Trivia geeks step-up to the new challenge:
You Don't Know Jack has emerged from its coccoon as a bigger, better game. The online version of the desktop quiz show features full voice narration and a slick, media-intense presentation. YDKJ online previously featured a daily DisOrDat, but now it's a full round of trivia madness. The new games contain a few of the most popular question types—including the Jack Attack, a fast-paced match-the-pair question—and will be played online just as the DisOrDats are. The folks at Jellyvision will be producing about 4 or 5 of these per month (about 1 per week) and will continue to produce 3 or 4 DisOrDats per week as well.
More attitude, more strangeocity, and more questions. A Jack a day keeps the doctor away. Or something like that.
Play You Don't Know Jack
Be sure to add this one to your Favorites to make it easy to play frequently. Also, be sure to read Noah's review of the game back when it first reappeared on the Web early this year.
It seems like it's actually a Jack a week. Since Tuesday, the daily updates have been Dis-or-Dats
I thought when you said it would be full game....it was actual the full games for Download....oh well still awesome!
I have all the versions of this game. and it rocks. Glad to see it alive on an another online adventure. I hope they bring back acrophobia and comic consensus.
YDKJ: The Netshow... back after what, 5-6 years offline?
I've said it before, I used to faithfully play every week until they ran out of money to pay the bills and went away. Good to see them back.
while waiting for Flash Circle TD, this can be quite entertaining
Well, it was fun until I answered the first one right and the celebratory animation crashed Safari. Let's try Firefox.
lol man this game is funny... "If you were in the olympics, your score would have been just below bronze, or as I'd like to call it, nothing." lol
And I'm sad that no one knows me :(
I have to say, the humour in this game tickles me pink :)
Whoever is coming up with the jokes, I'd like to shake their hand! I was giggling the whole time, especially at the end when I failed so dismally.
"Nice. That's like leaving pocket change for your waitress. It's actually more insulting than leaving nothing."
I love playing this game, but I suck so hard at it. Oh so hard.
Oh my... 5 seconds of gameplay for every minute - or so. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to little!!!
The questions I got were basically of to kind - either really trivial and easy for everyone with a brain or ones that give non-USA guys an unfairly hard time - like guessing characters from the Jetsons or Seinfeld.
Plus... When i encountered the first factual mistake in one of the "bad" answers I knew I was gonna give my first ever 1 star vote.
I'm sorry but this one simply sucks in all aspects but graphics.
Hey guys, there is a flash based version of acrophobia now ... it is at http://acrobabble.com and is in active development, so new features are being added all the time.
Did you guys notice? On the title screen, when his eyes follow your mouse, if you mouse over the little black line at the bottom of the game screen, his eyes go all red and fiery. :D