Winter Tales

Although it's a brand new game, Winter Tales will be familiar to many since it offers nothing new in terms of gameplay. It is a classic game of construct-a-path using the pieces given and all within a time limit. I have seen games like this use pipes and others use train tracks. In this case, you are laying tracks in the snow for a jolly snowman on cross-country skis, go figure.
But don't mistake my sarcasm for a pan. This game is not only gorgeous and perfect for the coming season, it was also expertly built to include a rich game play experience.
The object, of course, is to construct a path, as quick as you can, from the snowman to the cozy cottage using only the pieces of track along the bottom of the game window. If you don't like, or cannot use, the pieces given, just click on the "Mix" button to generate a whole new set. The pieces appear at random and consist of straight tracks, intersections, and corners.
Once a level begins, a timer begins its countdown to zero, at which time the snowman will begin its merry way along the track you built. 100 points are scored for each section of track the snowman crosses, with 500 additional bonus points scored for collecting each golden "g" symbol. If the snowman runs out of track it will crash, and you will lose one of only three (3) snowmen you have to get through all 20 levels(!). Click.
Winter Tales was created by the immensely talented nGFX, and the good folks at Q-Affairs, for German fashion and apparel company, Gardeur.
Wow, I'm the first again! What I like most about this game, is to lose... it's very funny to see how the snowman falls in the snow! :)
Really cute game... but that New York just got it's first snow is a bit depressing, seeing as we of the Alaskan variety have had it for a few weeks now.
This game is soo cute! But snow makes me sad, I hate the cold weather here. We had snow a few eeks ago, but it didn't stay, luckily. It's funny how Rochester and Syracuse think they're upstate NY. I live about three hours north of you guys...
Anyway, this game is fun. But I'm really slow at laying down the track, so it's hard...
im depressed. I love snow but live in tucson...
Either way. cute game. but the snowman falls? I am too good for that, level 15 without losing at all
Carolyn - yes, good point, but to me anything north of NYC is "upstate". Maybe I'm wrong in thinking that though. ;)
I managed to get through all 20 levels—which is how I knew there were 20 levels, heheh—though admittedly I did not try to maximize my points. I couldn't have done it without clicking the "Mix" button often.
Well, it is alot of fun, great idea. though i wish i ahs some snow. NJ is a while from the white stuff. Who knows maybe we'll have a white christmas for a change
It shows an error page everytime I try to load this game now. Any reason why?
Apparently the game was a little too successful, as Gardeur is now asking sites who link to the game to enter through the main door of their site instead.
So, I have obliged. The links above will take you to the main Gardeur site, and the game link is in the lower right corner of the page.
The trouble is, the way they have their site configured now, even visitors to their main site are being blocked from playing. It seems they have some work ahead of them to clear things up.
If you don't try too hard in getting the little gold Gs, you can make it to level 20 pretty easily. Sure, you won't get really high points but you can try for them later on.
Unfortunately I got too daring and used up all my snowmen at level 16! DAMMIT! So close, yet so far!
strange, the only way i could get a reasonably high score was to completely forget about score and find the fastest way to the house. did anyone else's mysteriously switch over to german when they finished level 20? :P
Yay I got a fleece-Decke! (seriously, it came by mail)
Haha is sad, It doesnt snow in California... :(
BUT THIS GAME STILL ROX!! hahahah this game is sooo cute!! ^^
Hmm, I guess with the passing seasons, so passed Winter Tales. You mean we can't have Christmas in July, either?!
Sorry, but I don't want to buy any Gardeur Jeans.
Dana: you have to click "Play and win with gaurder winter tales" before you can play. Also, if you were reffering to Homestarrunner, which you probably weren't, the name of the toon was "Decemberween in July".
I clicked on the picture that links you to the game. clicked english to go to the next page, then at the very bottom of that page on the right end (the last of the words to click on) I clicked on entertainment and the game was listed there.