It's been some time since Sandlot's Westward series has graced our screens, but once you get your hands on Westward Kingdoms, all will be forgiven. The latest installment takes things in a different direction, forgoing the old west setting and the casual village simulation gameplay for a medieval setting and casual kingdom simulation gameplay. It's bigger, it's better, and yet it's still familiar to fans of earlier Westward games. Be prepared for much fun to be had!
You start the game as a young prince or princess who receives a note from the king. Unfortunately, it looks like you've been banished. Banished, that is, until you can prove you're worthy of running a kingdom on your own! To prove yourself, you'll travel to three nearby areas and help build them up using your royal intellect. After a lengthy tutorial, you'll learn the ropes of the game, which are largely centered around recruiting soldiers and villagers, and managing your buildings and resources.
Westward Kingdoms guides you with numerous quests given to you by characters you'll encounter during your travels. Little thought bubbles will appear and, once you click on them, your objectives will be listed at the top left corner of the screen. Even though you're a big bundle of royal awesomeness, you can't do all the work yourself. So you'll need to recruit helpers to build structures, harvest resources, and defend the village from barbarians.
The workers have needs, of course, and you'll need to tend to them just as fervently as you do your own supplies. Gold, food, stone and wood are your basic resources, and you'll use these to do just about everything in the game. To harvest gold, you'll need a mine. To actually get the gold from the mine, you'll need villagers to be employed there. And a villager without a home isn't very happy, so you'll need to make sure workers have places to live. The same is true for any resource-harvesting operation, so you'll need to keep your numbers high and workers content to get things done!
Analysis: The first thing you'll notice about Westward Kingdoms: it's not your typical Westward game. The interface is similar, and all games in the series share a quirky sense of humor and visual design (except the original Westward game, which looked quite different). But instead of dealing with bandits, dynamite and settlers, you're in a medieval world with peasants, barbarians, and huts. The gameplay is more open and satisfying as well, encouraging you to manage more aspects of the town than before.
One of the best things about the Westward games has always been the little surprises you discover as you play. Thankfully, this has been preserved in Westward Kingdoms. The gameplay is never run-of-the-mill, and just as you think you've got a handle on things, something new and surprising pops up to keep your interest at a high. No spoilers here, just go see for yourself!
It's good to see the Westward series expanding into new territory, but I can't help but feel that losing the old west theme wasn't the best idea. Very few games (let alone simulations) utilize the western genre, whereas every other simulation game is medievally-themed. Why abandon the originality? Despite the loss of what gave Westward its name, Westward Kingdoms is more of a treat to play than previous titles. Shed your tear for the loss of the old west, shrug your shoulders, then hop right in.
Despite cluttered menus and the loss of a wonderful setting, Westward Kingdoms is a superb addition to the village sim/building genre. It's easy to play, it's rewarding, there are plenty of things to unlock and discover, and it'll make you smile more often than you'd think!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Westward Kingdoms Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
General Information and Tips
The hero you pick does not matter to gameplay. The only difference between the prince and princess are the sarcastic comments they make throughout the game.
Your hero has the special property of being both a civilian and a combat character. Therefore you hero can do most tasks that any other character can do: they can carry items, fight enemies, build buildings, get armor and weapon upgrades. They cannot be employed at a building, build advanced buildings, or use blight scrolls.
In addition to your hero, you will recruit other characters who will do your bidding. They are divided into civilian characters and army characters. There are three classes of civilians, and three classes of army members.
Characters can be leveled up once they collect enough experience points. Experience points (or XP) can be earned by picking items up, chopping items down, carrying items, or fighting enemies. Characters will also collect XP if they are employed at a farm or building.
To recruit new members of your kingdom, build appropriate housing for them. Build huts to attract peasants and barracks to attract soldiers. Upgrade huts to 3-person cottages to get a chance to attract a craftsman instead of a peasant (but don't count on it! Attracting a craftsman is random.)
Peasants - All civilians start out as peasants. Peasants can work at farms, gold mines, lumber camps, or stone quarries. They can build any of the buildings in the regular buildings menu, and can be used to pick up and carry items. A level 2 or 3 peasant with a full experience bar can be upgraded to a Craftsman.
Craftsmen - Craftsmen are stronger and can do more jobs than peasants. They harvest gold and rock faster than peasants, but have no bonus at farms or lumber camps. They can work anywhere a peasant can work, and additionally can work in blacksmiths, bakeries, taverns, masonries, and marketplaces. They can build any of the available buildings, and are necessary for some quests. A level 2 or 3 craftsman with a full experience bar can be upgraded to a Scholar.
Scholars - Before you can upgrade a craftsman to a scholar, you must have a library built. Only after you have a library will the scholar option be clickable. Scholars can turn purple endormi plants into potions, and can work only at libraries, alchemy shops, and castles. In addition, scholar's are pickier about unemployment than other civilians. Leave a scholar unemployed for too long, and they will leave your village. Scholars won't chop tree stumps or mine small rocks and gold deposits. They are also required for some quests.
Army Members
Soldiers - Soldiers can fight enemies, chop vines, smash boxes, open treasure chests, and pick up small consumable items like food, birds feathers, that sort of thing. They won't carry things (items where the cursor changes to a wooden box), and they won't chop tree stumps or mine small rocks and gold deposits. A level 2 soldier can be upgraded to an archer and a level 3 soldier can be upgraded to a knight. Soldiers can be employed at towers and armories to gain XP.
Archers - You must have an archery camp built before you can upgrade soldiers into archers, and you must build a blacksmith and an upgraded lumber camp before you can build an archery camp. Archers have more finesse than soldiers or your hero when hunting animals. They can hunt not only the meat, but other parts of the animal, like deer skins and boars tusks. Archers are the only characters who can shoot birds and 'monstrous plants.'
Knights - You must have an armory built before you can upgrade soldiers into knights. Knights can do anything a soldier can do, but are much stronger. They will only work at armories, not towers. Additionally, third level knights (Knight Captains) cannot chop vines or smash boxes.
Wizards - Wizards are a special class of character that are not quite civilian but not quite army. They can do battle with enemies, but are not as strong as soldiers. They can destroy cursed blue stones and cure blight. They both live and work at Wizard's Huts.
Buildings (including the secret buildings)
There are two types of buildings: basic buildings that any civilian can build and advanced buildings that only craftsmen can build. You start the game with the ability to build only a few types of buildings. Click on the lock icon in the top part of your screen to go to the upgrade store. For a price, you can unlock new types of buildings and upgrades to those buildings.
After you've unlocked a building or upgrade once, you will always be able to build it or use it again.
To upgrade a building (including farms!) click on the building and then on the upgrade icon it the building's information screen.
Information about each building is available in its build menu. Information about building upgrades is available in the building and upgrade store.
There are three "secretî buildings that do not appear in the building and upgrades stores. They are:
Wizard's Hut - This building is unlocked by the Wizard Help quest in Kingdom Two.
King's Statue - This is unlocked by earning the Wise Wizard Hat trophy. Rebuild all the ancient ruins in each kingdom.
Dragon Hatchery - This is unlocked by having four libraries in a kingdom and having at least one scholar employed at each library. You can take dragon eggs to the dragon hatchery, and then staff the hatchery with a scholar. The dragon that hatches will become a part of your army that you can command.
Secret Upgrades
There are three secret upgrades to discover, all of which happen to be plants you can grow on your farms. They are:
Acquire eggplants by finding an eggplant in the wild. Wild eggplants grow from mystery seeds, which look kind of like a magic bean, but with two green leaves sprouting from it. Use a civilian to pick up and drop the mystery seed to plant it. Then use any character to gather the plant that grows from it. Of course, eggplants aren't the only thing that grows from mystery seeds, so you might end up planting a whole lot of berry bushes, pumpkins, and vines before you get an eggplant. Mystery seeds can sometimes be found in locked treasure chests and are sometimes dropped by giants. The merchants in kingdoms two and three will also sell mystery seeds.
Acquire sunflowers by employing two level four characters (peasant or craftsman, it doesn't matter) at the same field.
You need to unlock the dragon hatchery and grow a dragon before you can get the dragonfruit. Once you have a dragon, drag it to a field that is growing eggplant and have it destroy the field. It will leave behind dragonfruit when it is done.
Other Advice
Save often! Disaster can strike - misjudging an enemy and getting all your level 4 soldiers killed, earthquakes, barbarian attacks. Also, there are a couple of glitches that might crop up, and being able to go back to a recent save is really helpful.
As soon as you have the resources, unlock and build the windmill, since that boosts food production on your farms. Also, as soon as you can, unlock the bakery and tavern, and build one of each in each kingdom, to convert excess farm production into gold.
Some buildings consume resources (for example, the library consumes wood and the masonry consumes gold). You can see what resources a building consumes and produces by clicking on it and looking at the bottom of the screen. Make sure you are producing enough resources to sustain your building!
Once you start unlocking new crops, grow a variety of them in your kingdom. Different crops can be sold for different amounts of gold in the taverns and bakeries.
Use the zoom feature. Some items are difficult to see from one perspective, but very easy to find in another perspective.
Posted by: MmeTurbulence
January 20, 2011 1:50 AM
Westward Kingdoms Walkthrough and Strategy Guide (continued)
Kingdom One
General Information and Tips
Make sure you have huts or cottages for any new villagers you acquire. They will stop working, and eventually leave town without somewhere to live.
It's a good idea to save frequently. Not only is it useful to be able to backup if you make a minor mistake, but I discovered at least one case where I was able to put the game into an unplayable state and needed to go back to my last save point.
Soldiers can level up by picking things up, chopping vines, and defeating enemies, but it's much faster to level them at a tower. Towers also help you keep your food reserves up, so build as many as you have the resources for.
Villagers will also move away if they are hungry, so you'll need to build and staff enough farms to keep the village fed.
You'll also need stone, wood, and gold to build buildings and complete quests. Not only will you need lumber camps , gold mines, and stone quarries, but you'll need villagers to work in those places also.
If you run out of villagers, you can attract more by building new huts, and by upgrading the huts you have. A short while after a new hut is built or a cottage is upgraded, a villager will appear.
Level 2 and 3 peasants can be upgraded to craftsmen. Click on the craftsman button instead of the blue up arrow to change a peasant into a craftsman.
You will eventually need archers. You can't get archers without an archer camp, and you can't build an archer camp without a craftsman, a blacksmith, and an upgraded lumber camp. Once you have an archer camp in place, only a level 2 soldier can become an archer. Click on the green hat instead of the up arrow to turn a soldier into an archer.
Unlocking new buildings requires the hero to have experience points (XP), which are displayed in the top right of the screen. The hero acquires XP by completing quests, so if at any point you find you don't have enough XP to unlock a building, just go on some of the smaller, easier quests to build up points.
During the course of your quest, you will need to collect certain items to trade with. Do not pick these items up until you are asked for the, other wise you'll just have to hunt more deer, kill more barbarians etc. The items you'll need are: rabbit meat, deer meat, deer hides, fish, bird feathers, barbarian helms, and vines. Leave at least two vines unchopped until the very end of Kingdom One when you'll need them.
Kings Request
The king will ask you to gather 25 food. To do so you will need to start working a farm to harvest food, and also gather lumber to build a tower to store the food in. Completing the Soldier Rescue, Wicked Weeds, and Trapped Damsel request will get you started on this.
Soldier Rescue
Move close to the soldier just north of the king. This will trigger a conversation during which the soldier will tell you to gather 25 wood. You can collect piles of loose wood and chop up tree stumps to gather enough supplies. Once you have 25 wood, the soldier have another conversation with you before climbing down.
Wicked Weeds
Move your hero near the villager to start a conversation. He needs the vines cleared from his house and farm.
If you haven't rescued the soldier yet, do that first. Once you have the soldier, direct him to chop all six vines around the peasant's hut and farm.
Trapped Damsel
Move your hero near the tower to start a conversation with the damsel in distress.
Speak to the merchant in front of the castle gates and purchase a magic bean from him.
Pick up the bean and drop it in front of the castle to rescue the damsel
Ale Run
After completing Wicked Weeds, move your hero to the peasant with the broken cart on the ridge above the farm. Use your hero to mine the rubble blocking his way.
Key to the Kingdom
After you complete the Kings Request and give him the 25 food, he will ask you to find the gate key for him. It is buried in a dirt patch near the lumber camp. Use any character to dig the patch and get the key.
With the key in hand you can open the gate, however you need another soldier first. If you haven't done the Ale Run quest yet, do so now to get the stone you need. You should have enough timber from the lumber camp to build the barracks, and if you are short on gold, there are several treasure chests and boxes you can open.
Your hero or a villager can build a barracks. There is a short timer once the barracks are complete before another soldier appears. With both soldiers in hand, you can move all three to the gate and engage the barbarians in combat
Kingdom Repair
You've liberated the castle, but the barbarians left a mess. The king asked you to clean up the rubble and put out the fires.
Before you can put out fires, you need to build a well first. The hero or any villager can do that.
Any character can put out fires. Just drag them over a firepit until the cursor changes to a pickaxe.
Only civilians can clear rubble. For maximum efficiency, put the soldiers to work putting out fires while the hero and villagers clear rubble.
Kingdom Restore
The king wants you to help restore the kingdom's former glory by acquiring 4000 gold, 20 peasants or craftsmen, and 10 soldiers or archers. This is a pretty big task, so for now, focus on the other quests available to you. In the process of finishing those quests, you'll slowly increase your treasury and population.
Caged Villagers
To the right of the castle are some barbarians defending some cages. Send your hero and some soldiers to the area to defeat the barbarians, at which point the villagers will speak to you.
If you don't have a craftsman yet, set some peasants to working on farms or the lumber camp. Once a level 2 peasant has a full experience bar, click the craftsman icon, to the right of the up arrow, on the peasant's information screen, to upgrade them to a craftsman.
Drag a craftsman onto each cage in succession to free the peasants.
Pilfered Potatoes
The villager in the rightmost cage will ask you to help him find his lost potato seed bags. (Nevermind that potatoes are grown from the eyes cut from old potatoes, not from seed. Run with it anyway.) Some of the seed bags are behind enemy lines, so you'll need to send a hero or soldier after them.
Completing this quest allows you to unlock potatoes in the store menu.
Bridge Rescue
Move a character near the river west of the castle to start a conversation with a woman trapped on the island. She'll teach you how to build a wooden bridge and give you treasure if you rescue her.
Before you can build a bridge, you need a blacksmith. To build a blacksmith, you need an upgraded lumber camp and a craftsman. Once you have a blacksmith the bridge build option will unlock.
Any civilian can build a bridge to the island. Once the bridge is built, the quest is complete.
Kings Feast
The King wants to through a big feast, and wants you to collect the food. You'll need to collect:
If you do this quest at the same time as the Merchant Trade quest, the deer meat and fish you pick up will count for both!
30 Food - make sure you have enough food stored that once you commit the food to the feast the villagers don't starve.
8 Rabbits - Use any armed character to attack rabbits, then collect the rabbit meat that they drop.
6 Deer - Like rabbits, you can attack them with any armed character and they will drop deer meat when killed. However, if you have an archer at this point, I strongly recommend using the archers to hunt deer, since you will need deer skins later in the game.
5 Fish - You can see fish swimming in bodies of water like the pond north the castle, and the bend in the river west of the castle. Drag any civilian to the fish until the cursor changes to a pickaxe to make them fish. Of course, just like real fishing, they won't always catch something. If they do catch a fish, they will drop it on the ground, and you'll need to pick it up for it to count.
3 Boar - You can attack boar with any armed character, but unlike deer or rabbits, boar will deal damage to your soldiers or hero. The boar all live in a forest south of the castle, which is blocked by a "monstrous plant.î Only an archer can kill the plant and open the way. Also, you can't hunt boar until you solve the boar poachers quest.
Boar Poachers
If you haven't yet, build a bridge across the river southwest of the lumber camp. When you cross it, the merchant on the south bank of the river will speak to you, opening the Merchant Trade quest.
Use an archer to shoot the 'monstrous plant' that blocks entrance to the boar forest south of the castle. Once you can go in you'll discover that the boar are all dead.
Drag the archer to a dead boar to investigate it. Investigate three boar to learn that there are poachers in the forest and that you need to disarm the boar traps.
If you haven't already, complete the Merchant Trade 1 quest until the point where the merchant offers to sell you straw bundles. Use any civilian to carry straw to a boar trap and then drop the straw on the trap to disarm it. The straw can only be purchased one at a time, and a new bundle can't be purchased until someone carries away the old bundle.
Traveling Bard
A bard wants you to deposit 1000 coins in the castle's treasury to lure some barbarians into attacking. Technically this quest is optional if you never talk to the bard, but what's the fun in that?
Before you deposit any gold in the treasury make sure you have an army built up. An army of four barbarians will attack the moment you deposit the gold, so wait to do so until you are prepared.
The barbarians will attack the castle from the east. If your soldiers are employed at towers, unemploy them and move them to the castle area before you deposit the gold.
Merchant Trade 1
The merchant will offer to sell you useful items, like healing potions, if you collect hard to find items for him.
Only the second and third items he offers are required for completing quests. You can stop once you've unlocked the magic bean.
If you do the Merchant Trade quest at the same time as the Kings Feast quest, any deer meat or fish you pick up will count for both.
5 Carrots in exchange for unlocking Healing Potions. Carrots can be picked up by anyone, civilian or soldier and grow throughout the kingdom.
6 Deer in exchange for unlocking straw bundles. Deer can be hunted by any armed character.
8 Fish in exchange for unlocking Magic beans. Any civilian can catch fish.
8 Bird Feathers in exchange for unlocking training dummies. Bird feathers are sometimes dropped when an archer shoots a bird. As soon as you have an archer, you can start bird hunting, but don't pick up the feathers until the merchant asks for them! To use the training dummy, have a civilian pick it up and drop it anywhere on the ground. You can have a soldier start working at the dummy for a +25 boost to their XP.
3 Barbarian Helms in exchange for a locked chest that only a learned scholar can unlock. The helms are sometimes dropped when you defeat a barbarian, and can be picked up at any time after the battle. To get a scholar to open the chest, upgrade a level 2 or 3 craftsman to a scholar using the scholar button next to the blue up arrow.
Stone Mason
Build a bridge across the river west of the tower where the damsel was trapped. In the area across the river is a man with his head trapped in a stock. Use a craftsman to free him.
The man is the king's mason, and can show you how to upgrade the king's castle with the special rock in the south. Before you go to get the rock, though, make sure to build a hut for the mason to live in. If he decides to leave the kingdom due to homelessness, you'll end up in an unplayable state!
The special rock is in a locked area guarded by a giant in the south of the map. To unlock the gate, buy a magic bean from the merchant, and drop it under the stone block. The beanstalk will knock the block onto the pressure plate, opening the gate.
After you defeat the giant, you'll need scholars to unlock the treasure chests. Once those are out of the way, you can build a stone quarry and put a villager to work mining stone.
Once you have someone mining stone, you can click on the castle and upgrade it. A scholar can work at the upgraded castle, and having a scholar employed there will allow you to collect taxes, increasing your gold reserves.
Barbarian Invasion
This quest begins shortly after you return from the King's Crown quest. Barbarians will start attacking your kingdom. You'll need to find the barbarians' catapults and destroy them to end the invasion.
Two or three soldiers per catapult are sufficient for defeating the barbarians. Once you send one group of soldiers off, you can leave them to fight the barbarians while you send off another group to another catapult, defend buildings from attacking barbarians, or rebuild damaged buildings.
I recommend going after the catapult in the far west first, since if the barbarians are allowed to destroy the drawbridge ruins, you will end up in an unwinnable state and will have to go back to your last save point.
The catapults are located:
In the northeast, near the farm you repaired in the Wicked Weeds Quest.
In the northwest, by the drawbridge ruins. Use an archer to kill the monstrous plant to access them.
On a ridge north of the island where the villager was stranded in the Bridge Rescue quest.
West of the pit where the giant was.
In the south, west of the barbarian encampment
Tower Defense
After defeating the barbarians, the king will ask you to build some towers to fortify his defenses. He will give you directions for where to put each tower, and when any of your characters move to the correct location, they will say "This will make an exceptional spot for a defensive watchtower.î
That said, it can be frustrating to guess at where exactly he wants each tower, so here are their locations:
Eastern Tower - You will need to put a villager to work mining the gold before you can build.
Western Tower - Make sure to start the Drawbridge Ruins quest and move the drawbridge block before you start this quest! If you don't you'll have to demolish the tower to get the drawbridge fragment.
Southern Tower - You will need to send soldiers to defeat the barbarians and destroy their camp before you can build the tower.
Tavern Travesty
Build a bridge over the river west of the tower where you rescued the damsel in distress. A soldier will tell you he wants you to rebuild his tavern. You can unlock the tavern from the store menu after you have an Upgraded Lumber Camp in your kingdom. After that, a craftsman can build a tavern.
Ancient Drawbridge
Use an archer to shoot the monstrous plant that blocks access to the northwest corner of the kingdom.
Move any character near the ruins on the bank of the river. The Hero and King will have a conversation about the drawbridge.
Have soldiers clear the vines around the drawbridge.
Once the drawbridge is clear, drag a scholar to the ruins to investigate them. After a short wait (you can go level up your peasants and soldiers while you wait) the scholar will tell you to bring him three drawbridge fragments.
The scholar will tell you to find the Drawbridge Scrolls. They are located in the ruins of the library in the south. Use an archer to kill the plant that blocks access to the ruins and then use any civilian to clear the rubble, and a treasure chest will appear. (If you'd previously cleared the rubble, don't worry. Drag any character to the library and the treasure chest will appear anyway.)
You can now click on the drawbridge and select the Upgrade button in its information menu.
Once the drawbridge is rebuilt, you still can't lower it! You'll need to find the four drawbridge pegs first. To get the last peg, you need to complete the Injured Giant quest.
West of the drawbridge
In the giant's pit
In the boars' forest
On a ridge outside the boars' forest. You need the giant's help to get this one.
Once you have all four pegs, a "strongî character (I used a level 3 craftsman) can turn the wheel to lower the drawbridge.
Injured Giant
While you are collecting drawbridge pegs, a giant will appear, just south of the boars' forest.
Only the hero or an army member is brave enough to approach the giant and investigate. There's no need to send a whole army, since the soldier you send will report back that the giant is injured and a blacksmith should look at the giant's foot.
Send a craftsman employed at a blacksmith to look at the giant. They will return with a list of items to collect. You need:
2 Vines - use soldiers to chop vines.
4 Deer Hides - use archers to shoot deer to get their hides.
3 Bundles of Straw - purchased from the merchant.
Once you have collected these items the giant will have a conversation with you and help you get the last peg for the drawbridge.
Lost Marbles
Marble 1
In the pond north of the castle.
Marble 2
In the giant's pit in the south.
Marble 3
West of the merchant's table.
Marble 4
Behind the barbarian hut in the southwest.
Marble 5
In the boars' forest, on the northern edge.
Marble 6
In the gully north of the boars' forest. After you get access to the boars' forest, use a peasant to mine the rubble to gain access to it.
Marble 7
In the barbarian encampment in the south.
Marble 8
Northwest of the giant's pit.
Marble 9
Next to the tower rubble, west of the drawbridge ruins.
Marble 10
On the island with the blue stones in the west. This can only be picked up after you complete the Mason's Key quest in Kingdom Two.
Marble 11
North of the drawbridge. This can only be picked up after you complete the drawbridge quest.
Marble 12
With the three purple plants across the river from the island. This can only be reached after you complete the drawbridge quest.
Marble 13
In the river near the merchant's table. You need a character to start out north of the drawbridge. Then destroy any bridges between the drawbridge and the marble. The character can then walk through the river to pick up the marble.
Secrets and Trophies
King's Sword Trophy
On the eastern edge of the boars' forest, there is a sword in a stone. A high-level villager can pull the sword out. I managed it with a Level 4 Craftsman, but other people who have played have reported success with high level soldiers and knights, and villagers wearing old crowns.
The Fountain Ruins (part of the Wise Wizard Hat trophy)
You can only complete this quest after finishing the Mason Key quest in Kingdom Two. Come back to Kingdom One to do this quest anytime after you've unlocked the masonry.
On the island in the west are some ruins. Build a stone bridge to get to the island. Before you can start rebuilding you'll have to clear away the blue stones and vines.
Build a wizard hut and summon a wizard. Have the wizard destroy the blue stones. Then send in a soldier or knight to chop the vines.
Once the vines are clear send a mason in to repair the ruins.
The Blue Stones (part of the Dark Mojo trophy)
There is a trophy for destroying all the blue stones in each kingdom. In Kingdom One there are only two stones, in front of the Fountain Ruins in the west.
Family Heirloom Quest
This is a side quest that you can go on at any time after your army contains six soldiers. When you go on the quest, all of your soldiers will travel with you, however, none of your peasants will. This means that you won't be able to grow food at farms, and will be limited to loose food you can pick up and using your soldiers to hunt. Since your soldiers will start to faint if they go hungry for too long, I recommend going on the quest before you add any more soldiers to your army.
Trapping the Barbarian
Before you can go recover the crown, you need to find the location of the barbarian camp. What better way to do that than to interrogate a barbarian.
Collect 25 wood, and build a trap near the merchant. A red arrow will point to the trap location.
Lure a barbarian to the trap. To do so, send your hero or soldier near a barbarian, close enough to get their attention. Before you really engage in battle with them, have your soldier run away. Your soldiers run faster than barbarians, so you might get far enough ahead of the barbarian that they will stop chasing you. If so, just go back and get their attention again. Run to the trap and the barbarian will go in.
You need to catch two barbarians before you get the map to their camp.
The Barbarian Camp
There are four treasure chests you need to find and search. While you are doing so, you might run low on food. If that happens, send your hero to pick berries and send your soldiers to hunt boar or pick up pumpkins and other loose food on the ground. There is also a locked area that contains lots of food and a tower to store it in.
There are three towers you can take control of. It's not necessary to completing the quest, but it is convenient to be able to store more food.
There are two additional men you can free to add to your party, one soldier and one archer. Rescuing the soldier is required for the quest. Rescuing the archer is not. They will travel back with you to the kingdom when the quest is over.
If you don't want to bother harvesting your own food, there is a large stockpile you can possess. It is behind a gate that requires an archer to open. If you have an archer with you, jump down to the instructions for getting into the food storage area. If not, there's an archer you can free who will help you.
Move your party forward to the gate to the camp. Read the dialogue and then defeat the barbarians. The soldier you rescued will give you the gate key and join your party.
The First Chest (Yellow Key)
Move hero and some soldiers north to the barbarian hut. Defeat the barbarians then have your soldiers destroy the barbarian hut to get the yellow key.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
While you're here, you can take control of the tower. Send a soldier or two to chop the vines surrounding the tower.
Move a soldier to the gate just south of where you discovered the key. Open the gate and search the treasure chest.
The Second Chest (Blue Key)
The blue key is in the northwest corner of the map. To get to it you must first find something heavy to put on the pressure plate that controls the drawbridge.
There are heavy stones in the north, guarded by a barbarian. Once you defeat the barbarian, your hero is the only person who can pick up the stone and move it.
Screenshot of the stone
Drop the stone on the pressure plate to lower the drawbridge and take the blue key
The blue key opens the gate in the west, next to the drawbridge.
The Third Chest (Red Key)
In the center of the map is a tall beanstalk. Dig in the dirtpatch by the beanstalk to get the red key.
The red key opens the gate in the far north, across the river from where you found the blue key.
The Fourth Chest (Silver Key)
The silver key is located in the southeast. Use soldiers to chop vines to get to it.
The gate the silver key opens is just north of where you picked up the key.
Finding all four treasure chests will trigger a cut scene that gives you some plot. When you are ready, send your army to attack the barbarian leader to recover the crown.
There are two more optional things to unlock:
Rescuing the Archer (Green Key)
There is an archer locked away in the southwest, just north of the river. . His cage needs a green key.
The green key is in a stronghold north of where he is being held. You cannot open the gate to the stronghold, but part of the wall is crumbling. Send your hero to mine the stone to get into the stronghold. Smash the boxes to the right of the tower to get the green key.
The Food Stockpile (Purple Key)
There is a stockpile of food, and a tower to store it in, near the center of the map. To get in, you need a purple key.
Just west of the tower there are some birds. Use an archer to shoot the birds, which will drop a purple key.
Fishing Village
General Information and Tips
It's a good idea to go ahead and start leveling up your villagers as soon as you are able. You will want at least one craftsman.
Several subquests require wood resources, so build a lumber camp and staff it as soon as you are able.
At one point you will need to collect bird eggs and bird feathers. As soon as you have an archer, you can start shooting birds, but don't pick up the eggs or feathers until you are asked for them.
You will also be asked to trade 25 food for something, so build a tower as soon as you are able.
Having more peasants than are initially present will make collecting items far more convenient and efficient later on.
The Captured Soldier quest is not required. You can get past the fishing village by building an archery and leveling up your own soldiers if you prefer.
River Crossing
Scout Ahead
Move hero forward to the broken bridge
Cross the River
Move hero into the main village to unlock Slow the River Current
Move hero to the archers in the east. Talking to them unlocks Captured Soldier.
Move hero to the merchant and talk to him to unlock Dam the River.
Build Stone Bridge
Purchase the stone bridge plans from the merchant with bird eggs and feathers. The merchant will offer you stone bridge plans after you have completed the Dam the River Quest.
Once you have the plans, unlock the stone bridge from the store menu. Then use any villager's build menu to build the stone bridge.
Captured Soldier
Defeat the group of barbarians in the north. The hero can do this on their own, without extra soldiers, although they will die several times in the process.
To defeat the barbarians with just a hero, use the hero to get their attention, then run away. Repeat this until the barbarian captain is separated from the other two barbarians. Attack the captain with your hero. Then attack the two underlings.
You cannot defeat the barbarians with only one additional soldier. You need at least two soldiers to defeat the barbarians without getting one of the soldiers killed.
After defeating the barbarians, send a craftsman to free the man trapped in the cage.
Completing this quest adds the two archers in the east to your army.
Dam the River
Buy Stone Dam Design
Talk to the merchant to get him to offer you a stone dam design for 25 food.
Find Location for Dam
Move hero to the narrowest part of the river.
Place Stone Blocks
A red arrow will appear next to the dam location. This is where to drop blocks.
There are five small dark grey stones that can be mined by dropping a villager on them. There are two large dark grey stones that require quarries to mine. Each of these large stones yields two dam blocks each. To save time, build the quarries first and then mine the small rocks while the quarries are working
Rock Locations:
Blocks 1 and 2
Blocks 3 and 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Block 7 requires an archer to shoot the monstrous plant blocking the way.
Block 8
Block 9
Build the Stone Dam
When this quest is over, the merchant will ask to speak to you again. Talking to him unlocks the Stone Bridge Quest.
Stone Bridge
Collect bird eggs and feathers for the trader. After you purchase the plans, you can unlock the bridge in the store menu, then you can build the bridge and head to Kingdom Two.
Posted by: MmeTurbulence
January 20, 2011 2:04 AM
Westward Kingdoms Walkthrough and Strategy Guide (continued)
Kingdom Two
General Information and Tips
This Kingdom requires a number of higher level characters and advanced buildings, so start leveling up your villagers and soldiers early.
You'll also need a lot of resources in this kingdom. Build and staff lumber camps, quarries, and gold mines early. Remember, craftsmen mine more gold and rock than peasants.
You will be asked to collect the following items: pumpkins, eggs, fire spice herbs, rabbits' feet, deer skins, frog legs, giants' clubs, and dragon scales. It's best not to pick up any of these items until you are asked to do so for a quest, since some of them are in short supply or are time-consuming to hunt.
The Rival Princesses, Ancient Cathedral, and Lost Tiara quests are optional, but kind of fun. The Traveling Bard quest is technically optional, but it unlocks the ability to plant trees, which is very useful and strongly recommended.
After you unlock the wizard, you can acquire additional wizards by building wizard huts. Click on a wizard hut, then click on the wizard hat to summon another wizard to your kingdom
After you unlock the Fortifications upgrade in the store, you need to purchase it in the information menu of a masonry to apply it to your buildings.
Royal Letter2
The king has given you a letter to deliver to the Countess. You need to get the letter to her, and bring her response back to the king.
Once you're in Kingdom Two, move the hero to the drawbridge and speak to the soldiers. They will tell you that you can't speak to the countess because the drawbridge wheel is broken. This will unlock the Drawbridge Entrance quest, which needs to be completed before you can move on.
After completing Drawbridge Entrance, move the hero the Countess. She will tell you the King wants her pie recipe and give you a list of ingredients to collect. She will also ask for help saving her villagers, unlocking the Villager Rescue quest.
Collect Recipe Ingredients: 8 pumpkins, 3 eggs, 2 Fire Spice Herbs
The cage that is under the ridge with a crank wheel holds an archer. You can free him and use him to collect eggs, but there are also eggs on the ground you can pick up. One is next to the merchant, and two are behind the barbarians, just north of the castle.
Before you head to Kingdom One, move your hero to the locked gate near the center of the map to unlock the Mason Key quest. You can pick up the Mason Key while you're delivering pie to the king.
Use the world map to get back to Kingdom 1. Once in Kingdom 1, pick up the pie, and drag your hero to the King. Drop the pie in front of him.
Drawbridge Entrance
The drawbridge won't open without the missing pegs for the crank wheel. Luckily, both pegs are very close by. To get the second peg, you'll need to put someone to work mining the rubble in front of the peg.
Peg 1 Screenshot
Peg 2 Screenshot
Once the pegs are in place, drag your hero onto the crank wheel to open the drawbridge
Villager Rescue
Speaking to the Countess unlocks this quest. Some villagers can be unlocked immediately, while others require you to defeat enemies or complete quests in order to free them. You don't have to free them all at once, although some of them, particularly the craftsman (Villager 1), merchant (Villager 4), and archer (Villager 10), are useful early on.
Remember to build housing for your villagers as soon as you free them, or they'll leave town to find homes elsewhere!
The following list is not in any particular order:
Villager 1
Use the hero or Patsy to chop wood in front of cage in the east, under a ridge with a large tree. The cage will spring open as soon as the log is removed, freeing a craftsman. You can use this craftsman to free the other villagers.
Villager 2
Southeast of the Castle, on a ridge. Use a Craftsman to open.
Villager 3
On the island in the southwest, just west of the merchant. You'll need an upgraded lumber camp to build a bridge to get to the island. Then build a stone quarry and set a peasant to mining. You don't need a craftsman to open the cage once the stone is mined
Villager 4
On the island, in front of the merchant's table. Use a soldier to chop the vine. Once the vine is gone, the cage will spring open, freeing the merchant. The merchant will then offer to trade with you, unlocking the Merchant Trade 2 quest.
Villager 5
Behind a barbarian hut, northwest of the castle. Use hero and/or soldiers to defeat the barbarian, then send a craftsman to open the cage.
Villager 6
In the west, behind a giant. Use hero and/or soldiers to defeat the giant, then send a craftsman to open the cage.
Villager 7
In the south, blocked by a wall, a ridge, and the river. Once you have access to the island, send an archer to destroy the monstrous plant. Then destroy the bridge. Once the bridge is gone, a craftsman can walk through the river from the northwest bank to the cage to free the soldier.
Villager 8
In the west, guarded by a dragon. Walk up to the dragon to unlock the Sleeping Dragon quest. Complete the quest to gain access to the cage. Send a craftsman to unlock it.
Villager 9
Mine the small stone behind the giant, next to where you rescued Villager 6. When your villager is done mining, use them to pick up the block, and drop it on the pressure plate next to the cage northwest of the castle, on the corner of a large lake.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Villager 10
The cage is just west of the castle, under a ridge. Use soldiers to cut the vine and bust the boxes under the ridge. Then use any villager to pick up a magic bean and drop it right under the crank wheel. The vine will grow and turn the wheel. You can get a magic bean from the merchant, eventually, or one will be uncovered after you mine the stone trapping Villager 3.
Swords and Arrows
The duchess will ask you to build an army of 6 soldiers, 4 archers, and 3 knights.
Your army does not need to be leveled all the way up. Low level soldiers, archers, and knights count just as much as high level ones.
That said, as soon as you have completed this quest, the Giant Attack quest will start.
Build enough barracks to house at least 13 men.
You must have an archer camp built before you can turn a soldier into an archer. Similarly, you must have an armory built to turn soldiers into knights.
Level 2 soldiers can become archers. Level 3 soldiers can become knights. Archers and Knights cannot change careers, nor can level 4 soldiers.
Only archers can train at archery camps. Soldiers and knights can both train at armories. Soldiers will also train at towers. Knights will only train at armories
Giant Attack
As soon as you have built your army to the Countess' specifications, giants will start attacking the kingdom. You need to defend against the attacks while figuring out how the giants are getting into the kingdom.
The giants are climbing down magic bean stalks to enter the kingdom. You need to chop down all the beanstalks to end the invasion.
The beanstalks are in the following locations:
Sleeping Dragon
If any character tries to approach the dragon in the west, the hero will tell you that it's too dangerous to try to attack the dragon. You need to find a way to put it to sleep.
Speak to an alchemist. If you don't have one already, use a craftsman to build an alchemy building, then employ a scholar there. Click on the scholar, and they will ask you to collect an Endormi plant.
Send the scholar to collect the endormi plant - these are the small purple plants.
Speak to a baker by clicking on a craftsman working at a bakery. If you don't have one yet, use a craftsman to build a bakery and employ a craftsman there. The baker will ask you to gather ingredients for a meat pie.
Collect boar meat and eggs. Use archers to shoot the boar and leave the tusks, which you'll need soon for the Merchant Trade quest.
Click on the baker again, and he will give you a pie. Pick up and carry the pie to the dragon.
The dragon will stay asleep for the rest of the game.
Merchant Trade 2
After you free the merchant, he will ask you to collect items for him before he will sell you certain goods.
7 rabbits' feet in exchange for unlocking healing potions. Use archers to hunt rabbits, since soldiers will destroy the rabbits' feet. Only some rabbits will drop lucky rabbits' feet.
6 deer skin in exchange for unlocking mystery seeds. Again, use archers to hunt deer.
8 frog legs in exchange for unlocking magic beans.
3 giants clubs in exchange for unlocking "knowledge tomes,î the blue books that grant characters XP.
2 dragon scales in exchange for unlocking gold rings. The dragon scales can be found behind the Knight's Gate in the northeast. There's only two of them, so don't pick them up early!
Mason Key
Move the hero to the locked gate north of the castle to prompt a dialogue with the Countess. The Mason Scrolls are behind the gate, and the key was lost in Kingdom 1
The key is in Kingdom One, on an island between three purple plants. You do not need to build a bridge there. Starting from the north side of the drawbridge, the hero can walk down the slope into the river, through the river, and up a slope onto the island. This island wasn't accessible in the Kingdom One quests because the drawbridge hadn't been lowered yet.
After you have the key, return to Kingdom Two and unlock the gate. Pick up the scrolls. You can now unlock the Masonry in the store, and use any Craftsman to build one.
Traveling Bard 2
At some point, a traveling bard will appear in your kingdom and ask to speak with you. He will ask that you lure out a green giant by chopping down his favorite tree. The giant is nowhere on the screen, so not to worry about attacking the giants you can see - it wont' interfere with the quest.
Technically this quest is optional, but it unlocks the ability to plant trees, which is very useful, so you should go ahead and do it.
Lure Out the Green Giant
The tree is in the east, on a ridge, just above the first villager you rescued. To cut it down, you need both advanced tools and advanced labor.
Only a level 4 craftsman can cut down the giants tree.
You must have a lumber camp with the ax upgrade before your craftsman can cut the tree. Unlock the ax upgrade in the store, then apply it at a lumber camp
Defeat the Mighty Green Giant
Don't worry about sending a huge force after the green giant. Instead send two or three low level soldiers to him. After he kills one soldier, he'll say he doesn't like to fight and offer to leave you alone if you promise to replant some trees. After he leaves, pick up the tree seedling he leaves behind. Now you can unlock tree planting in the store menu, and then buy tree seedlings from a staffed lumber camp.
Rival Princesses
The Countess will ask to speak with you, and tell you she wants her kingdom to be all spiffy to impress her rivals. This quest is not required, but the dialogue at the end is kind of amusing. To accomplish this quest acquire the following:
60 food - this obviously requires you to build towers, which you probably already did in order to level up soldiers.
All huts needs to be upgraded to three-person cottages
Have at least two scholars. They don't have to be employed at a library - an alchemist or the castle will work also.
Upgrade the Old Castle.
Magic Curse
After some time in the kingdom, your subjects will start turning into frogs. You need to find a cure for the curse
First things first, speak to an alchemist. If you don't have one already, build an alchemy building and employ a scholar there. Click on the scholar, who will tell you that only a wizard can help you, and that there is a wizard in Kingdom One. This unlocks the Wizard Help Quest
Use the world map to get back to Kingdom 1. More details on what to do in Kingdom 1 are given under the Wizard's Help quest.
You convinced the wizard to help you. Yay! He won't work for you without a home and place to work though. Unlock the wizard hut in the store page, then use a craftsman to build the wizard hut. Employ the wizard at the new hut.
To destroy crystals, drag your wizard onto the crystal. You only need to destroy three of the six to solve the curse, but there is a trophy for destroying all crystals in all the kingdoms. The crystals are in the following locations, however, some of them won't be accessible until you complete later quests.
Wizard Help
After you talk to the alchemist trying to solve the frog curse, you learn that you need a wizard to help you. There is a wizard in Kingdom One, so you'll need to travel there to seek his help.
You must have the mason scrolls to complete this mission! If you don't have the mason scrolls yet, see the Mason Key quest, and get the scrolls.
In Kingdom One, speak to the wizard in front of the castle. He will tell you he needs his hat before he can help you.
The wizard hat is on the island in the far west, and you need to build a stone bridge to get to it.
Return to Kingdom Two
Love Potion
The Countess will ask you to create a love potion for her. After completing this quest, the Matchmaker quest will be unlocked.
First things first, speak to an alchemist. If you don't have one already, build an alchemy building and employ a scholar there. Click on the scholar, and after some grumbling they will give you a list of ingredients.
Collect Toe of Frog (frog legs dropped after frogs are hunted), Tusk of Boar (requires archers), Carrot's Juice (or in other words, carrots), Sap of Spruce (tree stumps).
After you've collected all the ingredients, click on the alchemist again. They will give you a potion, which you should pick up and carry to the countess.
The Countess wants you to bring her a suitable suitor. Direct male characters to stand before the Countess and she will render judgment. Her comments will help you find the perfect match.
A Knight Captain, ie, a level 3 knight, mounted on a horse, will satisfy her. Just for fun, here are her responses to the other kinds of villagers.
Peasant -- "Is this your idea of a joke? You have brought me a lowly peasant, you know that right? He is filthy and weak. You seriously need to try harder."
Craftsman -- "This worker looks handsome and I bet he knows how to handle his tools. Unfortunately he does not look very brave. I do not think he has seen a fight in his life. I want a man that's seen some real action."
Soldier -- "He looks like he works out. I like that, but I want a man with a little more experience"
Archer -- "He is quite dashing, isn't he? He looks like a scruffy scoundrel. But I happen to like nice men."
Knight -- "Oh my! He is quite handsome. Look at those muscles! Wait a second, where is his horse? We can't go out and have fun if he doesn't have his own ride! What are we going to do . . . take long walks in the mud? No. Next."
Wizard -- "A wizard? I don't wish to be with a man who is more powerful than I am. Moreover, I don't like beards. He won't do at all."
A Princely Proposal
After the matchmaker quest is complete, the knight will ask you to help him acquire a diamond ring. He will give you a key that unlocks the gate in the northeast, that guards the dragon's lair.
There are two parts to this quest: getting the diamond and getting the ring.
Steal a Diamond
If you steal the dragon egg out of the dragon's lair, that should lure an angry dragon out of hiding.
Take an attack party with your hero. A couple of archers and a knight or two of any level should be sufficient. Make sure to give them all armor and weapon upgrades at the blacksmith before you set out.
Use the hero to pick up the dragon egg. When the dragon arrives, drop the egg, so the hero can fight the dragon as well.
After you defeat the dragon, pick up the treasures it drops. One of them should be a diamond.
While you are in the dragon's lair, avoid picking up the honeycomb shaped items unless the merchant has already asked you to bring him dragon scales.
Find a Ring
The ring is available from the merchant at the very end of the Merchant Trade 2 quest. Find all the items the merchant wants, ending with finding him two dragon scales. He will then sell you a ring.
Click on a craftsman employed at a blacksmith. After a brief conversation, he will drop a diamond ring.
The knight will insist that only the hero pick up the ring and deliver it to the countess.
Ancient Cathedral
There is a pile of ruins in the northwest corner of the map, guarded by barbarians and a black knight. If you can get to it, the Ancient Cathedral quest will unlock. This quest is optional for completing the game, but it is part of the Magic Mirror and Wise Wizard Hat trophies.
Accessing the cathedral
Use a wizard to destroy the blue crystal the use an archer to destroy the monstrous plant.
Send an attack party to defeat the barbarians. Destroy the huts and boxes. Somewhere in the treasure there will be a bundle of straw. Pick up the straw and drop it on the boar trap.
After you defeat the dark knight, you will be able to move your characters close to the cathedral ruins. The Countess will ask you to rebuild the cathedral. This quest is entirely optional.
Send a craftsperson who works at a Masonry to inspect the ruins. They will tell you to find the four missing fragments in the watery ruins.
Accessing the ruins
If you move a character near one of the three towers on the edge of the body of water, the hero will tell you that the towers control the water.
You need to destroy the three towers that surround the lake to fully drain the water. Before you can demolish them, you must first take control of them.
To destroy the tower in the west, behind the cathedral, use a soldier or knight to chop all the vines. You then have control of the tower and can open its information menu. Click the wrecking ball icon in the top right of this menu to knock the tower down.
There are two towers on the east side of the watery ruins. To take control of the northern tower, send a villager to chop the log in front of the tower. Once the log is gone, you can open the tower's information menu and demolish it.
There are two towers on the east side of the watery ruins. Unlike the previous two towers, there is nothing blocking the entrance to the southern tower. The key that opens the tower is sitting on top of the turret. To knock it down, get a magic bean, either from a defeated giant or from the merchant, and plant it right beneath the key. Pick up the key to gain control of the tower.
Collecting the four missing stone fragments from the maze.
To get into the maze, have an archer shoot the monstrous plant blocking your way.
To open the center gate that leads to the tower, collect the red key. Use a villager to mine the rubble and a soldier to clear the vines that block the way.
To open the gate on the right, gather the stone you used to rescue Villager 9, and drop it on the pressure plate.
The four fragments are in the following locations:
Stone 1
Stone 2
Stone 3
Stone 4
Lost Tiaras
Tiara 1
By the gold deposit west of the castle
Tiara 2
Under a vine on the island in the southwest
Tiara 3
By the caged villager northwest of the castle.
Tiara 4
By the ridge northwest of the castle
Tiara 5
Behind a barbarian hut northwest of the castle.
Tiara 6
West of the green giant's special tree.
Tiara 7
In front of the caged villager in the south of the map.
Tiara 8
By the sleeping dragon
Tiara 9
Near the southeast bank of the watery ruins.
Tiara 10
In the watery ruins, in the northwest corner.
Tiara 11
In the barbarian encampment in the far west.
Tiara 12
Behind the Knight's Gate, on a ridge, just above a gold deposit.
Tiara 13
Under the stone tower in the center of the watery ruins. Destroy the tower to access it.
Secrets and Trophies
Cathedral Secret (Magic Mirror Trophy)
The list of trophies hints at some kind of secret at the cathedral. Just rebuilding the cathedral isn't enough however.
There is a ridge with a single tree and a single rock north of the gate where you found the Mason Scroll. It almost looks like the tree is guarding the rock
Build a lumber camp to cut down the tree. Once the tree is gone, cut down the stump, making way for a stone quarry. Now build a quarry and mine the rock. Once the rock is gone, you will find a Rose Window.
Have any villager pick up the Rose Window and drop it in front of the cathedral. Dig in the dirt patch that appears after you return the window to earn the Magic Mirror trophy
Garden Ruins (part of the Wise Wizard Hat trophy)
You can only complete this quest after acquiring the blight scrolls in Kingdom Three. Once you have the blight scrolls, come back to Kingdom Two at any time to do this quest.
In the far north of your kingdom there are ruins covered by vines that no weapon can cut. Looks like you'll need some other way to get rid of the vines.
There is a tower to the east of the ruins, and a pile of rubble that looks like it might have been a tower to the west of the ruins. You learned in Kingdom Three that towers can have magical properties.
Use villagers to clear away the rubble. Buy a blight scroll from an employed wizard, then use a wizard or scholar to repair the ground to the west of the ruins. Build a tower there, then upgrade it to a stone tower.
Once you have two stone towers, the towers will light and the vines will be burned away. Send a craftsman to repair the garden ruins.
Posted by: MmeTurbulence
January 20, 2011 2:14 AM
Westward Kingdoms Walkthrough and Strategy Guide (continued)
Kingdom Three
General Information
For various quests you will be asked to collect: frog legs, bird eggs, fire spice, bushels of berries, boar tusks, black knight helmets, old crowns, and a dragon horn. Avoid picking up these items until a quest asks you to.
The Traveling Bard, Lost Bottles, and Haunted Wood quests are entirely optional, although the Lost Bottles quest contributes to one of the trophies. The Merchant Trade quest is only needed for the Traveling Bard quest.
You will need several soldiers and at least one archer early in the game. The two soldiers you meet when you enter the kingdom won't join your party until after you need soldiers, so build a barracks and towers to train your soldiers as soon as you have enough resources.
Meet the Duke
Move the hero to the drawbridge and talk to the soldiers. This will open the Help the Villagers quest. You will also learn that the duke is hiding in a cave.
The duke is in one of the caves in the far south of the map, and it seems to be random which cave he is hiding in. Clear away the rocks and boxes in front of the caves in the grotto in the south.There might be deer, rats, or an angry barbarian hiding in the cave the duke is not in (again, that seems to be random.)
Once the duke comes out, he will say that he is scared and will refuse to move until you provide him an escort. Drag two soldiers to the duke. The two soldiers at the drawbridge are not part of your party yet, so you'll need to build a barracks if you haven't already.
The duke will start moving, but will stop and demand you protect him. Drag the soldiers to him again to get him moving.
Fight the Blight
Once the duke is back in his castle he will ask for your help fighting the blight.
You need to talk to the wizard in the grove in the northeast. To get there, build a stone bridge across the river.
Talk to the wizard, who will ask you to collect some frog legs and bird eggs. There are frogs in the river south of the wizard grove. There's also a slope (convenient!) so you can wade in the river to collect the frog legs.
Once you have all the ingredients, talk to the wizard again. He will ask you to retrieve his scroll from the giants, who live in an area southeast of the wizard's grove.
There are three giants to defeat, so take plenty of soldiers and stock up on healing potions before you go. Pick up the scroll and treasure quickly, since the giants will respawn, and rather rapidly at that.
Once you have the blight scroll, a wizard or scholar can use it. Click on the character, then click the scroll icon. Click anywhere on the screen to use it.
You can get more blight scrolls by building a wizard hut and employing the wizard. He will slowly start to produce scrolls, which you can buy for 100 gold.
Help the Villagers
The farmer just past the drawbridge wants you to find his manifesto.
The manifesto is buried in a dirt patch in front of the lumber camp, south of the peasant's farm.
The peasant just south of the farm wants your help finding his gold rocks.
The rocks are on the plateau next to where you found the peasant. You need a soldier to chop the vines to gain access to that area.
The peasant in the woods wants you to find the key to her lumber camp.
The boars are all in the woods on the plateau north of the camp. You need a soldier to chop the vines to gain access to the camp. As for the key, it's random which boar it is in. Just keep killing boars until you find it.
Merchant Trade 3
The merchant is on the north bank of the river, just above the center of the map. He wants:
6 bushels of berries in exchange for unlocking mystery seeds. These seeds can grow into food items or vines. Use any civilian to harvest berries.
5 boar tusks in exchange for unlocking magic beans. The boars on the plateau from the Help the Villagers quest respawn, so this should be an easy one.
4 black knight helms in exchange for unlocking meat pies. The helms are only occasionally dropped when you defeat black knights. The black knights can be found in their fortress in the southeast.
2 crowns in exchange for unlocking training dummies. The crowns are dropped even less frequently than the black knight helms. The barbarians are more likely to drop crowns than the knights, and also, crown sometimes appear in locked chests.
A dragon's horn in exchange for unlocking tomes of knowledge (or in other words, the blue books that give 25 XP). Dragon horns are almost always dropped when you a kill a dragon. Also, unlike other enemies, dragons don't heal between battles, so if you don't want to risk losing a soldier and having to start over with collecting XP, you can send your hero alone to do battle with the dragon. They will die four or five times before it's over, but will eventually defeat the dragon.
Forgotten Outpost
The duke will send you to investigate the outpost after you complete the Fight the Blight quest. The outpost is in the northeast of the map. You'll need to build another bridge northeast of the merchant's location to get there.
Be careful in this area! There is both a black knight and a dragon who will attack you if you wander too close to them. Keep you distance and you'll be fine.
The outpost is locked, so you'll have to search the area to find the key.
The key is under the berry bush in the bottom corner of that area. Use the hero to harvest the berries.
Once you've unlocked the outpost, you'll be asked to search for clues. Use a magic bean (dropped by giants when you defeat them, or bought from the merchant) and grow a vine underneath the scroll that is perched on the watchtower.
Pick up the scroll and learn that you need to defeat the black knight in his lair. Conveniently, his lair is just north of the watchtower. Send your hero to do battle with the knight at the gate.
Alas, you have no way of opening the gate. However, part of the wall is crumbling. Send any civilian character to mine the rubble. The knights will attack the moment the rubble is clear, so make sure to have your whole army assembled and ready.
Once the black knight's army is defeated, you'll have access to cages housing your citizens. Send a craftsman to unlock the cages. There will be two peasants and one soldier, so be prepared to build housing for the peasants.
Ancient Tower
While you're walking around near the forgotten outpost, you will probably wander near the ruins of the ancient tower. If you haven't already, drag a character to the ruins in front of the black knight's lair.
If you haven't already, build a masonry and employ a craftsman there. Then click on the mason and he will tell you that you need to collect 8 special cornerstones, mine 1000 regular stone, and have a village population of 20 to fix the tower.
Getting together the regular stone and villagers is a pretty big task, so go ahead and work on other quests while your villagers mine rock for you.
The cornerstones are in the same kind of dark grey rock that you used in the Fishing Village. There are four small stones that can be mined by dragging a peasant to them. There are two large stones that can only be mined with a stone quarry. Additionally, you will need a wizard to destroy the blue stone in front of the dark grey stone before you can mine it.
Stone 1 Screenshot
Stone 2 Screenshot
Stone 3 Screenshot
Stone 4 & Quarry Screenshot
Once you have all the resources together, click on the speech bubble above the tower to commit them.
Uh oh! You still don't have the know-how to repair the tower. You need to get the Scrying Stone (described in detail under the Scrying Stone quest) and the seven fragments of the old tower.
Look for the bricks:
By the dragon's lair
By the gold vein, east of the wizard's grove.
On the ridge northwest of the wizard's grove
In the north of the grotto where you found the duke
By the fountain ruins in the north. To get there, send an archer to destroy the monstrous plant at the head of the bridge, just west of the wizard's grove.
In the haunted woods in the northwest. To get there, build a bridge across the river northeast of the castle, just below the valley with the locked gates.
Just outside the black knight's lair.
As soon as you complete this quest, black knights will attack. Make sure to have your army mobilized and ready to fight!
Scrying Stone
Once you are prompted to get the scrying stone, go back to Kingdom Two and speak to the countess. Her advice is pretty useless, but that's okay, because the scrying stone is fairly obvious.
The stone is in the north, in a grotto blocked by a large tree.
To get to the stone, first get a blight scroll from a wizard and use it on the ground in front of the tree. Then build and staff a lumber camp. Chopping the tree down might take a while, since there are other trees in range of the camp. If you haven't done the Cathedral Secret quest already, now's a good time to get it started while you wait.
After the tree is gone, use a peasant to chop up the tree stump, then go in and pick up the scrying stone.
Haunted Woods
Once you enter the woods in the northwest, the duke will speak to you, telling you that the woods have been taken over by some kind of dark magic. You need to find the source of the wildly growing vines.
You need to get close to the extra large monstrous plant in the west, triggering some dialogue with the hero saying that the plant needs to be destroyed.
You need two archers to destroy the plant. One just isn't enough!
Once the plant is dead, the duke will want you to regrow the forest. To do so, you need the blight scrolls, and the ability to plant trees (acquired from the Traveling Bard quest in Kingdom Two).
Use a couple of blight scrolls to repair the ground. Then purchase some tree seedlings from an upgraded lumber camp and plant at least four of them to restore the forest.
Lost Bottles
The lost bottles won't appear on the screen until you have completed the Meet the Duke quest. After that, like with the marbles and tiaras, picking up a bottle will trigger the start of the quest
Bottle 1
On the north edge of the plateau where you found the gold rocks for the villager.
Bottle 2
On the north edge of the grotto where the duke was hiding.
Bottle 3
West of the wizard's grove, in front of a locked treasure chest. You'll need to mine the rubble to get access to it.
Bottle 4
On the bank of the river, on the ridge above the merchant.
Bottle 5
Next to the cave whose entrance is blocked with gold, north of the grotto where the duke was hiding.
Bottle 6
Next to some trees, northeast of the forgotten outpost.
Bottle 7
On a ridge north of the dragon's lair.
Bottle 8
In the north corner of the dukes castle keep.
Bottle 9
South of the giant monstrous plant in the haunted woods.
Bottle 10
In the barbarian encampment in the southeast, south of the forgotten outpost.
Bottle 11
In the locked area west of the fountain ruins. To unlock the gate, go the the wall on the east of the locked area and plant a magic bean. The vine will knock the block onto the pressure plate. To get to the gate itself, build a wooden bridge across the river to the tiny island west of the castle. Then build a stone bridge from the island to the little spit of land with the cave. Finally, destroy the bridge to the haunted woods. Now a villager can walk from the area with the cave through the river to the locked gate.
Bottle 12
In the river, south of the merchant. You might have to destroy a bridge so a villager can walk through the river.
Bottle 13
Under a tree in the northwest corner of the wizard's grove. It is only visible when the view is zoomed all the way in.
Bottle 14
In the river north of the black knight's lair.
Traveling Bard 3
The bard will appear again, asking you to lure out Ruby the Red Dragon. This quest is entirely optional.
First you must build something to attract the dragon. The bard is frustratingly vague, saying something about "buildings with movement.î What he means is windmill. You'll need to build five of them.
He will this ask you to trap an animal. He will provide the cage, and you need to provide the bait. Get a meat pie from the merchant, and carry it to the bard.
The first animal you trap will likely be rejected by the bard. Just get another meat pie and try again until you manage to trap a boar.
Make sure to have your army at the ready for when Ruby shows up.
Ancient Ritual
Once you rebuild the ancient tower and defeat the invasion of black knights, the duke will give you instructions on conducting the ritual.
There are five small raised areas in a circle around the ancient tower. You need to build a stone tower on each one. First clear the rubble, vines, and other debris from the area, then use blight scrolls to repair the ground. Once the hills are clear, you can build a wooden tower and upgrade it to stone.
After each tower is built a speech bubble will appear above it. Click the bubble and confirm that you want to light to the towers.
Once all five towers are lit, a cave will appear in the wizard's grove and you will be prompted to investigate the cave. Drag your hero to the cave, and another speech bubble will appear asking if you want to travel to the dark wizard's tower.
The dark wizard's tower is a separate quest entirely. Your entire army will travel with you, and they will lose some health during the "journeyî to the dark tower. You don't have to go on this quest immediately! Take as much time as you need to build your army up.
Secrets and Trophies
The Fountain Ruins (part of the Wise Wizard Hat trophy)
The fountain ruins are in the north, near where found one of the bricks for the Ancient Tower quest. Before you can repair the ruins you need to get the water flowing again.
To get water into the reservoir below the fountain, destroy the dark crystal sitting on the pressure plate. To get there, build a bridge across the river to the small island west of the castle, then build another bridge from the island to the little spit of land with a cave and treasure chest. Destroy the bridge to the haunted woods. Send a wizard to destroy the stone.
Next you need to unlock the gate just below the fountain. The key to that gate is buried under the rubble next to the fountain. Send a villager to mine the rubble to get the key.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Use the key on the gate just below the fountain. Once water is flowing again, drag a craftsman onto the ruins to repair them.
The Blue Crystals (part of the Dark Mojo trophy)
You can get the Dark Mojo trophy by destroying all the blue crystals in each kingdom. In Kingdom Three the crystals are in the following locations:
Three crystals in the area near the black knight's lair:
Across the river from the haunted woods
In the northeast, by the wizard's grove.
Storming the Tower
This is the last quest to complete the game. After you complete it, you will have the option of returning to the game if you like, to finish side quests and continue to play in your kingdoms.
Make sure to build up a strong army before you go! You'll want at least six high-level army members. Mounted knights are the strongest, but you'll need at least one regular soldier or knight who can chop vines.
Make sure your army is well equipped to fight! Get the armor and weapons upgrades at the blacksmith, then drag each member of your army to the armor and weapons stands to get outfitted. (The exception to this is archers, who don't wear armor. But you can upgrade their bows!) Your hero can also get upgraded armor and weapons.
You'll also want to give each member of your army health potions to fill them up to max health before you go.
Once your army is ready, click on the speech bubble at the cave by the wizard's grove. No matter where on the map your army members are, they will all travel with you to the dark tower. Unlike the family heirloom quest, you do not have to worry about food for your army while you are storming the tower.
So you've finally made it to the dark tower, but the drawbridge isn't functioning. Yup, yet again, you need to find drawbridge pegs. You'll find them:
On the ridge to the right of the drawbridge.
In the pond to the left of the drawbridge.
In the barbarian camp northwest of the drawbridge. Attack and destroy the barbarian huts to free a soldier while you're there.
In a box in the giant's camp west of the drawbridge.
Once you're across the drawbridge, you'll learn that you have no means of opening the gate. What's a hero to do?
The barbarians in the camp east of the drawbridge have a catapult you can use. Send your army through the moat to the camp and defeat all the barbarians. Drag any member of your party near the catapult to launch a rock at the wall.
Now you're through the gate, only to learn that there is a magic shield around the dark knight. To bring down the shield you need to destroy all five of the outlying towers. You can't use the demolish button on them - instead, have your army members attack the towers.
Three of the towers are fairly easy to get to:
In the west. You'll need to use soldiers or non-mounted knights to chop down the vines before you can bring it down.
In the east on a ridge. While you are attacking this tower, make sure to pick up the blue key on the table.
In the north, guarded by a dragon.
Use the blue key on the gate in the northeast to get access to the fourth tower.
After you destroy the the western tower - the one guarded by a knight and a giant - have one of your soldiers start picking up the items left behind. Underneath the rocks and treasure is a magic bean. Have you hero pick up the bean and carry it to the ridge east of the dark wizard's tower. Plant the bean just beneath the box to knock the box over onto the pressure plate. This will unlock the gate in front of the far eastern tower.
Once all of the towers are down, reassemble your forces in front of the central tower and attack the dark wizard.
Congratulations! You have finished the main game. You can go back to the kingdoms to do side quests or play the village defense game. You can also exit to the menu and play in the sandbox.
Posted by: MmeTurbulence
January 20, 2011 2:15 AM