An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Angry Birds Star Wars

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Angry Birds Star Wars

JohnBAngry Birds Star Wars is exactly what the name suggests: Angry Birds with licensed Star Wars characters! Developer Rovio has dabbled in different genres in recent months with the building game Amazing Alex and the contraption-centric Bad Piggies, but now the team has returned to old form, pasting together two franchises whose success could never be doubted. Star Wars fans will squeal with delight the moment the title screen starts to materialize, and if by some twist of fate you're not a Star Wars fan, well, it's still Angry Birds, and it's still a whole lot of good-looking physics destruction entertainment!

Angry Birds Star WarsA long time ago in a galaxy far away, some rebel birds were fighting a galactic menace known as the Empire, an evil force composed of Pigtroopers and led by the insidious Lard Vader (who is not one but three pigs, that's how evil he is). The rebels managed to steal plans for the Empire's secret weapon, the Pig Star, and are now racing to deliver those plans to the Rebel Birds. Your journey begins on Tatooine, a desert planet filled with Pigtroopers who have built their structures across the land. As the young Red Skywalker, you must fight your way through pig fortress after pig fortress, uncovering your past and learning the ways of the Force along the way.

Ok, so as far as the plot is concerned, Angry Birds Star Wars probably won't surprise anyone. But the bird/pig twist on the familiar movies does make for some entertaining eye candy, and with the Angry Birds game at its core, you're just about guaranteed to have a good time. As with the other Angry Birds games, you are in control of different birds who can be pulled back and fired from a slingshot to destroy level after level of pig-built structures. Different birds have different abilities, such as Red Skywalker and his lightsaber, Obi Wan Bird and his power over the Force, and Han with his blaster (guess he does shoot first), so you must make clever use of your troops as you carve your way through the game. Along the way, you'll meet some bird-twists on familiar characters and be treated to a series of still images moving the story right along. After all these years, Star Wars is still exciting!

Angry Birds Star WarsAnalysis: At its core, Angry Birds Star Wars is still as Angry Birds as you could ever want. Most of the changes are audio/visual in nature, adding Star Wars art, using Star Wars locations, and porting over Star Wars music and sound effects. We'd be lying if we said it wasn't awesome to mix these two worlds together, and it actually does make the experience feel a lot more epic.

In true Angry Birds fashion, new birds, new piggies, and new environmental elements are introduced as the game progresses. Think Han's blaster is too cool to be real? Wait until you encounter reflective surfaces. Want more R2-D2 and C-3PO? Try unlocking the bonus levels! Lots of secrets to find and plenty of action to be found, so you won't find yourself getting bored anytime soon.

Bad things about Angry Birds Star Wars? Uhh, it doesn't have infinite levels, I guess? The lack of universal support for iOS forces you to choose between small screen or three times as expensive tablet version, which is a shame, but it's nothing new. You'd think by now we would all be getting tired of this game franchise, but when it comes to crazy set-ups and simple fun, Angry Birds seems to have the formula down to a non-degrading repeatable science. It's easy to love but not so easy to master, which is precisely what we want in a casual game.

There you have it: Angry Birds plus Star Wars equals awesome. As if you had any doubt!

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NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on an iPad. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.

Walkthrough Guide

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Angry Birds Star Wars Walkthrough
General Info, Worlds 1-2

General Information

  • Just as every other Angry Birds installment, you launch the birds from the slingshot using the touch screen at your intended targets.

  • You get points by popping pigs, destroying environmental obstacles, and by having birds left over after all the pigs are gone.

  • New obstacles added to the series are lasers from stormtrooper's blasters. Even if a bird is hit by them, however, they can still use their ability.

  • Each bird, pig, and environment is based off of a character from the first Stars Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope, so they are dressed up like them and have abilities similar to the Star Wars Universe.

    1. The little red bird is Luke Skywalker and can punch through wood and ice pretty easily. Once he gets his lightsaber, you can tap on screen to get him to swing his weapon and cut anything in an arc in front of him.

    2. The black is Obi Wan Keniobi, and when you tap and swipe a direction on screen, he uses the force to send anything towards where you tapped flying at great speed.

    3. More descriptions to come as they show up.

  • For these walkthroughs, every level is done in one bird unless stated otherwise.

  • Following the screenshots will give you three stars in the way I did it, but that does not mean that is the only way. The screenshots are there to accompany the description if it is not specific enough.

  • The high scores I indicate are the lowest score I got for three stars on a level, but the scores could go lower and still get three stars.

World 1: Tatooine

  • Level 1:

    • Aim your bird at the left edge of the wooden plank below the Tusken Raider pig. It will bust the lower left supports and bring the tower crashing onto the pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 38,000 points.

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your red bird at the second ice block from the ground on the left side of the structure.

    • The block will break and bring the tower to fall on the pig in the re-created land speeder.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 45,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your red bird in a very high arc so when it comes falling down, it will land right on the pig in the middle of the structure.

    • It will pop the top pig and cause the structure to start falling in on itself and crush the remaining pigs.

    • It will take a few tries to get the right angle, but it will work.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 39,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden plank that is above and to the right of the explosive crate.

    • It will hit the crate, fall onto the explosive crate, and both buildings should start tumbling down.

    • This one also takes a few tries to get right since you might not get enough debris for the three stars score.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 59,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • Aim your black bird at the ice square below the highest ice rectangle closest to the slingshot.

    • Right as it is about to hit, activate the force push by tapping the area above the third farthest pig.

    • Debris will be sent flying to pop all the pigs and blow up a lot of debris.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 62,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your black bird towards the center of the metal rod crate underneath the blaster pig.

    • Right as it is about to hit, activate the force push ability by tapping the area above the pig to the right of the blaster pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 58,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • Aim your red bird in an arc over the blaster pig so it hits the ice rectangle above and behind the pig on the metal pipe platform.

    • Fire the bird once the blaster pig starts firing his burst of lasers.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes over the blaster pig. It will remove the balance of the far building and bring it tipping into the blaster tower and knock it over.

    • It takes a few tries to get it right since the bird might get knocked away by the laser, or not enough debris will tip.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 52,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • Aim your black bird below the platform holding the wooden and rock blocks so the bird will hit the leftmost support.

    • Activate the force push ability right before your bird hits anything by tapping the area in between the two piles. The debris should fly up and to the left.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris should blow up the upper explosive crate, tip the speeder over, and drop the other speeder onto the other explosive crate.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • Aim your red bird so the arc barely skims the top of the closest tower and it heads towards the explosive crate.

    • Tap the screen when it hits the wooden block to swing the saber to cut all the wooden blocks around the explosive crate.

    • The far tower will start tipping and crush the pig on the speeder and blow up the explosive crate pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • Aim your saber red bird above the tip of the tower so it will hit the ice block by the explosive crate.

    • Tap the screen to swing the saber once the bird is about to hit the ice block.

    • Time your shot once the pig fires his first blaster bolt.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 57,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • Aim your first red bird at the rock rectangle to the left of the blaster pig.

    • Launch it but do not activate the saber swing. The bird will hit the brick and tip the pig to the right so it will blast through the structure.

    • Everything will start tumbling over as the pig blasts and destroys more debris for points.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • Aim your black bird at the two stacked wooden rectangles closest to you.

    • Activate the force push ability right before it hits by tapping the blaster pig.

    • Debris will fly and knock over the far tower and make the farthest pig roll over and fall.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 45,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden block closest to your slingshot.

    • Activate the saber swing to remove the obstacles in your way so the bird can take out all the birds before the explosive crate.

    • Time the shot so you launch the bird after the blaster pig fires the third blaster bolt.

    • The circle will tip over, blow up the explosive crate, and send the blaster pig to shoot down the three hanging pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 71,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • Aim your black bird so it launches over all the pigs and gets behind the farthest pig sitting on the rock pile.

    • Activate the force push ability when the bird reaches the mid point of the pile, then tap the middle area of the map.

    • Debris will be sent flying to blow the explosive crate and destroy all the pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 57,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your red bird in between the two hanging pigs closest to the slingshot.

    • Fire the bird after the third blaster bolt hits the environment.

    • Activate the saber swing to kill the closer hanging pig so the bird will hit the second hanging pig and then fall on the detonation crate.

    • The rolling blaster pig will fire off blaster bolts and destroy debris and eliminate the rest of the pigs.

    • This one is especially finicky, so it might take a few tries.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 79,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • You will need to use two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the front wood part of the sand crawler debris structure so it will be able to cut throug a big portion of it.

    • Activate the saber swing ability when it is about to hit the wood so it will fly through and bust up at least four pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second black bird towards where the wooden end of the sand crawler fell into the trash pit.

    • Activate the force push ability once the black bird gets right behind the wooden debris, and tap the base of the crane to send the wood flying up and right.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The second shot can be very finicky with where the debris flies, so it might tke a few tries.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 51,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • Aim your new Han Solo yellow bird so it arcs barely over the trash antenna.

    • Activate his new blaster shot ability a second after it passes over that antenna by tapping a little bit above the pig underneath the earthen alcove.

    • Screenshot

    • The lasers will destroy some debris and hit some pigs, while the metal balls will roll onto the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 50,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • Aim your yellow bird so it flies all the way to the back of the debris pile so you can have a nice line of sight for the explosive crate.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping on the explosive crate once it passes over the crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points

  • Level 19:

    • Aim your yellow bird to the center of the closest metal panels to the slingshot.

    • Activate the blaster shots ability when the bird is directly underneath the middle pig by tapping the middle metal panel on the right wall.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 38,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • Aim your red bird at the corner in between the wooden rectangle and ice rectangle next to the pig in the close structure.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the corner so it cuts through the pig and lots of debris.

    • The bird will destroy a lot of debris and cause the retaining wall of the orbs to break.

    • The orbs will roll down, destroy more debris, and set off the explosive crate to make the last pig fall from his rock position.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 77,000 points.

  • Level 21:

    • Aim your first yellow bird in a high arc so it will hit the wooden triangle holding back the metal debris above the pit.

    • As it is about to hit the triangle, activate the blaster shots ability by tapping the metal bar below and to the left of the ice circle.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The blaster bolts will take out a good bit of debris so the metal circles and squares can crush even more debris and some pigs.

    • Aim your second bird so its arc can find a nice line of sight to kill the last pig or two under the debris.

    • Just activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig you actually want shot.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 22:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the pile of debris covering an explosive crate. Swing the saber once it is about to hit the debris.

    • The debris will fly and take out a good portion of pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blaster bird in an arc so it gets close to clipping the top cave wall.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you have a nice line of sight to the metal ceiling and tap there to fire.

    • The blaster bolts should bounce and pop the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 23:

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc over the sand crawler replica so it will fall into the opening in the center of it.

    • Fire the blaster shot ability once it makes it inside by tapping on the explosive crate.

    • The sand crawler will crumble and all the pigs will pop as well.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars on this level is 69,000 points.

  • Level 24:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first yellow bird into the first gap in the environment by arcing over the first metal circle.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping on the explosive crate when you have a clear shot towards.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second yellow bird in a higher arc towards the far enclosed pig.

    • The bird should hit the left metal wall of the boxed-in pig.

    • Immdeiately after it hits, activate the blaster shots by tapping the explosive crate underneath the remaining pigs.

    • This second shot can actually be used by itself to pop all the pigs if you can do it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 76,000 points.

  • Level 25:

    • Aim your red bird towards the tower holding up the wired blaster pig.

    • Activate the saber swing to take out the wood base of the tower, but do not cut the pig.

    • The pig will dangle and shoot the remaining pigs on the map and hopefully pop itself.

    • It can be tricky and take a few attempts to three stars with the one shot.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points./li>

  • Level 26:

    • Aim your red bird in a nice arc so it will fly over the metal block smoothly and hit the wooden wall.

    • Activate the saber swipe right before hitting the wall to take out two pigs and send the metal ball to hit the far pig.

    • Screenshot

    • Debris will fall on the closest pig for the final pop.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 45,000 points.

  • Level 27:

    • Aim your black bird at the pig on the underside of the planet.

    • Make sure the bird hits and goes through the pig and once it hits, activate the force push ability on the ice structure after the hit.

    • Screenshot

    • Debris will fly and the bird will pop all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 43,000 points.

  • Level 28:

    • Aim your red bird to the bottom edge of the gravity field so it flings itself to the underside of the far planet.

    • The bird will circle the planet once and saber swing at the bird at the bottom side of the planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will then fly into the debris tower and pop the last pig.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 30,000 points.

  • Level 29:

    • Aim your blaster bird at the trash attached to the metal block close to the slingshot.

    • The bird should hit the block, but activate the blaster shots right before you hit so at least one will reflect and hit the far bubble pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The two remaining pigs will pop because debris will run into them.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 43,000 points.

  • Level 30:

    • Aim your black bird at the tiny pig closest to the slingshot.

    • Once the bird hits the debris/pig, activate the force push by tapping on the area by the floating bubble pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will take him and the two remaining pigs on the planet's surface.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 44,000 points.

  • Level 31:

    • Aim your black bird over top of the asteroid field so it barely hits one of the asteroids.

    • Wait until it is over the two highest asteroids and activate the force push by tapping the area by the explosive crate.

    • Asteroids will be sent to the planet's surface, along with the explosive crate to blow up and crush all the pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points

  • Level 32:

    • Aim your yellow bird underneath the close planet so it heads to the upper part of the far planet.

    • As it passes the pig closest to the slingshot, activate the blaster shots ability.

    • Tap the wall behind that close pig so the blaster bolts will reflect off the wall and hit the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will still fly into the last structure and knock some debris on to the explosive crates for the final kill.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 42,000 points.

  • Level 33:

    • Aim your black bird into the upper gravity field so it will get pull down into the lower gravity of the bigger planet.

    • Activate the bird's force push ability once it is about to hit the far building. Tap the area above the middle pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will take out the pigs and blow up the explosive crate.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 50,000 points.

  • Level 34:

    • Aim your red bird towards the area between the two close gravity fields so it is barely closer to the upper planet.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the ice triangle so it destroys some debris and busts through to the ice pillar explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The explosions will pop the other pigs and get enough points for three stars.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 47,000 points.

  • Level 35:

    • Aim your yellow bird at the very edge of the gravity field below the big planet.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you have a straight shot at the explosive crate so the building will fall on the crate and do damage.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will fly around the planet, break the crane on to the other explosive crate, and pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 36:

    • Aim your yellow bird into the edge of the gravity field so it can pass over the asteroid field.

    • Once the bird passes over the biggest bubble pig, activate the blaster shots by tapping on the metal sphere.

    • The blaster bolts will hopefully riccochet into the explosive crate and make the asteroids pop all the pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 59,000 points.

  • Level 37:

    • Aim your black bird above the planet so its gravity field will slingshot it around to the back side of the pig's forces.

    • Once it makes its way around the planet, activate the force push ability to launch the stand at the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris and pressure will blow up the explosive crate and pop all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 38:

    • Aim your black bird towards the debris by the small bubble pig.

    • Activate the force push when you are over the debris by tapping on the debris below your bird.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will reflect blaster bolts from the blaster pigs and hopefully take a pigs that the bird does not fly through.

    • It will take a few tries since the blaster timing can be very tricky.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 54,000 points.

  • Level 39:

    • Aim your red bird to the upper part of the gravity field so it wraps around the planet.

    • Activate the saber wing once it gets in between the two cages of metal spheres so it can cut the wooden rectangles.

    • The balls will drop on some pigs while your bird will hit the remaining two pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 64,000 points.

  • Level 40:

    • Aim your black bird to the top side of the octagon enclosure. Fire once the tie fighter pig is parallel with ice blocks.

    • Activate the force push ability once the bird passes the small metal sphere by tapping the ice block area.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will pop the bubble pigs and the debris and lasers should take out the remaining pigs by the planet.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

World 2: Death Star

  • Level 1:

    • Aim your new X-Wing Pilot blue bird to the bottom edge of the gravity field.

    • Once it is half way between the gravity field edge and the first ice tower, activate the split ability.

    • The bird will destroy all the ice blocks and fly over to pop all the birds.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your blue bird in between the two gravity fields so it will hit the ice block between the two pigs.

    • Right before it is going to hit the ice block, activate the split ability.

    • The bird will split and get caught in the gravity fields to pop the side pigs and hit the one in the far center.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 53,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your blue bird to the upper side of the gravity field so the bird will hit the metal block encased in ice.

    • Once the bird is about to pass the second green light, activate the split ability.

    • The top split bird will hit the Tie fighter pig to send it crashing into the two pigs. The other pigs will pop from the blue birds.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 67,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first bird a little bit over the closest stormtrooper pig so it will break through some ice.

    • Activate the split ability right before it enters the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The closest four pigs will pop and destroy a lot of debris.

    • Aim your second bird above the trajectory of the first bird so it can hit the tie fighter pig.

    • Activate the split ability when the bird is directly over the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The birds will take out the remaining pigs and hopefully cause enough debris damage for three stars.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • This level can be done in one bird, but two birds is easier for three stars.

    • Aim the first blue bird at the lower gravity field of the smaller planet.

    • Activate the split ability right before it hits the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It can potentially take out all the pigs, but may leave two on the big planet.

    • Aim your second blue bird to the upper side of the small planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability before it hits the big planet's gravity field.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 111,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your black bird at the left red light above the big bubble pig.

    • Once the bird breaks through the long birck rectangle and the two triangle pieces, activate the force push ability by tapping the lower pyramid on the other planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The push will send the rock blocks to the lower planet and pop all the pigs in one go.

    • The approximate score for three stars in this level is 61,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • This level can be done in one bird if you are lucky, but I have provided the two bird solution.

    • Aim your black bird to the bottom edge of the biggest planet so it can hook into the pile of debris on the far side of the level.

    • Activate the force push ability when it is directly to the right of the pile by tapping the area in between the three center pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • If a second bird is necessary, aim it at the other pile of debris and activate the force push ability by tapping the last pig.

    • Only activate it once when the bird is positioned so the debris will fly straight at the pig.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 53,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the ice block/rock block combo floating away from the major debris.

    • Fire it once the blaster pig is about to fire off its bolts.

    • Activate the saber swing so it cuts those two blocks and flies unhindered to push more debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your next blue bird at the big ice block above the blaster pig.

    • Fire the bird and activate its split ability right before it will hit the ice block.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • Aim your blue bird into the overlap of the two planet's gravity fields so the trajectory goes up just a little bit.

    • Activate the split ability at the last moment before it exits the overlap.

    • Screenshot

    • The split birds should hit the two junk piles and the tie fighter pig and send them crashing on to the other pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 69,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • Aim your yellow bird to the bottom side of the closer gravity field so it can fly in between the two planets.

    • Activate your blaster shots by tapping on the tiny metal plate inside the tower on the closer planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster bolts should bounce and hit two pigs while your bird hits the tie fighter and crashes into the far tower.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 63,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • Aim your new Chewbacca bird at the left ice block corner closest to the slingshot.

    • The bird will crash throught the thing and land underneath by the two hat pigs.

    • This one will take a few tries for Chewie to stay on the platform since the blasters need to push him along and pop the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 81,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • Aim Chewie at the small metal circle closest to the slingshot so the bird can push the pile over at the blaster tower.

    • The spheres will reflect all blaster bolts up at the covered pigs and destroy them all.

    • The level is finicky about the blaster bolts, so it will take a few tries.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 86,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • Aim Chewie very close to the edge of the first enclosed area of the pigs.

    • Fire the bird once both blaster turrets fire off their three shots.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will crash through the ice and pop the explosive crate underneath the general.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 71,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first yellow bird a little high above the edge so it can hit the base of the far stair case.

    • Activate the blaster shots before it hits anything by tapping the very bottom corner pig of the far stair case.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Fire your second bird at about the same trajectory.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the left corner pig so the blaster shots can take out two to three pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 123,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your first bird in a high arc above the highest turret and fire once its burst is halfway between the turret and wall.

    • Activate the split ability once the bird is within the blaster's firing angle.

    • Screenshot

    • The blasters will launch the birds at the pigs and pop them all.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • Aim your yellow bird up at the hat pig next to the green light.

    • Activate the blaster shots when it is in line with the pig by tapping the metal wall to the right of it.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster shots will reflect around the level, hit the explosive crate and break every platform the pigs are resting on.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird up towards the hanging pigs and activate the blaster shots by tapping the metal triangle in the far corner.

    • Activate it when the bird is directly across from the metal corner.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second black bird at the metal debris pile and activate the force push when it breaks through some metal.

    • Activate by tapping up and to the right of the last pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 87,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • Aim your yellow bird in a pretty low arc over the two metal block piles.

    • Once the bird crashes near the two pigs, activate the blaster shots by tapping the metal bar that is holding the metal sphere up.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster shots will take out two pigs, and the sphere will drop and start the trash compactor for the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 19:

    • Aim Chewie in the middle of three wooden blocks at the bottom of the first wall.

    • He will bust through enought debris that four walls will crumble.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in the same trajectory and activate the saber swing before it hits the wall so it can cut the ice block holding up the remaining blocks.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 112,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • It will take three birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird barely over the first pig so it can break through a wooden block on the larger construct.

    • Activate the blaster shots when it is over the close pig by tapping on him.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in the same trajectory, but activate the saber swing once it hits inside the area left by the yellow bird.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim your third bird in the same trajectory again, but shoot your blaster at the bottom pig in the pile right before it hits anything.

    • Screenshot 3

    • This last shot can be finicky about destroying the right amount of debris to cause everything else to tumble, so be patient.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 71,000 points.

  • Level 21:

    • It can take one to two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird at the block directly to the left of the slingshot.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the block so the bolts will bounce in between the two walls.

    • It will hopefully destroy both walls and bring everything crumbling down.

    • Screenshot

    • If necessary, aim the other bird at the non-destroyed side and do the same thing as before.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points.

  • Level 22:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird underneath the metal spheres towards the ice ramp.

    • Activate the saber swing after it breaks through the ice so it can cut all the wood and some metal.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird into the close wooden blocks and acticate the blaster bolts by tapping the wires holding up the spheres.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The spheres will fall and crush the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points.

  • Level 23:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first blue bird at the ice block that is above the red blinking light at the base of the structure.

    • Activate the split ability right before it hits the ice block so the three birds can penetrate the building and destroy more debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • A lot of debris will crumble and make way for a moderately clear shot at the last pig.

    • Aim your blaster bird above the debris so you can have a clear shot down at the target.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you know you have a nice straight shot. Example shot provided.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 24:

    • This level can be done in one bird if you are lucky, but two birds are acceptable as well.

    • Aim your black bird at the ice triangles above the closest pig.

    • Activate the force push ability right before you hit the ice/pig by tapping the area above and to the right of the top pile of debris.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris should rain down on the pigs and crush them all.

    • If there are some left, aim your second bird at the lowest pile of debris and send the debris flying with force push.

    • Screenshot extra

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Level 25:

    • It will take three birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the big metal block by the two pigs closest to the slingshot.

    • Activate its saber swing right as it hits the block.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim Chewie at the stack of little blocks on the middle platform so it can knock them over into the final tower of blocks.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim your black bird at the left metal brick on the final tower.

    • Activate the force push ability when it is about to hit it by tapping the area to the left of the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 3

    • The debris will be sent up and hopefully drop on Vader so he releases the floating debris for even more points.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 124,000 points.

  • Level 26:

    • Aim your first black bird at the group pigs on the ice blocks.

    • Once it breaks through some, activate the force push ability by tapping the pig hanging above the group of pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second bird at the weak middle wall of debris and activate the force push ability to send debris flying at the hainging pigs and far commander pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 89,000 points.

  • Level 27:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first black bird over the hat pig so it flies towards the explosive crate.

    • Activate the force push ability right when it is underneath the second hanging wooden chain by tapping the second highest pig on the far end.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your red bird so its arc will hit the pig in the rock hanging chain, but activate the saber swing after it passes through the wooden chain.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The bird will cut through the chains, fall on two pigs, and pop the hat pig at the end.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 70,000 points.

  • Level 28:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first bird underneath the double blaster pig.

    • Activate the force push ability right after you hit the wall by tapping the area to the left of the blaster pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The blaster pig will hit a lot of the pigs and might leave some behind.

    • Aim your second bird at the largest pile of debris possible and force push them at the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 78,000 points

  • Level 29:

    • Aim your yellow bird down at the left pig in the pyramid of pigs.

    • Activate the blaster shots when the bird is directly even with the ice sheets underneath the hat pigs by tapping the ice sheets.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 30:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first black bird in between the three metal pieces sitting on the floating platforms.

    • Activate the force push once the bird hits the metal by tapping the area above the blaster turret.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second black bird at the metal bar on the metal box in the lower debris pile.

    • Activate the force push ability when you are about to hit the metal bar by tapping the pig underneath turret.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

  • Level 31:

    • Aim your yellow bird at the pig outside the maze of tunnels.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the metal triangle underneath the pig next to the previous pig.

    • Fire the shots when it is about next to the metal triangle.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 55,000 points.

  • Level 32:

    • You can complete this in one bird, but two is also possible for three stars.

    • Aim Chewie at the corner above the middle red light.

    • It will push the wooden blocks out to some pigs, but the metal bars will reflect the blaster shots at the other pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • If any pigs remain, aim your yellow bird into an advantageous position so the blaster shots will take them out.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 58,000 points.

  • Level 33:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird at the pig by the red blinking light.

    • Activate the blaster shots once it hits the light by tapping the red light across from the one you broek.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim Chewie to the left side of the asteroid above the pig encased in metal rods.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 82,000 points.

  • Level 34:

    • You will need to use three birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird so its trajectory barely misses the upper part of the tiny planet.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blue bird towards the lower half of the big planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability when it is above the right side of the planet.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The birds should take out the two tie fighters and crash into some other pigs.

    • Aim your second red bird at the remaining pigs and saber swing at them when it gets close.

    • Screenshot 3

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 35:

    • You will need two birds for three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird into the upper gravity field and prepare for the blaster shots.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig closest to your slingshot when the shots will destroy three pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim Chewie at the tie fighter on the underside of the planet so it can crash through the debris and remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 106,000 points.

  • Level 36:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first Chewbacca into the lower part of the smaller planet's gravity field so it can swing into the floating platforms.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second Chewbacca into the tiny planet's upper gravity well so it gets pulled into the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 82,000 points.

  • Level 37:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird into the upper tiny planets' graivty field on the underside.

    • Fire the bird once a tie fighter passes over the upper ice pinnacle.

    • Activate the blaster shots when two tie fighters are lined up by tapping one of the angled metal plates.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blue bird to the upper side of the tiny planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability when it is about to exit the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 67,000 points.

  • Level 38:

    • Aim Chewie at the lonely metal sphere on the closer planet so it barely passes over it.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will knock two birds into gravity wells, bounce on the storm trooper, and set off an explosive crate to kill all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 39:

    • This level can take one bird to earn three stars, but two birds may also work.

    • Aim your first black bird at the wooden bar closest to your slingshot.

    • Activate the force push towards the commander pig after crashing through to the metal pipe triangle.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will disperse and cause all the tie fighters to blow up.

    • If a second bird is necessary, aim it at the nearest debris pile and force push it at the remaining tie fighters.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 86,000 points.

  • Level 40:

    • This level is a boss level where you do the run along the Death Star.

    • Use your red bird to saber swing the upper floating platform when the commander pig hovers directly below it.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Use your black bird once the tie fighters cluster up so when you activate the force push ability, they all blow up.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The last one will be Darth Vader's Tie fighter. Launch Chewie right at him if you couldn't eliminate everyone in two birds.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

Angry Birds Star Wars Walkthrough
Worlds 3-4, Droid Levels

World 3: Path of the Jedi

  • Level 1:

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden wall next to the small pig above the large pig.

    • Activate the saber swing right before you hit the pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will fly through the wall and crash into the explosive crate for tons of damage.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your bird in a high arc so it will land on top of the close metal sphere.

    • Activate the saber swing when the bird hits the sphere so it can cut both vines holding it up.

    • Screenshot

    • The tower of blocks will fall on the far pigs while the sphere and bird pop the closer pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 109,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your bird over top of the Vader pig so it will crash into the far tower.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes over Vader so it will pop it and drop the floating debris.

    • Screenshot

    • The falling spheres can be finicky about popping the pigs, but it works for three stars, so keep trying if it fails.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • Aim your bird at the wood underneath the second pig.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the wood so it can bounce off that platform and hit the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The floating debris will fall and crush the remaining pigs not cut up by your bird.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • Aim your bird in a high arc so it will make it through that gap in the floating debris.

    • Once it makes it through, activate the saber swing before it hits the ice bar.

    • Screenshot

    • The vader pig does not need to pop to get three stars, so the explosive crate will pop the pigs you really need destroyed.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 50,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your red bird into the blaster bolts' shot path underneath the hanging pig.

    • Fire when the third bolt passes underneath the pig and activate the saber swing to hit the blaster bolts as they come at you.

    • Screenshot

    • The deflected bolts will hit you and send you flying at the explosive crate.

    • The pigs will fall and pop.

    • The angle of the blaster bolts can be tricky to send you in the proper direction, so keep trying.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • Aim your red bird to the lower part of the metal wall holding up the metal cube.

    • Activate the saber swing once it hits the wall so it will cut the wooden platforms underneath the big pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The metal blocks will tip to the left and fall on to the blaster orb. The lasers will pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 83,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • Aim your bird at the upper left corner of the closest metal sphere.

    • Fire it so it will hit the orb and bounce it down to in front of the blaster orb.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster bolts will reflect at the Vader pig and pop it so the debris will fall.

    • More blaster bolts will pop other pigs while the spheres crash through the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 84,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • Aim your bird in the area between the blaster orb and the floating metal cubes.

    • Time the shot when the blaster bolts are halfway between the top edge of the screen and the blaster orb.

    • You don't have to activate the saber swing, but you can before you hit the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The metal cubes will fall and redirect the blaster orb to fire shots at the metal walls.

    • The blaster bolts will pop the pigs and set off the explosive crate for the win.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 89,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • Aim your bird at the left edge of the horizontal metal bar above the wooden debris.

    • You do not need to activate the saber swing because the bird will push the bar so it readjust the metal bar next to it.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster orb will fire the blaster shots that will be redirected at the explosive crate.

    • The Vader pig will pop and drop all the things that are floating.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first bird at the middle of the bubble pig closest to the slingshot.

    • Activate the split ability when it is half way in between the pig and the slingshot so it will knock the asteroids so they are partially in the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird away from the gravity field, but high enough so the blaster bolts will hit the last bubble pig and drop the metal sphere on the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 109,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird underneath the slingshot so it will pass over and close to the small pig on stick.

    • Activate the saber swing right when it is over the first pig it passes.

    • The bird will fly around the planets, take out the Vader pig, and pop the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in a high arc that passes very close to your slingshot planet.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the first pillar pig so it can fly through the last pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 77,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • Aim your yellow bird to the underside of the gravity field and activate the blaster shots when it is directly underneath the pig planet.

    • Screenshot

    • You will blast the wooden blocks from over the first pig you will pass so the bird can fly and pop the explosive crate.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird to the underside of the middle planet so it can travel right at the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the metal debris pieces.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc very close to the middle planet.

    • Activate the blaster shots right a second after you fire the bird by tapping the pig sitting on the metal tower.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 96,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your yellow bird in between the closer planet and the edge of its gravity field.

    • Fire the bird when an asteroid is about to pass over Vader and each asteroid is close to the 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions respectively.

    • When the bird reaches the 12 o'clock position on the second planet, activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig to the left of Vader.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • Aim your red bird into the planet's upper gravity well so it can swing into the two pigs by the explosive crate.

    • Saber swing before it hits the hanging pig so it can cut down the two pigs and fly into the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 64,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird close to the gravity field overlap so it will fly at the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the wooden tower by the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the closest hanging pig so it can fly around the edge of the gravity field.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the bubble pig when it passes through the first hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • Aim your red bird above the small planet and very close to the pig planet above both gravity fields.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes underneath the first hanging pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will fly through the vine holding up the explosive crate, blow up the debris around where it falls, and pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 86,000 points.

  • Level 19:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the bottom edge of the metal bars underneath the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing after it runs into the wall.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the bottom edge of the Vader pig's bubble.

    • Activate the blaster shots after it hits Vader by tapping the metal triangle underneath all the pigs on the planet's surface.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first yellow bird at the thin wooden rectangle above the two metal bars.

    • Right before it is going to hit the wood, activate your blaster shots by tapping the highest pig on the level.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The bird will fly through the wood and set off the explosive crate to let the Vader pig elevator come up.

    • Aim your second bird in the arc so it will hit the metal wall in front of Vader.

    • When the bird is inline with the pig closest to the slingshot, activate the blaster shots on the pig underneath all the debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The bird will fly through the wood, break the metal, and pop the Vader pig so the remaining pigs will pop.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 79,000 points.

  • Level 21:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the lowest planet's gravity field so it will wrap around the planet and pop the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the first bubble pig you come in contact with.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blue bird so its trajectory barely hits the small planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability before it enters the gravity field.

    • The split birds will knock the asteroids at the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

  • Level 22:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird high above the planet so it will still get caught in the gravity field.

    • As it falls into the planet, activate the blaster shots a second after passing over the first pig by tapping the pig underneath the angled metal bar.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will break the wooden block by the three metal spheres and fall through the force-controlled metal bar to pop the explosive crate.

    • Aim your red bird towards the tiny pig to the right of the explosive crate.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the hanging metal wall.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 82,000 points.

  • Level 23:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in between the closest pig and the gravity field overlap.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes over the first pig, and it will fly and take out the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird into the second closest planet that has the pig on the wooden block.

    • As it reaches the 12 o'clock position of the planet, activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig on the farthest pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 57,000 points.

  • Level 24:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the edge of the gravity field so it will hook around and hit the metal-encased pig.

    • Activate the saber swing once it hits the metal.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your black bird at the bottom of the lower planet's gravity field.

    • As it reaches the four o'clock position on the planet, activate the force push ability by tapping the wooden block by the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The explosive crate will send debris around to pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 52,000 points.

  • Level 25:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the lower left metal triangle and fire so you can deflect some blaster bolts.

    • Activate the saber swing right as your pass through the blaster bolts to deflect them at the three pigs in between the metal pieces.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the remaining pig on the map and fire the blaster bolts as soon as possible after firing by tapping the last pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 26:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in between the slingshot planet and small planet so the trajectory is a little closer to the big planet.

    • Activate the saber swing when it is close to the metal explosive crate to blow it up and pop all the pigs on that planet.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the bubble pig and fire the blaster bolts through the vine and at the remaining debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 27:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird into the large planet's gravity field so it will fly through the wooden blocks you first hit.

    • Activate the saber swing after you break through the first wooden blocks to cut down more.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The explosive crate should blow up and destroy all the pigs on the bigger planet.

    • Aim your yellow bird in a trajectory slightly above the last one so it can fly over the debris and have a clear shot at the last pig.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping on the last pig when you pass around the small planet.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 28:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird to the underside of the big planet so it barely misses the mountain.

    • Let the bird fly through the metal pipes and activate the saber swing once it runs into it.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird past the asteroids and activate the blaster bolts when you have a clear shot at the last pig by tapping it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 69,000 points.

  • Level 29:

    • Aim your yellow bird so it barely hits the gravity field's edge.

    • Fire when the biggest opening in the debris field is at the 6 o'clock position.

    • Activate the blaster shots when the bird is about to hit the metal walls around Vader.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster shots will destroy the metal walls, drop the stuff onto Vader and bring the debris crashing on to the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 83,000 points.

  • Level 30:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in an arc between the wood holding the explosive crate up and the floating metal bar.

    • When it hits the metal bar above the second explosive crate, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in about the same arc/trajectory so it will fly at the Vader pig.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you pass under the floating pig by the floating explosive crate by tapping the angled metal bar by Vader.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 31:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the ice block above the nailed wooden boards that is three blocks down from the explosive crate.

    • Once it hits the ice block, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc so it will hit the pig above the three under the ice blocks.

    • You can use a high arc or a low arc, so long as it hits the right pig.

    • When it reaches its peak, fire the blaster shots so they cut through the vines holding up the metal bars.

    • Screenshot 2

    • You do not need to pop the Vader pig to get three stars.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 70,000 points.

  • Level 32:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in a really high arc so it will pass between the floating environment piece and the debris structure.

    • Activate the saber swing when it reaches the second wooden platform in the structure.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in a low arc directed at the left suspended metal bar so it will break through the wooden blocks.

    • When it is parallel with the pig on the metal spheres, activate the blaster shots to shoot the vines.

    • Screenshot 2

    • A sphere should be able to drop on the explosive crate and pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

  • Level 33:

    • Aim your red bird close to the vine holding up the explosive crates so you can cut it loose.

    • Activate the saber swing as you pass underneath the static environment holding the vine.

    • Screenshot

    • The explosive crates will fall and set off a few pigs.

    • The blaster orb will start moving around its blaster bolts will pop all the pigs under the ice spheres.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 119,000 points.

  • Level 34:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden block underneath the pig in the closer house.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the block so it will cut the vine of the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will set up a bucnh of explosions and leave the pigs and the far structure left standing.

    • Aim your blue bird in a pretty high arc over the place where you just shot the red bird.

    • As it starts making its downward decent, activate the split ability.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Level 35:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird in between the first hanging pig and the metal cubes by the first explosive crate.

    • You want to time the saber swing so it will take out the hanging pig, the platform above you, and blow up the crate underneath you.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The bird will fly into the second crate and hopefully bring all the pigs in the back tumbling down.

    • One pig may remain hanging for you to take out. Aim your second red bird at this last pig and use the saber swing to take it out if you want.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim it so it can possible destroy some debris wherever it lands.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 150,000 points.

  • Level 36:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird at the area between the two wooden boards holding metal blocks up.

    • When it is in between the two boards, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will drop the blocks on to the pigs below, and your bird will fly to blow the explosive crate.

    • Aim your second red bird in the same trajectory/path and activate the saber swing when it is under the final wooden board.

    • Screenshot 2

    • These restrained blocks will do a lot of debris damage and give you a lot of the necessary points.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 101,000 points.

  • Level 37:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird underneath the blaster orb so it can bust through the wood and blow the explosive crate.

    • Fire when the blaster bolts are about to go off screen.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits anything.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your black bird in an arc higher than your last shot so it can fly right into the pig that was above the explosive crate.

    • Before it passes the hanging metal bars, activate the force push ability to send the blocks flying at the pig close to the higher explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 55,000 points

  • Level 38:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird into the center of the floating debris so it can fly right through it.

    • As it is in the middle of all the floating ice, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in between the hanging metal sphere and the tiny floating block.

    • When it reaches the pig attached to the vine, activate the saber swing to cut the wooden supports underneath of it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 39:

    • This shot is very tricky to get three stars with, but it seems to be the only way.

    • Aim your black bird in between the hanging pig and the explosive crate by Vader.

    • When it is about to pass under the explosive crate, activate the force push up and to the right so it can land on the pigs on ice.

    • Screenshot

    • Your bird will continue flying into the wooden wall to drop that pig while the debris will fall on the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars on this level is 88,000 points.

  • Level 40:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first black bird into the metal sphere pile closest to the slingshot.

    • After it breaks a few spheres, activate the force push by tapping around the hanging pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will take out a lot of the pigs and leave three left inside the wooden plank field.

    • Aim your second black bird into the second pile of metal spheres.

    • Force push those spheres at the three pigs to pop them and destroy some debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 92,000 points.

World 4: Hoth

  • Level 1:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird right above the first little house by the snow.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the snow, and make sure it cuts some of the metal debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Debris will fall on that first pig and bring down more with it.

    • Aim your yellow bird in a pretty straight shot so it can have a clear blaster shot at the explosive crate.

    • Activate the blaster bolts when you feel you have a good shot.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 67,000 points.

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your yellow bird under the speeder pigs and right into the snow.

    • After it skids a bit, activate the blaster shots by tapping the wooden blocks underneath the farthest tower.

    • Screenshot

    • The tower will fall on all the pigs and bring the empire closer to falling.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your new Princess Leia bird in a high arc so it can crash down into the snow below the first tower.

    • As it reaches the peak of its flight, activate her tractor beam on a support of the far tower.

    • Screenshot

    • Both towers should tip and crumble on the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • Aim your pink bird into the gap where the droid pig resides.

    • As it flies, activate the tractor beam on the metal brick underneath the furthest tower.

    • Screenshot

    • Debris will get pulled at the closer two pigs while your bird pops all the pigs on the ice.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 76,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird up and at the tower to the left of the blaster pig.

    • Activate the saber swing after it hits the left ice wall.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The bird will fall on the three pigs, blow up the explosive crate, and leave two or three pigs left.

    • Aim your pink bird over the closer two pigs and use the tractor beam on the bar above the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 76,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc over the first structure.

    • Activate the blaster shots as it passes through the second antenna by tapping the wooden block underneath the helmeted pig.

    • Screenshot

    • It will destroy some debris and bring the AT-AT down on to the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • Aim your yellow bird over the AT-AT so it will hit the two pigs by the explosive crate.

    • A second or two after firing, activate the blaster shots on the wall the hanging pig is attached to.

    • Screenshot

    • The balster bolts will reflect and bounce to blow up the AT-AT's back leg and all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 92,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your blue bird at the snow underneath the first three pigs and very close to the rock structure.

    • After you pass the rocks, activate the split ability.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim and fire your red bird over the ice wall by the first pig so you can reflect the blaster shots with your saber swing.

    • The bolts will take out three pigs, blow up the explosive crates, and pop the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 85,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the last pig over the explosive crate and the wooden blocks to his right.

    • Activate the saber swing after it makes contact with the block.

    • Screenshot 1

    • After the carnage happens and approximately three or four pigs remain, aim your yellow bird in a high arc.

    • When it passes the right side of the first structure, activate the blaster shots at the wooden blocks holding the structure up.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 80,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim Chewie at the small ice sphere over top the highest pig so it can crash through it and drop the many metal bricks.

    • Screenshot 1

    • After Chewie destroys many pigs, aim your red bird at the wooden block above the remaining two pigs.

    • Activate the saber swing after it bashes through the wood so it can cut the two pigs and some extra debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 70,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • Aim your pink bird in a fairly high arc so you have a clear line of sight to use you tractor beam.

    • Use it on the boulder holding up two pigs. It will drop and cause massive destruction.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 99,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • Aim your pink bird over the tower in the middle of the level.

    • Activate the tractor beam when it passes over the tower by tapping the metal pieces right underneath the pig.

    • Screenshot

    • Pieces will fall underneath and blow the explosive crate and all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 63,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your pink bird at the snowtrooper closest to the slingshot.

    • Activate the tractor beam on the foot of the hanging AT-AT to get it to ram the farther structures over.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your red bird towards the explosive crate and activate the saber swing when it is in range for hitting.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • Aim your pink bird in a high arc over the lasers and the robo pig.

    • After a second of passing over the blaster cannon, activate the tractor beam on the bricks it rests on.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster bolts will hopefully take out all the pigs.

    • The blaster cannon and the physics can be finicky on the first try, but keep trying and you will prevail.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your yellow bird in a high arc so it will crash through the ice holding the three pigs up.

    • Two seconds after firing the bird, activate the blaster shots by tapping on the leg of the AT-AT.

    • Screenshot

    • The bolts will reflect and break the snow underneath it so it will slide onto the rest of the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 99,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the wood underneath the first pig you would fly into/over.

    • Activate the saber swing as it hits the wood.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird into the tunnel system underneath the AT-AT so it can fly into the pig to the left of the hanging pig.

    • Activate the blaster bolts when it is about to hit the ground by tapping the metal panel to the right of the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The blaster shots will reflect up to blow the explosive crates and destroy the rest of the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 101,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird in a nice arc so it has a line of sight at the wood holding up the boulders.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you know all three will bust the wood.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The boulders will drop and take out a lot of pigs, so only about two to three will still be alive.

    • Aim your red bird at the last pig still living so it can reflect blaster shots at it or run into it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • You can use the saber swing if you want, but you do not need to.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your pink bird in a arc that almost hits the top edge of the gravity field and gets a clear shot at the bubble pig out in space.

    • Activate the tractor beam on the nearby group of two asteroids when you have the shot.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second pink bird at the wooden block to the left of the stormtrooper pig and activate the tractor beam on it once you fire the bird.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 80,000 points.

  • Level 19:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your pink bird past the leftmost planet, but do not let it hit the gravity field.

    • Activate the tractor beam on the AT-AT head when you can and watch it destroy a lot of imperial swine.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your black bird into the gravity field of the second and bottom planet so it wraps around the planet.

    • Activate the force push ability once it crashes through some debris by tapping on the pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • It can take three to four birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird at the Tie-fighter between the big star destroyer and the tiny ship above it.

    • Shortly after firing, activate the blaster shots so it passes through the bubble pigs and breaks a lot of debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your first black bird underneath the star destroyer so it will barely miss the underside of it.

    • Activate the force push when you are about to hit the Tie-fighter by tapping the small ship above everyone.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim your second black bird at the main bridge of the star destroyer while dodging the blaster shots.

    • Activaet the force push ability right as you hit the debris by tapping the explosive crate behind the ship.

    • Screenshot 3

    • If a fourth bird is needed, just aim Chewie at the last pig still standing.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 156,000 points.

Golden Droid Levels

  • Droid Level 1:

    • You find this droid in Level 13 on Tatooine.

    • You will use the black Obi Wan bird to force push the blaster bolts at the droid.

    • Aim R2 at the open slot in the circle where the red light it is.

    • Fire the droid once the moving brick passes over the pig at the four o'clock position of the planet.

    • Screenshot

    • Activate the shock ability after he droid breaks the moving brick so it pops the pigs near it and breaks the brick.

    • The bricks with green lights will drop and pop all the pigs and Tie Fighters.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 64,000 points.

  • Droid Level 2:

    • This droid is located on Level 25 on Taooine.

    • To get it, aim your red bird down towards the small rock to free it from the grass.

    • Afterwards, aim your black bird down towards the rock and use the force push to send the rock and bird flying at the droid.

    • In the level, aim your R2 unit above the first small planet so it will fly into the gravity field overlap.

    • Fire him when the second blaster bolt passes the debris on the first planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid will fly at the blaster tower, activate the shock ability when it hits the woodne cirle.

    • The blaster bolts will reflect off the metal pieces and hit the tie fighters at the very end.

    • The approximate score for three stars on this level is 50,000 points.

  • Droid Level 3:

    • The droid for this level is located on Level 31 on Taooine.

    • To get it, send your black bird above the asteroids and activate force push when the bird is over the asteroid above the explosive crate.

    • Tap on the droid to send the asteroids flying in the right direction.

    • In the actual level, Aim R2 underneath the small lower planet.

    • When R2 gets between the two lower pigs, activate the shock ability.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid will fly through the metal pipes and send all the metal spheres crashing into all the pigs.

    • The shot can be very finicky, so it will take a few tries.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 44,000 points.

  • Droid Level 4:

    • The droid for this level is found on Level 18 of The Death Star.

    • To pop it, fire your yellow bird in an arc into the abyss to the left of the slingshot.

    • Activate the blaster shots when the bird hasn't been visible for one second by tapping the droid.

    • When in the actual level, aim C3-PO into the center of the four hanging pigs and activate the separation ability when it is between them all.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim R2 in the same path/trajectory and activate the shock ability when it is directly in between the two pigs by the explosive crates.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The pigs will pop as per the plan on this level.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Droid Level 5:

    • The droid for this level can be found on Level 33 on the Death Star.

    • To pop it, use your yellow bird to shoot the droid with its blaster shots.

    • When you get to the level, aim C3-PO very close to the planet's upper side.

    • Activate C3-PO's separate ability when it passes by the commander pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid will pop the pig, break the tower of cubes, and initiate the orbs to pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for this level is 64,000 points.

  • Droid Level 6:

    • You unlock this level by earning ten total stars through gameplay in the entire game.

    • Aim R2 in a straight line between the two gravity fields.

    • Activate the shock ability once it hits the planet.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim C3-PO underneath the middle planet so it can fly towards the bottom explosive crate.

    • Activate the separate ability when it exits the gravity field by the crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The separation will pop the crate and send the asteroids flying at the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 59,000 points.

  • Droid Level 7:

    • You unlock this level by earning 70 stars total in this Angry Birds game.

    • Aim C3-PO into the gravity field of the smaller planet so it barely misses the planet and crashes into the ice pillar.

    • Activate the separation ability once it passes through the blocks.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid pieces will break the wooden block holding up the structure and cause everything to crumble.

    • The explosive crate will blow up and pop all the pigs as the debris falls.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 92,000 points.

  • Droid Level 8:

    • You unlock this level by earning 130 stars total in this game.

    • Aim your first C3-PO in between both planets and activate the separation ability once it reaches the pigs after the commander pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The pieces will send asteroids towards the pigs and destroy about half of the pigs.

    • Aim your second C3-PO in the same path, but activate the separation ability when they reach the second pigs on the planet.

    • Screenshot 2

    • More asteroids will fall to the planets and crush the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 95,000 points.

  • Droid Level 9:

    • You unlock this level by earning 190 stars total in the game.

    • Aim R2 in between the two planets, and fire it when the second moving metal plate hits the bottom planet.

    • Screenshot

    • You do not need to activate the shock ability, but you can when you hit the middle metal pile.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points.

  • Droid Level 10:

    • Aim C3-PO at the lower asteroid cluster.

    • Fire the droid when the tie fighter on the smaller planet is at the 9 o'clock position.

    • Activate the separation ability when it is about to hit the asteroids.

    • Screenshot

    • The pieces will pop most tie fighters, send asteroids crashing into them, and set off the two explosive crates.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 85,000 points.


Please explain to me why this couldn't be released as a bonus level pack for one of their preexisting games instead of making YET ANOTHER game in this franchise? Seriously, at least with Bad Piggies they were trying a different kind of game.


While I agree with Rygar, I still admit to having a bit of an "Eek!" moment. Angry Birds is one of those games I don't want to like--too popular--but it's actually a good game. Sucked me in and now I have all the variations.

Bryan Gawinski November 8, 2012 11:00 PM

Angry Birds Star Wars Walkthrough
General Info, Worlds 1-2

General Information

  • Just as every other Angry Birds installment, you launch the birds from the slingshot using the touch screen at your intended targets.

  • You get points by popping pigs, destroying environmental obstacles, and by having birds left over after all the pigs are gone.

  • New obstacles added to the series are lasers from stormtrooper's blasters. Even if a bird is hit by them, however, they can still use their ability.

  • Each bird, pig, and environment is based off of a character from the first Stars Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope, so they are dressed up like them and have abilities similar to the Star Wars Universe.

    1. The little red bird is Luke Skywalker and can punch through wood and ice pretty easily. Once he gets his lightsaber, you can tap on screen to get him to swing his weapon and cut anything in an arc in front of him.

    2. The black is Obi Wan Keniobi, and when you tap and swipe a direction on screen, he uses the force to send anything towards where you tapped flying at great speed.

    3. More descriptions to come as they show up.

  • For these walkthroughs, every level is done in one bird unless stated otherwise.

  • Following the screenshots will give you three stars in the way I did it, but that does not mean that is the only way. The screenshots are there to accompany the description if it is not specific enough.

  • The high scores I indicate are the lowest score I got for three stars on a level, but the scores could go lower and still get three stars.

World 1: Tatooine

  • Level 1:

    • Aim your bird at the left edge of the wooden plank below the Tusken Raider pig. It will bust the lower left supports and bring the tower crashing onto the pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 38,000 points.

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your red bird at the second ice block from the ground on the left side of the structure.

    • The block will break and bring the tower to fall on the pig in the re-created land speeder.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 45,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your red bird in a very high arc so when it comes falling down, it will land right on the pig in the middle of the structure.

    • It will pop the top pig and cause the structure to start falling in on itself and crush the remaining pigs.

    • It will take a few tries to get the right angle, but it will work.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 39,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden plank that is above and to the right of the explosive crate.

    • It will hit the crate, fall onto the explosive crate, and both buildings should start tumbling down.

    • This one also takes a few tries to get right since you might not get enough debris for the three stars score.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 59,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • Aim your black bird at the ice square below the highest ice rectangle closest to the slingshot.

    • Right as it is about to hit, activate the force push by tapping the area above the third farthest pig.

    • Debris will be sent flying to pop all the pigs and blow up a lot of debris.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 62,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your black bird towards the center of the metal rod crate underneath the blaster pig.

    • Right as it is about to hit, activate the force push ability by tapping the area above the pig to the right of the blaster pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 58,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • Aim your red bird in an arc over the blaster pig so it hits the ice rectangle above and behind the pig on the metal pipe platform.

    • Fire the bird once the blaster pig starts firing his burst of lasers.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes over the blaster pig. It will remove the balance of the far building and bring it tipping into the blaster tower and knock it over.

    • It takes a few tries to get it right since the bird might get knocked away by the laser, or not enough debris will tip.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 52,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • Aim your black bird below the platform holding the wooden and rock blocks so the bird will hit the leftmost support.

    • Activate the force push ability right before your bird hits anything by tapping the area in between the two piles. The debris should fly up and to the left.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris should blow up the upper explosive crate, tip the speeder over, and drop the other speeder onto the other explosive crate.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • Aim your red bird so the arc barely skims the top of the closest tower and it heads towards the explosive crate.

    • Tap the screen when it hits the wooden block to swing the saber to cut all the wooden blocks around the explosive crate.

    • The far tower will start tipping and crush the pig on the speeder and blow up the explosive crate pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • Aim your saber red bird above the tip of the tower so it will hit the ice block by the explosive crate.

    • Tap the screen to swing the saber once the bird is about to hit the ice block.

    • Time your shot once the pig fires his first blaster bolt.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 57,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • Aim your first red bird at the rock rectangle to the left of the blaster pig.

    • Launch it but do not activate the saber swing. The bird will hit the brick and tip the pig to the right so it will blast through the structure.

    • Everything will start tumbling over as the pig blasts and destroys more debris for points.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • Aim your black bird at the two stacked wooden rectangles closest to you.

    • Activate the force push ability right before it hits by tapping the blaster pig.

    • Debris will fly and knock over the far tower and make the farthest pig roll over and fall.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 45,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden block closest to your slingshot.

    • Activate the saber swing to remove the obstacles in your way so the bird can take out all the birds before the explosive crate.

    • Time the shot so you launch the bird after the blaster pig fires the third blaster bolt.

    • The circle will tip over, blow up the explosive crate, and send the blaster pig to shoot down the three hanging pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 71,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • Aim your black bird so it launches over all the pigs and gets behind the farthest pig sitting on the rock pile.

    • Activate the force push ability when the bird reaches the mid point of the pile, then tap the middle area of the map.

    • Debris will be sent flying to blow the explosive crate and destroy all the pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 57,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your red bird in between the two hanging pigs closest to the slingshot.

    • Fire the bird after the third blaster bolt hits the environment.

    • Activate the saber swing to kill the closer hanging pig so the bird will hit the second hanging pig and then fall on the detonation crate.

    • The rolling blaster pig will fire off blaster bolts and destroy debris and eliminate the rest of the pigs.

    • This one is especially finicky, so it might take a few tries.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 79,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • You will need to use two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the front wood part of the sand crawler debris structure so it will be able to cut throug a big portion of it.

    • Activate the saber swing ability when it is about to hit the wood so it will fly through and bust up at least four pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second black bird towards where the wooden end of the sand crawler fell into the trash pit.

    • Activate the force push ability once the black bird gets right behind the wooden debris, and tap the base of the crane to send the wood flying up and right.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The second shot can be very finicky with where the debris flies, so it might tke a few tries.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 51,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • Aim your new Han Solo yellow bird so it arcs barely over the trash antenna.

    • Activate his new blaster shot ability a second after it passes over that antenna by tapping a little bit above the pig underneath the earthen alcove.

    • Screenshot

    • The lasers will destroy some debris and hit some pigs, while the metal balls will roll onto the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 50,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • Aim your yellow bird so it flies all the way to the back of the debris pile so you can have a nice line of sight for the explosive crate.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping on the explosive crate once it passes over the crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points

  • Level 19:

    • Aim your yellow bird to the center of the closest metal panels to the slingshot.

    • Activate the blaster shots ability when the bird is directly underneath the middle pig by tapping the middle metal panel on the right wall.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 38,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • Aim your red bird at the corner in between the wooden rectangle and ice rectangle next to the pig in the close structure.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the corner so it cuts through the pig and lots of debris.

    • The bird will destroy a lot of debris and cause the retaining wall of the orbs to break.

    • The orbs will roll down, destroy more debris, and set off the explosive crate to make the last pig fall from his rock position.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 77,000 points.

  • Level 21:

    • Aim your first yellow bird in a high arc so it will hit the wooden triangle holding back the metal debris above the pit.

    • As it is about to hit the triangle, activate the blaster shots ability by tapping the metal bar below and to the left of the ice circle.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The blaster bolts will take out a good bit of debris so the metal circles and squares can crush even more debris and some pigs.

    • Aim your second bird so its arc can find a nice line of sight to kill the last pig or two under the debris.

    • Just activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig you actually want shot.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 22:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the pile of debris covering an explosive crate. Swing the saber once it is about to hit the debris.

    • The debris will fly and take out a good portion of pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blaster bird in an arc so it gets close to clipping the top cave wall.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you have a nice line of sight to the metal ceiling and tap there to fire.

    • The blaster bolts should bounce and pop the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 23:

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc over the sand crawler replica so it will fall into the opening in the center of it.

    • Fire the blaster shot ability once it makes it inside by tapping on the explosive crate.

    • The sand crawler will crumble and all the pigs will pop as well.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars on this level is 69,000 points.

  • Level 24:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first yellow bird into the first gap in the environment by arcing over the first metal circle.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping on the explosive crate when you have a clear shot towards.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second yellow bird in a higher arc towards the far enclosed pig.

    • The bird should hit the left metal wall of the boxed-in pig.

    • Immdeiately after it hits, activate the blaster shots by tapping the explosive crate underneath the remaining pigs.

    • This second shot can actually be used by itself to pop all the pigs if you can do it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 76,000 points.

  • Level 25:

    • Aim your red bird towards the tower holding up the wired blaster pig.

    • Activate the saber swing to take out the wood base of the tower, but do not cut the pig.

    • The pig will dangle and shoot the remaining pigs on the map and hopefully pop itself.

    • It can be tricky and take a few attempts to three stars with the one shot.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points./li>

  • Level 26:

    • Aim your red bird in a nice arc so it will fly over the metal block smoothly and hit the wooden wall.

    • Activate the saber swipe right before hitting the wall to take out two pigs and send the metal ball to hit the far pig.

    • Screenshot

    • Debris will fall on the closest pig for the final pop.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 45,000 points.

  • Level 27:

    • Aim your black bird at the pig on the underside of the planet.

    • Make sure the bird hits and goes through the pig and once it hits, activate the force push ability on the ice structure after the hit.

    • Screenshot

    • Debris will fly and the bird will pop all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 43,000 points.

  • Level 28:

    • Aim your red bird to the bottom edge of the gravity field so it flings itself to the underside of the far planet.

    • The bird will circle the planet once and saber swing at the bird at the bottom side of the planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will then fly into the debris tower and pop the last pig.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 30,000 points.

  • Level 29:

    • Aim your blaster bird at the trash attached to the metal block close to the slingshot.

    • The bird should hit the block, but activate the blaster shots right before you hit so at least one will reflect and hit the far bubble pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The two remaining pigs will pop because debris will run into them.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 43,000 points.

  • Level 30:

    • Aim your black bird at the tiny pig closest to the slingshot.

    • Once the bird hits the debris/pig, activate the force push by tapping on the area by the floating bubble pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will take him and the two remaining pigs on the planet's surface.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 44,000 points.

  • Level 31:

    • Aim your black bird over top of the asteroid field so it barely hits one of the asteroids.

    • Wait until it is over the two highest asteroids and activate the force push by tapping the area by the explosive crate.

    • Asteroids will be sent to the planet's surface, along with the explosive crate to blow up and crush all the pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points

  • Level 32:

    • Aim your yellow bird underneath the close planet so it heads to the upper part of the far planet.

    • As it passes the pig closest to the slingshot, activate the blaster shots ability.

    • Tap the wall behind that close pig so the blaster bolts will reflect off the wall and hit the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will still fly into the last structure and knock some debris on to the explosive crates for the final kill.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 42,000 points.

  • Level 33:

    • Aim your black bird into the upper gravity field so it will get pull down into the lower gravity of the bigger planet.

    • Activate the bird's force push ability once it is about to hit the far building. Tap the area above the middle pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will take out the pigs and blow up the explosive crate.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 50,000 points.

  • Level 34:

    • Aim your red bird towards the area between the two close gravity fields so it is barely closer to the upper planet.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the ice triangle so it destroys some debris and busts through to the ice pillar explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The explosions will pop the other pigs and get enough points for three stars.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 47,000 points.

  • Level 35:

    • Aim your yellow bird at the very edge of the gravity field below the big planet.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you have a straight shot at the explosive crate so the building will fall on the crate and do damage.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will fly around the planet, break the crane on to the other explosive crate, and pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 36:

    • Aim your yellow bird into the edge of the gravity field so it can pass over the asteroid field.

    • Once the bird passes over the biggest bubble pig, activate the blaster shots by tapping on the metal sphere.

    • The blaster bolts will hopefully riccochet into the explosive crate and make the asteroids pop all the pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 59,000 points.

  • Level 37:

    • Aim your black bird above the planet so its gravity field will slingshot it around to the back side of the pig's forces.

    • Once it makes its way around the planet, activate the force push ability to launch the stand at the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris and pressure will blow up the explosive crate and pop all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 38:

    • Aim your black bird towards the debris by the small bubble pig.

    • Activate the force push when you are over the debris by tapping on the debris below your bird.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will reflect blaster bolts from the blaster pigs and hopefully take a pigs that the bird does not fly through.

    • It will take a few tries since the blaster timing can be very tricky.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 54,000 points.

  • Level 39:

    • Aim your red bird to the upper part of the gravity field so it wraps around the planet.

    • Activate the saber wing once it gets in between the two cages of metal spheres so it can cut the wooden rectangles.

    • The balls will drop on some pigs while your bird will hit the remaining two pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 64,000 points.

  • Level 40:

    • Aim your black bird to the top side of the octagon enclosure. Fire once the tie fighter pig is parallel with ice blocks.

    • Activate the force push ability once the bird passes the small metal sphere by tapping the ice block area.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will pop the bubble pigs and the debris and lasers should take out the remaining pigs by the planet.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

World 2: Death Star

  • Level 1:

    • Aim your new X-Wing Pilot blue bird to the bottom edge of the gravity field.

    • Once it is half way between the gravity field edge and the first ice tower, activate the split ability.

    • The bird will destroy all the ice blocks and fly over to pop all the birds.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your blue bird in between the two gravity fields so it will hit the ice block between the two pigs.

    • Right before it is going to hit the ice block, activate the split ability.

    • The bird will split and get caught in the gravity fields to pop the side pigs and hit the one in the far center.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 53,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your blue bird to the upper side of the gravity field so the bird will hit the metal block encased in ice.

    • Once the bird is about to pass the second green light, activate the split ability.

    • The top split bird will hit the Tie fighter pig to send it crashing into the two pigs. The other pigs will pop from the blue birds.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 67,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first bird a little bit over the closest stormtrooper pig so it will break through some ice.

    • Activate the split ability right before it enters the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The closest four pigs will pop and destroy a lot of debris.

    • Aim your second bird above the trajectory of the first bird so it can hit the tie fighter pig.

    • Activate the split ability when the bird is directly over the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The birds will take out the remaining pigs and hopefully cause enough debris damage for three stars.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • This level can be done in one bird, but two birds is easier for three stars.

    • Aim the first blue bird at the lower gravity field of the smaller planet.

    • Activate the split ability right before it hits the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It can potentially take out all the pigs, but may leave two on the big planet.

    • Aim your second blue bird to the upper side of the small planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability before it hits the big planet's gravity field.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 111,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your black bird at the left red light above the big bubble pig.

    • Once the bird breaks through the long birck rectangle and the two triangle pieces, activate the force push ability by tapping the lower pyramid on the other planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The push will send the rock blocks to the lower planet and pop all the pigs in one go.

    • The approximate score for three stars in this level is 61,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • This level can be done in one bird if you are lucky, but I have provided the two bird solution.

    • Aim your black bird to the bottom edge of the biggest planet so it can hook into the pile of debris on the far side of the level.

    • Activate the force push ability when it is directly to the right of the pile by tapping the area in between the three center pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • If a second bird is necessary, aim it at the other pile of debris and activate the force push ability by tapping the last pig.

    • Only activate it once when the bird is positioned so the debris will fly straight at the pig.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 53,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the ice block/rock block combo floating away from the major debris.

    • Fire it once the blaster pig is about to fire off its bolts.

    • Activate the saber swing so it cuts those two blocks and flies unhindered to push more debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your next blue bird at the big ice block above the blaster pig.

    • Fire the bird and activate its split ability right before it will hit the ice block.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • Aim your blue bird into the overlap of the two planet's gravity fields so the trajectory goes up just a little bit.

    • Activate the split ability at the last moment before it exits the overlap.

    • Screenshot

    • The split birds should hit the two junk piles and the tie fighter pig and send them crashing on to the other pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 69,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • Aim your yellow bird to the bottom side of the closer gravity field so it can fly in between the two planets.

    • Activate your blaster shots by tapping on the tiny metal plate inside the tower on the closer planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster bolts should bounce and hit two pigs while your bird hits the tie fighter and crashes into the far tower.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 63,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • Aim your new Chewbacca bird at the left ice block corner closest to the slingshot.

    • The bird will crash throught the thing and land underneath by the two hat pigs.

    • This one will take a few tries for Chewie to stay on the platform since the blasters need to push him along and pop the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 81,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • Aim Chewie at the small metal circle closest to the slingshot so the bird can push the pile over at the blaster tower.

    • The spheres will reflect all blaster bolts up at the covered pigs and destroy them all.

    • The level is finicky about the blaster bolts, so it will take a few tries.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 86,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • Aim Chewie very close to the edge of the first enclosed area of the pigs.

    • Fire the bird once both blaster turrets fire off their three shots.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will crash through the ice and pop the explosive crate underneath the general.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 71,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first yellow bird a little high above the edge so it can hit the base of the far stair case.

    • Activate the blaster shots before it hits anything by tapping the very bottom corner pig of the far stair case.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Fire your second bird at about the same trajectory.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the left corner pig so the blaster shots can take out two to three pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 123,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your first bird in a high arc above the highest turret and fire once its burst is halfway between the turret and wall.

    • Activate the split ability once the bird is within the blaster's firing angle.

    • Screenshot

    • The blasters will launch the birds at the pigs and pop them all.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • Aim your yellow bird up at the hat pig next to the green light.

    • Activate the blaster shots when it is in line with the pig by tapping the metal wall to the right of it.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster shots will reflect around the level, hit the explosive crate and break every platform the pigs are resting on.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird up towards the hanging pigs and activate the blaster shots by tapping the metal triangle in the far corner.

    • Activate it when the bird is directly across from the metal corner.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second black bird at the metal debris pile and activate the force push when it breaks through some metal.

    • Activate by tapping up and to the right of the last pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 87,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • Aim your yellow bird in a pretty low arc over the two metal block piles.

    • Once the bird crashes near the two pigs, activate the blaster shots by tapping the metal bar that is holding the metal sphere up.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster shots will take out two pigs, and the sphere will drop and start the trash compactor for the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 19:

    • Aim Chewie in the middle of three wooden blocks at the bottom of the first wall.

    • He will bust through enought debris that four walls will crumble.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in the same trajectory and activate the saber swing before it hits the wall so it can cut the ice block holding up the remaining blocks.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 112,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • It will take three birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird barely over the first pig so it can break through a wooden block on the larger construct.

    • Activate the blaster shots when it is over the close pig by tapping on him.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in the same trajectory, but activate the saber swing once it hits inside the area left by the yellow bird.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim your third bird in the same trajectory again, but shoot your blaster at the bottom pig in the pile right before it hits anything.

    • Screenshot 3

    • This last shot can be finicky about destroying the right amount of debris to cause everything else to tumble, so be patient.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 71,000 points.

  • Level 21:

    • It can take one to two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird at the block directly to the left of the slingshot.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the block so the bolts will bounce in between the two walls.

    • It will hopefully destroy both walls and bring everything crumbling down.

    • Screenshot

    • If necessary, aim the other bird at the non-destroyed side and do the same thing as before.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points.

  • Level 22:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird underneath the metal spheres towards the ice ramp.

    • Activate the saber swing after it breaks through the ice so it can cut all the wood and some metal.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird into the close wooden blocks and acticate the blaster bolts by tapping the wires holding up the spheres.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The spheres will fall and crush the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points.

  • Level 23:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first blue bird at the ice block that is above the red blinking light at the base of the structure.

    • Activate the split ability right before it hits the ice block so the three birds can penetrate the building and destroy more debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • A lot of debris will crumble and make way for a moderately clear shot at the last pig.

    • Aim your blaster bird above the debris so you can have a clear shot down at the target.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you know you have a nice straight shot. Example shot provided.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 24:

    • This level can be done in one bird if you are lucky, but two birds are acceptable as well.

    • Aim your black bird at the ice triangles above the closest pig.

    • Activate the force push ability right before you hit the ice/pig by tapping the area above and to the right of the top pile of debris.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris should rain down on the pigs and crush them all.

    • If there are some left, aim your second bird at the lowest pile of debris and send the debris flying with force push.

    • Screenshot extra

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Level 25:

    • It will take three birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the big metal block by the two pigs closest to the slingshot.

    • Activate its saber swing right as it hits the block.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim Chewie at the stack of little blocks on the middle platform so it can knock them over into the final tower of blocks.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim your black bird at the left metal brick on the final tower.

    • Activate the force push ability when it is about to hit it by tapping the area to the left of the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 3

    • The debris will be sent up and hopefully drop on Vader so he releases the floating debris for even more points.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 124,000 points.

  • Level 26:

    • Aim your first black bird at the group pigs on the ice blocks.

    • Once it breaks through some, activate the force push ability by tapping the pig hanging above the group of pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second bird at the weak middle wall of debris and activate the force push ability to send debris flying at the hainging pigs and far commander pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 89,000 points.

  • Level 27:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first black bird over the hat pig so it flies towards the explosive crate.

    • Activate the force push ability right when it is underneath the second hanging wooden chain by tapping the second highest pig on the far end.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your red bird so its arc will hit the pig in the rock hanging chain, but activate the saber swing after it passes through the wooden chain.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The bird will cut through the chains, fall on two pigs, and pop the hat pig at the end.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 70,000 points.

  • Level 28:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first bird underneath the double blaster pig.

    • Activate the force push ability right after you hit the wall by tapping the area to the left of the blaster pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The blaster pig will hit a lot of the pigs and might leave some behind.

    • Aim your second bird at the largest pile of debris possible and force push them at the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 78,000 points

  • Level 29:

    • Aim your yellow bird down at the left pig in the pyramid of pigs.

    • Activate the blaster shots when the bird is directly even with the ice sheets underneath the hat pigs by tapping the ice sheets.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 30:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first black bird in between the three metal pieces sitting on the floating platforms.

    • Activate the force push once the bird hits the metal by tapping the area above the blaster turret.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second black bird at the metal bar on the metal box in the lower debris pile.

    • Activate the force push ability when you are about to hit the metal bar by tapping the pig underneath turret.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

  • Level 31:

    • Aim your yellow bird at the pig outside the maze of tunnels.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the metal triangle underneath the pig next to the previous pig.

    • Fire the shots when it is about next to the metal triangle.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 55,000 points.

  • Level 32:

    • You can complete this in one bird, but two is also possible for three stars.

    • Aim Chewie at the corner above the middle red light.

    • It will push the wooden blocks out to some pigs, but the metal bars will reflect the blaster shots at the other pigs.

    • Screenshot

    • If any pigs remain, aim your yellow bird into an advantageous position so the blaster shots will take them out.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 58,000 points.

  • Level 33:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird at the pig by the red blinking light.

    • Activate the blaster shots once it hits the light by tapping the red light across from the one you broek.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim Chewie to the left side of the asteroid above the pig encased in metal rods.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 82,000 points.

  • Level 34:

    • You will need to use three birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird so its trajectory barely misses the upper part of the tiny planet.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blue bird towards the lower half of the big planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability when it is above the right side of the planet.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The birds should take out the two tie fighters and crash into some other pigs.

    • Aim your second red bird at the remaining pigs and saber swing at them when it gets close.

    • Screenshot 3

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 35:

    • You will need two birds for three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird into the upper gravity field and prepare for the blaster shots.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig closest to your slingshot when the shots will destroy three pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim Chewie at the tie fighter on the underside of the planet so it can crash through the debris and remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 106,000 points.

  • Level 36:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first Chewbacca into the lower part of the smaller planet's gravity field so it can swing into the floating platforms.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second Chewbacca into the tiny planet's upper gravity well so it gets pulled into the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 82,000 points.

  • Level 37:

    • You will need two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird into the upper tiny planets' graivty field on the underside.

    • Fire the bird once a tie fighter passes over the upper ice pinnacle.

    • Activate the blaster shots when two tie fighters are lined up by tapping one of the angled metal plates.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blue bird to the upper side of the tiny planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability when it is about to exit the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 67,000 points.

  • Level 38:

    • Aim Chewie at the lonely metal sphere on the closer planet so it barely passes over it.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will knock two birds into gravity wells, bounce on the storm trooper, and set off an explosive crate to kill all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 39:

    • This level can take one bird to earn three stars, but two birds may also work.

    • Aim your first black bird at the wooden bar closest to your slingshot.

    • Activate the force push towards the commander pig after crashing through to the metal pipe triangle.

    • Screenshot

    • The debris will disperse and cause all the tie fighters to blow up.

    • If a second bird is necessary, aim it at the nearest debris pile and force push it at the remaining tie fighters.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 86,000 points.

  • Level 40:

    • This level is a boss level where you do the run along the Death Star.

    • Use your red bird to saber swing the upper floating platform when the commander pig hovers directly below it.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Use your black bird once the tie fighters cluster up so when you activate the force push ability, they all blow up.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The last one will be Darth Vader's Tie fighter. Launch Chewie right at him if you couldn't eliminate everyone in two birds.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.


@JohnB, i don`t think they will separate iPhone and iPad versions. It`s not profitable. My greatest problem was to transfer my progress from iphone 4s to my sister`s ipad3. moreover i don`t have a mac, so i had to find some solution with my Acer. softonic helps.

Bryan Gawinski November 29, 2012 2:36 PM

Angry Birds Star Wars Walkthrough
Worlds 3-4, Droid Levels

World 3: Path of the Jedi

  • Level 1:

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden wall next to the small pig above the large pig.

    • Activate the saber swing right before you hit the pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will fly through the wall and crash into the explosive crate for tons of damage.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your bird in a high arc so it will land on top of the close metal sphere.

    • Activate the saber swing when the bird hits the sphere so it can cut both vines holding it up.

    • Screenshot

    • The tower of blocks will fall on the far pigs while the sphere and bird pop the closer pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 109,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your bird over top of the Vader pig so it will crash into the far tower.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes over Vader so it will pop it and drop the floating debris.

    • Screenshot

    • The falling spheres can be finicky about popping the pigs, but it works for three stars, so keep trying if it fails.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • Aim your bird at the wood underneath the second pig.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the wood so it can bounce off that platform and hit the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The floating debris will fall and crush the remaining pigs not cut up by your bird.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 61,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • Aim your bird in a high arc so it will make it through that gap in the floating debris.

    • Once it makes it through, activate the saber swing before it hits the ice bar.

    • Screenshot

    • The vader pig does not need to pop to get three stars, so the explosive crate will pop the pigs you really need destroyed.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 50,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your red bird into the blaster bolts' shot path underneath the hanging pig.

    • Fire when the third bolt passes underneath the pig and activate the saber swing to hit the blaster bolts as they come at you.

    • Screenshot

    • The deflected bolts will hit you and send you flying at the explosive crate.

    • The pigs will fall and pop.

    • The angle of the blaster bolts can be tricky to send you in the proper direction, so keep trying.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • Aim your red bird to the lower part of the metal wall holding up the metal cube.

    • Activate the saber swing once it hits the wall so it will cut the wooden platforms underneath the big pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The metal blocks will tip to the left and fall on to the blaster orb. The lasers will pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 83,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • Aim your bird at the upper left corner of the closest metal sphere.

    • Fire it so it will hit the orb and bounce it down to in front of the blaster orb.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster bolts will reflect at the Vader pig and pop it so the debris will fall.

    • More blaster bolts will pop other pigs while the spheres crash through the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 84,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • Aim your bird in the area between the blaster orb and the floating metal cubes.

    • Time the shot when the blaster bolts are halfway between the top edge of the screen and the blaster orb.

    • You don't have to activate the saber swing, but you can before you hit the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The metal cubes will fall and redirect the blaster orb to fire shots at the metal walls.

    • The blaster bolts will pop the pigs and set off the explosive crate for the win.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 89,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • Aim your bird at the left edge of the horizontal metal bar above the wooden debris.

    • You do not need to activate the saber swing because the bird will push the bar so it readjust the metal bar next to it.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster orb will fire the blaster shots that will be redirected at the explosive crate.

    • The Vader pig will pop and drop all the things that are floating.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first bird at the middle of the bubble pig closest to the slingshot.

    • Activate the split ability when it is half way in between the pig and the slingshot so it will knock the asteroids so they are partially in the gravity field.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird away from the gravity field, but high enough so the blaster bolts will hit the last bubble pig and drop the metal sphere on the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 109,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird underneath the slingshot so it will pass over and close to the small pig on stick.

    • Activate the saber swing right when it is over the first pig it passes.

    • The bird will fly around the planets, take out the Vader pig, and pop the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in a high arc that passes very close to your slingshot planet.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the first pillar pig so it can fly through the last pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 77,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • Aim your yellow bird to the underside of the gravity field and activate the blaster shots when it is directly underneath the pig planet.

    • Screenshot

    • You will blast the wooden blocks from over the first pig you will pass so the bird can fly and pop the explosive crate.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird to the underside of the middle planet so it can travel right at the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the metal debris pieces.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc very close to the middle planet.

    • Activate the blaster shots right a second after you fire the bird by tapping the pig sitting on the metal tower.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 96,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your yellow bird in between the closer planet and the edge of its gravity field.

    • Fire the bird when an asteroid is about to pass over Vader and each asteroid is close to the 3, 6, and 9 o'clock positions respectively.

    • When the bird reaches the 12 o'clock position on the second planet, activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig to the left of Vader.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 74,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • Aim your red bird into the planet's upper gravity well so it can swing into the two pigs by the explosive crate.

    • Saber swing before it hits the hanging pig so it can cut down the two pigs and fly into the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 64,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird close to the gravity field overlap so it will fly at the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the wooden tower by the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the closest hanging pig so it can fly around the edge of the gravity field.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping the bubble pig when it passes through the first hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • Aim your red bird above the small planet and very close to the pig planet above both gravity fields.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes underneath the first hanging pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The bird will fly through the vine holding up the explosive crate, blow up the debris around where it falls, and pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 86,000 points.

  • Level 19:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the bottom edge of the metal bars underneath the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing after it runs into the wall.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the bottom edge of the Vader pig's bubble.

    • Activate the blaster shots after it hits Vader by tapping the metal triangle underneath all the pigs on the planet's surface.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first yellow bird at the thin wooden rectangle above the two metal bars.

    • Right before it is going to hit the wood, activate your blaster shots by tapping the highest pig on the level.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The bird will fly through the wood and set off the explosive crate to let the Vader pig elevator come up.

    • Aim your second bird in the arc so it will hit the metal wall in front of Vader.

    • When the bird is inline with the pig closest to the slingshot, activate the blaster shots on the pig underneath all the debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The bird will fly through the wood, break the metal, and pop the Vader pig so the remaining pigs will pop.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 79,000 points.

  • Level 21:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the lowest planet's gravity field so it will wrap around the planet and pop the Vader pig.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the first bubble pig you come in contact with.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your blue bird so its trajectory barely hits the small planet's gravity field.

    • Activate the split ability before it enters the gravity field.

    • The split birds will knock the asteroids at the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

  • Level 22:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird high above the planet so it will still get caught in the gravity field.

    • As it falls into the planet, activate the blaster shots a second after passing over the first pig by tapping the pig underneath the angled metal bar.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will break the wooden block by the three metal spheres and fall through the force-controlled metal bar to pop the explosive crate.

    • Aim your red bird towards the tiny pig to the right of the explosive crate.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits the hanging metal wall.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 82,000 points.

  • Level 23:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in between the closest pig and the gravity field overlap.

    • Activate the saber swing as it passes over the first pig, and it will fly and take out the Vader pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird into the second closest planet that has the pig on the wooden block.

    • As it reaches the 12 o'clock position of the planet, activate the blaster shots by tapping the pig on the farthest pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 57,000 points.

  • Level 24:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the edge of the gravity field so it will hook around and hit the metal-encased pig.

    • Activate the saber swing once it hits the metal.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your black bird at the bottom of the lower planet's gravity field.

    • As it reaches the four o'clock position on the planet, activate the force push ability by tapping the wooden block by the explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The explosive crate will send debris around to pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 52,000 points.

  • Level 25:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the lower left metal triangle and fire so you can deflect some blaster bolts.

    • Activate the saber swing right as your pass through the blaster bolts to deflect them at the three pigs in between the metal pieces.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the remaining pig on the map and fire the blaster bolts as soon as possible after firing by tapping the last pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 26:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in between the slingshot planet and small planet so the trajectory is a little closer to the big planet.

    • Activate the saber swing when it is close to the metal explosive crate to blow it up and pop all the pigs on that planet.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird at the bubble pig and fire the blaster bolts through the vine and at the remaining debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 27:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird into the large planet's gravity field so it will fly through the wooden blocks you first hit.

    • Activate the saber swing after you break through the first wooden blocks to cut down more.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The explosive crate should blow up and destroy all the pigs on the bigger planet.

    • Aim your yellow bird in a trajectory slightly above the last one so it can fly over the debris and have a clear shot at the last pig.

    • Activate the blaster shots by tapping on the last pig when you pass around the small planet.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 28:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird to the underside of the big planet so it barely misses the mountain.

    • Let the bird fly through the metal pipes and activate the saber swing once it runs into it.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird past the asteroids and activate the blaster bolts when you have a clear shot at the last pig by tapping it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 69,000 points.

  • Level 29:

    • Aim your yellow bird so it barely hits the gravity field's edge.

    • Fire when the biggest opening in the debris field is at the 6 o'clock position.

    • Activate the blaster shots when the bird is about to hit the metal walls around Vader.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster shots will destroy the metal walls, drop the stuff onto Vader and bring the debris crashing on to the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 83,000 points.

  • Level 30:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in an arc between the wood holding the explosive crate up and the floating metal bar.

    • When it hits the metal bar above the second explosive crate, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in about the same arc/trajectory so it will fly at the Vader pig.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you pass under the floating pig by the floating explosive crate by tapping the angled metal bar by Vader.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 60,000 points.

  • Level 31:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the ice block above the nailed wooden boards that is three blocks down from the explosive crate.

    • Once it hits the ice block, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc so it will hit the pig above the three under the ice blocks.

    • You can use a high arc or a low arc, so long as it hits the right pig.

    • When it reaches its peak, fire the blaster shots so they cut through the vines holding up the metal bars.

    • Screenshot 2

    • You do not need to pop the Vader pig to get three stars.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 70,000 points.

  • Level 32:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird in a really high arc so it will pass between the floating environment piece and the debris structure.

    • Activate the saber swing when it reaches the second wooden platform in the structure.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird in a low arc directed at the left suspended metal bar so it will break through the wooden blocks.

    • When it is parallel with the pig on the metal spheres, activate the blaster shots to shoot the vines.

    • Screenshot 2

    • A sphere should be able to drop on the explosive crate and pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 72,000 points.

  • Level 33:

    • Aim your red bird close to the vine holding up the explosive crates so you can cut it loose.

    • Activate the saber swing as you pass underneath the static environment holding the vine.

    • Screenshot

    • The explosive crates will fall and set off a few pigs.

    • The blaster orb will start moving around its blaster bolts will pop all the pigs under the ice spheres.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 119,000 points.

  • Level 34:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the wooden block underneath the pig in the closer house.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the block so it will cut the vine of the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will set up a bucnh of explosions and leave the pigs and the far structure left standing.

    • Aim your blue bird in a pretty high arc over the place where you just shot the red bird.

    • As it starts making its downward decent, activate the split ability.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Level 35:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird in between the first hanging pig and the metal cubes by the first explosive crate.

    • You want to time the saber swing so it will take out the hanging pig, the platform above you, and blow up the crate underneath you.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The bird will fly into the second crate and hopefully bring all the pigs in the back tumbling down.

    • One pig may remain hanging for you to take out. Aim your second red bird at this last pig and use the saber swing to take it out if you want.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim it so it can possible destroy some debris wherever it lands.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 150,000 points.

  • Level 36:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird at the area between the two wooden boards holding metal blocks up.

    • When it is in between the two boards, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will drop the blocks on to the pigs below, and your bird will fly to blow the explosive crate.

    • Aim your second red bird in the same trajectory/path and activate the saber swing when it is under the final wooden board.

    • Screenshot 2

    • These restrained blocks will do a lot of debris damage and give you a lot of the necessary points.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 101,000 points.

  • Level 37:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird underneath the blaster orb so it can bust through the wood and blow the explosive crate.

    • Fire when the blaster bolts are about to go off screen.

    • Activate the saber swing right before it hits anything.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your black bird in an arc higher than your last shot so it can fly right into the pig that was above the explosive crate.

    • Before it passes the hanging metal bars, activate the force push ability to send the blocks flying at the pig close to the higher explosive crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 55,000 points

  • Level 38:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first red bird into the center of the floating debris so it can fly right through it.

    • As it is in the middle of all the floating ice, activate the saber swing.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second red bird in between the hanging metal sphere and the tiny floating block.

    • When it reaches the pig attached to the vine, activate the saber swing to cut the wooden supports underneath of it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 65,000 points.

  • Level 39:

    • This shot is very tricky to get three stars with, but it seems to be the only way.

    • Aim your black bird in between the hanging pig and the explosive crate by Vader.

    • When it is about to pass under the explosive crate, activate the force push up and to the right so it can land on the pigs on ice.

    • Screenshot

    • Your bird will continue flying into the wooden wall to drop that pig while the debris will fall on the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars on this level is 88,000 points.

  • Level 40:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your first black bird into the metal sphere pile closest to the slingshot.

    • After it breaks a few spheres, activate the force push by tapping around the hanging pigs.

    • Screenshot 1

    • It will take out a lot of the pigs and leave three left inside the wooden plank field.

    • Aim your second black bird into the second pile of metal spheres.

    • Force push those spheres at the three pigs to pop them and destroy some debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 92,000 points.

World 4: Hoth

  • Level 1:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird right above the first little house by the snow.

    • Activate the saber swing before it hits the snow, and make sure it cuts some of the metal debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Debris will fall on that first pig and bring down more with it.

    • Aim your yellow bird in a pretty straight shot so it can have a clear blaster shot at the explosive crate.

    • Activate the blaster bolts when you feel you have a good shot.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 67,000 points.

  • Level 2:

    • Aim your yellow bird under the speeder pigs and right into the snow.

    • After it skids a bit, activate the blaster shots by tapping the wooden blocks underneath the farthest tower.

    • Screenshot

    • The tower will fall on all the pigs and bring the empire closer to falling.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 3:

    • Aim your new Princess Leia bird in a high arc so it can crash down into the snow below the first tower.

    • As it reaches the peak of its flight, activate her tractor beam on a support of the far tower.

    • Screenshot

    • Both towers should tip and crumble on the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 4:

    • Aim your pink bird into the gap where the droid pig resides.

    • As it flies, activate the tractor beam on the metal brick underneath the furthest tower.

    • Screenshot

    • Debris will get pulled at the closer two pigs while your bird pops all the pigs on the ice.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 76,000 points.

  • Level 5:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird up and at the tower to the left of the blaster pig.

    • Activate the saber swing after it hits the left ice wall.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The bird will fall on the three pigs, blow up the explosive crate, and leave two or three pigs left.

    • Aim your pink bird over the closer two pigs and use the tractor beam on the bar above the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 76,000 points.

  • Level 6:

    • Aim your yellow bird in an arc over the first structure.

    • Activate the blaster shots as it passes through the second antenna by tapping the wooden block underneath the helmeted pig.

    • Screenshot

    • It will destroy some debris and bring the AT-AT down on to the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 75,000 points.

  • Level 7:

    • Aim your yellow bird over the AT-AT so it will hit the two pigs by the explosive crate.

    • A second or two after firing, activate the blaster shots on the wall the hanging pig is attached to.

    • Screenshot

    • The balster bolts will reflect and bounce to blow up the AT-AT's back leg and all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 92,000 points.

  • Level 8:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your blue bird at the snow underneath the first three pigs and very close to the rock structure.

    • After you pass the rocks, activate the split ability.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim and fire your red bird over the ice wall by the first pig so you can reflect the blaster shots with your saber swing.

    • The bolts will take out three pigs, blow up the explosive crates, and pop the remaining pigs.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 85,000 points.

  • Level 9:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the last pig over the explosive crate and the wooden blocks to his right.

    • Activate the saber swing after it makes contact with the block.

    • Screenshot 1

    • After the carnage happens and approximately three or four pigs remain, aim your yellow bird in a high arc.

    • When it passes the right side of the first structure, activate the blaster shots at the wooden blocks holding the structure up.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 80,000 points.

  • Level 10:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim Chewie at the small ice sphere over top the highest pig so it can crash through it and drop the many metal bricks.

    • Screenshot 1

    • After Chewie destroys many pigs, aim your red bird at the wooden block above the remaining two pigs.

    • Activate the saber swing after it bashes through the wood so it can cut the two pigs and some extra debris.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 70,000 points.

  • Level 11:

    • Aim your pink bird in a fairly high arc so you have a clear line of sight to use you tractor beam.

    • Use it on the boulder holding up two pigs. It will drop and cause massive destruction.

    • Screenshot

    • The approximate score for three stars is 99,000 points.

  • Level 12:

    • Aim your pink bird over the tower in the middle of the level.

    • Activate the tractor beam when it passes over the tower by tapping the metal pieces right underneath the pig.

    • Screenshot

    • Pieces will fall underneath and blow the explosive crate and all the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 63,000 points.

  • Level 13:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your pink bird at the snowtrooper closest to the slingshot.

    • Activate the tractor beam on the foot of the hanging AT-AT to get it to ram the farther structures over.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your red bird towards the explosive crate and activate the saber swing when it is in range for hitting.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 90,000 points.

  • Level 14:

    • Aim your pink bird in a high arc over the lasers and the robo pig.

    • After a second of passing over the blaster cannon, activate the tractor beam on the bricks it rests on.

    • Screenshot

    • The blaster bolts will hopefully take out all the pigs.

    • The blaster cannon and the physics can be finicky on the first try, but keep trying and you will prevail.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 73,000 points.

  • Level 15:

    • Aim your yellow bird in a high arc so it will crash through the ice holding the three pigs up.

    • Two seconds after firing the bird, activate the blaster shots by tapping on the leg of the AT-AT.

    • Screenshot

    • The bolts will reflect and break the snow underneath it so it will slide onto the rest of the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 99,000 points.

  • Level 16:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your red bird at the wood underneath the first pig you would fly into/over.

    • Activate the saber swing as it hits the wood.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your yellow bird into the tunnel system underneath the AT-AT so it can fly into the pig to the left of the hanging pig.

    • Activate the blaster bolts when it is about to hit the ground by tapping the metal panel to the right of the hanging pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The blaster shots will reflect up to blow the explosive crates and destroy the rest of the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 101,000 points.

  • Level 17:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird in a nice arc so it has a line of sight at the wood holding up the boulders.

    • Activate the blaster shots when you know all three will bust the wood.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The boulders will drop and take out a lot of pigs, so only about two to three will still be alive.

    • Aim your red bird at the last pig still living so it can reflect blaster shots at it or run into it.

    • Screenshot 2

    • You can use the saber swing if you want, but you do not need to.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Level 18:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your pink bird in a arc that almost hits the top edge of the gravity field and gets a clear shot at the bubble pig out in space.

    • Activate the tractor beam on the nearby group of two asteroids when you have the shot.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your second pink bird at the wooden block to the left of the stormtrooper pig and activate the tractor beam on it once you fire the bird.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 80,000 points.

  • Level 19:

    • It will take two birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your pink bird past the leftmost planet, but do not let it hit the gravity field.

    • Activate the tractor beam on the AT-AT head when you can and watch it destroy a lot of imperial swine.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your black bird into the gravity field of the second and bottom planet so it wraps around the planet.

    • Activate the force push ability once it crashes through some debris by tapping on the pig.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The approximate score for three stars is 66,000 points.

  • Level 20:

    • It can take three to four birds to get three stars on this level.

    • Aim your yellow bird at the Tie-fighter between the big star destroyer and the tiny ship above it.

    • Shortly after firing, activate the blaster shots so it passes through the bubble pigs and breaks a lot of debris.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim your first black bird underneath the star destroyer so it will barely miss the underside of it.

    • Activate the force push when you are about to hit the Tie-fighter by tapping the small ship above everyone.

    • Screenshot 2

    • Aim your second black bird at the main bridge of the star destroyer while dodging the blaster shots.

    • Activaet the force push ability right as you hit the debris by tapping the explosive crate behind the ship.

    • Screenshot 3

    • If a fourth bird is needed, just aim Chewie at the last pig still standing.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 156,000 points.

Golden Droid Levels

  • Droid Level 1:

    • You find this droid in Level 13 on Tatooine.

    • You will use the black Obi Wan bird to force push the blaster bolts at the droid.

    • Aim R2 at the open slot in the circle where the red light it is.

    • Fire the droid once the moving brick passes over the pig at the four o'clock position of the planet.

    • Screenshot

    • Activate the shock ability after he droid breaks the moving brick so it pops the pigs near it and breaks the brick.

    • The bricks with green lights will drop and pop all the pigs and Tie Fighters.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 64,000 points.

  • Droid Level 2:

    • This droid is located on Level 25 on Taooine.

    • To get it, aim your red bird down towards the small rock to free it from the grass.

    • Afterwards, aim your black bird down towards the rock and use the force push to send the rock and bird flying at the droid.

    • In the level, aim your R2 unit above the first small planet so it will fly into the gravity field overlap.

    • Fire him when the second blaster bolt passes the debris on the first planet.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid will fly at the blaster tower, activate the shock ability when it hits the woodne cirle.

    • The blaster bolts will reflect off the metal pieces and hit the tie fighters at the very end.

    • The approximate score for three stars on this level is 50,000 points.

  • Droid Level 3:

    • The droid for this level is located on Level 31 on Taooine.

    • To get it, send your black bird above the asteroids and activate force push when the bird is over the asteroid above the explosive crate.

    • Tap on the droid to send the asteroids flying in the right direction.

    • In the actual level, Aim R2 underneath the small lower planet.

    • When R2 gets between the two lower pigs, activate the shock ability.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid will fly through the metal pipes and send all the metal spheres crashing into all the pigs.

    • The shot can be very finicky, so it will take a few tries.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 44,000 points.

  • Droid Level 4:

    • The droid for this level is found on Level 18 of The Death Star.

    • To pop it, fire your yellow bird in an arc into the abyss to the left of the slingshot.

    • Activate the blaster shots when the bird hasn't been visible for one second by tapping the droid.

    • When in the actual level, aim C3-PO into the center of the four hanging pigs and activate the separation ability when it is between them all.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim R2 in the same path/trajectory and activate the shock ability when it is directly in between the two pigs by the explosive crates.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The pigs will pop as per the plan on this level.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 93,000 points.

  • Droid Level 5:

    • The droid for this level can be found on Level 33 on the Death Star.

    • To pop it, use your yellow bird to shoot the droid with its blaster shots.

    • When you get to the level, aim C3-PO very close to the planet's upper side.

    • Activate C3-PO's separate ability when it passes by the commander pig.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid will pop the pig, break the tower of cubes, and initiate the orbs to pop the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for this level is 64,000 points.

  • Droid Level 6:

    • You unlock this level by earning ten total stars through gameplay in the entire game.

    • Aim R2 in a straight line between the two gravity fields.

    • Activate the shock ability once it hits the planet.

    • Screenshot 1

    • Aim C3-PO underneath the middle planet so it can fly towards the bottom explosive crate.

    • Activate the separate ability when it exits the gravity field by the crate.

    • Screenshot 2

    • The separation will pop the crate and send the asteroids flying at the pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 59,000 points.

  • Droid Level 7:

    • You unlock this level by earning 70 stars total in this Angry Birds game.

    • Aim C3-PO into the gravity field of the smaller planet so it barely misses the planet and crashes into the ice pillar.

    • Activate the separation ability once it passes through the blocks.

    • Screenshot

    • The droid pieces will break the wooden block holding up the structure and cause everything to crumble.

    • The explosive crate will blow up and pop all the pigs as the debris falls.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 92,000 points.

  • Droid Level 8:

    • You unlock this level by earning 130 stars total in this game.

    • Aim your first C3-PO in between both planets and activate the separation ability once it reaches the pigs after the commander pig.

    • Screenshot 1

    • The pieces will send asteroids towards the pigs and destroy about half of the pigs.

    • Aim your second C3-PO in the same path, but activate the separation ability when they reach the second pigs on the planet.

    • Screenshot 2

    • More asteroids will fall to the planets and crush the remaining pigs.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 95,000 points.

  • Droid Level 9:

    • You unlock this level by earning 190 stars total in the game.

    • Aim R2 in between the two planets, and fire it when the second moving metal plate hits the bottom planet.

    • Screenshot

    • You do not need to activate the shock ability, but you can when you hit the middle metal pile.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 56,000 points.

  • Droid Level 10:

    • Aim C3-PO at the lower asteroid cluster.

    • Fire the droid when the tie fighter on the smaller planet is at the 9 o'clock position.

    • Activate the separation ability when it is about to hit the asteroids.

    • Screenshot

    • The pieces will pop most tie fighters, send asteroids crashing into them, and set off the two explosive crates.

    • The approximate score for three stars is 85,000 points.


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