What's In The Box?
Let's say you've got a package to deliver and an infinitely long and indestructible arm with which to deliver it. Seattle to Calcutta? No problem. Stockholm to Lima? Piece of cake. You can save a ton on shipping costs, but can you get the package to its destination unharmed? In Finc's What's In The Box? you have to make your delivery through a retro-styled world of puzzling portals, gates, and perils.
Each level consists of a maze for you to navigate, red box in blue hand, using the [arrow] keys. You will always enter from the left side and exit from the right, but what happens in between is anybody's guess. Sometimes the path is straightforwards, but other times you'll find blue gates that prevent your hand from passing through, or red gates that block the box from passing. It's at this point that you'll have to drop and pick up (and occasionally catch) the box using the [X] key. Remember that while the box and your hand are vulnerable to the purple spikes and should be avoided, your arm can wriggle all around the map without taking any damage, so you can use your arm to trap moving spikes to make your journey a little easier.
What's In The Box? is filled from the get-go with surprisingly complex puzzles that require a bit of planning to conquer. The tricky part is navigating your way through all 25 levels without taking any damage at all, because it takes only one error to prevent the box from being openable at the end of the game. It's a harsh punishment, but it scratches that part of the brain that craves a devious perfection challenge. Even if you never reach the point where you actually find out what—if anything—is inside the box, What's In The Box? is a very clever puzzle that is well worth the journey.
Seizure warning: Please note that this game contains short strobe-like color cycles whenever an error is made, and a solid screen of color cycles at the end of the game.
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Walkthrough Guide
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What's In The Box Walkthrough
One Finger, One Thumb
Drop the box through the blue gate, then move the hand up through the red gate to pick the box up at the bottom and exit.
Convey My Vulcanised Sympathy
Drop the box on the first conveyor belt. Go through the first red gate and pick up the box. Drop it on the bottom conveyor belt, then go through the right-most red gate and up through the other red gate to pick up the box. Drop the box on the conveyor belt just above you, then collect the box on the other side of the blue gate and exit the level.
Move directly to the right and drop the box on the conveyor belt. Move the hand back to the starting point, and take the first path down to activate the switch to reverse the colors. Continue upward out of that passage, then down the third vertical passage to its midpoint, and back up the fourth vertical passage (where the box is waiting for you). Drop the box down the fifth vertical passage, then back up to the start (undoing the switch). Go down the first vertical passage one more time and up the second (activating the switch), then down the third shaft and continuing to the bottom to pick up the box.
Pret A Portal
Simply follow the path through the portal to the exit.
One Single Pitch
Drop the box through the first blue gate and into the portal. QUICKLY move the hand to the right through the red gate and stop with the hand just under the second blue gate. Hold X to catch the box when it drops down. Drop the box through the third blue gate, then go through the red gate to pick up the box and finish the level. Note that it is possible to "catch" the box on top of your arm and then draw back and catch it quickly when the hand is underneath the box, but it helps to be able to catch it right off the bat.
Arm Yourself
Drop the box through the top blue gate. Move the hand through the BOTTOM red gate, then up the right-hand passage and through the top red gate. Pick up the box and drop it through the blue gate just above the middle of the screen. Back your arm out to the right-hand passage and go through the middle horizontal passage to pick up the box. Drop the box through the blue gate just left of the middle of the screen; the box should land on your arm. Back your arm out to the point where the box is resting; When your hand passes the box, quickly catch it and exit the level. If you let the box drop through your hands, you'll have to start the level over again.
Do The Jitterbug
From here on in, it's important to remember that the purple spikes will hurt your hand and the box, but not your arm. Drop the box on the top conveyor belt (it will be blocked by the red gate). Back up to the start, and hit the switch to move the box on the conveyor belt to the next layer down; back off of the switch before the box reaches the second gate. Hit the switch again, making sure you drop the box when it won't be hit by the spike. Back out to the beginning again and follow the conveyor belts' path to the box. Pick up the box and drop it on the red gate to the right. Go back to the start, and hit and disengage the switch one more time. From the start, go down the second vertical passage and take the left-hand path down to grab the box and head for the exit.
There Is No Excuse
Drop the box down the first vertical passage (through the blue gate). Move the hand down the second vertical passage and left to the bottom to pick up the box. Back out to the second horizontal passage and drop the box down the second vertical passage. Back out to the first horizontal passage, and move down the third vertical passage, then left to pick up the box. Carry the box up to the first horizontal passage and drop it on the block between the third and fourth vertical passage. Now, from the start (we'll use the absolute top-left starting point for easier reference), take the following path: Down, right, down, left, down, right, right, right, up, left, up, and right to the box. (Your arm will look like a giant 25.) Now you can pick up the box and drop it down the fourth vertical passage. Back out a bit, grabbing the box when it falls onto your hand. Drop the box through the blue gate on the very right and move the hand through the red gate to pick it up.
Death From Above
Take the first vertical passage down, and move carefully to the right, making sure the spikes don't hit your hand. Drop the box down one of the vertical passages to the bottom; I recommend the second or fourth passages, since the extra clearance above your arm for spike movement means you have more time to make the drop and get out of the way. Continue all the way to the right and move down to the bottom to pick up the box and exit the level.
Take A Left Turn At Albuquerque
There are two tricks you need to know in order to finish this level. The first is that the box can also activate switches. Start by dropping the box off on the switch. The second is that while the hand is blocked by blue gates, it's okay if your arm is caught in a gate. From the starting point, go down the first vertical passage to just above the spikes, then right, up, and right to the right-most wall. Go up to the next horizontal passage and take it left and down, staying parallel to your arm below. Come up the second vertical passage and grab the block. Carry the block over the spike pits and drop it down the top-most set of gates (one red, one blue). Back out enough so that the switch is deactivated and the box lands on your arm. Activate the switch once again and continue moving to the right, picking up the box on your way to the exit.
Drop the box through the vertical shaft of blue gates. Try to time your drop so it doesn't hit any of the spikes (wait until they're on the right side of the screen). Back out to the start. Your strategy from here is to go down through the red gates to reach the bottom, grab the box, and up the right side of the maze to the exit. On your way down, try to trap the third spike to the left of your arm to prevent difficulties later on. As for the other spikes, you'll have to just time your entries into the horizontal passages carefully so the spikes don't hit your hand (remember that your arm is invulnerable to spikes).
Security Sheep
Drop the box through the blue gate so it lands on the conveyor belt. All you have to do now is get to the box by going though the maze of moving spikes. Timing your movements carefully to avoid spike/hand collisions, hug the top and right sides of the maze for the easiest path to the bottom. Once you get to the bottom, grab the block and exit the level.
They're Coming By Land And Sea
Move down, right, up, and left so your arm traces a square around the first block with the conveyor belt. Drop the box on the conveyor belt. Back out until your hand is in the second horizontal passage. Move to the right and up through the red gate, then to the left to pick up the box. Drop the box down the third vertical passage (between the second and third conveyor belts) so it lands on your arm. Back out and catch the box when your hand passes underneath it. Move all the way to the right and drop the box through the blue gates so it lands next to the exit. Back out to the start. Go down the first vertical passage and right through the fourth horizontal passage all the way to the right side. Pick up your box and exit.
Last Chopper Out Of Dodge City
Simply move your way through the maze to the exit. I recommend alternating up/right until you reach the fifth vertical passage. Don't forget to trap spikes with your arm to make things a lot easier.
Petit Prix
Carry the box through the portal, and drop the box on the red gate to the left of the portal. Back out to the start. Move clockwise around the outside edge of the maze, covering the spikes with your arm as you go. Hit the switch so the box falls on your arm, then back off the switch and back up until you can catch the box with your hand. Continue backing up until you reach the red gate you passed through at the bottom of the screen. Go up the passage and to the right and drop the box on the red gate. Back up and take the same clockwise path to the switch; activate it and back off of it so the box lands on your arm again. Back up until you can grab the box and go to the exit.
Around The Bend
This is a speed level. Drop the box into the portal, then race down the vertical passage and get ready to catch the box between the two blue gates. Drop the box through the blue gate to the right, then back out to the vertical passage, and move through the bottom red gate to pick up the box and leave the level.
Marching Up And Down The Square
Move down the first vertical passage to the bottom. Go all the way to the right and snake your way back up through the top, avoiding the spikes along the way. There's not much clearance when you're close to the middle of the screen, so time your moves carefully.
Pathological Washing Powder
Drop the box on the conveyor belt so it ends up in the bottom-left corner. Follow the box along the conveyor belts, moving through the red gates when necessary. Pick up the box and drop it on the first right-moving conveyor belt; the box should land on your arm just above and right of the first red gate on the bottom. Back up until you can catch the box in your hand. Go up the vertical passage the box just passed through, and drop the box on the next conveyor belt to your right. Back out until you can catch the box with your hand, and repeat this process one more time. Grab the box when it's next to your arm along the right edge of the screen, and go to the exit.
When At First You Don't Succeed
This level introduces the purple gates, which prevent the spikes from passing through. Use them to guard the box as you move it through the level. Drop the box on the top conveyor belt, then quickly hit the switch to switch the blue gates on the conveyor belts' paths to red and stop the box. Activate and deactivate the switch so that the box moves along the conveyor belts, making sure you avoid the spikes. Pay particular attention to the fourth and fifth horizontal passages; you'll want to drop the box onto the fourth passage when the spike on the fourth horizontal passage is right above the spike on the fifth passage. Let the spikes make a few bounces so you get a feel for their timing. Once you get the box all the way to the bottom, move the hand down the left edge of the screen to grab the box and go for the exit.
The Purple People Beater
Drop the box on the first conveyor belt. Move the hand down to the bottom, all the way to the right, and up to the top horizontal passage. Move left through this passage until you can grab the box. Back out and drop the box through the third vertical passage (the one with two blue gates). Make sure to time your drop so it doesn't hit any of the horizontally-moving spikes, or the one spike that hits the end of the conveyor belt. Back out until you can pick up the box off of your arm. Move right and up to the exit.
Obviously A Major Malfunction
Simply move through the maze while avoiding the spikes. I recommend sticking close to the top at first, until you reach the single narrow opening just right of the middle of the screen. From there, it's a short dash to the exit, but make sure you keep an eye on the horizontally-moving spikes near the bottom of the screen.
Bargda Bargda Bargda Traffic
Move along the top horizontal passage until you get to the right side. Drop the box through the two blue gates. Back out to the second vertical passage and go down it (try to trap the bottom horizontal spike to your left). Go right and down and pick up the box. Back out and go to the right and drop the box through the rightmost blue gate, then move through the red gate to pick it up and exit.
You Know It Is Your Density
The path your arm will take is a bit too complicated to describe, so take a look at this picture: Screenshot
The basic gist of this level is that you'll want to drop the box on the top LEFT-moving conveyor belt from the left side, so that it's moving into your arm; you'll come back to pick up the box after you work your way through the maze. Enter the maze through the bottom red gate, snake around to the bottom, and come up so that you go through both red gates in the top-right corner of the screen, because you'll need to "catch" the box on your arm on the right side later on. Continue through the maze until you come out the top-left red gate. Pick up the box and drop it on the top RIGHT-moving conveyor belt, and it should land on your arm. Back up to catch the box with your hand, and exit.
Stop Me If You've Heard This One
Move through the middle purple gate and drop the box through the blue gate. Back out to the left and go to the bottom. Move right and up through the red gate, then left through the purple gate to pick up the box. Back out and go up to about the middle of the screen, just right of the red/blue gate pair. Go right and drop the box through the blue gate, then go right and go down through the red gate and pick the box up. Drop the box through the bottom blue gate. You can now forget about the box for a bit.
Back out to the start. Go through the first purple gate again, but this time, go up, right, and down through the red gates to the bottom (time it so the bottom spike is to your left). Go right through the purple gate, grab the box, and gun it for the exit.
This Offends My Eye
This level looks complicated, but is actually quite simple if you don't get distracted by everything going on. Drop the box down the left edge of the screen (it will land on the red gate near the bottom). Move up and right through the red gates to the top-middle of the screen. Go down so you're in line with the second spike (make sure it's on your right), then go left to the wall. Go down and pick up the box, then go back up to the top center. Go down so you're in line with the second spike again (this time, it should be on your left) and move right to the edge, then down to the exit.
Posted by: Steve
November 10, 2012 12:40 AM