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Weekday Escape N°10

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Weekday Escape

elleLook around you and consider what you see—everything and everybody has a story, a continuing saga of how they came to be where they are, where they're going next, and what happens when they get there. Not all are as interesting as some, and not all are obvious. Sometimes it's up to the observer to fill in the blanks. In the case of escape-the-room games, that's true more often than not. Why are you always getting yourself locked inside rooms? More than that: what agent of waggery keeps trapping you there?

Find the Escape-Men 82: Secret House 1 - A ManFind the Escape-Men 82: Secret House 1 - A Man - The start of an episodic adventure by No1Game places you center stage in a mystery. Fainting suddenly while on the way home from work, now you're in a strange basement room, unable to exit through the door. Short and very limited on puzzle power, the game remains gratifying in an OCD sort of way as you set out to collect all ten escape men and discover what will happen once you do. With the tenth guy in your possession, that's where the fun begins. "What's waiting for him beyond the door?" Continue to part two and you'll soon know...

Find the Escape-Men 83: Secret House 2 - Young LadyFind the Escape-Men 83: Secret House 2 - Young Lady - The next in No1Game's secret house series might be more satisfying than part 1 for those seeking greater challenge. Still, skill at puzzle solving is secondary to being observant enough to find the answers in plain sight—as well as those hidden behind a pixel hunt (which are many). Especially without textual clues, some solutions are not what could be called intuitive. It'll take more diligence and thorough pixel hunting to find all ten escape men this time around. You can only infer that you're now deeper inside the secret house, the door you came through now blocked by a heavy safe that nearly crushed your skull. "Who is that man, anyway?" Stay tuned until the next episode to find out.

Escape from the Room of Six StarsEscape from the Room of Six Stars - In this escape from Yomino Kagura, if you don't read Japanese, the story may not seem obvious to you. But it's easy enough to infer what's going on by the visuals alone. Probably you're a contestant in a reality show in which you must solve a series of clever puzzles in order to win your key to prizes. Or, something like that. Although the puzzles are nothing new in form or function, they're enjoyable because they get you thinking, giving pure enjoyment of puzzle solving for escape fans to relax with. There's no stretches in logic or weird item use, only finding and deciphering clues. A clean design eliminates pixel hunts, but be sure to examine everything closely to avoid missing necessary clues. Beware passing over important information in thinking it was already dealt with; outside of that, you should complete this chapter of your escape story in no time at all.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Escape Men House 1

Initial search should yield


inside the white and green thing from the desk

behind the black/white poster

under the bottom shelf of the bookcase

from the mouse hole.

You have to hold the cursor motionless for a few seconds to get him to run out

5 inventory items

apple and green/white striped box from the desk


a hammer from the bottom shelf

a wooden stick from upstairs

Be careful with the chair

You have to use the chair in two places, in the right order.

Use it upstairs first, then downstairs. If you accidentally use it downstairs first, you'll be stuck and have to restart the game

If you used the chair right, it should get you 2 more MEN

In the light upstairs

and in the little house on the shelf

Now combine a few more items to collect the remaining 4 MEN

Unlock the blue box

Use the stick to reach the paper behind the green locked box.

Use the code on the paper to unlock the box. B is for black, W is for white. Use the given sequence on the black and white buttons

Collect the key, use the key on the locked green box

To get the MAN in the cylinder on the bookshelf

Use the whiskey

Find a weak spot on the wall

use the hammer

I have a knife and an apple

You do indeed

Escape Men House 2

Search under and around all debris and scrutinize the walls and other fixtures in the room to find


under a piece of wood

behind a wall panel

behind some loose wallpaper

under a piece of armour

2 of which require some slight pixel-hunting:

under a light fixture

and behind the picture

4 inventory items

a bottle in plain sight

a bandage beside the black safe

an injured mouse under a piece of armour

a tray behind the red safe

You also saw 2 codes for the 2 safes

the blinking lamps

The right and left lamps blink in a sequence, the beginning of the sequence is indicated by a long pause

for the

red safe

click the right and left buttons in the same sequence as the blinking lamps on the wall

the number picture

the numbers indicate the order for pushing the buttons on a 3x3 grid, 1 is first, 2 is second, etc.

for the

black safe

Once you have used both codes, you can retrieve


inside the red safe

inside the sandwich

and 1 more item

the antiseptic in the red safe

You have everything you need to solve the last 2 puzzles and get the remaining 2 men

The injured mouse

He will help you if you will help him first

Use the antiseptic and the bandage on the mouse, then have him fetch the man on the other side of the debris

and the tray of water

There is a spot specifically designed for a circular tray like the one in your inventory

fill the tray with water, place in the circle on top of the black safe, and use the reflection to show you where the last man is hiding

Six Stars

Examine shapes, colors, letters, and numbers on everything you can. Note screws, spots, and any other possibly important details.

Left-Right Puzzle

The clue is framed on the wall, with a symbol matching the symbol on the safe that it unlocks

R is for Right, L is for Left. The numbers indicate how many times to push the respective buttons

Examine closely the blue item that you find

Oh, there's something else inside of it. It's a single stick, round on the end. Where might this fit?

Use it on the light switch

With this change of scenery, you discover two more clues.

the third colored circle

The colored star combination

Use them to unlock the two corresponding items

The stars unlock the star safe. Push the stars on the safe in the color sequence indicated by the star clue beside the door.

You should have already found the other two circular colored number clues

the red one is hidden inside the middle door on the long cabinet and the green one is out in the open

combine all three to open the 3digit lock

see the 3-digit code on the long cabinet, and the three letters on the same door?

RGY-- red, green, yellow.

If you substitute the colored numbers you found in place of the letters RGY, you get 200, +4, and -54. Add/subtract the numbers, and use the answer on the three digit lock.

Find a use for your wire-cutters

on the wires tying the brown cabinet doors shut

and your key

lower drawer

You can now open one of the blue checkered boxes

the one with the three shapes, use the shapes in your inventory

Make the screwdriver useful

Use the screwdriver on the light brown panel that is screwed to the dark brown cabinet

You can now open the panel to the right of the door

use the screws and handle on the panel

Be sure to use the screwdriver to tighten the screws

You can now open the other blue checkered box

The four shapes correspond to the four buttons. The sequence is on the monitor

use the remote on the monitor

You can escape with no trouble now

Make sure to use the key you just got, not the old one. They're identical.


Secret House 1 was pretty easy. But 2 has me stumped.
I have used all my items I'm and stuck on the safe puzzle.
Not sure how the

colored numbers come into play with the safe. I tried the way they're laid out
But that didn't do anything.

Patreon Crew SonicLover February 12, 2014 9:00 AM

@Zero-K: Are you sure you read that clue correctly? I tried that and it worked just fine.


It works, I guess I can't read my own writing this morning. :) First couple times I was reading it wrong. lol


3 Nice and fairly simple escape games. Nice way to hit the middle of the week.


Stuck on Secret House 2. I've got 9 men and have clicked everything there is to click. Nothing. Hints anyone?


FYI, the next chapter is out. Change URL to 0084.


@Elle - Pixel hunt indeed. I...

...clicked on the lights, but not under them.



@Elle -

behind the safe?


I'm stuck in the room of six stars. So far all I've been able to do is open the left/right thing and get the item out of the blue box stashed in there. So far this has been the only obvious (to me) clue.


Okay, now stuck in room 83 with only 9 guys. I have yet to be able to click behind the safe, only on either side.


Oh, and I've found the guys

under the light, in the ceiling above the safe, in the panel on the wall, and behind the picture. All others were pretty straight forward.


Escape Room 84 was fun too.


I have all but one of the green escape men on Escape Room 84. Feeling totally clueless now :/



I just had to annoy the pigeon a bit longer

Reply February 12, 2014 6:02 PM

Find the Escape-Men 83: Secret House 2 Walkthrough

Lift up all of the pieces of wood in front of the safe

Move the bottom-left corner of the number picture.

Look at the bottom of the light fixture to the left of the number painting.

Pick up the piece of armor in front of the black pedestal.

Directly beneath the left blinking light is a loose wall panel. Click it several times.

Beneath the right blinking light is a corner of loose wallpaper. Peel it away.

The combo to the safe is the number painting.

3 4 6
8 1 5
7 9 2

Open the safe a pull out a convenence store sandwitch. next to the lettuce is an escape man.

In front of the painting is a water bottle, and to the right of the red pedestal is a dish. Fill the dish with the water and place on the safe. Look in the water to see a man. Zoom all the way out, and then click above the door to grab him.

The blinking lights are the code to the red pedestal.


There's a man inside.

There's an injured mouse in side the armor's helmet. Get the antiseptic inside the red pedestal (see above) and bandages on the left side of the safe. Use both on the mouse, and then send it to get the man behind the broken glass.

Once you have all 10:

Click on the trap door.


Aw man. Finished three Escape-Men rooms and the Room of Six Stars. I guess it's back to homework for me :p

merchantfan February 12, 2014 6:58 PM

OK, Escape Man Part 1 I have 9 escape men and the hammer. Not sure what I could be missing.


Room of 6 stars:

the wooden cabinet says "ORGY" on it.

Just saying.


The blue box is small, so the item inside is smaller still. Use it on the

light switch.


Escape-Men 82: A word of warning

You can use the chair in two places. As soon as you're done with it, it's no longer in play, so be careful where you leave it!


Dam: beat me to it. I'M OFFENDED!!!1!

gardinercomfort February 13, 2014 10:39 AM

Anybody playing Secret House 3? I'm stuck with 9 men!


@ gardinercomfort



@Itt: are you talking about

the pigeon on top of the coatrack? I already got that escape man.


@Itt: never mind -- OUT!

Now I'm stuck in SIx Stars, on the

blue checkerboard box puzzle. The TV says "circle square star triangle star" -- but what does that mean?


@ Colleen

Something in your inventory needs to be "put on display".

Put the sheet of paper in the frame on the wall

Then combine the information from it with the information from the TV to solve another puzzle.

The four button box


Anyone any idea why the Find the Escape Men games don't work ? The web pages load but the Flash windows stays black. I've updated Flash to the latest version, tried different browsers (Chrome & Firefox) and turned off my AV software - all to no avail. Room of the 6 Stars works fine.

knight27243 February 13, 2014 2:33 PM

@Glixd Im having issues with the game as well, my cursor is not showing up in the game. its there for the first 5 seconds of the ad but gone after that. Any one else having issues?


I also had that problem. If you have an AdBlock program for your browser, disable it and the game SHOULD load fine.

VoxPopuli42 February 13, 2014 3:35 PM

I've disabled my AdBlock and my cursor still won''t show up in the game. Very discouraging.



Escape Men House 1

Initial search should yield


inside the white and green thing from the desk

behind the black/white poster

under the bottom shelf of the bookcase

from the mouse hole.

You have to hold the cursor motionless for a few seconds to get him to run out

5 inventory items

apple and green/white striped box from the desk


a hammer from the bottom shelf

a wooden stick from upstairs

Be careful with the chair

You have to use the chair in two places, in the right order.

Use it upstairs first, then downstairs. If you accidentally use it downstairs first, you'll be stuck and have to restart the game

If you used the chair right, it should get you 2 more MEN

In the light upstairs

and in the little house on the shelf

Now combine a few more items to collect the remaining 4 MEN

Unlock the blue box

Use the stick to reach the paper behind the green locked box.

Use the code on the paper to unlock the box. B is for black, W is for white. Use the given sequence on the black and white buttons

Collect the key, use the key on the locked green box

To get the MAN in the cylinder on the bookshelf

Use the whiskey

Find a weak spot on the wall

use the hammer

I have a knife and an apple

You do indeed

Escape Men House 2

Search under and around all debris and scrutinize the walls and other fixtures in the room to find


under a piece of wood

behind a wall panel

behind some loose wallpaper

under a piece of armour

2 of which require some slight pixel-hunting:

under a light fixture

and behind the picture

4 inventory items

a bottle in plain sight

a bandage beside the black safe

an injured mouse under a piece of armour

a tray behind the red safe

You also saw 2 codes for the 2 safes

the blinking lamps

The right and left lamps blink in a sequence, the beginning of the sequence is indicated by a long pause

for the

red safe

click the right and left buttons in the same sequence as the blinking lamps on the wall

the number picture

the numbers indicate the order for pushing the buttons on a 3x3 grid, 1 is first, 2 is second, etc.

for the

black safe

Once you have used both codes, you can retrieve


inside the red safe

inside the sandwich

and 1 more item

the antiseptic in the red safe

You have everything you need to solve the last 2 puzzles and get the remaining 2 men

The injured mouse

He will help you if you will help him first

Use the antiseptic and the bandage on the mouse, then have him fetch the man on the other side of the debris

and the tray of water

There is a spot specifically designed for a circular tray like the one in your inventory

fill the tray with water, place in the circle on top of the black safe, and use the reflection to show you where the last man is hiding

Six Stars

Examine shapes, colors, letters, and numbers on everything you can. Note screws, spots, and any other possibly important details.

Left-Right Puzzle

The clue is framed on the wall, with a symbol matching the symbol on the safe that it unlocks

R is for Right, L is for Left. The numbers indicate how many times to push the respective buttons

Examine closely the blue item that you find

Oh, there's something else inside of it. It's a single stick, round on the end. Where might this fit?

Use it on the light switch

With this change of scenery, you discover two more clues.

the third colored circle

The colored star combination

Use them to unlock the two corresponding items

The stars unlock the star safe. Push the stars on the safe in the color sequence indicated by the star clue beside the door.

You should have already found the other two circular colored number clues

the red one is hidden inside the middle door on the long cabinet and the green one is out in the open

combine all three to open the 3digit lock

see the 3-digit code on the long cabinet, and the three letters on the same door?

RGY-- red, green, yellow.

If you substitute the colored numbers you found in place of the letters RGY, you get 200, +4, and -54. Add/subtract the numbers, and use the answer on the three digit lock.

Find a use for your wire-cutters

on the wires tying the brown cabinet doors shut

and your key

lower drawer

You can now open one of the blue checkered boxes

the one with the three shapes, use the shapes in your inventory

Make the screwdriver useful

Use the screwdriver on the light brown panel that is screwed to the dark brown cabinet

You can now open the panel to the right of the door

use the screws and handle on the panel

Be sure to use the screwdriver to tighten the screws

You can now open the other blue checkered box

The four shapes correspond to the four buttons. The sequence is on the monitor

use the remote on the monitor

You can escape with no trouble now

Make sure to use the key you just got, not the old one. They're identical.


OOPS! Forgot to copy/paste the third walkthrough into my above comment. Sorries!

Six Stars Walkthrough

Examine shapes, colors, letters, and numbers on everything you can. Note screws, spots, and any other possibly important details.

Left-Right Puzzle

The clue is framed on the wall, with a symbol matching the symbol on the safe that it unlocks

R is for Right, L is for Left. The numbers indicate how many times to push the respective buttons

Examine closely the blue item that you find

Oh, there's something else inside of it. It's a single stick, round on the end. Where might this fit?

Use it on the light switch

With this change of scenery, you discover two more clues.

the third colored circle

The colored star combination

Use them to unlock the two corresponding items

The stars unlock the star safe. Push the stars on the safe in the color sequence indicated by the star clue beside the door.

You should have already found the other two circular colored number clues

the red one is hidden inside the middle door on the long cabinet and the green one is out in the open

combine all three to open the 3digit lock

see the 3-digit code on the long cabinet, and the three letters on the same door?

RGY-- red, green, yellow.

If you substitute the colored numbers you found in place of the letters RGY, you get 200, +4, and -54. Add/subtract the numbers, and use the answer on the three digit lock.

Find a use for your wire-cutters

on the wires tying the brown cabinet doors shut

and your key

lower drawer

You can now open one of the blue checkered boxes

the one with the three shapes, use the shapes in your inventory

Make the screwdriver useful

Use the screwdriver on the light brown panel that is screwed to the dark brown cabinet

You can now open the panel to the right of the door

use the screws and handle on the panel

Be sure to use the screwdriver to tighten the screws

You can now open the other blue checkered box

The four shapes correspond to the four buttons. The sequence is on the monitor

use the remote on the monitor

You can escape with no trouble now

Make sure to use the key you just got, not the old one. They're identical.

[Done! Thank you :) - elle ]


I'm having the strangest problem with the Escape Men 82 game: about 30 seconds after starting play, it restarts itself. As in, I'm playing along and all of a sudden I'm looking at the green start screen with Japanese text. I don't have any sort of adblocker, and my flash version is as updated as it gets. Help?


I've only ever been able to play Escape Men games on IE.


I feel all 3 were a touch too easy. I like the idea of one longer/challenging one, and then the other 2 be easy or moderate and shorter. That being said, I AM a sucker for a series!


Two Escape men games I can't play. Great....

And before anyone asks, I did disable the blocker and it still didn't work


What is the problem?


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