An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Kid's Room

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Weekday Escape

SonicLoverThis week's Weekday Escape is from a— what? What do you mean, why isn't Jess writing the blurb for this week's Weekday Escape? I am Jess!

Kid's RoomAs I was saying, this week's Weekday Escape is from a previously unknown developer by the name of Robamimi. Enter the Kid's Room. The story behind the escape is that you left your myPhone behind when visiting your friend's house, and he hid it in the kid's playroom. You go to get it, possibly to get away from your annoying myRobot for a while (what other myGadgets does this nutter have?), but some prankster locks the door behind you when you enter. Of course.

...Stop calling me SonicLover! I already told you I'm Jess!

Well, it must be one brainy kid who plays here, because this room is filled with as many cryptic puzzles and gadgets as any seasoned room escaper (escapee?) has grown accustomed to seeing. You'll have to put your mind to the test to get out, with or without your myPhone (there are two endings, depending on whether you manage to find it).

Analysis: Robamimi's native language is Japanese, but thankfully everything is translated into (comically broken) English. Thank goodness for that, otherwise a couple of the puzzles wouldn't be possible to solve, although a lack of knowledge about geography or time-telling would also be an obstacle.

...What do you mean, why does my icon say SonicLover if I'm Jess? Don't believe everything you see.

Anyways, Kid's Room is an excellent piece of work, with puzzles that make sense, fine 3D graphics, and just the right amount of satisfaction when you figure something out. The inventory system is a little unusual, but very intuitive — click the green (top) rectangle to use an item, or the blue one (bottom) to inspect it. The difficulty level is perfect; Robamimi even thought to provide a hint system in case you get stuck. There's a little pixel-hunting, but it's bearable.

Play Kid's Room

...Stop it! I already told you I'm not SonicLover, I'm Jess! What does it take to convince you people of that?!

Walkthrough Guide

Hint Through
Not meant to be a walk-through, just an index of hints and solutions so you can get one without revealing others.


-Puzzle Solutions-




You need six blue "feet" tiles, one red tile, and one black "heart" tile.

If you click the "hint" button at the bottom of the game window, it tells is number, red is color, black is the one that has it.

Look at the pictures on the wall and think about that clue.


Notice some pictures are blue, some are red, and some are black? Consider how that connects to the tiles and the hint given.


If blue means the number of . . .


Count the number of feet represented in the blue pictures.


The cat has four, the chick has two, the goldfish none, the snowman none.

If red is color . . .


Which of the red pictures connects to the correct color?


Only the strawberry is red.

And if black is the one that has it...


Which of the black pictures has that item?


Only the horse (of the black pictures) has a heart.

Also notice that the sides of the puzzle coordinate with the colors of the benches...


In the pictures it's white on top, blue on the bottom, pink on the left, grey on the right. That's a 180 degree rotation of the actual benches. Whatever item is in that corresponding quarter of the picture belongs to that corner of the tile game table.

Order doesn't matter, place the tiles that match the pictures in any available slot in the coordinating corner of the table.

Solution to the Tile Game Table Puzzle:


Bottom Left Corner: two blue foot tiles, one red tile.

Bottom Right Corner: four blue foot tiles, one black heart tile.

Upon solving this puzzle you get:


The key to the sunflower (which is hanging on the wall)



Use sheep's tail as a lever and insert key from the tile game table puzzle. Press button. This will lower the stairs.

Giraffe (quoits game):


First get the rings using your membership card. Think about the clues you've already received...


Using the hint button, you get "He loved sports. He looked up before going up."


Look up from the bottom of the stairs, you see the flags in a particular order.


In the Kid's Book, the Olympic rings are in that same order. Use the flags to identify the countries.

The above hints plus the list of countries in the Kid's Book should tell you how to play "quoits".

Otherwise, here is the solution:


Put the rings on in this order:
1st pink, 2nd green, 3rd yellow, 4th black, 5th blue.
(Pink will end up at the bottom, and blue at the top)

After solving this puzzle you get:


Code to unlock the swing

Clock Puzzle:


From upstairs, look down at the toy train. In the Kid's Book we get the hint:

Go downstairs, zoom in on the toy train, and you see a number. That will help you figure out how the view from above connects to the clock.



Horse is minutes, sheep is seconds, cow is hour.

By solving this puzzle you get:


The blue box with feet will open

Passmaker (Purple box with pink pig holding flags on top):


You must have all the parts. Place the left and right parts in any order. Whatever order you use will be your pass.

Use the pass on the blue box with feet figure.

Blue Box with Feet:


First you must solve the to open the blue figure.

In whatever order you've placed the parts in the passmaker is the order in which you click the right and left buttons insider the sumo figure.

O = right side. I = left side.

When you solve this puzzle you get:


the cow coin

But also notice that this figure appears on a page in the Kid's Room Book...


Next to the Sumo Bout Results


Clicking in that order will produce another item


left, right, right, left, right

Getting Out the Door:


If you have the cow coin, ride the cow, insert the coin, swing high enough to reach the key from the red balloon.

With that key, you can exit...but first look around? Did you use all the hints from the Kid's Book?


The myPhone is located in the blue sumo figure (aka blue box with feet)

-Location of Items-


Left PassMaker Parts: (I)


1. Go to sheep rocker; under sheep's rear feet.
2. Ride the cow rocker; between train and cow's head.
3. Upstairs by blue box with feet figure; zoom on bottom right side (under figure's left foot).

Right PassMaker Parts: (O)


1. Behind the asymetrical chest of drawers.
2. Under the table (click between table and white bench).
3. On a corner of the railing, upstairs (turn left after first climbing stairs).

Lever and Key for Sunflower:


The lever is the sheep's tail and the key is obtained by solving the table puzzle.

Member Card:


Bottom drawer.

Clock hands:


In swing (must be lowered first)

Book of Hints, i.e. "Kid's Room Book":


Middle drawer.

Panels for Table Puzzle:


Top drawer.

Coin for Cow:


Solve Sumo Puzzle (squarish blue figure, upstairs)

Key to door:


Tied to red balloon, must get cow coin first.


Walkthrough for Kid's Room. It's what the cool kids are reading.


Cleaning them out


At the start, you'll be facing a dresser. Pick it dry. After taking everything you can, you'll have six blue tiles, one black tile, one red tile, a "Kid's Book", a member's card, and a part of a PassMaker.

Oh, you didn't find that last one? Check the left side of the dresser.

You can flip through the book for a bit to look at some vague clues, but other than that, zoom back out and turn left a couple times (past the door, which is now inexplicably locked) to face the next area.

This ain't no mahjongg


Here, you'll see a table with tile-shaped holes with four seats around it, and three pictures. If you check under the table, you'll find another piece of the PassMaker. Whatever that is. Anyway, to the puzzle.

You'll notice that the table has way more holes than you have tiles, but that's okay because the tiles you have are all you need to solve the puzzle.

The pictures above the table have four semicircles that match the colors of the chairs next to the table. And the items in the picture match the colors of the tiles you have.

Did I mention that the tiles have logos? Except for the red tile.



The semicircles indicate the sides of the tables, and the color of the items and the position indicate which tiles should be used and where you should put them. As for how to arrange the tiles, the logo is the clue. The blue feet tiles correspond to the blue items, so you'd see how the items relate to...feet. The goldfish and snowman have no feet, so they're none of your concern. The cat, however, has four feet, and the chick has two, so you'd place four blue tiles for the cat in the indicated corner (pink/white chairs) and two for the chick in the other (white/black chairs). Following this logic, the black tile with a heart on it would go in the corner corresponding to the only item in the group that has a heart (metaphorical ones aside), which would be the horse (pink/white corner). And finally, the red tile is blank, so we're just looking for something red. Even though the red group is already colored red, the strawberry is the only item that is truly red, and that's where the tile goes (black/white corner).

The tiles don't have to be in any particular arrangement besides the corner they belong in, so once you've got it all set up, hit the "OK" button, and if its correct, the compartment will pop open and spit out a pink key.

So you're done? Moving on, turn left again.

Play time


Here, you'll see three animals and a train. And they're not walking into a bar.

Zooming into the left side, we see yet another part of the PassMaker under the foot of the sheep, and for some reason you can yank the sheep's tail out. I guess that'll be useful later on.

In the middle, you can take a look at the train, which has a 3 in it for some reason, but you won't be able to figure that out until later.

On the right side, you can ride the cow. Because you're a cow kind of person. On the cow, you'll spot another piece of the PassMaker on the left side of its neck. You'll also see a strange slot in the back of its head, but your card doesn't fit there, so I suppose it's for something else. And if you'll look up, you'll see a bright red balloon.

I think we've taken everything that we can, so let's find a way to the next floor.

Going up


By now, you may have noticed the freaky sunflower mechanism on the wall above the dresser. There's a hole for the key, and the sheep's tail. Why? I don't know, really. Just pull the switch already.

With the key inside and the switch pulled, the slide will convert into a set of stairs. Why anybody would install such a feature instead of just putting both stairs and a slide is beyond me.

You can get to the stairs by turning right and hitting the U-turn arrow, which will face you towards the stairs. From here, the grey arrow will take you up, but the other arrow will allow you to look at the ceiling, where you can see a bunch of flags and that balloon from earlier.

At the top of the stairs, you'll spot the PassMaker you keep hearing about. To your left, you can get an overlooking view of the animals and train from earlier, but don't overlook the piece of PassMaker on the railing in front of you.

London 2012, baby


A couple more turns to the left will reveal a pink egg machine and a grumpy looking giraffe. Upon closer inspection, the pink egg has a slot for a card, and a stack of rings. Luckily, your member's card will get the rings for you without any crazy puzzles involved. Grab the rings and take the card back.

When you look at the giraffe with the rings in your inventory, the game will offer you a round of quoits. Do you play quoits? You will if you want to get out of here.

The hard part is figuring out which order the rings go in. By the way, did you notice that there's a reference to quoits in the Kid's Book, followed by a picture of five rings?

Did you also notice that the picture also resembles the Olympic logo, and that on the next page of the book there's a list of the last five cities that have (or will be) hosting the Olympics?

Speaking of places, did you notice that the countries of the flags you saw above the ladder correspond to the list of cities you have, and that their formation resembles the formation of the rings in the book?



Going by the order the cities were in, followed by the flags on the ceiling, followed by the formation of the rings, the order the rings should go on the giraffe is "pink green yellow black blue".

After that brain stretcher, you'll get a small piece of paper with a four digit code on it. Heading right of the place we're in (with the grey arrow), you'll see a blue safe.....with feet, and a board tied to the railing with a combination lock. Enter the four digit code you got from the giraffe's totally sanitary mouth (5236), and the board will drop down to reveal that it's a swing.

Turning to the safe, you'll probably realize that the dial is useless after a few clicks, so you may as well leave it, but before you go, check the right side of the left leg (the safe's left, not yours), and you'll find the last PassMaker piece. But before we handle that, let's go see the swing you just set free.

Swing and a clock


Heading back down the stairs, you can check out the swing you just dropped from before, and in the middle is a tiny compartment holding three clock hands, evidently. The clock next to the swing is the owner of those hands, but which way should they go on?...

Do you remember seeing the animals and train from above earlier?

There's a part in the Kid's Book that mentions something about three o'clock, plus some odd letters, with only the word "Initial" as a hint.



The Kid's Book is referring the horse, sheep, and cow as minute, second, and hour hands, respectively. If you see the way they're positioned relative to the 3 in the train, the horse (minute hand) is at 6, the sheep (second hand) is at seven, and the cow (hour hand) is at 1. Sort of. This perspective makes it hard to interpret these things. Put those three hands at those positions in the clock.

Solving the puzzle will crack the safe open. But now we should take care of the PassMaker.

Purple boxes majesty


Taking a closer look at the PassMaker, there's six holes in the machine. And you have six pieces. What to do....



There actually isn't a wrong way to put them in. For convenience's sake, just stick all the left-side pieces (I) on the top row, and all the right-side pieces (O) on the bottom row. No matter what combination you make, just hit the OK button once they're all in, and the pig will give you the all-clear.

Once you've activated the PassMaker, head over to the safe. It says PassChecker on it. Does that ring a bell?



If you can remember the order in which you arranged the items in the PaceMa-I mean PassMaker, just hit the corresponding buttons and the safe will pop, more open. For people who followed the guide to the letter, that just means "left left left right right right". Simple. For those who decided to stick the pieces in all willy nilly, just remember that the top row is 1 2 3, the bottom row is 4 5 6, and that I indicates left and O indicates right.

With that out of the way, claim your prize, which is...a cow coin.

But we're not done here yet! Or we are, if you're lazy. But if you want the real ending, and not just a lame one (at least, that's what the cool kids tell me), the safe holds one more secret.

Did you notice that the sumo statistics on the last page of the book are arranged in a certain way? And that the page has a tiny logo of a box with feet on it?



The winners indicate which buttons to press, by the order they are listed. So the code is "left right right left right". Entering this will pop yet another door open and reveal...your MyPhone!

Either way, you can now head to the cow to redeem your hard earned coin. Hop on the cow and pop the coin in-whooooAAAA!

Heh, bet you weren't expecting that. Grab the key off of the balloon string and head back down.

It's the door key, so I'm pretty sure you know what to do with it.



Carolyn March 4, 2009 1:22 AM

Ahhh! So hard! but i completed!

Anonymous March 4, 2009 1:24 AM

I don't get it. What do you mean? Did you only change the appearance of the screenname or what?

NinjaRaven March 4, 2009 1:33 AM

stuck already. So far, I've got:


six blue panels (foot), one red panel, a black panel (heart), a membership card, a book, and two each of the three left and right PassMaker bits

I know:


the panels go in the table, but in what order? and are there more?


Respectfully, sir, I disagree.

waycooler March 4, 2009 2:00 AM

i am offended by the lack of jess in the review. offended, good sir soniclover. don't think you can fool me with your crazy claims of actually being her.

NinjaRaven March 4, 2009 2:38 AM

Still stuck... little help, anyone?


I'm stuck at exactly the same point as NinjaRaven. Can anyone tell me what the rest of the in-game hint says as it's not displayed properly on my PC?


All I can see is "Blue:Number Red:Color Black:The one to have it Note:..."


After some random clicking, I have also found that


the sheep's tail can be taken, and


can be inserted in the sunflower lock to the right of the door

Not that this helps at this stage...

Pixelated March 4, 2009 3:04 AM

Okay, I'm upto the


PassMaker and PassChecker. The passmaker has accepted my bits and bobs, and I can't get them back. I havent got anything from it, and I can't do anything with that PassChecker.

Help anyone?

spaceloaf March 4, 2009 3:12 AM

For the Tiles:


The 6 blue tiles, 1 red tile, and 1 black tile are all you need


The pictures on the wall tell you what you need to do


There are three pictures and three types of tiles


The background of the pictures correspond to the couches around the table, except that they have been rotated 180 degrees


The blue animals correspond to your blue tiles. The red icons correspond to the red tile, and the black icons correspond to the black tile.


The cat has 4 feet, so you put 4 blue tiles in the lower right quadrant of the table. The chick has 2 feet, so you put the remaining two in the lower left quadrant (snowman and fish have no feet).


The strawberry is the only object that is red, so it goes in the lower left.


The horse is the only thing with a heart, so the black tile goes in the lower right quadrant.


Now just click ok and grab the key.

matt clarke March 4, 2009 3:15 AM



i found that clicking left right left right left right eventually opened up the passmaker



For the passmaker,


it does exactly that - it "makes" the "pass"...


So whatever combination of pieces you used, that's the pass code.


You need to re-enter the code into the passchecker.


Hopefully you noticed that one shape was 'left' and one shape was 'right'

NinjaRaven March 4, 2009 3:34 AM



the tiles/panels have to do with the pics on the walls. match tile colour to the colour of the pictures/words. the coloured discs on the pics are important too.


Hints for the tabletop tile puzzle:


There is a reason why the blue tiles have feet on them, and why the black tile has a heart


The background of the pictures on the wall is important


Note that the background colours correspond to the colours of the chairs around the table


Only two of the things in the blue picture have feet...


Only one thing in the red picture is red...


Only one thing in the black picture has a heart...


The order of the tiles in each quarter of the table don't matter


Solution: Lower left quarter: two blue tiles and the red tile. Lower right quarter: four blue tiles and the black tile


Thanks NinjaRaven, but I'm finished now.

I can give hints if anyone needs them, but I'm boycotting walkthroughs so won't be writing one.


Just a really quick walkthrough… sorry - no time to make this easy to use… so everything will be divulged at once (spoiler alert!)


- Open chest drawers. Get items in top, middle and bottom drawers ( red panel, black panel, blue panel with foot steps, kid's book and ID card )
- Look behind chest drawers, get first O part of PassMaker
- Left twice. Look under white table (click top of white chair, then under table)… get second O part of PassMaker
- Click top of white table. For hints on arrangement, see the pics above table.
- Solution:
- (The X's are blank spots, and the B is black heart, F's are the foot panel, R = red)
- Upon solution, get key
- Turn left once, zoom in on the sheep / horse. Click on the sheep's tail to get it. Also find the first I part of the PassMarker below the sheep's feet.
- Zoom out, click on the cow - note that you can ride the cow for $ and that you can look up. Find the second I part of PassMaker by trains, above the cow's head.
- Turn left. Zoom in on the clock. Insert the sheep tale into the left hole to make a lever, and the key into the key hole. This will allow you to lower the stairs to the stair case.
- Go up the stair case (notice the ‘around' button), and then click up once looking at the stairs
- Click right twice and find the third I PassMaker switch behind the blue guy's left foot.
- Turn to face as if you were going down the stairs, and again as though you were looking at the flags. Find the third O PassMarker on the railing by the corner post.
- Turn and zoom in on the red egg-shaped card reader. Use your passcard in the slot. Get the rings
- Play the game with the giraffe head using the rings. Use the kid's book to show you the order… in my book it's (red, green, yellow, black, blue)
- Receive password… 5236
- Zoom in on the lock hanging from the railing, and enter the password. This lets down a swing.
- Go down the stairs, find the clock pieces on the swing.
- If you hadn't noticed the clock-ish shadow earlier from the loft, go back up and look down on the train set to notice the appropriate time shown in shaddow.
- Note in the kid's book the abbreviations shown for the initial clock (showing horse is minutes, sheep is seconds and cow is hours)
- Zoom in on the wall clock, and use the clock pieces to set the appropriate time (blue = 1, green = 6, red = 7). The blue guy upstairs is opened.
- Go upstairs, use the pieces from the passmaker (Solution: O I O I O I)
- Turn to zoom in on the blue guy, and click in the corresponding code (L-R-L-R-L-R). Receive a coin.
- Go downstairs and use the coin to ride the cow.
- It takes you up to the rafters, where you retrieve the key (behind the red balloon thing).
- …. Congrats for escaping!


Need some help with the clock


I have the hands and I've figured out that the h=m s=s c=h is a hint for setting the arms. But what is that c? So I know I need to change some time with these instructions but I haven't found that time.Where can I find it?


OK I figured it out as soon as I had posted it.


c was cow

Mewvenus March 4, 2009 4:32 AM

I got out but didn't find 'myPhone'. Did anybody find it?

Forsythe March 4, 2009 5:24 AM

Found the myPhone...


it's in the blue box w/ legs

and the last hint is referring to


the last page in the book, which contains the box's 2nd combination

Anonymous March 4, 2009 5:41 AM

Hint on whereabouts of myphone


There is unused information in the kids book. Use hint-button for extra help


To find MyPhone use the last page of the book.




look at last page of kids book. What does the symbol in the bottom right corner look like?

Flashback81 March 4, 2009 5:54 AM

In order toget the MyPhone, you have to:


Use the code from the last page of the Kid's Book.


The winning sumo mathches are listed in as white dots


Press the left/right buttons to match the winning sumo matches, and your MyPhone will appear in the safe.

You now have your MyPhone, and can see the different ending.

nancynurse March 4, 2009 5:56 AM

To find the MyPhone use the last page of the book.

ThemePark March 4, 2009 6:19 AM

Well, I for one believe that you're Jess, SonicLover...ummm, I mean Jess.

ThemePark March 4, 2009 7:06 AM

Could someone explain the Olympic puzzle to me?


From left to right, my colours were Blue, Yellow, Black, Green, Red. However no matter whether if I place them top to bottom or bottom to top that way, I don't get the passcode.

ThemePark March 4, 2009 7:22 AM

Yeah, a light bulb appeared over my head, not 2 minutes after I posted that comment. Thanks SonicLover.

Alkalannar March 4, 2009 8:08 AM

And once again JIG consigns another room escape game to the purgatory of the 503 error.

2chan (4chan?)

JIG is mightier than all of these put together in the realm of casual gaming!


Hello, I can't find all the pieces for the passmaker. I have the 3 'O' but only one 'I'.

where can I find the 2 remaining pieces?

Anonymous March 4, 2009 8:37 AM

I'm missing one of the passmaker parts and I can't seem to find it at all!


I think it's the O that's supposed to be under the white table, according to stacy, but I've tried clicking there and it's not working

Anonymous March 4, 2009 9:16 AM

I can't zoom in the machine above the drawers so to put in the key and the tail.....

Alkalannar March 4, 2009 9:28 AM

This is going to sound very embarassing, but how do I...

Spoiler the book?


I just encountered a glitch. I opened up the blue safe, but when I click the arrow to go to it, the arrow disappears and nothing else happens.

OK, saving then reloading the page and loading the save fixes the problem.

Alkalannar March 4, 2009 10:52 AM

Ok....pixel hunting to open the book? That's going a bit too far....


You don't have to pixel hunt to open the book. Just click slightly to the right of it.


OK, I finally figured out how to use the giraffe. You have to use the book and the flags that are hanging in the rafters.


Match up the ring colors (from the book) with the flags. Then match up the cities (from the book) to their flag/color.

Use the rings in that order.

Stabones March 4, 2009 11:53 AM

Can someone explain the jump in logic used to solve the table puzzle that says that


the horse is the only thing on the wall with a heart?

I'm no veterinarian, but I'm pretty sure that


cats, chicks, goldfish, lions and zebras all have hearts too...


I will try to make a helpfull guide...
With the solutions withou spoil fun.
(I put all the objects of same type together)
(bad english note: couches = sofa)


1. Gathering objects






in the top drawer of little caninet (above sun flower)



Child Book (I think about it as book for hints and codes in this kind of game)


in the middle drawer of little cabinet



Member's card


in the bottom drawer of little cabinet



Pass Maker pieces
"O" types


behind the little cabinet (cabinet above sunflower)


click somewhere left to the cabinet



Under the table


Click on the table, than in the space between the white couch and the table



look upstairs (when you get there)


In the "fence" (you know... that thing that avoids you to fall from the 2nd. floor)


After going upstairs, turn left one time

"I" types


Near the sheep



Near the cow


Ride the cow


It's in the area between cow's head, cow's ear and train



look upstairs (when you get there)


Near the blue guy


Behind his left leg (the right one to us)





the sheep's tail

2. Playing table game


Hint: the pictures in front of the table


Click hint: Blue: Numbers, Red: color, Black: the one to have it, background: note the colors



Note the colors as positions


Note the colors of the couches.


They are the same as pictures, but rotated in 180 degrees


This tells in wich region of the table you need to put the pannels.


Hint: the important is only the regions. The displays in that area doesn't matter


So... for example. Something about cat goes in the area between white and red couches



Blue pannels: the number... The blue ones are animals


Blue pannles: they have feet draws...


ok. A cat have 4 "feet", a duck have 2. The other ones have none.



Red type: red draws... red


Wich one of this objects in the picture is red?


Straberry, in the red picture is the red object.



Black pannel: the one to have (in black pictures)


the only one to have a heart


The horse have a heart



(The left bottom area: 2blue pannels, the red pannel. Right bottom area: 4 blue pannels, black pannel. Other areas... leave empty.

click ok...


Get the pink key

3. Sunflower



You need a key and something to pull (handspike)


Key:the pink key in table game


To pull: the objec is zooming the sheep


It's sheep tail


Put the handspike in the round hole (top left), and the key in key hole


Pull the handspike and you will se the stairs

4. Hint! (press hint):



"He loves sports. He looked up before going up"


Facing the stairs, look up


Note the position of the flags


It reminds you something from the book?


Maybe 2 things?


5.Information & objects



Go upstairs


Turn left one time


You can pick a Pass Maker O type tile...


one the "fence"


Looking down you se the animals in a "circle" position and the number 3 in the train


Near the blue guy you can find a "I" type tile


It's behind his left foot

6. Red egg & giraffe



Insert the Member's card in the egg


Take the rings. Do they remind you something?


Olymphic games!

Where to gather information:


The colored rings in book means oliphics


The name of the cities in book


Olimphic cities


The flags with the countries


Before going upstairs, look up



The position of the colored rings is the same as the position of the flags


So, you relate each contry with the cities


And you will have the order of the colors:


from bottom to up: red, green, yellow, black and blue


Take the note

7. The swing



Right of blue guy


The code for unlocking:


is in the note from giraffe






Click on the swing seat. Take the clock hand

8. Clock:



The hands are inside the swing seat


When you are upstairs, turn left and look down


Hint: H, S, C... where in the book you find a relation?


Hint: three is the 90degrees



So, you now have the clock information. 3 in train = 3 in clock



So, the cow is one hour (C=H), horse: 35 minutes (7th position, H=M), and Sheep is 30 seconds (S=S)

9. Pass Maker



put the tiles some order:


for example: OOO III


the order you used is the order to click the blue guy buttons


O = right, I = left


so, if you used, p.e., OOO III, click right buttom 3 times than left 3 times


Get the coin

10. Let's Ride the Cow!!!



Ride the cow


insert the coin


click on baloon to get the key

The end key


you are out (use the key in the door, or catch the bonus)

Bonus: myPhone


The left hint in the book


Specifically those colored sequency


Try to press the blue guy:


White = left, Black = right



Click blue guy: left, right, right, left, right


Ok... now I'm stuck.... I cant find


the parts for the passmaker, I have three - under the white table, behind the sheep and in the drawers I think the last one was

any hints on locations for the others?

Oh and nice review SonicLover ;) he he


If I could somehow harness the power of posting I could solve the worlds energy problems and become very rich :)..... Found them..... for anyone else who needs them
Passmaker Part Locations


Behind the chest of drawers. Click to the left of them


Underneath the sheeps back feet


Underneath the white table


While sitting on the cow, between the toys head and the front of the train on the floor


On the handrail of the landing. Click left once after climbing the stairs


Behind the left foot of the Passchecker safe

queen-of-diamonds March 4, 2009 12:50 PM

Umm.... the "Pass checker" (aka blue squared body guy)


is not acknowledging the left-right sequence for me...

I had to use the walkthrough for this part and it says click L-R L-R L-R
I'm doing it but it's giving me no coin :(

Help anyone??? Thanks in advance!

queen-of-diamonds March 4, 2009 12:53 PM

Thanks nerdE
You just gave me the info I needed!




SQUARE = Right --- I = Left

does that help? If not -


When you put the pass maker parts in the pass maker note where you put the shapes, In other words you make your own passcode


If you put (S)quare - S - S in the top row and I - I - I in the bottom row the code will be R,R,R,L,L,L.... If you put (top)SQ - I - SQ (bottom) I - SQ - I then the passcode will be R,L,R,L,R,L

Hope this helps


sorry if walkthroth was ugly (or confusing in some points)

just trying to help XD


Whoo Hoo.... Out.... twice :) That's the beauty of this game. It's just long enough and challenging enough to be a good game and


give me the motivation to play through again straight away to find the other ending... yes it's a spoiler posting that there's more than one ending in open forum

Just one problem visually though. There were too many shadows for my liking. While the subtle use of shadows can add a nice ambience to a game I think this one overuses them and kinda makes the backgrounds look a tad messy. This doesn't take anything away from the gameplay and the challenge, though I did expect some sort of shadow based puzzle at some point. Nice game.

ThemePark March 4, 2009 1:40 PM



The heart is on a black tile. The idea is then that you only consider the picture with black objects on it. Of the four objects on that picture, only the horse has a heart.

Stabones March 4, 2009 1:58 PM

Themepark, thank you, that was really bothering me! Hahahaha. Just got out, totally forgot about the phone...back in I go


It may seem a little dumb, but I can't seem to "zoom" in on the sunflower. I have


the sheep's tail and the key

but I just can't seem to get 'em to work. Help!!!

JoseHeno March 4, 2009 3:04 PM

Japanese nerd here.

For anyone interested in knowing why


Right = Square and Left = I,
check out these links. Note the radicals (section of the character) on the bottom right.


I'm having problems with the pass maker.


I got the code and everything, But I can't find the coin other people have mentioned.

I'm sure I'm just not looking in the right place, but I just can't locate it.


Hint Through
Not meant to be a walk-through, just an index of hints and solutions so you can get one without revealing others.


-Puzzle Solutions-




You need six blue "feet" tiles, one red tile, and one black "heart" tile.

If you click the "hint" button at the bottom of the game window, it tells is number, red is color, black is the one that has it.

Look at the pictures on the wall and think about that clue.


Notice some pictures are blue, some are red, and some are black? Consider how that connects to the tiles and the hint given.


If blue means the number of . . .


Count the number of feet represented in the blue pictures.


The cat has four, the chick has two, the goldfish none, the snowman none.

If red is color . . .


Which of the red pictures connects to the correct color?


Only the strawberry is red.

And if black is the one that has it...


Which of the black pictures has that item?


Only the horse (of the black pictures) has a heart.

Also notice that the sides of the puzzle coordinate with the colors of the benches...


In the pictures it's white on top, blue on the bottom, pink on the left, grey on the right. That's a 180 degree rotation of the actual benches. Whatever item is in that corresponding quarter of the picture belongs to that corner of the tile game table.

Order doesn't matter, place the tiles that match the pictures in any available slot in the coordinating corner of the table.

Solution to the Tile Game Table Puzzle:


Bottom Left Corner: two blue foot tiles, one red tile.

Bottom Right Corner: four blue foot tiles, one black heart tile.

Upon solving this puzzle you get:


The key to the sunflower (which is hanging on the wall)



Use sheep's tail as a lever and insert key from the tile game table puzzle. Press button. This will lower the stairs.

Giraffe (quoits game):


First get the rings using your membership card. Think about the clues you've already received...


Using the hint button, you get "He loved sports. He looked up before going up."


Look up from the bottom of the stairs, you see the flags in a particular order.


In the Kid's Book, the Olympic rings are in that same order. Use the flags to identify the countries.

The above hints plus the list of countries in the Kid's Book should tell you how to play "quoits".

Otherwise, here is the solution:


Put the rings on in this order:
1st pink, 2nd green, 3rd yellow, 4th black, 5th blue.
(Pink will end up at the bottom, and blue at the top)

After solving this puzzle you get:


Code to unlock the swing

Clock Puzzle:


From upstairs, look down at the toy train. In the Kid's Book we get the hint:

Go downstairs, zoom in on the toy train, and you see a number. That will help you figure out how the view from above connects to the clock.



Horse is minutes, sheep is seconds, cow is hour.

By solving this puzzle you get:


The blue box with feet will open

Passmaker (Purple box with pink pig holding flags on top):


You must have all the parts. Place the left and right parts in any order. Whatever order you use will be your pass.

Use the pass on the blue box with feet figure.

Blue Box with Feet:


First you must solve the to open the blue figure.

In whatever order you've placed the parts in the passmaker is the order in which you click the right and left buttons insider the sumo figure.

O = right side. I = left side.

When you solve this puzzle you get:


the cow coin

But also notice that this figure appears on a page in the Kid's Room Book...


Next to the Sumo Bout Results


Clicking in that order will produce another item


left, right, right, left, right

Getting Out the Door:


If you have the cow coin, ride the cow, insert the coin, swing high enough to reach the key from the red balloon.

With that key, you can exit...but first look around? Did you use all the hints from the Kid's Book?


The myPhone is located in the blue sumo figure (aka blue box with feet)

-Location of Items-


Left PassMaker Parts: (I)


1. Go to sheep rocker; under sheep's rear feet.
2. Ride the cow rocker; between train and cow's head.
3. Upstairs by blue box with feet figure; zoom on bottom right side (under figure's left foot).

Right PassMaker Parts: (O)


1. Behind the asymetrical chest of drawers.
2. Under the table (click between table and white bench).
3. On a corner of the railing, upstairs (turn left after first climbing stairs).

Lever and Key for Sunflower:


The lever is the sheep's tail and the key is obtained by solving the table puzzle.

Member Card:


Bottom drawer.

Clock hands:


In swing (must be lowered first)

Book of Hints, i.e. "Kid's Room Book":


Middle drawer.

Panels for Table Puzzle:


Top drawer.

Coin for Cow:


Solve Sumo Puzzle (squarish blue figure, upstairs)

Key to door:


Tied to red balloon, must get cow coin first.


weirdguy March 6, 2009 2:12 AM

Walkthrough for Kid's Room. It's what the cool kids are reading.


Cleaning them out


At the start, you'll be facing a dresser. Pick it dry. After taking everything you can, you'll have six blue tiles, one black tile, one red tile, a "Kid's Book", a member's card, and a part of a PassMaker.

Oh, you didn't find that last one? Check the left side of the dresser.

You can flip through the book for a bit to look at some vague clues, but other than that, zoom back out and turn left a couple times (past the door, which is now inexplicably locked) to face the next area.

This ain't no mahjongg


Here, you'll see a table with tile-shaped holes with four seats around it, and three pictures. If you check under the table, you'll find another piece of the PassMaker. Whatever that is. Anyway, to the puzzle.

You'll notice that the table has way more holes than you have tiles, but that's okay because the tiles you have are all you need to solve the puzzle.

The pictures above the table have four semicircles that match the colors of the chairs next to the table. And the items in the picture match the colors of the tiles you have.

Did I mention that the tiles have logos? Except for the red tile.



The semicircles indicate the sides of the tables, and the color of the items and the position indicate which tiles should be used and where you should put them. As for how to arrange the tiles, the logo is the clue. The blue feet tiles correspond to the blue items, so you'd see how the items relate to...feet. The goldfish and snowman have no feet, so they're none of your concern. The cat, however, has four feet, and the chick has two, so you'd place four blue tiles for the cat in the indicated corner (pink/white chairs) and two for the chick in the other (white/black chairs). Following this logic, the black tile with a heart on it would go in the corner corresponding to the only item in the group that has a heart (metaphorical ones aside), which would be the horse (pink/white corner). And finally, the red tile is blank, so we're just looking for something red. Even though the red group is already colored red, the strawberry is the only item that is truly red, and that's where the tile goes (black/white corner).

The tiles don't have to be in any particular arrangement besides the corner they belong in, so once you've got it all set up, hit the "OK" button, and if its correct, the compartment will pop open and spit out a pink key.

So you're done? Moving on, turn left again.

Play time


Here, you'll see three animals and a train. And they're not walking into a bar.

Zooming into the left side, we see yet another part of the PassMaker under the foot of the sheep, and for some reason you can yank the sheep's tail out. I guess that'll be useful later on.

In the middle, you can take a look at the train, which has a 3 in it for some reason, but you won't be able to figure that out until later.

On the right side, you can ride the cow. Because you're a cow kind of person. On the cow, you'll spot another piece of the PassMaker on the left side of its neck. You'll also see a strange slot in the back of its head, but your card doesn't fit there, so I suppose it's for something else. And if you'll look up, you'll see a bright red balloon.

I think we've taken everything that we can, so let's find a way to the next floor.

Going up


By now, you may have noticed the freaky sunflower mechanism on the wall above the dresser. There's a hole for the key, and the sheep's tail. Why? I don't know, really. Just pull the switch already.

With the key inside and the switch pulled, the slide will convert into a set of stairs. Why anybody would install such a feature instead of just putting both stairs and a slide is beyond me.

You can get to the stairs by turning right and hitting the U-turn arrow, which will face you towards the stairs. From here, the grey arrow will take you up, but the other arrow will allow you to look at the ceiling, where you can see a bunch of flags and that balloon from earlier.

At the top of the stairs, you'll spot the PassMaker you keep hearing about. To your left, you can get an overlooking view of the animals and train from earlier, but don't overlook the piece of PassMaker on the railing in front of you.

London 2012, baby


A couple more turns to the left will reveal a pink egg machine and a grumpy looking giraffe. Upon closer inspection, the pink egg has a slot for a card, and a stack of rings. Luckily, your member's card will get the rings for you without any crazy puzzles involved. Grab the rings and take the card back.

When you look at the giraffe with the rings in your inventory, the game will offer you a round of quoits. Do you play quoits? You will if you want to get out of here.

The hard part is figuring out which order the rings go in. By the way, did you notice that there's a reference to quoits in the Kid's Book, followed by a picture of five rings?

Did you also notice that the picture also resembles the Olympic logo, and that on the next page of the book there's a list of the last five cities that have (or will be) hosting the Olympics?

Speaking of places, did you notice that the countries of the flags you saw above the ladder correspond to the list of cities you have, and that their formation resembles the formation of the rings in the book?



Going by the order the cities were in, followed by the flags on the ceiling, followed by the formation of the rings, the order the rings should go on the giraffe is "pink green yellow black blue".

After that brain stretcher, you'll get a small piece of paper with a four digit code on it. Heading right of the place we're in (with the grey arrow), you'll see a blue safe.....with feet, and a board tied to the railing with a combination lock. Enter the four digit code you got from the giraffe's totally sanitary mouth (5236), and the board will drop down to reveal that it's a swing.

Turning to the safe, you'll probably realize that the dial is useless after a few clicks, so you may as well leave it, but before you go, check the right side of the left leg (the safe's left, not yours), and you'll find the last PassMaker piece. But before we handle that, let's go see the swing you just set free.

Swing and a clock


Heading back down the stairs, you can check out the swing you just dropped from before, and in the middle is a tiny compartment holding three clock hands, evidently. The clock next to the swing is the owner of those hands, but which way should they go on?...

Do you remember seeing the animals and train from above earlier?

There's a part in the Kid's Book that mentions something about three o'clock, plus some odd letters, with only the word "Initial" as a hint.



The Kid's Book is referring the horse, sheep, and cow as minute, second, and hour hands, respectively. If you see the way they're positioned relative to the 3 in the train, the horse (minute hand) is at 6, the sheep (second hand) is at seven, and the cow (hour hand) is at 1. Sort of. This perspective makes it hard to interpret these things. Put those three hands at those positions in the clock.

Solving the puzzle will crack the safe open. But now we should take care of the PassMaker.

Purple boxes majesty


Taking a closer look at the PassMaker, there's six holes in the machine. And you have six pieces. What to do....



There actually isn't a wrong way to put them in. For convenience's sake, just stick all the left-side pieces (I) on the top row, and all the right-side pieces (O) on the bottom row. No matter what combination you make, just hit the OK button once they're all in, and the pig will give you the all-clear.

Once you've activated the PassMaker, head over to the safe. It says PassChecker on it. Does that ring a bell?



If you can remember the order in which you arranged the items in the PaceMa-I mean PassMaker, just hit the corresponding buttons and the safe will pop, more open. For people who followed the guide to the letter, that just means "left left left right right right". Simple. For those who decided to stick the pieces in all willy nilly, just remember that the top row is 1 2 3, the bottom row is 4 5 6, and that I indicates left and O indicates right.

With that out of the way, claim your prize, which is...a cow coin.

But we're not done here yet! Or we are, if you're lazy. But if you want the real ending, and not just a lame one (at least, that's what the cool kids tell me), the safe holds one more secret.

Did you notice that the sumo statistics on the last page of the book are arranged in a certain way? And that the page has a tiny logo of a box with feet on it?



The winners indicate which buttons to press, by the order they are listed. So the code is "left right right left right". Entering this will pop yet another door open and reveal...your MyPhone!

Either way, you can now head to the cow to redeem your hard earned coin. Hop on the cow and pop the coin in-whooooAAAA!

Heh, bet you weren't expecting that. Grab the key off of the balloon string and head back down.

It's the door key, so I'm pretty sure you know what to do with it.


Videogamekid7 March 8, 2009 4:59 PM

What ever happened to the Myphone?


The credits are very cute, don't miss 'em.

nobody important March 20, 2009 11:01 AM

hey just wondering, i know theres lots of spoilers of where the last peice of the passmaker is, but i can't click it?


hey, I know where the membercard should be, but I can't find it.


Bottom drawer, I clicked all over it, but no card was revealed.

Any help on where exactly it is?


it wouldnt let me at the coin after using the pass maker parts, i got the all clear !!

carclub1 July 1, 2009 9:10 PM

I don't get how to get the rings in order. I used the walkthrough, but I don't get how exactly why you put them in that order.




Look at the flags on the ceiling to match them with the countries. Then look at the list of cities in the book and match them with the countries. Enter the rings in that order.

nerdypants August 23, 2009 11:46 PM

To whoever can't get at the coin:


You enter two codes into the box with feet. The first code (which gets you the coin) has to do with what you entered into the PassMaker. The square pieces correspond to the right button, and the sideways "H" pieces correspond to the left button. So if I entered "square H square, H square H" into the PassMaker, I would enter "right left right, left right left" into the box with feet.

The second code you can find in the Kid's Book. Find the page that says "Result of a sumo bout". The Gainer corresponds to the left button, and the Loser to the right. Entering the sequence "left right right left right" into the box with feet gets you the myPhone.

And the membercard:


It should be right in that bottom drawer. If it's not there, it's probably in your inventory. It's a blue rectangle with a bear on a swing.

nerdypants August 23, 2009 11:47 PM

Also, omg I rode a cow. XD


Brilliant game! very rewarding to watch the credits!

Lorraine June 1, 2011 9:04 AM

the links above to this seem to no longer work but I found it here from developers index via their other games on jayisgames

[Thank you. I've updated the review with the new URL. -Jay]


The flash has been updated... and the game has been significantly dumbed down. The clues make it almost too easy now.

Try the Japanese version instead.


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