I share an opinion with Gabe in that, if there's one thing I loathe, it's those darn dirty zombies. Not just for their intentions re: my brains, but also how it seems that, as of late, some developers have used their antagonistic qualities to prop up less-than-inspired game design. Every so often though, a game comes out that features the undead in a way that feels fresh and interesting. That game is run and gun shooter, zOMGies 2 from Jim P and LongAnimals.
To be clear, this is not one of those games for which you need to play its prequel to appreciate: there are zombies, there is running, and there are flamethrowers. If you can understand that combination on a conceptual level, you're pretty well set. Using the [arrow] keys to move and the mouse to point and shoot, you sprint down the deserted city streets, blasting various kinds of zombies and exploding barrels while collecting virus antidotes. If zombies get too close, they'll take a munch out of your health, though it can be replenished with a good ol' fashioned street-burger. Spy a car, and you can jump into it for a brief driving section where you can run over zombies for as long as your collected fuel holds out. Surviving each wave unlocks new weapons, but suffer too many bites and the night is over.
zOMGies is zombie action like it should be: fast, frenetic and fun. It also has quite the difficulty curve: it starts off at "hard" and gets pretty nigh well brutal round about level three. This is more than fine however, as the impressive cartoon visuals and explosive weapon collection make for a fun time whether you are winning or not. The game isn't perfect: the protagonist's narration, while funny at first, only has a limited number of comments programmed in so it gets repetitive pretty quickly. Also, I would have liked it if there was a more prominent indication of when I was losing health: the screen flashing red or something... you know.. something that made it clear that something was chomping on my shoulder, since the fast-paced movement often made it hard to tell.
That aside, zOMGies 2 is quite the break from the rut that many recent zombie-horror games has fallen into. It reminds us how scary the undead are and how much fun pointing a shotgun at them can be.
Walkthrough Guide
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zOMGies 2 Guide
Zombies always aim for you, so try to lead packs towards barrels.
Shooting barrels at the right time makes all the difference.
The distance you drive in a vehicle does not count towards the level distance at the bottom. Vehicles are essentially bonus sections: just hit as many zombies as possible and avoid the barrels.
The latest weapon is often the best for the next level.
The sniper rifle is particularly powerful.
The level always moves, but fight the urge to run with it (by holding down the right/D key). The character runs automatically, so concentrate instead on good positioning.
Zombies coming from behind will come up faster than those appearing ahead. But be careful of becoming caught between two groups.
The game rarely spawns large groups on both sides, but it switches sides quickly. Try to establish a firing rhythm.
Antidotes don't give you health, but they count towards your final score.
If you need health, concentrate on the area ahead of you. Reaching for food that goes by at the other side of the screen is often futile.
Pistol: Starting weapon. Just point and shoot.
Firing rate: Fair.
Reload speed: Fair.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: Low.
Banger: Starting ordinance. Requires at least two to kill a zombie.
Firing rate: Fair.
Reload speed: Fair.
Accuracy: Low.
Damage: Medium.
Uzi: A higher firing rate makes it good for small crowds.
Firing rate: Fast.
Reload speed: Fair.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: Medium.
Shotgun: Slow firing rate, but will pop the head off a giant zombie.
Firing rate: Slow.
Reload speed: Low.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: High.
Machine Gun: Proper firing rate. Good for crowds.
Firing rate: High.
Reload speed: High.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: Fair.
Sniper Rifle: Almost too powerful. Extremely accurate and perfect for headshots.
Firing rate: Fair.
Reload speed: Fair.
Accuracy: Deadly.
Damage: Deadly (headshots).
Flame Thrower: What it says on the tin. Excellent against zombie babies.
Firing rate: Constant.
Reload speed: N/A.
Accuracy: N/A.
Damage: Deadly.
Mine: Drop it at the feet of zombies. Surprisingly effective.
Firing rate: Slow.
Reload speed: Fair.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: Explosive.
Rocket Launcher: Slow firing rate, but it cleans up nicely.
Firing rate: Very slow.
Reload speed: Slow.
Accuracy: Irrelevant.
Damage: Explosive.
Chain Gun: The fastest automatic weapon in the game.
Firing rate: Very high.
Reload speed: High.
Accuracy: High.
Damage: High.
Grenade Launcher: Does lots of damage, but has a very slow firing rate.
Firing rate: Slow.
Reload speed: Fair.
Accuracy: High.
Damage: Explosive.
Ice Gun: Freezes enemies into ice blocks. Similar to flamethrower.
Firing rate: High.
Reload speed: Fair.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: Deadly.
Flame Launcher: Fires flames, making it very deadly, but turning can slow down its firing rate.
Firing rate: High.
Reload speed: High.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: Deadly.
Tesla Gun: Able to take out multiple enemies in a bunch, but has a slow firing rate.
Firing rate: Very slow.
Reload speed: Slow.
Accuracy: Fair.
Damage: High on groups.
Nuke: Makes you lose the game.
Zombie: Regular undead shuffler.
Giant Zombie: Big tough zombie. Vulnerable at the head.
Leaping Zombie: Leaps towards your. Vulnerable against automatic weapons.
Fat Zombie: Explodes on death. Vulnerable to explosives.
Spitting Zombie: Throws fireballs at you.
Baby Zombie: Moves very fast and can latch you. Vulnerable against flamethrower.
Posted by: James Francis
May 25, 2011 8:42 AM