Cargo Bridge
How hard could building a bridge be? In a game where you have to retrieve an elephant from a distant island, the answer may surprise you. Cargo Bridge asks you to engineer a sturdy path for your movers as they transport crates, safes, and yes, elephants.
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I'm also stuck at level 18.
there are two ways I believe could be a solution. The first one is to make two platforms, one to break and slow the box down and the other to be the actual bridge. The other way is to make a thin pilar reaching that small spot in the bottom. I didn't manage to make neither of these work.
What's really difficult in this level is the money!
My impressions of this game are really good. First I thought 'another bridge game??' but then I realize how much gameplay there is to explore with this simple idea. I can think of a few more fun stuff to do with this :D
"Crashed in both windows and firefox for me."
You mean IE and Firefox?
Firefox here. So far so good.
Notes to game developers:
Menu transitions are annoying.
Have a high-medium-low setting. This game gets it right.
Dialogs should advance under my control. This game gets it right.
Don't use custom cursors. They slow it down. TGGIR.
Frequently used functions should be quickly selectable. In this game I can't quickly delete a segment as easily as adding one. I need one hand on mouse and one on keyboard. Ok, so it's a minor nitpick.
Stuck on 17... having all kinds of issues getting it both to stand alone and even more getting boxes across. The physics is pretty different from BridgeCraft. 17 would be cake on BridgeCraft with just triangle trusses on top, whereas in this, the trusses seem to hinder the bridge by having more weight, instead of providing structural support.
And since there is no pivot on the lower right, I've been trying to makeshift one with the cliff face, which isn't going that well.
Too bad it doesn't save our solutions :(
I beat level 17.. but I don't remember how. All I remember is that it was a long bridge, and there wasn't anything too excentric about it. Just try to get the shape right by adjusting and tweaking :D arcs are stronger.
I had problems with boxes going through geometry.. specially when they're falling.
Yeah Diego... that's pretty much what I did to solve it. 18 was interesting. 19 was easy. 20 was kinda hard... and 21 is really, really annoying. I've gotten extremely close multiple times on 21, only to fail on the doorstep. Reminds me of a level I was testing on BridgeCraft before it was changed. So frustrating.
Bugs I've found: Got a C++ runtime error that crashed my IE. Tried playing in FF and got to the level select screen, and then it won't select a level... at all. I'm having those geometry errors, where sometimes falling objects pretend my deck pieces aren't there at all. Had an error where I couldn't extend a deck piece out to connect with a socket, wound up having to go to the main menu and going back, which fixed it. Lot of bugs, all around. Also, sometimes the items a guy is moving won't move with the guy, so the item winds up behind the guy... yet the game still recognizes it as if the item was in front of the guy (so it's just a visual bug, doesn't hinder gameplay).
Yes, this thing will crash Firefox faster than I ever thought possible. I got through level 12, and every time I tried to load level 13, it just made my browser disappear. There have been times that I've used the task manager to kill Firefox for leaking memory (like when playing Rock Band Sim from a few days ago), and it takes some time to stop it and reclaim the memory, but this thing is instantaneous!
How weird! I had previously lost all my progress... then the browser (opera) crashed. When I open it up again, there it was! All my yesterday progress! :D
I was playing it all again and using the oportunity to create a walkthrough. Now I'm gonna finish the last levels before continuing the walkthrough.
My walkthrough:
[We put your images on the JIG server, and I added some formatting to your walkthrough :) Thanks for you help! ~Kero
not worth playing, it seems like a poor imitator where others have done far better. Its not that there are no keyboard shortcuts for tools its that there are no tools, especially no graph, so its impossible to tell what length things are or to judge whether a gap can be connected. This game isn't frustrating because its hard, its actually pathetically easy from a game perspective, its just frustratingly difficult because its so poorly designed.
I agree it's not original. But it does add a few things to the gameplay. The lack of a snap to grid, for example, is a good thing, in my opinion. The fact that the little dude go and come back with weight is really interesting! And some other minor things.
Btw, I don't really needed those metal structures too.. :P
I just wrote a new Points Walkthrough for Bridgecraft so I've been very anxious to play this. Kept crashing Firefox though. Finally tried IE and it works.
I'm halfway through and so far I am not impressed. I really want to like this game but I'm ready to quit. I almost quit the other game too though, so I'll give this a rest and try again later.
I'll save my criticisms and reserve judgement until then. But let me say this: It seems abstract and insufficiently scientific.
Cheap and simple solution to level 18:
The cheapest solution for lv. 18, the slide was a great idea:
got through level 18... Used my own idea :-)
did not use steel!
Just a cheap solution for Level 14.
Walkthrough Guide --> Bank: $821
My Solution --> Bank: $1248
Please help me with lvl 17! I've tried my own ways and all the possible ways I found on internet and nothing seems to be working with me. Everytime he comes back with that crate, my bridge snaps and breaks from the right side. Every single time and every single way. Tried it for about 4 hours now, please someone help me already!
The problem you describe is what I consider to be the fatal flaw in this game: If you are one millimeter off in your placement, the bridge can collapse regardless of the merit of the design.
I do not like trashing games and with the exception of a constructive criticism now and then, I basically live by the "If you can't say anything nice..." rule.
But I am a fan of bridge-building games and I gave up on this one. I know others welcomed it, but the lack of a grid where parts "snap in" is a major design flaw in my opinion. Sorry, but I hated this game. Big thumbs down for me.
Here's a solution for level 20.
[Edit: It appears you have the same image for level 18 and level 20. -Pam]
Best solution so far (SIMPLEST and CHEAPEST, EASIEST to duplicate) to level 20. All you have to do is make sure the chest lands on the middle (strongest shock absorbing) 'point' of the bridge. Use the metal girder to slow it down and help position it.
My solution for the 40m Badge on Kongregate.
For #18, why not bring the chest to you?
A completely different take on #19.
Actually, this is a browser that NEVER seems to crash. It's Mac only, so if it's crashing on a Mac then look no further!
It's called camino.
Basically a blend of firefox and safari, which runs much faster than both =)
Actually, the steel is very versatile.
You use it to make the supports MUCH more solid, and for falling chests it's very solid, too. For the level with 3 falling chests and 3 elephants, just make a simple bridge and prop it up with steel bars. Simple, easy, cost effective.
It's good for the challenges, and holds much more weight than wood. It can be much longer, too.
However, unless you have to transport something VERY heavy or stop something dropping, it's better to go with wood walks, and steel in the critical areas.
For most falling objects, with money, build a buffer above the bridge to lower the impact (good for level 21, I believe).
If this helped anyone, I will smile.
FtB's CHEAP solution to lvl 4
Level 4 Screenshot
Level 18!!
This solution worked great for me (I just got lucky) after many failed attempts with the previous images.
For level 20 - Easiest way possible. Spent literally hours on this one, and the bridge kept breaking...See spoiler...
Build your bridge so it is really strong and will hold up the weight of the two men with their boxes, then on the very top with the highest nodes, build a high triangle with steel connectors /\ and lay a steel walkway from the top going as far to the right of the ledge as possible so the box falls off the ledge and lands on the ground beside your bridge. In order for the triangle to not break when the box hits it, I suggest building it so the point is a little to the left, so the box doesnt hit the point, but rather a little down the right side of the walkway.
Yes, I also think level 18 is broken or something. I tried every solution and none worked. The chest breakes everything. Maybe it is a case of very specific building order and placement, but I could not get it working. *snap* and the platform is broken. I'd love to see a video for some solutions. ;)
I tried copying all of the level 18 solutions and couldn't get it to work.
However, one "slide" method I tried did divert the chest's fall a little closer to the cliff edge before snapping, which gave me an idea. I then made a second platform that came out to where the chest fell before the slide broke. The slide would still be crushed into oblivion and fall into the water, but it moved the chest and slowed it down enough for the second platform to catch it. It wasn't an efficient use of funds, but it at least got the job done.
Here's my take on Levels 17 and 18.
Some of you are asking, "Is steel really that useful?" The walkthrough doesn't have a lot about it and it also seems to fall just after being built.
Well, I just can't get how everyone's steel bridges fall. Mine almost never do, and I have earned 14000 spare money through the game using steel as soon as I get it. So I can't see why people say it's expensive and not worth it :S
I did level 18!! Finally! Here is what worked for me:
a description of my level 18
I used the slide method that Another posted
I added a small wooden platform for the chest to land on after the slide broke.
Cargo Bridge is my favorite construction game, but i cant get past level 17. Any help please?
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Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
My walkthrough:
[We put your images on the JIG server, and I added some formatting to your walkthrough :) Thanks for you help! ~Kero
Posted by: Diego
May 12, 2009 5:35 PM