Bouncy Bounce : 2
19. Meaw Meaw : 7
20. Eyes Wide Open : 5
21. Piece Me together : 5
22. Humpty's Fall : 10
23. Happy Hour : 9
24. Penguin Bowling : 16
Total : 144, if I'm right.

*In the "Lap Star" level, you need to click once to start the car and then many times to make it turn. I don't actually know the true number of times you need to click to turn perfectly. Then you click again for the play button.

**In the "Ropey Rockies" level, you need to grab the ropes in order to get up the mountain. When you grab a rope, you can get the rope out of the screen. I could do the level by clicking only 2 ropes, then the button, but someone with a bigger screen might do it by clicking only one rope.

***The "Boombastic" level is kind of custom, so you might find a better solution than me, but I did it in 8 clicks (counting clicking the bomb and the play button). It is impossible to do it in less than 5, but I didn't find a better solution than 8.


I tried putting in the military time on lvl 16 but every time it just rejects it. Am I correct that 3:00PM in our time is 15:00 in military time or am I making a fool out of my self by misunderstanding what to do or even using the completely wrong number? PLEASE HELP ME.


beat this game in 192 clicks, try to beat that everyone hahahaha


Did the game with 425 clicks ^O^

Pandemonis December 3, 2009 3:09 PM

Small tip to beat 21: load a few very heavy pages, and with the lag it's as easy as pie to complete. Big flaw in the game, though.

The man with no name December 7, 2009 8:39 AM

Cyrus is right about 21. Used CPU killer to lag up my PC and it was fine. Otherwise it's pretty much impossible (imho).


699 first try with a laptop touch was hard on the twisty arrows and the sucked.


Just pure fun. Cute as a button and the music is just perfect. Simple but with tremendous replayability. Don't ask, just PLAY!!

SteeveHoggy7 December 19, 2009 8:53 AM

230 Clicks :D nailed!


340 clicks!!!!!!!!!! *yay*


Here's how to do Boombastic (level 12) in 5 clicks.


Click the top right corner square twice(2).
Click the bomb(3), it will get caught in a little trap.
When the timer hits 1 click the corner square again. (4)
Click Play.(5)

Here's how to do it in 7 that doesn't require any timed clicks.


Click the top left corner square three times (3).
Click the bottom left corner square twice (5).
Click the bomb (6).
Click play (7).

babycakes xoxo December 27, 2009 11:29 AM

i have a love hate relasoinship whith this game i love everything about this game exept from level 21 when you have too peice the play sign together i find it well hard !!!!!!!!
lots of love,


for level 21 its not that hard if you watch certain peices stay put longer than others


I did it in 208 clicks. Its not bad for a 12-year old.


I had spent two days on 21.
I had noticed from the start that each piece slid back to its original position at different speeds. I however not fast with a mouse.
But Pandemonis' cheat of loading the browser with heavy pages worked on the first try.

I noticed something about level 16 that some people are missing. The window. Sometimes it is daylight and sometimes there is a moon in the window. Every time I have played, it has alwyas read 12:15. However, If there is a moon in the window then use 0015. If there is no moon, then 1215 is the code.


I beat it in 179 :)
oh and level 11 sucks
level 11 sucks bad


316 clicks baby!

your mom. ;) February 20, 2010 7:12 AM

I got up to level 21 with 169 clicks lol. ohh yeaaahhh.

Anonymous March 7, 2010 5:07 PM



193 clicks!!!!


For level 21, hit the pieces in this order FAST, bottom right, top right, bottom left, and then top left.

wolfgirl June 14, 2010 1:01 AM

Im stuck on level 21 please help me i cant find out how to beat it i did what it said but they just bounced away again it is driving me mad and i broke one of my computers because i got so mad all the other instuctions worked but this one just wont work for me or anybody in my family.Anyone know how to beat it that would help me out.Please respond to my comment and just say my name wolfgirl and explain to me how to beat level 21 please before i destroy my other computers.

Anonymous August 12, 2010 1:37 AM

You can skip level 21 - just right click and choose forward :)


Yay!! I completed it the 2nd time in 251 clicks! (the first try was 2098!!)

Anonymous October 10, 2010 7:22 PM

i did it in 196 clicks! 17th place!


I saw your name in the high scores with zero clicks taken to complete clickplay. How do you do that?!

Anonymous January 29, 2011 8:45 PM

When doing 24,


you can jump the penguin far offscreen and keep him there. If you do it right, the snowballs will "miss" the penguin even though you're not clicking to jump (keep the mouse held down to keep the penguin far offscreen). Should save you many clicks!


I couldn't get 21 it was so hard that i quit the game :(


Hey john cobby, i beat your 998 with a 1095.

Anonymous March 19, 2011 4:56 PM

finished in 202....(was the second try but dont tell anyone)

Anonymous June 26, 2011 1:29 PM

189...... second place!!!!! im only 10 years old!!!!!!!!!!

Harry Potter August 6, 2011 12:51 AM

cant do level 12. -.-

Namchokdef October 14, 2011 1:15 AM

300 click

hannah osgood November 21, 2011 11:05 PM

I found the game fun once i got the clicker under control, but unti then i didnt like it, i found it extremely aggrivating


how many levels are there? :]

Penguin king February 1, 2012 10:42 PM

None of this is helping, I can't beat level 16.


210 clicks.... get at me

sunnylauren February 26, 2015 9:03 PM

Level 21 on a fast computer....

Rage quitting. Ugh.


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