Christmas Escape 3
As a special present, because you have been very good this year, Neutral has released another "new easy Christmas escape game", Christmas Escape 3. This is the 3rd consecutive year of holiday escapes, and it is Neutral easy, which means that you will probably only end up slightly confused from banging your head against the nearest flat surface.
To begin with, this is almost an escape game in reverse. You begin the game in a snowy field at night. Usually you are trying to escape to the outside, but in this case, you are trying to find a way in. Or at least, out of the cold. Navigation through this cute world is accomplished by arrows at the sides and the bottom of the screen to turn left, right, or go backwards. Forward movement is accomplished by either clicking in the direction you want to go, or hovering your cursor over the path until an arrow shows up. However, you can—and indeed should—wander from the path if you ever hope to make it inside before you start losing toes to frostbite.
Christmas Escape 3 is a fun blend of puzzle solving and use of found objects. There's a handy changing cursor to let you know when you've reached something you can take, move, or manipulate in some fashion. Despite the changing cursor there is still a little pixel hunting, but nothing too egregious. Just remember to grab everything you can, because chances are you will need it.
As with their other Christmas Escapes, Neutral has gone with a cute, flat, cartoony style for Christmas Escape 3. There's no accompanying music, but plenty of cute little incidental sounds to add to the experience. And what an experience this is. There's no save button, but unlike Neutral's regular escapes you should be able to finish this one in one sitting. And yes, this is a Japanese game, but this link will take you to the English version, so no worries.
Analysis: Normally Neutral's room escapes are dense, tangled, and complicated to get through. Their Christmas Escapes, on the other hand, are light, fun, and (relatively) easy in comparison. Christmas Escape 3 continues the tradition as you encounter chirping chicks, a mercenary kitty cat, and oh, yeah, how good are you at ice fishing? The whole thing hangs together beautifully and the ending is, well, as cute as a button. The perfect present for the holiday season.
So get ready, escape fans. Our gift to you, perfect casual gameplay with a holiday theme, starts here. Put on a hat and gloves, lace up your snow boots, and get ready for some weekday escape.
Walkthrough Guide
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Christmas Escape 3 Walkthrough
General Information
Watch for the changing cursor, it indicates clickable areas.
You won't need to combine objects.
Have fun!
The Field
Bleak and snowy, isn't it?
Turn left.
You are now facing a copse of five trees. Notice that you can click on the grey rock to lift it, but there's nothing underneath.
Look closely at the second tree from the left. There's something behind it.
Click on the trunk of the second tree from the left for a close up.
Gee, a depressed snowman.
Hey, his bottom button doesn't match.
Click on the bottom button to take it. That's not a button, that's a 10 yen coin!
Back up.
Turn left.
Look, a path! Before we go exploring, though, let's make sure we found everything here.
Turn left.
Okay, there's a big ice formation by the boulder, but we can't do anything with it right now.
Turn right.
The Path/The Pond
There's a path leading towards who knows where, and what looks like a pond through the trees to the right of the path.
Click on the pond.
Gee, the pond is frozen. And hey, here's another grey rock we can lift that has nothing underneath.
There's a tree stump to the right in the distance that can be clicked on. Let's click on it.
Oh look, that may be another snowman hiding behind the tree. Click on the tree to the right.
Wow, a blue fez snowman.
Take the stick that is leaning on the snowman.
Back up three times until you are at the head of the path.
Hover your mouse over the path until an arrow appears. Click on it.
Now you're on the path with a house on the left.
On the left is another ice formation. Still can't do anything with it.
Oh look, another grey rock on the right. Let's click on it.
This time, there's something underneath! Take the coin.
Let's click on the house, shall we?
Of course it's locked. Back up.
Hey, there's a fallen tree to the right of the path. Let's click on that.
Nice, there's a coin on the ground. Take it.
Is that a chick on the stump?
A very shy chick, since it runs away.
Back up.
Go ahead and go further down the path.
Goody, another grey rock. Nothing underneath this time, though.
What is that green wriggly thing up in the left tree?
We can't reach it from the ground, let's poke it with the stick!
Is that a snake eating a chick? Click on it for a close up.
Poor chick, no wonder the other one is so shy.
Look closely, there's a silver coin on the ground to the left of the snake. Take it.
Hmmm, hitting the snake with the stick doesn't make it let go.
Back up.
What's that dark grey thing at the end of the path? Click on it.
Okay, it looks like an altar that needs a star. Nope, don't have one of those.
Let's back up to the beginning of the path. Back up three times.
Maybe we could break the ice on the pond with the stick? Click on the pond.
Well, that doesn't work. Hey, what is that in the distance on the tree stump?
Click on the tree stump on the right for a close up.
Aw, a kitty cat. A mercenary kitty cat who wants 80 yen for a baby chick. Gee, we have just that amount.
Give the coins to the cat and take the chick.
Lift up the mat the chick was sitting on.
Sweet, a key! Bet it's to the house.
Take the key and back up twice.
Go down the path once and click on the house.
Use the key on the door. Success!
Go inside.
The House (part 1)
It's kinda dark in here.
Turn right twice.
Hey, there's a light switch by the door. Click on it.
Uh oh.
At least you're out of the cold.
Turn right.
Hey, a picture of a snowman! Click on the picture for a close up.
This looks like a happy snowman. We haven't seen one like this.
Click on the picture again and it will move to reveal a color device.
We don't know what to set it at, so let's leave it for now.
Back up.
Open the left cupboard and retrieve the Christmas tree ornament.
Open the middle drawer. What is that? Click on it for a close up.
Okay, salt and pepper. Let's take the pepper.
And we can't open the right cupboard, maybe it's stuck.
Turn right.
What is that white thing outside the window? Could there be a snowman hiding at the back of the house?
Click on the pillows one at a time. Underneath the left pillow is a stocking ornament.
Take the cake in case you get hungry.
Turn right.
Well, there's a picture of our old friend, the depressed snowman.
Click on the picture for a close up and click on it again. Yup, another color code thing.
Back up.
There's a picture of the blue fez snowman on the left cabinet, but it's locked.
Open the right cabinet.
Another chick! Maybe you can gather enough to start your own KFC franchise...
Could there be anything underneath this cabinet?
Click underneath the left side of the cabinet.
A star ornament. Festive!
Back up and turn right.
Look, there are indentations in the wall around the door that fit the three ornaments you found.
Place the ornaments in their matching indentations.
Well, at least you can leave now.
Go out the door.
The Path/The Pond
Let's check out that snowman that may be hiding behind the house.
Click on the back of the house.
Yep, there's the happy snowman. And an ice axe!
Take the ice axe.
You know, each of these snowmen seems to have a distinct color pattern to their buttons.
Back up twice and you are on the path again.
You know, that shy chick over by the fallen tree might be hungry in this cold weather.
Click on the fallen tree to the right.
Click on the chick to make him run away.
Place the cake on the tree stump.
Maybe he'll come out if you go away.
Back up.
Oh yeah, there's that ice formation. Let's hit it with the ice axe!
Yay, a key!
Where did we see another ice formation?
Back up.
Turn left.
There's that big ice formation. Let's hit it with the ice axe several times.
A frozen chick!
Take the poor frozen chick.
Turn right.
I bet that key would work on that locked cabinet in the house.
Go forward and click on the house.
Go in.
The House (part 2)
Hey, it's the mercenary cat! Is he...drooling?
Turn right.
Use the key on the locked cabinet.
Another color code thing!
Maybe it has something to do with the buttons on the snowmen.
Do you remember what the buttons for each of the snowmen looked like?
The first click turns a knob red, the second turns it blue, and the third click turns it yellow. Four clicks turns it back to grey.
The depressed snowman had three red buttons in a straight vertical line.
The blue fez snowman had two yellow buttons and two blue buttons underneath.
The happy snowman had two blue buttons, then below that a yellow button, then below that a red button, in a kind of "Y" formation.
Let's set the color code thing for the blue fez snowman in the same pattern as his buttons.
Back up, click on the depressed snowman picture, then set the color code in the same pattern as his buttons.
Back up, turn right twice, and set the happy snowman code in the same pattern as his buttons.
If you entered the codes correctly, a trapdoor should open up in front of the cupboard where the happy snowman painting is hanging.
Go down to the cellar.
Keep going down until you reach the bottom.
Turn right.
Look, a drawing of five trees, and an icon that indicates that there's a chick in the fourth tree from the left.
Turn right.
A Treasure chest! Darn, it's locked.
Don't go into the dark, you might get eaten by a grue.
Turn right.
Take the fishing pole. Turn right.
Go up the ladder.
Let's go back outside and find that chick!
Go out the door.
The Path/The Pond
Back up all the way to the head of the path (two clicks).
Turn right.
Well, there's five trees.
Let's hit the fourth tree from the left with the stick!
As soon as the chick appears, click on it. If you miss, hit the tree with the stick again.
Turn left.
Click on the pond for a close up.
Let's see if the ice axe can break the ice on the pond.
Hit the pond with the axe twice until you have water showing.
Time for fishing!
Put the fishing pole in the pond and wait.
You'll see the bobber getting pulled in part way. Wait until you see it get totally submerged then quickly click on the fishing pole.
Yay, a fish!
Take the fish and back up.
Go forward once.
Let's check on the shy chick, shall we?
Click on the fallen tree to see the shy chick.
Well, it's still running away, but does it seem fatter?
Back up.
Go into the house.
That cat looks hungry, let's leave him the fish.
Place the fish on the cat and leave the house.
Back up once to the path, then go forward.
Oh yes, the poor chick being eaten by the snake.
Click on the snake for a close up.
Well, the ice axe doesn't seem to work on the snake either. Let's try the pepper.
Use the pepper on the snake twice and he will spit out the chick.
Back up.
Pick up the chick. You should now have four regular chicks and one frozen chick.
Back up and go back to the house.
Hey, where'd the cat go?
Turn left.
Looks like the cat opened the cupboard.
Open the other cupboard door on the right cupboard. A doughnut!
Take the doughnut and go back outside.
Back up all the way to the head of the path.
Maybe the cat went back to the pond?
Click on the pond.
Yep, there's the cat in the distance. Click on the cat for a close up.
Dinnertime! Hey, are those matches on the ground?
Take the matches.
Place the frozen chick by the fire.
Once the chick is thawed then take it.
Back up to the path.
Go forward once and then click on the fallen tree to check on the shy chick.
Once the chick has run away place the doughnut on the tree stump, then back up twice.
Go forward again and click on the fallen tree.
That chick has gotten really fat.
Click on the chick and he will run away again, but this time he won't fit into the tree.
Take the chick.
Back up.
End Game
Go back into the house.
Turn left and go down into the cellar.
Turn right twice until you are facing the treasure chest.
Go into the dark.
Use the matches for a light.
Pick up the note at the bottom left of the scene. Seven chicks and a star, huh? I'm guessing it means the altar at the end of the path.
Go forward.
When the chick flies away take the key from his nest.
Back up twice.
Use the key to open the chest.
Take the star.
Go forward twice.
When the chick flies away click on the matches to put them out.
Once it is dark the chick will come back. Take it.
Light the matches again and go back twice.
Turn right twice, go up the ladder and out the door.
Back up to the path and then go forward twice until you are at the altar.
Place the star on the altar.
Look, seven places for seven chicks. Place the chicks on the columns.
Enjoy the animated ending.
When you reach "Escape Success!" click on the back arrow for an additional cut scene.
Happy Holidays!
Posted by: grinnyp
December 23, 2009 11:00 AM
Christmas Escape 1 Walkthrough
Not much to do on the first screen, other than get a present, see the presents section below for that.
Go Right to the fireplace
Get the Wood from the barrel
Go right twice, to the coats
Get the paper from the trash can
Click on the second knob from the right to get knob
Click on the coats to get mittens
Go Left to the bed
Use Knob on bottom drawer. Get matches
Go Left to fireplace
Use wood, paper and matches in fireplace
Go Right to bed
Check thermometer
Open curtains.
Open snowman window, click snowmans fork arm
Go right to coats.
Use fork on Cake. Get plate
Write down number (or remember it) underneath plate.
Go to safe, enter number, get hammer
Go back to windows, open left window, use hammer on icicle with key in it. Use gloves on broken icicle
Go to fireplace, put plate on ground in front of fireplace, put frozen key on plate.
Use key on door and you are done!
Location of all the presents
The Easy Ones:
One in The Tree by the front Door
Inside Boots by fireplace
Inside Garbage Can by fireplace
Underneath bottom covers of bed
In hidden compartment in lower right bedpost
In top drawer beside bed
Underneath Santa hat
Under green cushion on couch
On table
Behind couch (look underneath) after moving coats
The Harder Ones:
Click garbage can underneath coats to get star, use star on reindeer picture
Click plate of water, use plate of water on drooping plant, leave screen and come back
Check left bed post and get a number (12) on snowman screen get a second number (35). Set the clock to 12:35
After growing plant, click on spoon behind pot. Put fork and spoon on snowman as arms. Check under his hat.
Getting all the presents will light the candles on the cake
Posted by: MisterThou | December 24, 2009 2:56 PM