Here's the situation. You've got three tiles: a B, a C, and an L. You've got the root "-OCK" to work with, you can place up to two tiles before the root and one after. What words can you spell? No, this isn't Words with Friends or some everyday word game like that, this is Gatamari Escape #22, the latest escape game by developer Gatamari. If you've ever wanted to play an escape game and a word game rolled into one (a combination that's definitely a little unusual), here's your chance. The game is themed around spelling English words to make things happen around the room, so feel free to start having flashbacks to your days playing with letter blocks in kindergarten.
Gameplay is standard for escapers and entirely mouse-controlled: click the green arrowheads to navigate, click on things to examine, pick up, and otherwise fiddle with them, and so on. Once an object is in your inventory, highlight it and click the environment to use it, or use the "About Item" button to see it up close. Should you want to save or toggle the audio, the other two buttons in the lower right corner should be self-explanatory. Gatamari has a very distinctive style... it's not hard to see that this game and Mission in Department Store were made by the same person, which won't be winning any awards for realism, but keeps things clear yet simple. The puzzles are the meat of the game, and they are very clever whether they're about wordplay or not, maintaining just the right level of difficulty to be challenging without being frustrating. The only serious flaw is that the game's vocabulary is a little limited, which becomes especially clear when working towards the second of the game's two endings. Still, that's easily overlooked in what is otherwise a fantastic and creative escaper no lexicomaniac should hesitate to play.
Walkthrough Guide
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Gatamari Escape #22 Walkthrough
Posted by: VoxPopuli42
July 2, 2014 3:24 PM