Westward IV: All Aboard
Howdy pardners! It's time to head to the old west again for a heapin' amount of fun and time management. Yes, Westward 4: All Aboard by Sandlot Games is here just in time for holiday season activities! This sequel to Westward 3 continues the same style and premise of the previous two games: a casual simulation/time management set in the fictional Wild West. This time around the game captures the story of the railroads, the iron horse that tamed the west. Play as Anne or Henry Turner, a pair of siblings with a few problems on their hands, not the least of which is a disappearing father.
As the game begins you choose which sibling to play, the rough-and-ready Anne or gearhead Henry. The first few scenarios are a basic tutorial which walk you through the control structure and set up the story. Pretty soon you will arrive at Turner Railroad, the place where your main city will be built. Their father, the man who built the railroad, has been gone for six months and the place is a disaster, as is the old homestead. Whichever sibling you are playing must first work to build a solid base from which to accomplish all of the other missions. Although there are a lot of quests contained in the Turner Railroad location, you will also visit many other places as you push to extend the railroad, encountering a myriad of obstacles and attempting to find out what happened to dear old dad.
The controls of Westward IV: All Aboard are basically all in the click of a mouse. Move characters around, set tasks, buy upgrades, and basically perform all tasks necessary with the cursor. Movement through the scenes is accomplished by scrolling as your cursor moves to the edge of the screen. Left click and drag a character to where you want them to go, or left click the person then right click the destination, it's all very simple and easily explained in the tutorials for those who have never played the game before. The views can change from a long, top-down bird's eye view to a lower-angled close up with the use of the mouse's scrolling wheel.
Although a great many scenarios take place in the Turner Railroad location, there are a multitude of other areas to explore, shown on a map as you move your railroad onwards. Each location has its own unique scenario and obstacles to overcome, whether it be bandits, kidnappers, poor terrain, or a mayor with very sensitive ears. Each new location increases your skill level and unlocks new buildings, upgrades, and other fun things. Take time to really explore each area, as there are also fun side quests involving hidden objects, buried dinosaur bones, and lots of other surprises. Just watch out for wolves. And bears.
And of course, as this is a casual sim, you must pay attention to resources at every turn. Gold is needed to buy supplies and blueprints for buildings, coal is necessary to keep the trains running, timber is needed to keep building, and of course there's food and water for your townsfolk. You also need to keep an eye on labor as well, as folks who don't have jobs will become upset and leave for greener pastures, damaging the happiness rating of your growing town.
Analysis: Westward IV: All Aboard is a solid addition to the ever-increasing Westward pantheon. There's not a lot of change from Westward III, but why mess with a winning formula? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Of course, Westward IV offers new characters, new scenarios, new upgrades, and the same casual gameplay fun of its predecessors.
The graphics haven't changed much, but are still in the beautiful 3D style of Westward II and III. The mouse-controlled swooping camera angle is nice whether panning to see more of the terrain or coming in for a close up to watch the antics of your working townsfolk. Movie Western-style music and sound effects add a nice touch to the old west feeling.
It can really take a while for the game to get going in the beginning, especially as there is only one playing speed. As it is a time management you will sometimes sit back and twiddle your thumbs waiting for enough resources to accumulate to accomplish certain tasks. But eventually, like a locomotive gathering steam, the story begins to speed up as your town grows larger and you build farther and farther along the map. The little bits of dialogue your characters spout when you first start working them are cute, but after a few hours get a little wearying.
Still, you are looking at hours and hours of fantastic casual gameplay with Westward IV: All Aboard. Slow down and take the time to explore, and enjoy the wonder when you have a large, fully populated, functional town with a saloon, clothing store, and many other fun places. You could waste hours alone just watching your little people work without worrying about pesky things like goals and such. It's time to ride the rails and enter the wild, wild west!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Westward 4 Walkthrough
Choose your player. You will automatically be taken through the tutorial. This walkthrough was written with Anne chosen
General Hints and Strategies
Pick up any supplies on the ground. Watch your food level. Don't pick up the food unless you need it.
There are gold and coal piles you can mine as needed. They are good for emergencies.
You will need a well, a farm, lumber yard, gold mine, and coal mine as soon as you can build them.
Build the other buildings as you can. Some you will have to build in order to build other or to complete a quest.
You will have to build a sheriffs office when your population hits 19 or you won't be able to grow your population.
You need a town hall and sheriff office to have a population over 35.
Be sure to kill the rats as they will eat your supplies.
As your people become skilled in one occupation, change their occupation. You need to have several skilled in four jobs.
Find the hidden objects before you leave each screen. You can't go back.
Mad Hatter Hat.
Complete the Mad hatter quest. Wait for the hat designer to show up.
Drag the characters he asks for to the hat shop. Drag them onto the hat shop.
When the hat designer is satisfied, you will get the hat.
Chicken Nest Hat.
You get this one by unlocking your first turkey ranch
Diving Bell Helmet.
You get this one by having three fish hut. Not all have to be employed
British Wig.
You get this one by employing someone with four skills at the Hall of Government
Banana Top Hat.
You have to unlock and grow all the crops. You will need more than one farm.
Leaf Beanie.
You get his one by unlocking and building a lumber camp
Sherlock Holmes' Deerstalker Hat.
You get this one after finding all three treasures
King's Crown.
You get this one by winning the game
Crop and Animal Upgrades
Irrigate and build a farm near the coal mine to the left of the river at the top.
Have at least 86 in water.
After you rescue the buffalo and they leave, put bakery boxes in the middle of the grass where they were grazing. A buffalo will come along in time.
Town Goods
Produce Town Good
Have one farm producing food
Meat Town Good
Have at least one ranch producing food and an Employed Butcher Shop
Miracle Cure Town Good
Have a Doctor and a Skilled Farmer employed at a Fishing Hut
Fertilizer Town Good
Have an upgraded ranch and two stables with horses
Factory Town Good
Have a towns person skilled in both mining and woodcutting employed in a upgraded lumber camp and a factory
Iron Town Good
Have at least one towns person skilled in mining employed at both a blacksmith with upgraded pick axes and a coal mine
Bakery Town Good
Have a skilled farmer employed at the bakery - pick up apples from ground at Wood Huts
Have one towns person with four skills employed at town hall and two employed banks and collect taxes which will give bonds
Part one
Home Sweet Home
Drag your character over to the red arrow and find out why you were called back.
Pick up the supplies and then click on the dialog question mark
Repair the barn then demolish the shack and build a new well then farm.
Pick up the wood from the demolished shack.
Hired Hand Quest
Go ask the Brumble Brothers if they want to work at the farm.
Build a lumber camp and put the brothers to work chopping wood while you look for wood.
When you have enough wood, build them a house then put them to work at the farm
Go to the train station and head out of town.
Train Heist
After shooting the bad guys, walk down the tracks and pick up the coal.
Go back a little and cross the tracks to the coal mining camp. Talk to the miner.
Dig the coal and then pick up the coal in the camp.
Go find the missing supplies. Smash the old wagon and recover the supplies.
Go back to the camp. Buy the coal mine and build it next to the coal.
Employ the men at the mine. When you have enough coal, pick up the dynamite and head back to the train.
Set they dynamite off near the rocks blocking the train. Repair the tracks and get back on the train.
Up and Running
Walk over to the railroad worker and talk to him.
Help him fix the tracks so he will talk to you
Find out that your dad's been missing for six months.
Walk over to the train station and find it a mess.
Walk over to the warehouse and discover that the dog has buried the supplies
The first buried supply is to the left next to the crossroads sign.
The other supply is sometimes between the railroad tracks by the train station
Look for the mounds of dirt around the area and dig for the supplies
Rebuild the warehouse and a house for Ryan Harris and speak to him
Build a lumber camp and employ it. Continue to explore and find side quests.
Once the train station and yard are rebuilt, the train will come back and bring your sibling.
You will also have two more workers. Employ one at the gold mine and the other at a farm.
Unlock a new crop. You may have to shuffle a few people around.
Build a General Store and begin building other buildings.
Once your population reaches 19, you will have to build a sheriffs office to increase population.
Farmers Plight
Walk across the tracks to the bottom of the screen and find the coal mine. Talk to the farmer
Build a well and build a farm. Build some cabins to get workers. Employ them at the farm.
When enough radishes have been grown, talk to Kevin. If there is enough wood, he will rebuild his cart.
He will leave. Build a coal mine. You will need to build another farm before too long
Gold Mine Cave In
Drag your hero to the caved in gold mine and help dig out his brother.
Talk to Brint. Get food and water for the trapped miner.
Build them a cabin and build a gold mine and employ them at the mine.
Fur Trader
Shoot five rats. Shoot six bunnies. Shoot eight deer. You may have to wait until you can cross the river to get all the deer.
Kill eight wolfs to get the skins.
If you can't find the animals you need, shoot all the other ones and the one you need should show up.
Bake off
Give Audrey the food. Unlock the bakery and build it. Employ Audrey
Build her a house or she won't work.
She wants apples. You will have to unlock the tree seeds and purchase the seeds at the Genera store.
To unlock the tree seeds, you will have to upgrade your lumber camp with the lumber mill.
Drag a farmer to pick up the apples. Audrey will back the pies.
Railroad Expansion
Build a blacksmith if you haven't already done so. Employ someone there.
Buy railroad tracks at the blacksmith then select the travel map in the middle of the upper tool bar.
Go to the next location and complete the Railroad By-pass Quest.
Talk to the first man who will send you to talk to Doc Rush.
Gather the supplies lying around. Go to the lumber camp and give the lumberjack food.
Once you give him the food, he will open the lumber camp. Build a well and farm.
Build a cabin and employ them at the farm.
Go to the upper right above the bandits hideout and dig out the gold mine then build the mine.
Employ some one there. Once you have everything up and running, buy dynamite and irrigation from the Market.
Go the left of the bandits hideout and build a coal mine. Blow up the rocks and talk to Clarence.
With Clarence, go to the bandits hideout and shoot the bandits. Then get Cletus Brown.
Clear the track site before laying track or the bandits will blow it up.
Once you have the site cleared, have a towns person lay the track while you guard the track.
The hidden object is to the right of the railroad bridge. Have your hero walk through the water.
Blow up the rocks blocking the ramp. Get the hidden object.
Head back to town. Once in town buy more track and go to the next location.
Noise Ordinance
Talk to the man and then the Mayor.
Collect all the supplies you can that are lying around. Watch the bandits as they move.
With a towns person, sneak past the bandits by watching when they move.
When the first bandit moves out of the way, quickly move your hero and towns person to the left side of the screen.
Pick up the supplies. Move down the left side a little more. When the second bandit moves, quickly move on down and keep to the left.
When the third bandit moves back to his tent, quickly move to the explosives.
Cross the bridge and hire the gunslingers.
Once you have hired the gunslingers, place them at the bottom of the ramp by where you get the explosives.
Be sure the gunslingers engage the bandits before the towns person sees them or he will drop the explosives.
Again staying to the left and watching the bandits, with your hero, gunslinger, and towns person following behind, make your way back to the rock slide. SAVE game after each explosive
Repeat this process two more times. Only move when the bandits are out of the way and keep your towns person behind you.
Once all three explosives are in place, blow up the rock slide.
To find the hidden object, cross back across the bridge and walk into the stream and up the other side.
Walk up past the train tracks and find two bandits. They have the hidden object. Defeat them and pick it up.
Go back to town.
Lumber Town
Collect all the wood you can find. Go to the upper right and kill the rats.
Once you have enough wood, upgrade the lumber camp. Employ the three towns people.
When enough wood has been harvested, build the bridge by following the tutorial.
Cross the bridge and build three more lumber camps. You will need to main more gold and harvest wood to build the other two.
Walk over to the tent and give the people food. They will help you.
Set one to mining gold the other to gathering food until you get another lumber camp built.
Your town will need food. Build a well and a farm. Employ someone at the farm.
When you have enough wood, build another bridge and Lumber Camp.
You may want to build a gold mine and employ people there.
Fish in the pond on the right island to raise food production.
Once you have all three lumber camps built and employed, look for the hidden treasure.
You will find it by going to the upper right and cross the tracks. Go up the ramp and left.
You will find it under a tree. Head back to town. Once back in town, upgrade a lumber camp
You can now build bridges and explore the other side of the rivers.
Build a bridge in the upper part of the screen and cross to find the hidden object. Save game.
Town Thief
Have the deputies search each house to find the thief.
Be sure to have a few deputies do the search together as you will have to fight the bandits.
Rodent Flu
Everyone keeps getting sick because of the rats. Dig out the gold mine on the left before you enter the town.
Next build a General Store and employ someone there. Employ someone at the gold mine
Keep dragging your sick people to the hospital.
Once you have enough gold to buy dynamite, go south east of the screen to find a canyon with two caves.
Blow up both sets of rocks that block it. Next find all 10 pieces of cheese.
You will find cheese in the center of the park, near the stump and rock on the way to the canyon
One cheese in the small canyon with the gold, one near the berry bush above the lumber camp.
A cheese is to right of the town near a tree by the river, the next cheese is up and to the right by the river.
At this point, upgrade your Lumber Camp and build a bridge to cross the river.
While looking for the cheese, keep an eye out for a ROUS (Big Rat)
One cheese is in the river. You will have to build another bridge to reach this one.
One is by the bandits. You will have to fight them to get the cheese.
One is above the gold mine on the other side of the river.
You will need dynamite to blow up the rocks, one is on the ledge below the pond.
Once you have all 10 cheese in the canyon, blow up the tree opposite the pile of logs.
Next buy one more dynamite and go back across the first bridge.
Find the small pile of rocks on the ledge and blow them up. Get the hidden object.
Go back up to the ranch at the top left of the screen and talk to Westley.
Build a Market and employ Westley there. Build him a house.
Fix the ranch and build a house. Employ the people at the ranch.
Rebuild the warehouses.
Return to town and save game.
Railroad Expansion Again
Once back in town, build another coal mine and employ people there.
Continue on the expansion.
Defend the Coal Mine
Send the deputy and sheriff to the coal mine on the left and leave them there.
Pick up any supplies on the ground. Watch for when to pick up food.
Build a lumber camp and gold mine. You will need the supplies to repair the coal mines.
Build a few cabins to get towns people to employ.
As the deputies show up, drag them to the mines to protect
Build a fish hut at the river and employ someone there. You may need to set a deputy to guard.
You can hire more gunslingers in the middle of the screen and at the bottom left.
You will have to have dynamite to hire these gunslingers.
You can build a sheriff's office and hire more deputies, but once the last train has gone through, you will be left alone.
Now you can build a town if you want. The hidden object is located near the bottom middle of the screen
You will need dynamite, so build a General Store and employ someone there.
When you find the hidden object, you will also find a dog. He belong to one of the gunslingers
The dog belongs to one of gunslingers in the bottom left.
Build a well and farm. Employ it.
Save game and head back to town.
Kidnapped Sibling
Once back in town, you find out that your sibling has been kidnapped.
You will need to raise money to ransom your sibling back.
You will need to build a clothing shop and employ it. Disguise your lawmen there.
Round up three lawmen and drag them to the clothing shop to disguise them.
Once disguised, drag them and your hero to the gate in the upper left of the screen.
When the bandits open the gate, blast them and rescue your sibling.
Repair the Tracks
Talk to Anthony and see what you will need.
Talk to Engineer and he will repair the bridge.
Drag your hero to the upper left to get supplies. Set one of the towns people to mine gold
Set you lawmen around the locomotive to protect it from bandits
Send one of your towns people to build a lumber camp in the upper right
Build a well and a farm and employ it.
Have your hero hunt for food and also pick the berries.
You will need a coal mine, too. Once things are up and running, build the blacksmith.
Buy dynamite at the General Store and blow up the rock piles on the tracks, repair them.
Once the blacksmith is employed, repair the tracks. No hidden object here. You will repair the tracks several times.
Strike a Deal
Talk to the strikers and then to Crystal Bryant to find out what is going on.
Build a cabin and the sleep for work quest is complete.
Kill the bear. It will take you a few tries. You will need to kill the wolves.
Build a few cabins to give you workers.
Blow up the fence to the canyon. Talk to the factory workers and take the toxic barrels to the canyon.
You will see a hidden object on the canyon rim on the left.
Blow up the well to get that barrel. One barrel will be next to you. One is next to the building by the cemetery.
One is buried in the cemetery. One is in the pond. Fish until you can pick up the barrel.
Blow up the well to get that barrel. The last barrel is in the bushes to the right of the factory.
Dig out a gold mine and employ someone there to keep the money coming in.
Build a hospital. Pay the workers. As they have goods ready, take them to the train station.
Pick up the two hidden objects. One is under the tree near the tree.
Build a market to help with food. Build two wear houses to raise food to 50. Save game
Real Estate Rampage
Talk to Ezra to find out what is going on.
Talk to the towns people and hire them as you buy businesses. Buy the fish hut so you will have food.
Build a few cabins to get workers. Save game after you buy a building. You can restart from each save if needed.
Buy the lumber camp as you will need wood and up grade it so you can build bridges
Move quickly as the real estate will be bought back. Buy the gold mine.
If you buy the General Store, buy irrigation and you can build a lumber camp by your gold mine.
Buy the ranch and employ someone there. Build a ware house.
Keep buying back the real estate until you have all the buildings.
Walk up the river above the fish hut and blow up the rocks on the ramp.
Pick up the hidden object and gold
Build a bridge and take your gunslingers with you to fight the bandits.
You may want to build a sheriff's office and higher a sheriff and deputies as the bandit on horse back is hard to kill.
To find one hidden object, walk down the ramp by the coal outcropping and build a bridge.
Cross the bridge and up the ramp to the hidden object.
Save game and head back to town.
River Clean Up
Pick up all seven waste barrels and sell them to Sam Smiley
All the barrels are in the rivers.
To get the last two barrels that is in the river to the left, you will have to build a bridge over the lower river.
Cross the river and blow up the rocks blocking the pass.
Before you cross the river, talk to Malcolm and help him destroy the tree by blowing it up.
Hire Malcolm at a business in town.
Go down the ramp and pick up the last barrel and sell it to Sam.
Landlord Loopholds
Talk to Fuzzy Adams. Pick up the supplies at his camp.
Blow up the rocks at the ramp to the right and irrigate and build a lumber camp and cabin.
Dig out the gold mine to the left. Blow up the rocks to the main cabin. Pick up the irrigation.
Irrigate and build a gold mine. Employ someone there.
Be sure to turn the scene to find all the dynamite and supplies.
Blast the rocks and irrigate then build a well and farm and cabins.
Build a General Store to help with supplies.
You will need to get a posse together before you can attack the bandits as they recharge.
Blow up all the blockades. You will find a hidden object in the upper left of the screen.
Build a ware house for extra food. Be sure you need food before you pick it up.
Keep blasting and irrigating and building the town. Build cabins to raise the population.
Up grade you lumber camp so you can build a bridge across the river. Build a fish hut.
Build a sheriff's office and hire a sheriff and deputies. Attack the bandits.
Build a Market and another cabin. Employ it.
Finish the town and head back. Save game.
Buffalo Rustler
Go across the river and talk to the buffalo herder. Find out that one of his buffalo has been rustled.
Take four or five gunslingers with you to the bandit hideout in the lower left corner of the screen.
Dig up the hidden object under the berry bush in the coral. Take Larry the buffalo back to his owner.
Volcano Valley
Blow up the large boulders at the bottom of the screen.
You will uncover a train tunnel. Clear and irrigate and build track. Soon Mr. Hilton will come
On the map, click on Volcano Valley and talk to the people there.
Build a lumber camp, gold mine, and farm as soon as you can. Build cabins.
Keep checking the train tracks that they are in good repair. You won't get water if they are broken.
Once you have a General Store, buy dynamite and blow up the black rock in the upper right
You will be able to get one of three hidden objects. Blow up the other rocks to access the top screen,
Build water towers near buildings in case of fire.
Build a ranch and any other buildings to raise happiness.
Repair buildings after fire and earth quake. To see which building need repaired, click on the building icon in the lower left.
You will find a hidden object on the other side of the tracks just south of the two upper water towers.
Build a market then a hat shop or bakery. We need to raise town happiness to 180.
Build a sheriff's office and hire a sheriff and deputies. We have bandits to defeat.
Build a dress shop, bank, and hospital. Plant flowers and potted trees. Build a park.
Once you have lawmen, head to the little inlet and defeat the bandits.
Blow up the rocks in the upper right and defeat the rest of the bandits.
Pick up the supplies and the hidden object.
Keep your population to no more than 12 to 14 people.
Rat Treasure
Once you have a cattle ranch, you will begin to produce cheese.
Place the cheese, three times, at the mouth of the little cave.
The rat will eat the cheese and get too fat to go back into his hole.
You will get a key to a treasure. Walk over to the two rock mounds and blow up the tree to the right.
You will have to dig up the stump to get the chest. Pick up the treasure.
Dog Treasure
Once the food is restored, the dog will come back.
The treasure with Anne is under a rock with three trees around it in the lower left across the river.
Blow the rock up and dig up the chest. Drag the dog to the chest and it will lead you to several spots.
Dig at each spot to finally get the key to the chest.
Fish Treasure
Blow up the rocks at the bottom next to the river near the little cave in the water.
Jump down the hole and walk up the stream to the pond. Fish for the fish in the pond until you get the key.
Once you have to key, walk to your left to the old wagon and chop it up.
Pick up the treasure.
Train Heist Quest
Have a lot of lawmen and save the first hostage.
Walk up screen and across the river to the bandits. Defeat them.
Walk back across the river down the left side and rescue the other hostage.
Pick up any supplies you see and head back to town.
Rescue Operation
Before you go to rescue the hostages, upgrade the health kits. Buy a few to take with you.
Buy the health kits from the hospital and be sure all of your lawmen are healthy. Heal them periodically.
Have more than one sheriffs office to ensure a lot of lawmen.
Take everyone and go to the left side of the screen. Defeat the bandits and get the blue key.
Unlock the hostages and escort them to the arrow.
Unlock the big blue door and defeat the next group of bandits.
Go to the right and defeat the next bandits. Pick up gold and resources.
Walk up screen to the first button and defeat the bandits. Leave someone on the button.
Take everyone to the left to the second button and defeat the bandits. Release the hostages.
Pick up the dynamite and escort the hostages to safety.
Walk to the right and defeat the bandits. Blow up the rocks and free the hostages.
Walk around to the rocks blocking the entrance to the last yard.
Send the gunslingers to the red coal mine door. Have your hero blow up the rocks.
Grab the super TNT and blow up the red door. Go through the door to your right and blow up the rocks.
Go back and pick up all the other supplies. Walk around the the right to the hostages in the lower right.
Blow up the rocks and free them. Take them to safety.
Walk around to the right to the main camp and defeat the bandits. Shoot the King's tent to get the red key.
Go back to the left to the red door and free the hostages. Take them to safety.
Pick up the dynamite in the pen with the buttons as you go through.
Go back around to the back and blow the rocks by the red door. Defeat the bandits.
Pick up the health kits and gold. Pick up the key in the treasure chest next to the health kits.
Go back to the green door. Defeat the bandits and take the hidden object.
Go back and get more dynamite if you need it. Then go back to the left side bandit hideout.
Blow up the side where the rock is and take everyone through to get the last hidden object.
Save game and go back to town.
Talk to the mayor. Walk to the left to the farms to get them producing.
Talk to the shop keepers.Talk to the miners and factory workers. Build a lumber mill and gold mine.
Start to clean the river by taking the barrels to the canyon in the middle of the screen.
Most of the barrels are in the river or the small pond. One is in front of the mayor's mansion.
One is by the wheel barrow. There are 10 barrels in all. You will need to blow up the rock blocking your path to the canyon.
You will need to upgrade your lumber camp and cross the left bridge. Build a bridge to the other shore.
Go down the ramp and get the barrels out of the river. Pick up any supplies on the ground.
Build a hospital and hire a doctor to help your sick people.
Build a market to help with the food supply.
Meanwhile, keep your mines and farms running. Fix the general store so you can buy dynamite.
Demolish two or three of the factories to clean up the air pollution.
To fortify the mines, buy the fortification upgrade then up grade your lumber camp again.
To clean up all the waste from the river, blow it up.
One of the hidden objects is to the left of the garbage dump. Blow up the fence to get to it.
You will need to build a bridge to get to the other hidden object.
Plant flowers to raise town happiness to 120. Save game and head back to town.
Bridge Destroyed
Hire someone who is skilled in both mining and lumber. That person will repair the bridge.
You will need to have a factory built and someone working there.
Wrong Side
Quickly build a cabin, lumber camp, and gold mine in the upper left.
Next, look at the next buildings that will need to be replaced. Be sure to have your lumber camp fully employed.
Build a ranch, bank, market, blacksmith, butcher, upgraded cabin, park, clothing store
You will find a hidden object in the left middle screen under a tree.
It may help to have two lumber camps going and two gold mines. Keep giving wood to the person reinforcing the dam.
Keep buying food to keep your people working
You will find a hidden object in the upper middle. Buy dynamite to blow up the fence.
Up grade your lumber camp and build a bridge where you came in. Cross and pick up the hidden object.
Save game and head back to town.
Railroad Defense
Before going, be sure all your lawmen are healthy. Buy a few health kits.
Begin by employing the blacksmith and the coal mine. Build a gold mine in the upper right.
Build a lumber camp in the lower middle. Build a few cabins and employ the mine and lumber camp.
Build a well and a farm. You can also build a fish hut or have someone fish for food.
Build a General Store and employ someone. You will need to buy dynamite and irrigation tools.
Hire the bounty hunters. You will have to blow up the barricade to their camp.
Defeat the bandits and blow up the camp. Build the train track.
You will find one hidden object up the ramp near the train tracks. Blow up the rocks and get it.
The other hidden object is back across the bridge by the coal mine to the right under a bush
Rescue Father Anne's Way
Before rescuing your father, get all your lawmen healthy and buy a few health kits
Collect $1000 in ransom money. Talk to the bandits and find out that they trapped you.
New plan is needed. Walk to the right behind the canyons being careful not to be seen.
In the first canyon is a weight. Pick it up and head right towards the tracks.
Don't use the weight on the switch button yet. Head up towards the top of the screen.
Don't get too close to the bandits, just close enough to over hear that the hate rats.
Place the weight on the button to the left of the rat hating bandits and get the dynamite.
Pick everything up and go back out through the gate. Watch to bandit to the left by the cheese.
When the bandit walks away from the cheese, quickly go and pick one up. Go to the canyon with rats.
Feed one of the rats and it will like you. Go get another cheese and leave it for the rats.
Take the first rat with you and have it go to the bandits and scare them away.
Quickly grab one of the big TNT and walk down the tracks that lead into the bandit hideout.
Place the TNT at the end of the tracks. Fix the tracks and blow up the rock on the tracks.
Go back to the rats and get the other one who likes you, scare the bandits, and get the other big TNT.
Take this one to the end of the tracks and place it next to the first one.
Go back and get the weight and place it on the track switch. Save game.
Confront the bandit holding your father. The train will crash through and your lawmen will come to your rescue.
Leave your father and take all the lawmen around to where the train crashed through and defeat the bandits.
Go pick up the weigh and take it up to get more dynamite.
Go around to the right and behind the bandits that were guarding the big TNT to the rock blocking the ramp.
Blow up the rocks and get the hidden object.
Go back to the bandits hideout and blow up the back gate and get the gold.
Go back to your father with everyone and go to the red arrow to the left. Go back town.
This quest is like the market quests. Build a lumber camp and employ two towns people.
Take two more towns people north to the two coal outcroppings. Have them dig them out.
Have your hero walk all around and pick up or dig up anything.
You won't have the resources to build a coal mine, so pick up everything.
Once the coal outcroppings are gone, set the towns people to mine gold.
You can build a cabin to get more people to help.
Save game after each quest.
For the next quest, you have to gather 500 in money and 60 food.
If you had your people gather the gold earlier, this won't be too hard. Build a gold mine and employ it.
Have four people work at the farm and two at the lumber camp. Build four ware houses.
Have your hero walk around and gather up all the food and gold. Your hero can fish or hunt.
Once you have finished the second quest, you can look for the hidden objects.
You will need two dynamite. Blow up the rock in the river in the bottom screen.
Fish until you can grab the hidden object.
Another hidden object is at the top of the screen. Blow the rocks by the gold mine.
Go up to the right and chop up the log and grab the object.
Up grade your lumber camp and build a bridge across the river.
Talk to the man and find he wants you to find his hat.
Go to the upper left and find a wolf. Defeat him and you will get the man's hat.
Return the hat. The last hidden object is directly north of the hat man.
Build a bridge and retrieve it.
Railroad Repo
Talk to the bandits and find the railroad is no longer in the family.
Talk to the bandit and find she likes cheese. Take her some cheese.
Find out the one who finishes the railroad first, owns it. Talk to Winston.
Head to the great train race.
Train Race
Send someone to the coal outcropping and mine it until it turns into a mine.
Send someone to the gold outcropping, then build a gold mine.
Send your hero to pick up all the supplies lying around. Begin to build the track as you have the resources.
As you are waiting for track resources, either mine gold or wood.
Keep building as you have resources. You will find dynamite in the upper right corner behind a tree.
You may have to rotate the scene to see the dynamite. Once you have won the race, build a General Store.
You will find three hidden objects. One is to the right of the water fall behind a rotten log.
One is in the pond across the tracks. You will have to fish to get to the hidden object.
The last one is in the canyon with the old wagon. You will have to buy dynamite to blast the rock.
Grab the last hidden object, save game, and head back to town.
Final Showdown
Once back in town, everyone will go check out the other towns except your hero.
While waiting for the train to come back, place your lawmen near the tunnel at the bottom left of the screen.
Place some lawmen near the coal mine where you build the pea farm.
Place some more near where the buffalo were.
You have to have someone employed at the train station and the train yard for the train to come back.
Talk to you father and defeat the bandits.
Talk to your father again and buy super TNT at the blacksmith's.
Place three super TNT on the train tracks were the red arrow is.
Blow up the tracks and train. Win the game.
Thanks to boopbug for this walkthrough \o/
Posted by: Kero
December 1, 2009 4:34 AM