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Weekday Escape N°45

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Weekday Escape

elleAh yes, October joy: the seasons are changing, the weather is what it is, and the sound of cheering fills the stadiums. In some parts of the world, this month also brings beer fests, grueling marathons, busy costume shops and the newest of flavor trends, gingerbread spice. For gamers, the horror genre is never in short supply this time of year but looking here on the Jigasphere, there's even more creepy, spooky titles populating the review lists. Sure there's plenty of scary escape games to be found as well but that can wait for now; instead, if we were to name a theme for this week's escaper's showcase, it'd have to be "S'mores"—a sticky sweet treat of marshmallows and chocolate melted over scorching heat...

Fruit Kitchens No.12: Cacao BrownFruit Kitchens No.12: Cacao Brown - I had to wonder if FunkyLand was having an off day, mixing up the fruit kitchen series with the candy rooms episodes. A quick Google search set it straight: it turns out that the cocoa bean is indeed a fruit! This installment of the fruit finding series is equally rich and scrumptious, with a healthy amount of puzzle solving to engage players. No.12 is a tad trickier and has a bit more to do this time around. It helps to know some tasks are less about deciphering and more about paying attention as you click. Other than that, collecting the required seven cacao pods is a snap. As usual, there's little negative to say except to express a wish that someday FunkyLand will create a larger, more involved game—everything about it is too enjoyable to not be disappointed when it ends so soon. Exactly how I feel after the last bite of chocolate.

Marshmallow's New Home: Room 3Marshmallow's New Home: Room 3 - Cute cats on the internet? Who'd of thunk it? Being a pushover for anything cute, I couldn't resist this Maroya creation although it's less about the kitties and more about the room you're stuck in. It lacks an English translation but solutions can be inferred by what's seen around the room. Success depends on figuring out where to look, how to use items, and smart decoding—it's not too easy, but not too tough. The downsides are pixel hunts on some locked drawers and, perhaps, the inability to interact with puzzles before viewing all clues. The design and puzzle presentations resemble Detarou without any weirdness while the UI, changing cursor and neat inventory system make the whole experience remarkably pleasant. Best of all, since there's plenty to do, Marshmallow's New Home: Room 3 makes a satisfyingly chewy filling for this week's treats.

Find the Escape-Men 120: Scorching Heat 2014Find the Escape-Men 120: Scorching Heat 2014 - We have chocolate and marshmallows so now it's time to melt them. Apparently August was so hot for No1Game's design team that they were too wiped out until now to release their 120th seek-and-find escape men episode. Here's the rundown: it's super hot and the AC is need help! You need the mighty green ten! But they're not just little, they're a little lazy in this heat. You'll need ingenuity and patience if you want to find them all. It's all very typical of No1Game: repeated actions, standard puzzles, tiny hidden spots, a bit of waiting around and a spurt of gritty language. Perhaps not hot enough to make you swoon, but just right for putting the finishing touches on Weekday Escape while leaving you wanting "some more, please!" Which you'll week. Stay tuned!

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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Find the Escape-Men 120 Walkthrough

Escape-Man locations

1. Lying on the floor right in front of you, but he'll need to be cleaned up with the TOILET DEODORIZER from the bathroom and the WET WIPE from the cabinet with the three-letter code.

2. Secretly powering the fan, which is why it still runs when you unplug it! Pull the plug from the wall, check the fan, then check the plug again.

3. In the fan, after you successfully power it down.

4. To the left of the air conditioner near the ceiling.

5. Inside the air conditioner. You'll need to slide the switches on both sides to open it.

6. In the cabinet that can be opened with the star code.

7. On the back of the PAPER FAN that Escape-Man #6 was holding.

8. In the cabinet that can be opened with the three-letter code.

9. Masquerading as...a mosquito? He will show up in front of the bathroom door/sink, but only after you've found most of the other Escape-Men.

10. In the wind chime, but he will only show up when you touch the chime after you've already solved the three-letter code.

The star code

Look under the table to get an ERASER.

Check the right side of the air conditioner near the ceiling to obtain the code:

Four black stars and one half-red, half-white star.

Enter four black and one red star on the cabinet panel, then use the ERASER on the red star.

The three-letter code

Open and close the mailbox in the front door a few times to receive an ENVELOPE, which holds a NOTE that contains a key to Morse Code.

Open the window and touch the wind chime to hear and see it play a pattern. Match this pattern to the key to receive the code:


Getting out

Once you have all ten Escape-Men, select them in your inventory and click on the calendar to see some magic!


Danger past. God forgotten.

I'm used to seeing odd translations, but I'm not sure what that one was supposed to mean!

Scout_friend October 15, 2014 1:21 AM replied to Billy-o

Perhaps a poetic way of saying that people only believe in God when they're in trouble. I'd guess it's a Japanese proverb or idiom.

raymondfam October 15, 2014 2:34 AM


funnyguts October 15, 2014 7:52 AM

Stuck on the last escape man.

I've used every item I have, I've squashed the mosquito and opened the sink cabinet, and gotten into the closet. I've cleaned up the guy on the floor and solved the fan and AC. I don't know what's left! All I can think of involves the calendar and the sink faucet, but I have no idea how to use any of that.

Leopardmask October 15, 2014 11:08 AM

I'm stuck on Fruity Escape with 5 cocoa pods. I have

A mug of cocoa and a grabber thing,
and beans from:
frog code, pot, box, hanger, can.
I've also opened the heart panel and opened a thing on the bottom of the table.

I hope I'm not missing something blatantly obvious like I did in Pineapple.

zoyciteyouma October 15, 2014 11:17 AM replied to Leopardmask

For the grabber

look up from the initial screen.

As for the mug

who might have wanted cocoa in the first place?

baileydonk October 15, 2014 11:21 AM

Stuck on Marshmallow... after getting a fair way, I can't find the

little metal stand part for the flower.

, I assume there is still a use for the

cat paw stick thing,

since it's still in my inventory, and I haven't opened either of the closets.

Leopardmask October 15, 2014 11:29 AM replied to zoyciteyouma

Thank you!

baileydonk October 15, 2014 11:40 AM

Thanks, elle - I've done all of that already. I can't find the

allen wrench

or open the closets, and don't even know where else to look anymore!

Leopardmask October 15, 2014 11:56 AM replied to baileydonk

I have the reverse problem.

I can't find the flower.
I also can't figure out any of the codes except the gray/black one and the arrow on the green box.
Actually, I'll bet the green box gives a hint to the 9-pad code on the cupboard...
I have 6 pieces in the puzzle box, a phillip's head screwdriver that I've used once and a roll of tape. And the kitty paw.

baileydonk October 15, 2014 12:40 PM

I've solved every puzzle that has been mentioned in the Marshmallow escape, but still stuck, with:

two parts of a flower, two screwdrivers, and the cat-paw stick thing.

I've opened every drawer and cabinet (except the sliding doors). Haven't found the

allen wrench, final step for accessing the key on the desk.

Can I do something with the window?

Leopardmask October 15, 2014 12:45 PM replied to baileydonk

Enlighten me on how to get

The other screwdriver and the flower


bbblake38 October 15, 2014 1:42 PM

The key to the flathead screwdriver is in the cat box. That gets the flower. How you put the face on the flower and the flower on the pedestal is what I'm stuck on.

Leopardmask October 15, 2014 2:10 PM replied to baileydonk

I haven't gotten all the puzzle pieces yet. Still missing top far left and bottom mid left pieces.

Jamilworm October 15, 2014 2:18 PM

@baileydonk and blake, take another look at the guide for the flower. Then look again at the

key container on the desk

there is more than just the allen hole

callmerob October 15, 2014 2:53 PM

At the end of Marshmallow

We see 3 cats in a bathroom with a ? and it makes me wonder if there are alternate endings? But I can't see how that would be... maybe it's the outro, there are a number of other panels of story.

No big thing but I wish there was an english option

Modox October 15, 2014 3:02 PM replied to funnyguts

Got the same problem?!

prasanth.akundi October 15, 2014 3:34 PM

I can't find the 2nd screwdriver at all...

prasanth.akundi October 15, 2014 3:43 PM

Nevermind. You had to

use the tape with the code part of the strap, and then attach that to the paw to get a code.

I haven't gotten the screwdriver yet, but I'm sure the ensuing sequence of events will help me find it.

baileydonk October 15, 2014 4:32 PM

Thanks, Jamilworm. Out!

theblackduck87 October 15, 2014 7:53 PM

Feeling stupid.

have 6 of the 10.

so stuck

theblackduck87 October 15, 2014 7:54 PM

proving to be stupid. Escape Men. Duh

callmerob October 15, 2014 8:24 PM

Escape man, so stuck... I have 5 and

a paper fan

Baffled by the


and need the three letters. Grr!

ninjamomma October 16, 2014 12:01 AM

I'm in the same situation except

I've "used" my fan



The wind chime can help you with the three letters

but you'll need one other clue

from the box in the door.

You'll probably know when to use the fan

though in the meantime, examine it carefully.


looking forward to the walkthroughs :)

gardinercomfort October 16, 2014 2:33 PM

For "Escape Men", the wind chimes:

are Morse code. Four dots, three dashes, one dash. Guess what that spells? A three letter word that you can use to unlock the cabinet under the sink.

gardinercomfort October 16, 2014 2:35 PM

Note: Before that, you need to get

the Morse code envelope from the mailbox on the door. Just keep opening and closing the lid a bunch of times and you'll get it.

callmerob October 16, 2014 3:14 PM

@abfdrums thanks, I'm out... whew!

theblackduck87 October 16, 2014 7:01 PM

Stuck on last escape man. Already solved wind chimes though. help please.


Find the Escape-Men 120 Walkthrough

Escape-Man locations

1. Lying on the floor right in front of you, but he'll need to be cleaned up with the TOILET DEODORIZER from the bathroom and the WET WIPE from the cabinet with the three-letter code.

2. Secretly powering the fan, which is why it still runs when you unplug it! Pull the plug from the wall, check the fan, then check the plug again.

3. In the fan, after you successfully power it down.

4. To the left of the air conditioner near the ceiling.

5. Inside the air conditioner. You'll need to slide the switches on both sides to open it.

6. In the cabinet that can be opened with the star code.

7. On the back of the PAPER FAN that Escape-Man #6 was holding.

8. In the cabinet that can be opened with the three-letter code.

9. Masquerading as...a mosquito? He will show up in front of the bathroom door/sink, but only after you've found most of the other Escape-Men.

10. In the wind chime, but he will only show up when you touch the chime after you've already solved the three-letter code.

The star code

Look under the table to get an ERASER.

Check the right side of the air conditioner near the ceiling to obtain the code:

Four black stars and one half-red, half-white star.

Enter four black and one red star on the cabinet panel, then use the ERASER on the red star.

The three-letter code

Open and close the mailbox in the front door a few times to receive an ENVELOPE, which holds a NOTE that contains a key to Morse Code.

Open the window and touch the wind chime to hear and see it play a pattern. Match this pattern to the key to receive the code:


Getting out

Once you have all ten Escape-Men, select them in your inventory and click on the calendar to see some magic!


thanks again abfdrumz/ you write awesome walkthroughs. I hope the other 2 will be here soon :)


Fruit Kitchens #12: Cacao Brown Walkthrough

Pink frog 1

The clue is on the left wall, underneath the big number clue.

It says "Cacao", albeit backwards. Change the buttons under the frog to say "CACAO", then press the round button on the right.

Cabinet above the sink

The clue is on the left wall.

You might need a mirror.


Don't forget to pick up the screwdriver, too.


  1. Get the grabber from next to the tall window on the left.

  2. Get the screwdriver from the cabinet above the sink.

  3. Use the screwdriver to open the little door with the heart in the back corner. Press the big button.

  4. Use the grabber to get the cacao fruit from the now-open skylight.

Pink frog 2

  1. Get the mug from next to the frog.

  2. Find the hot chocolate maker just to the left of the door. Note that it says "COCOA" on top. Put the mug in it and press the button.

  3. Give the frog the mug of hot chocolate.

  4. Change the letters to read "cocoa" and press the the round button.

  5. As the arrows indicate, look below the table. There's a slot in the base which now has a cacao fruit in it.


Look in the covered casserole.


  1. Look at the left wall, then zoom in on the chair. Get the can opener that's perched on the crossbar below the seat. (There have been can openers in weird places in these kitchens, but this probably takes the cake.)

  2. Zoom in on the stove and find the can on the right. Use the can opener to open it.


Look at the shelves below the hot chocolate maker, specifically at the wooden box.


thanks reka. can't wait for the last one with the cats :)


guess not huh? ok that's cool. :)

ninjamomma October 19, 2014 10:13 PM

Yeah - I could use a walkthrough for that too.

jayisgamed October 22, 2014 6:24 PM

Looking for today's new games, but couldn't find it ㅡ.ㅠ .. haha, maybe none this week?


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