An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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MikeLights[The following is a winning entry in the YouAreGames: Reviewers, Assemble! contest. Congratulations to Mike for writing the winning entry, and thank you to everyone who sent in Lights reviews!]

I don't remember what happened, but somehow I have awoken in a strange room. In the room with me are several desks, atop of which are several computers. There is no apparent exit.

Examine computers.

Each one is displaying a Room Escape game! If it weren't for the fact that I am trapped in this room with amnesia and a headache, I would find this development delightfully postmodern!

Play Room Escape 1.

That did not take very long. The puzzles were obvious, the narrative facile, and judging from the art I'd say the developer is heavily fond of the line tool in MS Paint. What a disappointing Room Escape game!

Play Room Escape 2.

This game is at least attractively rendered, but I am at a loss for what to do next.

Examine sofa.

Nothing happens.

Examine behind sofa.

Again, nothing happens.

Examine next to sofa, just where the shadow intersects the floor and baseboard.

GAAH, nothing, GAAH!

Examine walkthrough.

It says I should click just to the right of the sofa's shadow, below and to the left of the potted fern, but just outside the shadow of said fern. Really, Mr. Developer! This persistent, persnickety pixel-hunting has put me off this particular program, permanently!

Play Room Escape 3.

I have collected a glass of water, a scrubbing pad, a pair of nail clippers, and a stuffed toy capybara. What now?

Click about randomly.


Combine objects randomly.

Well then...

Examine walkthrough.

Oh for criminy's sake on a rusty pogo stick! I'm supposed to plug in the toaster on the counter, shear the wire with the clippers, pour water on the wire, then scrub the resulting burn marks from the formica to reveal the code to unlock the icebox?! This insidious, ill-formed illogic insults my innate inductive intelligence, indeed!

LightsPlay Room Escape 4: Lights.

Hey I recognize the developer, Neutral, responsible for such gems as Sphere, Vision, and other classics of the Escape the Room genre. Perhaps this new game, Lights, will live up to the standards of its predecessors.

Continue playing Lights.

Huzzah, this game is all I could hope for and more! Warm, inviting 3D environments! Clever puzzles that don't rely on excessive pixel hunting or bizarre leaps in space-logic! Even Full Motion Video footage of an adorable Papillon! This computer title calls out its so-called competitors and, uh, okay, this one is getting away from me.

Examine just-opened secret door, revealing green fields, sunshine, daffodils, and two ponies.

Maybe in a second, after I find the secret ending.

Analysis: I do like me my escape games, bite-size portions of adventure gaming that they are, but while I am a little more tolerant than our alliterative protagonist, I do share some of his frustrations with the genre. It's a type of game whose creation is easy to execute but difficult to master, and even the best games often suffer the same pitfalls. It's tough to come up with puzzles that are at once difficult enough not to be boring but logical enough not to be frustrating. The remarkable thing about Lights, and Neutral's games in general, is that they walk this line with aplomb.

The trick is that the game keeps no undue secrets. What I mean is, all the items and locked cabinets are apparent either from the wide shots of the room, or from looking closely at things you were likely to look at anyway. You never stall because you weren't clicking on the right place to open the proper drawer, so the challenge is not in finding these secrets, but in figuring out what to do with them. What's more, the puzzles are interconnected, so you never feel like you are hopping from one discrete puzzle to another. This overall sense of momentum accounts for a large part of Lights' success.

Another area where Lights succeeds is in instilling a sense of exploration. New areas are constantly opening up, so just as you have exhausted one part of the room, a new part is made available to explore. One of the best parts of classic adventure games is the feeling of making new discoveries, and it is great that Neutral recreates this sense in micro-form.

Plus, even though I'm a cat person, I really do like the Papillon. Or is it a Pomeranian? Either way, it's totally unaccountable.

I should note what might be a small quibble for some people. There is a reflex-based mini-game that you must beat to progress in the game, and while I had no problem with it, it might not be what some are looking for in an escape game. There is an easy mode for this game, but this has the downside of taking much longer to complete.

Quibble aside, Lights is easily another grand success for the Neutral development team. If you like escape rooms with logical puzzles, exploration, and cute, tiny dogs, then I highly recommend it.

Play Lights

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Lights Walkthrough

  1. Examine trunk - note key is chained to padlock.

  2. Take binoculars - note 4 holes in shelf.

  3. Return to first screen. Look up.

  4. Use binoculars with marks on window frame. Note tic-tac-toe board.

  5. Examine plants. Note screw in pot of yucca plant (far left).

  6. Examine central picture to reveal green buttons.

  7. Turn right. Look under right hand side of couch for duck head.

  8. Examine duck head to see that the stem is hexagonal.

  9. Look under brown cushion for handheld game.

  10. Look to left side of couch (below watering can) - look behind couch to collect ball of paper.

  11. Unfurl ball of paper to get info for green buttons behind central picture.

  12. Look on top shelf of circular shelves.

  13. Collect orange ruler from right of green box.

  14. Note hole in box is hexagonal.

  15. Use duck head with box.

  16. Look to right of couch. Press red button. Note holes above and below button.

  17. Note grille closes when button is not depressed.

  18. Turn right. Look at high shelf. Examine paper behind vase.

  19. Examine hamster picture. Note screw behind frame.

  20. Examine door, note 3 digit code in Roman numerals.

  21. Turn right. Open bottom drawer of desk. Remove solar-powered device.

  22. Examine device. Note 4 feet on bottom.

  23. Examine light and function of on/off buttons.

  24. Look at right of desk. Note letters.

  25. Use orange ruler with letters to find code.

  26. Turn right. Place solar-powered device on shelf where you removed binoculars.

  27. Look at central picture. Use code from letters, orange ruler, and ball of paper to obtain key.

  28. D heart, A diamond, A diamond, C star, B heart was my code, but this changes each game.

  29. Use key with desk drawer to obtain hook and rope.

  30. Use hook and rope with screwdriver.

  31. Return to button on couch. Press button, pull rope.

  32. Collect screwdriver.

  33. Use screwdriver on screw behind hamster picture.

  34. Move cupboard.

  35. Open hatch. Note code.

  36. Code corresponds to placement of noughts and crosses on tic-tac-toe board.

  37. Using O for on and X for off button (as indicated by the piece of paper behind the vase), use the code on the light to obtain a battery.

  38. Use screwdriver on plant to to obtain a locked box.

  39. Use locked box on key padlocked to trunk. Open box.

  40. Get second battery from now unlocked box.

  41. Use batteries with handheld game.

  42. Play Hiyoko Bridge handheld game. Note hiscore.

  43. Beat the hiscore to obtain code for duck head.

  44. Use code from beating hiscore on Hiyoko Bridge to obtain flat-head screwdriver.

  45. Use flat-head screwdriver with panel on door. You now have a panel and some screws.

  46. Use binoculars to obtain triangle code from hallway.

  47. Use panel and screws with red button on sofa.

  48. Retrieve key from grille.

  49. Use key with green triangle picture.

  50. Press buttons according to triangle code from hallway. Get catapult.

  51. Use nuts with catapult.

  52. Use catapult with key in hallway to obtain key - you may have to hit it several times!

  53. Use binoculars again - note 4 digit numerical code.

  54. Return to solar-powered device. Note the function of the buttons.

  55. Red button is 'enter', central button multiplies by 10, right button adds 7. Use buttons in combination to input numerical code.

  56. Obtain Roman numeral code from solar-powered device.

  57. Use Roman numeral code with cupboard to obtain pet food dish.

  58. Return to hatch. Place pet food dish on red spiral.

  59. A dog will return with the key, but won't drop it.

  60. Return to solar-powered device. Input code again. When the bell rings, return to the hatch to collect the ball.

  61. Use ball with hole behind triangles picture.

  62. Collect can of dog food from grille.

  63. Open can. Use can with food dish.

  64. Shut hatch and reopen. Dog should now be eating the food. Collect key.

  65. Unlock door.

  66. Lift cushion, note bone.

  67. Lift triangles panel.

  68. Turn around. Look behind the door. Note code.

  69. Look at bars.

  70. Press red button.

  71. Turn back around. Note penguin picture is now on floor to reveal an alcove.

  72. Use the new code with the puzzles to obtain the key.

  73. Use the key to open the door. You're free!

For the second ending:
Follow xadoc's walkthrough (thank you for typing that all up, xadoc!) but stop at step 73! Instead of taking the first exit, follow these steps:

  1. DON'T use the key on the door! Turn it over and look at the back. I think it's a random number.

  2. Use the four digit number on the solar powered box. The panel should open and give you a key.

  3. Use the key on the chest. Get the mirror.

  4. Looks like the mirror has a place to hang it. Where have you seen things hanging?

  5. There's three pictures hanging. Which one is pointing at something that needs light?

  6. The far left painting. Hang the mirror from the hook (you don't need to move the painting.

  7. Go back down the hall where the light is now shining. There seems to be a solar panel under that arrow panel. But it won't stay open...

  8. Hold it open until the lights all light up.

  9. The bars to the doggy hall are now open!

FYI a general purpose trick to solving the number box (step 55 on Xadoc's walkthrough):

Look at only the least significant (right-hand) digit. Figure out what multiple of 7 has that digit. Then subtract that from the 4 digit number, and work on the 2nd place.

For example, say your number is 2472:

   -42 (7*6)
  -21  (7*3)
-42   (7*6)
-2___ becomes 8 (since there are no negatives)

To solve, work backwards (x can be anything): press left button until you get x8, then middle to shift. Press left until x22, then shift. Then left until x241, shift, left until 2452.

It's admittedly a little confusing, but it worked for me.


Anonymous June 2, 2009 1:24 PM

So stuck at the

duck puzzle

brokenrecord June 2, 2009 1:31 PM

I found a hook. Maybe I can be a pirate now? (yar)

brokenrecord June 2, 2009 1:33 PM

No wait! I know what the hook is for!

Slip the hook around the screwdriver in the cage. Then push the button on the side of the couch.


brokenrecord, where did you find the hook?


I'm stuck, but I've made it a ways in. Currently I have:

The duck in the top of the box
The Phillips head screwdriver
The open box of acorns
One battery
The Hyuka bridge game (?)
The binoculars
And the item from the drawer

I'm trying to figure out

What the "L" shaped code behind the cabinet means, and how the duck works. Also, what numbers to put into the solar powered device and the cabinet lock.

If anyone has any clues, please help!

okieabbott June 2, 2009 1:56 PM


You have to solve a puzzle to get a key before you can get the hook


Okay, I have three places to input a code:

Three roman numerals at the base of the cabinet,

Four numbers on the solar-powered digital thingy,

and the rotating ducky head.

I have two codes, which don't seem to bear any relation to the code-entry mechanisms:

a tic-tac-toe board

and a row of squares and angles near a picture of a spiral.

None of my items look like they could be used as keys, and some of them need to be unlocked themselves. I am stuck as stuck could be.

sevarious June 2, 2009 1:59 PM

the hook is

in the drawer. but you have to solve the puzzle behind hte sky picture first.

crazywaffles June 2, 2009 2:00 PM

I really need help with:

What to do with the buttons behind the blue ocean picture.



I thought maybe the pictures were a clue - the directions the animals were facing - but I can't figure it out.

Anonymous June 2, 2009 2:02 PM

for the white box

it can be opened with the key attached to the chest


I'm convinced the

tic-tac-toe board

has something to do with the light on the desk, and the

note behind the pot on the shelf (X=off, O=on)

But I can't make it work out.

meatbag June 2, 2009 2:03 PM

There is a fourth place to input a code that is the combination of the tic tack toe board and the lines by the spiral. What have I missed to get the stuff you have found?

Sruixan June 2, 2009 2:05 PM

Dunno if this'll help anyone, but:

The right side of the desk has lots of letters on it, which, in conjuction with the plastic with holes in, matches some letters to shapes, which shades in some squares in the grid in the paper from behind the sofa...


Psychotronic, if the item in your inventory that you need unlocked is

The box you got from under the plant,

then the way to unlock it is

to go to the chest, click the key once, and then use the box on the key.

After that, I don't know what else to do, except take the item from the box and use it

on the game in the inventory.

From there, I'm stuck.


Psychotronic (and others - code hint, tic-tac-toe)

the tic-tac-toe and the row of squares are related - you'll need another piece that you found but can not pick up to put everything together

further hint

look behind the flowerpot on the high shelf

Tedweird June 2, 2009 2:06 PM

i think the tic-tac-toe board corresponds with the light that has 2 buttons, but i've tried to input the code and gotten nothing, even when i rotated the board

Sruixan June 2, 2009 2:08 PM

Oh darn it, I wasn't thinking... now I'm progressing.

Tedweird June 2, 2009 2:11 PM

ooo, thanks krebel!


I'm not even going to look at your spoiler, krebel. The answer literally came to me in the shower. Of course, now I'm out of codes completely...


Psychotronic, I'm nearly as stuck as you, but I've found a couple other code-related clues:

Look behind the couch on the left side, and just to the right of the green box.

I don't know what to do with any of these things, though. I feel like that behind-bars screwdriver is my bottleneck, and I've figured out how to open the grate for a moment, but I can't make it stay open! Any hints on that would be mightily appreciated.


Re the duck:

try beating the Bridge game first.

I'm quite a ways along but I'm solidly stuck. I've

unscrewed the panel from the door and used the binoculars on the coathooks across the hall.

I'm pretty sure they're the code for

the picture with the x and the keyhole

but I can't find

a key to use it with.

I'm also stuck on

the numbers to input into the solar-powered box...

Sruixan June 2, 2009 2:25 PM

Right, finally got that little birdy thing out of my way... they were giving me a headache...

Now I need to figure out what do to with:

The directions I get by looking through the door's panel with the binoculars... I think they have something to do with the green safe thingy on the wall, but I can't fathom how to imput them...


Scottique, use the

clues from the side of the couch to do the puzzle behind the picture

- that'll give you

a key to get the hook

timbo23 June 2, 2009 2:27 PM

To get the second battery:

The code behind the cabinet with the spiraly thing... combine that with your tic-tac-tow, and knowing what means off and what means on, and you now know how to use the light to get the second battery.

Now to just get the high score to move on!


Heh, I figured out the screwdriver as soon as I posted, of course.

Here's your barking-up-the-wrong-tree hint on the screwdriver:

If you're spending twenty minutes trying to find a way to prop that button pressed, you're going about it the wrong way. You'll need to solve the puzzle behind the middle hanging photograph first.


Alright, so after krebel's hint (thanks a bunch) I've progressed a fair bit. Gotten the tic-tac-toe code, the green box + duck code, and the wall safe code. Still stuck on the solar powered box code, the cabinet code, and the chest. Any ideas?

brokenrecord June 2, 2009 2:28 PM

Yay! For tic-tac-toe/light/squares.

The note behind the pot on the shelf (next to the green bucket) is the key. X=off, O=on

The tic-tac-toe board matches up with the fragmented squares behind the cabinet. Each square is a square on the tic-tac-toe (four-sided square=middle square, two-sided=one of the corners, etc)

Not sure if it changes, but the pattern I got was on, off, on, on, off, off, off, on, on



have you wondered why you were given that plate and screws from the door?

it's brown...just like

the couch


I've almost escaped and I've

opened the compartment behind the painting, but when I try to input the codes nothing happens I've also found the thing

behind the coat rack

but have no idea how to keep it open or what to do with it

To scottique:

Have you found the hook yet?

If not then

Look at the right side of the study


Ahahahahaha! Duck problem solved! Now I'm stuck exactly where Sruixan is. I'm tantalized by:

the sight of another door down the hallway. Could we have to escape from the hallway as well?

Aerineth June 2, 2009 2:31 PM

I seem to be stuck at the bird.

I found the paper behind the flower pot, and it looks like an indicator to turn it counter-clockwise three times. I tried clockwise too, in case the mark at the left end wasn't an arrow.

Am I missing something from the clue?


Sixquarters, you currently have all you need to activate the x and the keyhole.

Use the newest item in your inventory on an object in the room you have already interacted with.

Use the panel from the door on the red button to permanently open the grate. Inside here is the key to the green picture/wall safe.

However, I'm stuck after I got the

Slingshot and opened the hole in the wall safe.


I've got:

some kind of handheld video game, with one battery in it
the white box from under the plant, full of acorns
a screwdriver
piece of paper with key to the push button puzzle

And I also found the chick and put it in the box

I also have some potential solutions:

something that looks like tic-tac-toe
something written on the ledge behind the dresser

Also willing to tell how I got anything that I got.


@Sruixan and also for the grate to stay open

you are correct, you need the green key for the green panel. remember the brown panel you took of the door with a screwdriver? you can use it somewhere else

about the tictactoe

you need the code from the skylight, the code behind the pot (marks o and x) and the last one, the code behind the cupboard (which is a deconstructed tictactoe grid). input the correct sequence into the light on the desk

Anonymous June 2, 2009 2:39 PM

Well, I got (ending spoiler):

ONE possible ending. But I had items left over, so I'm pretty sure there's another one!

Sruixan June 2, 2009 2:40 PM

Priha, I'm in the same situation...

I think the stuff behind the painting is more red-herring-ish... I'm trying to figure out where the dog got to...

brokenrecord June 2, 2009 2:40 PM

GAGAAHHH This chick game will be the death of me! I got to 5900 points. grrrr.

Sruixan June 2, 2009 2:41 PM

Ah! Power of posting... just one moment to check it works...



use the slingshot on
something you can't reach?

Use it to knock the key down in the rack

then use the binoculars

Sruixan June 2, 2009 2:43 PM

I appear to be either out, or knocked out... it's a bit blacker than I had expected...


So I've made it pretty far. Took me forever to figure how to get the right numbers on the solar powered box, but it just takes patience and fiddling. The code for it is

behind the key in the hallway. Use the slingshot

with the acorns

But I'm stuck again. So far I've

Gotten the dog bowl, put it on the spiral. Seen the dog come with the key on it's collar.

I figure I need to

get a tennis ball, like the photo.

No idea how, though.


Are you guys talking about the

tic tac tow clue on the ceiling? Or is there an actual item that is a tic tac tow board?

For those still having trouble with the puzzle behind the sky/ocean picture

Use the yellow ruler with shape holes to the right of the desk. Then combine those letters with the four by three grid from the piece of paper behind and to the left of the couch. This gives you the order in which to click the buttons.

Kimbo3311 June 2, 2009 2:46 PM

I must be absolutely retarded, or the mexican for lunch is eating my brain, because I still can not figure out how the

ABCD diamond heart square box is filled in. I have the:
ruler with the shapes
paper from behind the couch,
and I know about the mass of letters on the sixe of the desk, and I place the ruler up to the desk and leters never really truely fit in the shapes, so I can't figure out how to place things.


Ok I've read everyone's comments on it and I can't get the tic-tac-toe code to work.

I even double checked it, erasing my code and checking the board on the skylight and the code on the panel and recreating the code again, and then entering it into the light, but no dice. I tried the code that someone else had for their game, and that didn't work either.

Does something need to be done first? What happens when the code works?

richmcd June 2, 2009 2:50 PM


I waited a bit and then checked the bowl again; the ball just rolled towards it.

But now I'm stuck.

So I got the ball and the picture implies I need to drop/throw it into the chute to dislodge something, but where is the entry point?


I noticed an

alarm clock ringing when solving the solar powered box thing but can't seem to find one.

the box also has an opening which I haven't managed to get open.

richmcd June 2, 2009 2:52 PM

Oh, never mind, I found it.

Lorem Ipsum June 2, 2009 2:52 PM


If you've seen the dog come to the door, you just need to let some time pass. Back out of that screen and then zoom back in to look at the bowl again.


I enter

the second combination for the solar powered thing

Kimbo3311 June 2, 2009 2:53 PM

grr.... server down....


Priha, thanks for the hint, I got it right after I posted. Now I seem to be stuck with you and Sruixan, who apparently is stuck no longer.


an alteration of the order of the three codes behind the painting is needed? I've tried squares-light-duck, and the reverse, but so far nothing. Any ideas?

Lorem Ipsum June 2, 2009 2:55 PM


The picture shows you where the entry point for the ball is.

If you still can't find it:

check where you got the slingshot again.

If you still can't see it:

Click the base where the slingshot was, it should lift up.

Anonymous June 2, 2009 2:56 PM

I'm close to the end but,

I'm at the hallway and I got a panel with all previous puzzles, but entering the previous awnsers doesn't works, halp.



Have you opened the green picture with the four triangles? Click around inside there, that's where the chute is.

I've made it out of the first room, but now I'm stuck in the hallway!

It seems like there's the same places to input codes as there were inside the room - a twisty thing, an on-off light, a grid, and a solar powered thing that I can't get to. But the codes don't work! O_o

Anyone else gotten this far?


Another idea

The thing behind the rack seems to have a solar panel. Maybe if I shine some light on it something would happen.But I haven't found any mirrors. I tried using the paintings but it didn't work


check behind the first door

Lorem Ipsum June 2, 2009 3:01 PM

You're so close! But there's a new code. Look around for it.

Look behind the door to the second room


Power of post! Figured out my error on the TTT.

Okay I have the high score on the video game.

I assume that the pictures of the chick facing directions are the key to the chick turning, but I can't figure out how exactly the two mesh. I tried to match my turns so that the turns point the chick in the direction, but that didn't seem to do anything.


Priha, I just moved to the next step. You need to

look behind the now open door for a new code using the three implements behind the picture. It gives you

a key with a number on the back. I bet it's for the solar box, but I haven't been able to input it correctly yet.

Bethany June 2, 2009 3:03 PM

How do you start? I have:

a pair of binoculars, 2 electronic devices, a stencil-stick-looking thing, and the paper from behind the couch.


Made it out! But!

There are two endings. Glad I saved before I left!

For anyone still stuck in the hallway:

Have you checked behind the door?

cricket June 2, 2009 3:07 PM

about the light on the desk

I have the tic-tac-toe code and understand that the fragmented squares are supposed to help interpret how to use the code to push the light buttons and get a battery, but I've tried everything and am still stumped. The only thing i can figure to use the fragmented squares for is to rearrange the order of how to enter the on/off code. but it doesn't work. What am I missing? Please and thankyou.

mnchknds June 2, 2009 3:08 PM

I can't figure out the green picture puzzle.


I'm out.
Thanks for the help ipsum and mm

richmcd June 2, 2009 3:10 PM


You just need to keep adding 35 and then shifting it to the left, assuming your number was 3885 like mine.


MM hint:

602 is dividable by 7


Lights Walkthrough

  1. Examine trunk - note key is chained to padlock.

  2. Take binoculars - note 4 holes in shelf.

  3. Return to first screen. Look up.

  4. Use binoculars with marks on window frame. Note tic-tac-toe board.

  5. Examine plants. Note screw in pot of yucca plant (far left).

  6. Examine central picture to reveal green buttons.

  7. Turn right. Look under right hand side of couch for duck head.

  8. Examine duck head to see that the stem is hexagonal.

  9. Look under brown cushion for handheld game.

  10. Look to left side of couch (below watering can) - look behind couch to collect ball of paper.

  11. Unfurl ball of paper to get info for green buttons behind central picture.

  12. Look on top shelf of circular shelves.

  13. Collect orange ruler from right of green box.

  14. Note hole in box is hexagonal.

  15. Use duck head with box.

  16. Look to right of couch. Press red button. Note holes above and below button.

  17. Note grille closes when button is not depressed.

  18. Turn right. Look at high shelf. Examine paper behind vase.

  19. Examine hamster picture. Note screw behind frame.

  20. Examine door, note 3 digit code in Roman numerals.

  21. Turn right. Open bottom drawer of desk. Remove solar-powered device.

  22. Examine device. Note 4 feet on bottom.

  23. Examine light and function of on/off buttons.

  24. Look at right of desk. Note letters.

  25. Use orange ruler with letters to find code.

  26. Turn right. Place solar-powered device on shelf where you removed binoculars.

  27. Look at central picture. Use code from letters, orange ruler, and ball of paper to obtain key.

  28. D heart, A diamond, A diamond, C star, B heart was my code, but this changes each game.

  29. Use key with desk drawer to obtain hook and rope.

  30. Use hook and rope with screwdriver.

  31. Return to button on couch. Press button, pull rope.

  32. Collect screwdriver.

  33. Use screwdriver on screw behind hamster picture.

  34. Move cupboard.

  35. Open hatch. Note code.

  36. Code corresponds to placement of noughts and crosses on tic-tac-toe board.

  37. Using O for on and X for off button (as indicated by the piece of paper behind the vase), use the code on the light to obtain a battery.

  38. Use screwdriver on plant to to obtain a locked box.

  39. Use locked box on key padlocked to trunk. Open box.

  40. Get second battery from now unlocked box.

  41. Use batteries with handheld game.

  42. Play Hiyoko Bridge handheld game. Note hiscore.

  43. Beat the hiscore to obtain code for duck head.

  44. Use code from beating hiscore on Hiyoko Bridge to obtain flat-head screwdriver.

  45. Use flat-head screwdriver with panel on door. You now have a panel and some screws.

  46. Use binoculars to obtain triangle code from hallway.

  47. Use panel and screws with red button on sofa.

  48. Retrieve key from grille.

  49. Use key with green triangle picture.

  50. Press buttons according to triangle code from hallway. Get catapult.

  51. Use nuts with catapult.

  52. Use catapult with key in hallway to obtain key - you may have to hit it several times!

  53. Use binoculars again - note 4 digit numerical code.

  54. Return to solar-powered device. Note the function of the buttons.

  55. Red button is 'enter', central button multiplies by 10, right button adds 7. Use buttons in combination to input numerical code.

  56. Obtain Roman numeral code from solar-powered device.

  57. Use Roman numeral code with cupboard to obtain pet food dish.

  58. Return to hatch. Place pet food dish on red spiral.

  59. A dog will return with the key, but won't drop it.

  60. Return to solar-powered device. Input code again. When the bell rings, return to the hatch to collect the ball.

  61. Use ball with hole behind triangles picture.

  62. Collect can of dog food from grille.

  63. Open can. Use can with food dish.

  64. Shut hatch and reopen. Dog should now be eating the food. Collect key.

  65. Unlock door.

  66. Lift cushion, note bone.

  67. Lift triangles panel.

  68. Turn around. Look behind the door. Note code.

  69. Look at bars.

  70. Press red button.

  71. Turn back around. Note penguin picture is now on floor to reveal an alcove.

  72. Use the new code with the puzzles to obtain the key.

  73. Use the key to open the door. You're free!

Sruixan June 2, 2009 3:13 PM

Yeah, I got out earlier, but was called away before I could really post about it. I now think there's another, proper ending, but I'm going to have to go again and will have to investigate later...


Hmm, I'm not happy - I think there's more to do...


So I got the the ending with the dog. I think this is the proper one am I right?


Well, considering I got two different answers to my number question, I'm guessing it might be random. My number was

2686. I got it by inputting 4200, 63, adding a 0, then advancing until I reached 2686. Just took a little thought and math :D

So, now I've reached both endings, thanks for all the help!


Yeah, Priha, you have the good ending. The other ending is just

using the key from the triple puzzle behind the picture on the door in the hall. Instant exit, and a less gratifying victory.


I'm working towards the second ending now. I have the

mirror thing.

But I have no idea what to do with it. Any help?

Citrine June 2, 2009 3:18 PM

Um, the link at the bottom is broken - it's missing the 'h' from the http part.

I'm nitpicky, I know. orz


Can anyone help with the solar powered box?

I know the code 3714, but ten minutes worth of fiddling still hasn't managed to input the number correctly... Any help at all would be great! Do you punch in the three and then move over, or do you start with a lower number?

cricket June 2, 2009 3:21 PM

Ok, it (the light code) was exactly what i was trying - i don't know why it didn't work here's the solution:



Posey, you're on the right track.

Input 630, then 7, then put in two 0's so you have 3700, then input 14.

Lorem Ipsum June 2, 2009 3:28 PM

Following Xadoc's walkthrough:

DON'T use the key on the door! Turn it over and look at the back. I think it's a random number.

Use the four digit number on the solar powered box. The panel should open and give you a key.

Use the key on the chest. Get the mirror.

Looks like the mirror has a place to hang it. Where have you seen things hanging?

There's three pictures hanging. Which one is pointing at something that needs light?

The far left painting. Hang the mirror from the hook (you don't need to move the painting.

Go back down the hall where the light is now shining. There seems to be a solar panel under that arrow panel. But it won't stay open...

Hold it open until the lights all light up.

The bars to the doggy hall are now open!

Anonymous June 2, 2009 3:32 PM

Got out...but it says there's 2 exits!

Maybe the 2nd one has something to do with the bone in the dog's bed.


Is it just me, or does it take forever to reload your saved game?


Finally out!

I just about jumped out of my skin when the live action video appeared in-game. It wasn't scary at all, of course, it was just totally unexpected to me.

Razorhead June 2, 2009 3:56 PM

my number was 5499. found an number with 51 on the end, shifted it to the left and added 399.

I loved Papiko! :D


Woohoo! Out! (I think the real out).

I only needed a couple of hints. I didn't like the bridge game (but at least it was reasonable). I really liked the

nut/slingshot target pratice

and the use of

video, although, next time feed your own mangy mutt! Whaddya think I am, your servant? ;-)

trilogy June 2, 2009 3:59 PM

Please help math challenged person...

My code underneath the key in the hallway is 1714. No matter what combination after 30 minutes, I always end up at 1715 and cannot move on...PLEASE HELP!!!

Lorem Ipsum June 2, 2009 3:59 PM

For the second ending:
Follow xadoc's walkthrough (thank you for typing that all up, xadoc!) but stop at step 73! Instead of taking the first exit, follow these steps:

  1. DON'T use the key on the door! Turn it over and look at the back. I think it's a random number.

  2. Use the four digit number on the solar powered box. The panel should open and give you a key.

  3. Use the key on the chest. Get the mirror.

  4. Looks like the mirror has a place to hang it. Where have you seen things hanging?

  5. There's three pictures hanging. Which one is pointing at something that needs light?

  6. The far left painting. Hang the mirror from the hook (you don't need to move the painting.

  7. Go back down the hall where the light is now shining. There seems to be a solar panel under that arrow panel. But it won't stay open...

  8. Hold it open until the lights all light up.

  9. The bars to the doggy hall are now open!

trilogy June 2, 2009 4:08 PM

Please help math challenged...I have been stuck for an hour at solar powered box...

My number is 1714 and no matter how many ways I try, I always end up at 1715...PLEASE HELP ME!!!


FYI a general purpose trick to solving the number box (step 55 on Xadoc's walkthrough):

Look at only the least significant (right-hand) digit. Figure out what multiple of 7 has that digit. Then subtract that from the 4 digit number, and work on the 2nd place.

For example, say your number is 2472:

   -42 (7*6)
  -21  (7*3)
-42   (7*6)
-2___ becomes 8 (since there are no negatives)

To solve, work backwards (x can be anything): press left button until you get x8, then middle to shift. Press left until x22, then shift. Then left until x241, shift, left until 2452.

It's admittedly a little confusing, but it worked for me.

Anonymous June 2, 2009 4:14 PM

I am still having trouble with the duck puzzle. I have

the high score on the bridge game

but I am having trouble entering the code.

I have tried starting clockwise and counter-clockwise, reversing with each new direction. Spinning three times per direction.

Am I doing something wrong?





Doh, stupid left/right dyslexia. Swap left and right buttons in my examples...

Lorem Ipsum June 2, 2009 4:17 PM

trilogy, for your number:

1714: Hit the first button three times until you get 21. Hit the second button twice so you have 210. Hit the first button once so you have 217. Hit the second button twice so you have 1700. Hit the first button twice and you should have 1714, then hit the red button.

Anonymous June 2, 2009 4:20 PM

I am still having trouble with the duck puzzle. I have

the high score in the bridge game

but I cannot get the code entered.

I have spun starting clockwise and counter-clockwise, reversing the spin with each new direction. I have also tried by spinning three times to begin and by spinning three times for each direction.

Am I doing something wrong?


It took me forever to figure out

after playing the bridge game, it was giving me the solution to the duck head/green box puzzle

I kept playing over and over thinking I wasn't scoring high enough or something. DOH!

Haven't got out yet, though.


The tic tac toe code absolutely does not work. I've quadrupled checked my code and everything, and entered it a dozen times. Nothing happens.

What am I missing?

Anonymous June 2, 2009 4:27 PM

My random number is 2479, which I've figured out how to get. But after putting it in, nothing's happening. Looks like I have to restart =(

Erik Neilsen June 2, 2009 4:29 PM

Stuck at the

Duck Puzzle.. No matter which way I put in the code from the game it won't unlock. I have: Right, center, left, center, left, center, right, center, right.


Great game! I tried to play it a second time, but server is down.

I checked again, it's back up.


D'awww, Papiko the papillon is adorable. It helps that papillons are also one of the few dog breeds I like. A good fit for puzzle games, since they're often ranked high in the most intelligent dogs.

Papachabre June 2, 2009 4:44 PM

One of the best escape games ever! I laughed, I cried...ok I didn't cry but still.


To JIGuest having trouble with the solar box:

It's a solar-powered box. Perhaps you ought to put it someplace it can get some sun? Examine the box. Look at its underside. Where have you seen four little indentations like that? That's right, on the shelf where you found the binoculars. Put the box there, go away and let it charge, then come back. The buttons should now work.

Anonymous July 29, 2009 1:12 PM

great game

lorns1234 August 11, 2009 5:49 AM

im stuck at the tic tack toe thing on the light

lorns1234 August 11, 2009 6:17 AM

wooo, I got the battery from the light, thanks to Otto's code. Here it is:

off on on on off off off on on
right left left left right right right left left


my number for the solar panel is 3721
tried everything may just be my brain not working lol
can anyone help?

mochaalatte August 19, 2009 2:14 PM

Blah blah blah solar box trouble.
By numero is 3714; oh-so close to the person above me. Can anyone help?

nerdypants August 20, 2009 4:31 AM

Erin and mochaalatte, here's what I did for the code on the solar box:

The right button adds 7 to the number. The middle button puts a 0 on the end of the number. All you have to do is click the right button until you have 63. Then click the middle button until you have 3000. Then click the right button a bunch of times until you get 3721 or 3714.


code to get to 5714 please

Anonymous August 27, 2009 7:41 PM

guys I can't figure out how to get number 3714 in the solar battery box... when it comes to maths, I'm

peanutbutter September 2, 2009 6:21 PM

Can anyone explain step 36 in the walkthrough please?

It says that the random markings found behind the cupboard correspond with the tic-tac-toe board.

nerdypants September 6, 2009 9:29 PM

peanutbutter, about the tic-tac-toe board:

Look at the board as if it is made of individual squares, with lines making up the borders. The L-shaped mark from behind the cabinet would correspond to the top right square of the tic-tac-toe board, etc.


I would suggest that OverZealous' post on June 2, 2009 4:10 PM - regarding the numbers on the solar box - be included in the walkthrough. So useful! :) And great game, thanks for sharing!


The tic-tac-toe board I see is as follows:
1st row: O X O
2nd row: O X X
3rd row: X O O

So I believe that the on-off code must be:
off off off on off on on on on

But it doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong?


azanka - tic-tac-toe board
Did you have a look at the walkthrough above the comments? Maybe there you will find helpful hints :).
Greetings, Kayleigh


This Bridge game is making me mad.......


The solar box code is so annoying! I keep trying to input 4714 but how do you do it, PLEASE help!


I got the


, but I still can't find the



OVERZEALOUS - thanks VERY much for your method of solving the number box. I felt like playing this old favourite, and was going quietly nuts trying to get 3492 to divide into 7. Which it don't.

Took me a couple of tries, then a 1000 watt bulb went off: AH! I GET IT! Worked like a charm.

*bows to your mathematical superiority* :)


cant figure out how the

plastic ruler

coorospondes with the

piece of paper

anyone mind helping me? I cant figure out which

letters corospond to each grid pattern since there are 4 lines

mew2keegan November 15, 2009 5:49 PM

im having trouble with the solar-powered box code...

my number is 1721 i have tried pushing the +7 button over and over... but the number goes to 1722 how do i get to 1721?!?

stupid second 2..... why does this have to be so annoyingly hard?


i have a simple way to use the solar box.
for example 5576 = 55 76 (make it separated)

# press right button until 04 76
# press red button (reset)

# press right button until 06 51
why 51?
because 55 76 + 04 76 = 51 00
# to delete 06
press mid button twice until 51 00
# press right button until 55 76


help me with the solar box plz!
my code is 3721 and im going grazy right now. hv tried like 2hours..


That was a lovely little game :D
Live action doggy saves the day! :)


Please help! My code is 2579... It's not possible -- the solar box is impossible!!! :( And suggestions would be appreciated...


to get 3721 first u must press the right key to make 63 then then the left key to make 630 then press right once to make 637 and then press the right key 3x time to make 63721, but it will show 3721 there... pretty easy

Redhairsword January 24, 2010 10:42 PM

Hiyoko Bridge: Proof that driving too fast is reckless, no matter what your species.

Redhairsword January 24, 2010 10:53 PM

I beat the high score at Hiyoko Bridge, but nothing else happened. Does the code I need show up on the game screen?

Redhairsword January 24, 2010 10:58 PM

The power of posting! I figured out where the code is being shown to me in Hiyoko Bridge!


Hi, I'm really stuck on what to do after getting high score on duck game (8300 was my score) and then getting the box open with the duck head open? I've tried turning it etc but nothing happens!

Please help, thank you!

duckhead March 14, 2010 4:08 PM

when you beat the hiscore on the duck thing it will say game over underneith there are little ducks the way they are facing is the way the duck head n the box is facing that is the code. NEED HELP WITH 2nd ending the code from the key is 6583 but i cant get it it always ends up 6581? HELP?


how do I solve the last part of the game?


I am so stuck.
I know I'm gonna sound like such a noob but I have no idea HOW

the letters on the desk correspond to the ocean sky picture; they're all jumbled up! I know the ruler and the paper with shapes and letters all correspond but how?



first press the 7x button until you reach the first two numbers
for example mine was 1714. Keep going until it comes to whatever numbers before but ending in 17.

Next push the 10x button until the numbers are in the left hand places 17_ _

Finally push the 7x until you reach the last two numbers and DONE there is your number push the red button and done! make sure you copy that roman numeral.


Hey, I've progressed in the game to the part where

you have to input the number from the hallway into the solar-powered machine.

I've gone through every page of the comments and read everyone's advice on how to do this, including the instructions in the walkthrough.

The closest I can get is too high by four. I.E., my number is 4721, and the best of my efforts have given me 4725.

Can anyone help? I've done everything else up to this point, so I'm completely stuck until I get past this part.


Nevermind! I found it!!!


I have a simple way to solve the solar box.

Think your number as a five-digit number with one digit you need to solve. If your number was 1714, for instance, it would be 21714. Since 21714 is divisible by 7, all you have to do is put the first two digits in and press the middle button until you're left with the actual first digit-in this case, start with 0021 and press the button until it reads 1000. Now you only have to press the right button until the rest of your number shows up.


This game is horrible. I'm stuck because, although I figured out

the ruler/letters on side of desk code and matched it up to the paper from behind the couch

, it won't work. I understand that

the code given

varies from game to game, but what I was given must be wrong because it will not work.

Anonymous June 13, 2011 9:09 PM

how do i figure out the solar box thing? my code is 8300


okay I know how to get the other battery

The weird lines that are behind the cabinet

They relate to the tic tac toe board

Get a bit of paper and put the tic toe board together

Note down the order the pieces come in to make the tic toe board.

This is the order you need to input the x and o's into the light......

Melissa June 20, 2011 8:34 PM

I'm so stuck on the solar box right now. My code is 4692. I've been trying for 2 hours and haven't figured out how to get it. I would love help!


Melissa (and anyone else stuck on the solar box),

The method I've used to solve my code is to think about how to add multiples of 7 to create the digits I need.

For example, if you can figure out how to get 4650, you'll only need to click the right button 6 more times... because 4650+42 = 4692.

Figuring out how to make _465, so you can shift it over to make 4650, is harder. Even so, the _ in _465 can be any number. Think of what divisible by 7 numbers can be added together to create those last 3 digits.

Some codes are much easier to work out, so if you still can't get it, I recommend restarting to get a new code, hopefully one that's easier to figure out. Neutral's escape games really are worth that extra step.



This is the first Neutral escape game that I managed to solve from end to end without looking at a walkthrough! I was even expecting a *third* ending because I still haven't made use of the bone or the 9 signs near the water bowl. What were they for, anyway?


Well very late to this but it was great, my advice to anyone having trouble on the getting the 4 digit code is to read HBs advice towards the bottom of the third page. It is the clearest of all in my opinion.



Nothing happened when I beat the high score. I tried it on both normal and easy mode. I just played through to 29300 like a punk.



Ah, but something did happen. It's likely right in front of you, particularly if you've already explored the whole room...


...Ah. Right under my nose. I feel like a fool. :P Thanks, Shudog.


that website that used to show you what to clicl left and right is shut down. is there an alternate site i can use that is accurate?



Do you mean for solving the numbers puzzle on the solar box? Or the game as a whole?

For the solar box numbers puzzle, it's hard to explain, but OverZealous gives a good shot at it in the walkthroughs section. Playing with it a lot, though, it does start to show a pattern.

If you're very stuck, save your game, restart, and see if I could get an easier number. Some are a lot easier than others.

Or share your number here and we'll all try to work it out.


the solar box,elle. in this board as a spoiler, someone posted a link to a solar calculator that showed how many times you can go left and right, but since then as of a few months ago, that site shut down so now i can't use the calculator to finish the game. i was hoping that someone could post one that was accurate.

elle May 7, 2012 3:11 PM replied to Paul

Since it's been a few years, that might be unlikely. I tried Googling for another; they're not out there. But... if you post the number, I'll help figure it out. The other option you have is to restart until you get an easier number... Let's start with the one you have now and I'll see if I can help.


well first of all i'm not playing at the present,and 2ndly

there are 2 different numbers used in the game as when you get the key towards the end, when you flip it over it gives you a new number for the solar box to use then you can get the alternate ending eventually.

but if i'm in the mood to play, i'll post it here.


Hey guys, I have a copy of that file.

If all goes well, that link will lead to the spreadsheet.

I did NOT code this file. Original programmer is somewhere in comments. I'd appreciate it if JIG would make their own copy so I can un-share mine.

[I've copied and shared the file, and I've updated the link in your comment above. You can unshare your copy. Thank you, Shudog! :) -Jay]


Shudog, thanks for the spreadsheet! The solar panel code was driving me nuts :) Worked like a charm!

awesomebubble March 16, 2014 10:50 PM

Please help! I need help with the second solar panel number you get in the game,

the one you get right before you've beaten the game and you have the key with the sun symbol on it. There is a number on the back of it and I have to input it in the solar panel, but I can't get it.

My number is 6493. Please help!


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