A murder has happened. Yours. And with the storm, it could be days till the road is cleared enough to let the police in to investigate. You've helped a lot of the people staying at your hotel, and hurt just as many. But who would want to kill you? No one is going to tell a ghost... but your sure your guests won't mind if you borrow their bodies to gather a little information. After all, you'll be happy to move on when you're finished. Why Am I Dead? is a retro-style mystery adventure by Peltast Games, where possession is nine-tenths of the fun.
Move your spirit around the hotel using the [WASD] or [arrow] keys. When coming across a guest you wish to possess, move into them, and hit the [spacebar]. Once possessing a physical form, you can open doors and talk to other people with [E] or [X] Characters will react differently to different guests talking to them, and advancing the plot all the way to the conclusion will require quite the bit of detective work. Why Am I Dead's plotting and characters more than make up for its somewhat rough-around the edges programming and control scheme. Clearly at the moment, the developer has a greater amount of skill at constructing an effective mystery than depicting it in Flash. However, it is an ambitious, atmospheric work reminiscent of Hotel Dusk or Colonel's Bequest, and it has quite the killer ending. This marks Peltast Games as a designer to watch out for in the future. Especially if they're coming towards you with a knife.
Walkthrough Guide
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Why Am I Dead Walkthrough
General information: Every character and possession combination has a conversation that goes with it. While most are not strictly neccesary for progressing the plot, they do fill in details and characterization. This walkthrough will focus on what particular steps are needed to beat the game.
A Closed Circle
Start by heading north and posessing Cricket (Purple Hair), then move around the corner and talk to Randy (Bald Guy). Whatever question you ask, he will leave the room, leaving you free to explore the rest of the hotel. Leave to the south.
Once into the main foyer, still as Cricket, talk to Ted (Hawaiian Shirt). Ask him if anyone seemed out of place last night. The conversation will lead to Cricket suggesting that Ted check to restroom in order to verify Cricket's alibi.
Depossess Cricket, and possess Ted. As Ted, head north to the hallway. Enter the center door of the hallway, and start a conversation with the Men's Room door on the left. During the conversation, the man inside will confirm Cricket's alibi. Head out of the room and back to the foyer. Talk to Cricket and let him know his alibi checks out.
Depossess Ted, and possess Cricket. Ask Ted about the others here at the hotel. Seems like he has some suspects in mind. Head to the door on the west and enter Randy's room. Ask Randy about who would have a reason to kill the hotel manager. Ask if Randy and the manager had a history. Seems like Randy has a secret...
Depossess Cricket and possess Randy. Head south out of the room, then back up to the hallway. Enter the room second from the left. Talk to Iblis (Little Girl) and mention how Iblis reminds you of someone.
Depossess Randy and possess Iblis. Talk to Randy about his daughter. Seems like Randy has made up his mind to talk to Cricket.
Depossess Iblis and posess Randy. Return to Randy's room, and tell Cricket that there's something you need to tell him. It seems that Randy had every reason to want the manager alive. Randy suggests that Cricket talk to the blonde.
Depossess Randy and possess Cricket. Make your way back to the hallway and the second room from the left. Talk to Morgan (The Blonde). Ask if she knew the hotel owner. Tell her that it's hard to believe she doesn't have any more information. Ask her if she was trying to get some dirt on the owner. Seems you aren't nearly imposing enough to get her to spill. Leave the room and enter the far left door. Talk to Rose (Old Lady). Huh. She's definitely much more imposing.
Depossess Randy and possess Rose. Leave the room and return to Morgan's room, second from the left. Talk to Morgan and tell her that you cannot stand to look at her. Continue the conversation until Morgan offers to confess. Of course, Rose is a mean old lady and doesn't care, so leave the room, and return to the room on the far left, where you left Cricket.
Depossess Rose and Possess Cricket. Leave Rose's Room and return to Morgan's room, second from the left. Talk to Morgan. Ask if she knew the hotel owner. Tell her that it's hard to believe she doesn't have any more information. This time she'll spill a little bit more. Talk to Morgan again and ask her what she noticed. Hmm. Looks like the manager was caught up in something big. Still, blackmail requires the victim to be alive...
The Finale
As Cricket, exit Morgan's room and enter the room third from the right, Lucille's room. Talk to Lucille (glasses) and you will accuse her of the murder. She tells you that you need to talk in private, in the owner's room.
Head back to where it all began, the owner's room. Head around back to where the body was found and talk to Lucille. It's time for some answers.
Posted by: Tricky
November 20, 2012 3:24 AM