So you say your week is half over. Maybe it's been good to you, maybe it hasn't. Maybe it's just been a little eeeeeeehhhh. We've all been there, my friend. That's why Weekday Escape is here to shake things up a bit, or at least as drastically as a random trio of escape games can be said to do! This week, no1game gets goopy when you find your way out after a late night barred by a strange house guest, Esklavos introduces you to the least threatening vampires ever with their customary style, and Lu-taru knows you can open a door, but can you open it over and over when new complications keep getting added?
Art Walls Escape 3 - Lu-taru starts things off easy... just open the door and walk through it to progress to the next stage. But then things get trickier, as they often do when pitfalls, demons, cryptic codes, and other strange items are piled onto the mundane task of opening a door. As if I need this much trouble in my life... I have enough difficulty getting my brain to process whether the door says "push" or "pull"!
Vampire Escape 3 - Don't let the title of Esklavos' moody escape game spook you... unless you fear bored looking girls with overbites lounging around in evening wear, there's very little to make you give even a squeak of fright. Trapped in a mystical realm full of said be-fanged girls, will you be able to find a way out before it's too late and they all make you read their My Chemical Romance/Harry Potter fanfiction?
Strange Slime Escape - This goopy game from no1game has a whopping ten endings to uncover, when you wake up from a night of partying to discover that there's something weird blocking the exit to your room. Getting out can actually be accomplished within a few seconds, but as the tentative "Congratulations?" screen may imply, you may not have actually "won" the game yet, and restarting it may bring some new challenges!
We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.
Walkthrough Guide
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I don't think I've written an walkthrough before - most of these are not too hard to find but here they are anyway.
Strange Slime Escape walkthrough
Make sure you hit ”replay” and not ”new game” when you’ve seen an ending.
Door in the bookcase
The first screen of mentions that it is a Sunday, and 仏滅 – Butsumetsu (an unlucky day)
Have you seen anything that has to do with the days of the month?
On top of the bedside table is a calendar.
The month is June (06)
The day, 仏滅, is the 21st of the month.
Combine the month and the day...
Bedside table drawer
Four colours: pink, black, orange, purple.
What in the room has colours and numbers?
The books in the bookcase!
But not all the colours in the code are represented among the books
There’s an additional hint in the kitchen cabinet under the sink: ”red + yellow = and red + white =”
Combine the colours and add the numbers.
Ending 1
There is a book in the bookcase that you can pick up.
You can't open it.
But you can give it to the slime.
Ending 2
For this one you need to open the door in the bookcase - see above for the code.
Take the rubber gloves.
Use them on the slime.
Ending 3
Befriend the slime.
That’s all.
Ending 4
Don’t befriend the slime.
You meanie.
Ending 5
Check the window.
Jump out.
Ending 6
For this ending you need the bowl to the right of the sink, and the food colouring and the starch under the sink.
Put the starch in the bowl.
Ditto the food colouring.
Add water from the tap, and mix it all up.
Slime! Give it to the large slime.
Ending 7
For this one you need to open the door in the bookcase - see above for the code.
Take the battery charger.
Plug it into the wall socket above the head of the bed.
Take it out, and click on it to open. Take the battery.
Give the battery to the slime.
Ending 8
For this one you need to open the bedside table drawer - see above for the code.
Take the blowdryer.
Plug it into the wall above the bed.
Aim the dryer at the slime. (Make sure you have the dryer selected, because otherwise you’ll have to choose between befriending or not, again.)
Mmm. Calamari.
Ending 9
Before you move right or left, check behind the slime.
Take the freeze spray.
Use it on the slime.
Ending 10
Pick up the bottle to the left of the sink - it’s hidden behind a white thing which you have to click on to find the bottle
Fill the bottle from the tap.
Open the window and hold the bottle outside.
Once you’ve found all ten endings
make sure you hit ”replay” again for the real ending!
Posted by: Linnea
July 22, 2015 8:42 AM