An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Room Perfection

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ChiktionaryRoom PerfectionContrary to popular belief, it's not true that the Inuit culture has more than a hundred words for snow, but it is true that the Japanese language has roughly fourteen symbols and words for the English word 'perfection'. I bet you're all enthralled at this little piece of trivia, so to avoid contentious discussion let's now turn our attention to Room Perfection, a lovely, albeit brief, escape game from Gam.eBB, creators of the Dismantlement series of puzzle games.

Using your mouse, click on items and discover clues to solve the various puzzles around a very small and cleanly decorated room. You'll even encounter the odd mini-game or two. Navigate the room by clicking on the small, gray arrows to the left and right of the screen, and click on items to collect, use and zoom in on.

Room Perfection is a short and sweet game, with puzzles that are generally logical and with easily grasped outcomes. There are, however, a couple of puzzles that are out of the ordinary and may temporarily confound. But for all its pointing and clicking delight, this is a game that leaves some questions unanswered. For instance, there's a bomb with more than one way of being detonated, and its inclusion in the game can hardly be construed as anything other than random. Perhaps it serves as a reminder of the Dismantlement games, but who knows? Oh, and while we're on the topic of the bomb, you may want to know that this is a timed game. You've got thirty minutes to find a way through the door before the bomb goes off. Heh! As if we need a whole half hour to escape a room. Total underestimation of the powers of the JIG community.

For its compactness, and clean and orderly graphics, Room Perfection is a really nifty escape game, with puzzles that will barely raise a sweat. But because it is compact, clean and orderly with a bomb's potential to make it all but, this is a game that provides a simple and thoroughly enjoyable diversion. I wouldn't say 'perfect' but totally and most definitely a gratifyingly good game to play.

Play Room Perfection

Walkthrough Guide

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Room Perfection Walkthrough

  • General Information

  • Some of the bounding boxes can be finicky, so just keep trying if it doesn't work the first time.
    The safe will not open on its own. After you input the correct code, zoom out of the code panel and try the door handle.
    All of the puzzles regenerate randomly when the game is restarted. I have given instructions for how to find the codes and hints rather than the actual codes.

  • The Couch

  • Spoiler
    • Click on the painting above the couch.

    • In the zoomed window, click on the painting of the couch

    • Note the order in which the ball drops on the couch cushions. This order change every time you play.

    • Zoom out of the painting, then click the couch cushions in the order indicated by the painting.

    • Take the GOLD KEY.

  • The Desk

  • Spoiler
    • Use the GOLD KEY on the box on the desk.

    • Collect the three KEYS that fly out.

    • Use each KEY on the set of drawers in the desk.

    • The Drawer Puzzles

    • Spoiler
      • One puzzle is a simple anagram. The word changes each time you play.

      • If you need help figuring out the anagram try:
        Collect a miniature CANNON from this puzzle.

      • One puzzle requires you to reconstruct the photo. There are ten possible photos to reconstruct. Collect a SCREWDRIVER from this puzzle.

      • One puzzle requires you to move a ball to the exit without hitting the red spots, which will reset the puzzle. Collect a CANNONBALL from this puzzle.

  • The Safe

  • Spoiler
    • Click on the books on the desk.

    • The pool balls are magnetized and will stick to each other. Click on the ball with a circled number and drag it around the page until the balls are lined up.

    • Note the guide in the bottom right corner of the book, and remember the order the pool balls lined up in.

    • Enter this code on the safe and take the LEVER

  • End Game

  • Spoiler
    • Click on the panel by the boat, and use the screwdriver to remove the panel.

    • Attach the lever to the panel.

    • Zoom out.

    • Place the cannon on the ship

    • Place the cannonball in the cannon

    • When the cannon is facing roughly towards the light, click the lever.

    • If you miss, pick up the cannonball and try again.

    • Pick up the key.

    • Use the key on the door.

Room Perfection Walkthrough


General Information

  • There are only two rooms. Navigate between them using the gray arrows on the left or right of the screen

  • You have only 30 minutes to escape the room.

  • Click on items to interact with them or to add them to your inventory.

  • It's advisable to avoid clicking on the bomb remote at the bottom left of the screen, unless you wish to start the game over.

  • Be prepared for just a little bit of pixel hunting.



The game starts in the room on the left, but much of the initial puzzle solving is in the room on the right. However, start with a puzzle in the left room to progress.
Room on the Left


The Picture

  1. The picture provides a clue for obtaining the key for the small chest on the desk. Click on the picture and watch as balls bounce off of the left and right cushions.

  2. Note the number of balls to hit each cushion. This changes each time you play.

The Couch


Remembering the picture clue, click on the left and right cushions of the couch accordingly and take the gold key that appears below the couch.

Room on the Right


The Desk

  1. On the desk is a small chest.

  2. Click on the gold key in your inventory and then click on the chest twice.

  3. Three keys will fly out.

    • Red key

      1. The red key is for the top drawer.

      2. Click on the red key in your inventory, then click on the drawer twice for the first puzzle.

      3. Thankfully not a sliding tile puzzle, just your basic grid-like jigsaw.

      4. Click on the squares outside the grid and construct a picture, which changes every game and usually involves some kind of photo with a cute kitten or puppy.

      5. Once solved a small drawer will open and reveal - SURPRISE! - a screwdriver.

    • Blue key

      1. Unlocks the middle drawer.

      2. Anagram time.The anagrams are English words.

      3. Click on the letters to solve the anagram, although you don't need to drag the letters. Simply click on the letter and click on the box you wish to add it to.

      4. Once solved, a small drawer will open containing a tiny cannon.

    • Gold key

      1. The gold key will unlock the bottom drawer.

      2. In this drawer's puzzle, the aim is to get the ball from the top to the bottom by using the left and right rotating arrows below the puzzle to tilt the box.

      3. Some finesse is required to avoid touching the red crosses on the sides of the box with the ball, to prevent the game from restarting.

      4. Get the ball down to the slot at the bottom right.

      5. Take the ball, which is actually a tiny cannonball.

The Books

  1. Click on the books, towards the left side, to open the magnetic balls puzzle.

  2. Note the hint at the left



  3. Note that one of the balls has its number circled.

  4. Click on one of the balls and start dragging it around to make contact with the other balls. A clicking sound indicates that balls have connected via magnetic force.

  5. Keep dragging until all the balls have joined together and try to form them into a line. This will make it easier to read the numbers in order.

  6. Remembering the hint at the left, find the safe-code by making the circled number the first of the code.

  7. Head back to the room on the left.

Room on the Left


The Safe

  • The code for the safe can be found in the magnetic balls puzzle, contained in the books on the desk in the other room.

  • Once you've entered the code into the safe and hear a satisfying click, click out of the close-up of the safe, and click on it again to open it.

  • Take the lever for the wall-panel.

The Panel on the wall

  • The good ol' screwdriver needed here can be obtained by solving the puzzle in the top drawer of the desk.

  • When the panel is opened, a slot in the wall is revealed for some kind of lever.

  • The lever can be obtained by solving the magnetic balls puzzle, and using the code on the safe.

The Model Ship

  • At first glance, the ship serves no useful purpose.

  • It actually does, but it needs a couple of things added first.

  • Solving the puzzle in the middle drawer of the desk will yield a tiny cannon.

  • When you have the cannon, click on it in your inventory and then click towards the front of the shop. If you look closely you'll see a small gold part sitting upright, which is where the cannon sits.

  • A cannon also needs a cannonball. One can be obtained by solving the tilt puzzle in the bottom drawer of the desk.

Getting the key from the top of the lampshade.

  1. Click on the lever and click on the panel where the slot is to assemble the lever.

  2. Assemble the cannon on the ship

  3. Click on the cannonball in the inventory then click on the cannon to load.

  4. The cannon will start to move up and down. When it's pointed in the general direction of the lampshade click on the red-handle of the lever.

  5. The cannon will fire the cannonball.

  6. If successful, the cannonball will hit the lampshade knocking the key down.

  7. If it doesn't work the first time, simply repeat the steps until the key flies off the lampshade.

  8. It may end up in the next room.

  9. Use the key on the door to escape.

A little bit o' fun


So you've been avoiding pressing the red button on the bomb remote for the whole game... You've escaped so why not try it now?


masozravapalma December 2, 2010 11:32 AM

Yay out.
Not really difficult.


only realizing that pool bals in the book werent puzzle but a hint took me some while...

Patreon Crew SonicLover December 2, 2010 11:34 AM

I'm just going to say this because I know everyone's going to try it at one point or another.


You start out with a remote control with a red button on it. DO NOT PRESS IT. In fact, until you're out of the room, forget that remote exists completely.


I'm doing the magnet part correctly
but it's not working.


I've figured it a number of times, and I keep getting 4897917. But on the last number, the little safe buzzer sounds, every time. I then tried to go through every other possible last number, and it still sounded.

What am I doing wrong?

Patreon Crew SonicLover December 2, 2010 12:31 PM



Maybe you put it in backwards? Remember, the number with the circle is first. And don't ignore the grid in the lower right of the book; it shows which button corresponds to what number.


yay number 26676 out! Doesn't take very long =) So don't be afraid of the timer.

Heads up on


picture puzzle, magnet numbers and scamble puzzle would reset after every explosion so don't press the red button in the inventory until you have escape!

MmeTurbulence December 2, 2010 1:33 PM

Room Perfection Walkthrough

  • General Information

  • Some of the bounding boxes can be finicky, so just keep trying if it doesn't work the first time.
    The safe will not open on its own. After you input the correct code, zoom out of the code panel and try the door handle.
    All of the puzzles regenerate randomly when the game is restarted. I have given instructions for how to find the codes and hints rather than the actual codes.

  • The Couch

  • Spoiler
    • Click on the painting above the couch.

    • In the zoomed window, click on the painting of the couch

    • Note the order in which the ball drops on the couch cushions. This order change every time you play.

    • Zoom out of the painting, then click the couch cushions in the order indicated by the painting.

    • Take the GOLD KEY.

  • The Desk

  • Spoiler
    • Use the GOLD KEY on the box on the desk.

    • Collect the three KEYS that fly out.

    • Use each KEY on the set of drawers in the desk.

    • The Drawer Puzzles

    • Spoiler
      • One puzzle is a simple anagram. The word changes each time you play.

      • If you need help figuring out the anagram try:
        Collect a miniature CANNON from this puzzle.

      • One puzzle requires you to reconstruct the photo. There are ten possible photos to reconstruct. Collect a SCREWDRIVER from this puzzle.

      • One puzzle requires you to move a ball to the exit without hitting the red spots, which will reset the puzzle. Collect a CANNONBALL from this puzzle.

  • The Safe

  • Spoiler
    • Click on the books on the desk.

    • The pool balls are magnetized and will stick to each other. Click on the ball with a circled number and drag it around the page until the balls are lined up.

    • Note the guide in the bottom right corner of the book, and remember the order the pool balls lined up in.

    • Enter this code on the safe and take the LEVER

  • End Game

  • Spoiler
    • Click on the panel by the boat, and use the screwdriver to remove the panel.

    • Attach the lever to the panel.

    • Zoom out.

    • Place the cannon on the ship

    • Place the cannonball in the cannon

    • When the cannon is facing roughly towards the light, click the lever.

    • If you miss, pick up the cannonball and try again.

    • Pick up the key.

    • Use the key on the door.


Yes, I started with that. I swirled it around, I went one by one, I connected them separately... it was all the same result.

If the



really is signaling that it's wrong, if I get


all but one wrong, how can this be? There would only be one left. There's no other possibility. I can't put any other number down.

I'm sure it's some dumb thing I'm doing, but I can't figure it out.

vederblich December 2, 2010 1:53 PM

Shudog, about the magnets,


you have to connect all the balls to each other before you can put the numbers in on the safe.
Plus a funny thing happened to me, I had connected all the balls but one, and went for the safe, but it wouldn't let me open it. When I went back I'm pretty sure the numbers on the balls had changed.
Could that be it?

When you get the numbers right there's a clicking sound of the safe opening.

Cute, short, logical. I had some pixelhunting issues


placing the cannon on the ship

I knew that it was supposed to be there but it took me a long time to get it right. Otherwise, no problems. I liked how the screens were interconnected so that


when you shot the cannon ball too far it would end up in the other room, as did my key once I got id down from the lamp.


Wait until you get the Congratulations screen to push the red button.


That said, short and sweet...

One bug though:


If you keep doing the couch cushion sequence it keeps giving you keys. I tried it a 2nd time because the picture was still clickable so I thought there might be an additional element to that.

Billy Nitro December 2, 2010 3:00 PM

Je dit yes.


The Inuits only have about four words for snow, in fact.


Man, I love this game. Why? It explores the Escape the Physics genre, which no other game has. In fact, I'd prefer a sequel to this over a new Dismantlement game!

Papachabre December 2, 2010 6:32 PM

I loved it!


Agree, cute and short.
Nice 1st Escape effort for this guy.
(love the dismantle series)

but seriously people.....being a bit generous on the scoring perhaps?


Woo hoo! Two escape games in a row.... must be the holidays :)


I loved this game! It was especially fun to...


Blow up the room and blow up the house at the end.

I can't count how many times an escape game has made me want to do just that. Finally this one let me :)


Well, not quite how I expected to play Dismantlement: House, but I can work with it! :D


I really like the idea of mixing escape-room with physics. Makes sense somehow.



For the magnets:


you have to back out of the safe screen to open it. Put in your number sequence, hear the click, and close the safe window. Click on the safe again and it should open


Nice little one. The funny thing is: who would go to all this trouble to


get the key from the lamp instead of simply putting the chair under the lamp, standing on it and getting the damn key??? :D :D :D



And one more note: Many escape games use this system of letting you know how manieth successful escaper you are. I think it lowers the sense of achievment seriously - now I know for example that what I managed to do has already been done by 19561 other people before me - doesn't sound much to brag about, huh?



@biolarzen: Yes, but if you look at the number of people who have gone to the page, your number looks better -- more than 119,000 had tried it when I was about 24,000, so only about 20% succeed!


sweet game


I finished with only about a minute left. What happens if the timer runs out? Does everything reset?

Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Very enjoyable.

The Dez Pirate December 4, 2010 8:15 PM

I wish you had more room games that didn't require me to install a language pack :( I'm a bored sad face bear

[Most of the good escape the room games come from Japan. Most of the games we feature, even though are in Japanese, don't require knowledge of the language to solve them. -Jay]


Yay, I escaped with 16:54 left on the clock. It would have been sooner, had I seen the light-gray-on-white arrow. It took me some careful looking and a re-reading of the game's description to find out that it existed, and where. Other than that, it was simple and straightforward with no math-based brain-teasers. Though I'm sure letting the time run down would have the same effect as pushing the button.


@biolarzen: Hey, completing a room escape is always something to be proud of, man. :]

@Rittlit: True, but you gotta imagine quite a few of those failures were intentional, and a lot more were a case of "Ooo, I've got a red button in my inventory! I wonder what it does?"


Timer theory confirmed: It does indeed blow the room up!


@ Onyx Mouse: You're right -- just for fun I blew the whole place up about 5 times before finishing the game.


After 2 "accidental premature detonations" (oh, who am I kidding?), finally made my goal of an under-5-minute escape by busting out in 4:10. Woo!

Gotta admit, for such a simple design, this game's a blast!


Literally. :]


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