Fortunately, the game itself is nowhere near as complex and difficult as its history.
Warehouse is a puzzle game that consists of 23 levels of increasing difficulty. You begin on the stack of crates surrounded by a dark outline, and are trying to get the box marked "E". The numbers on the crate stacks indicate how tall that stack is—you are looking down from above.
To move, click on any adjacent square. If uninhibited by other crates or stacks, your stack will fall over in that direction and will land where you clicked. You may also move to any crate or crate stack that you are adjacent to simply by clicking on it.
Analysis: An excellent puzzle game that is perfect for coffee breaks. The music loop gets tedious quickly, unless at a low volume. Thankfully, it defaults to the off setting. Interesting. To turn on the music, click on the loudspeaker. "Undo" is a useful feature, as opposed to having to reset the entire puzzle, which can be done by going up and then down a level. The level up/down buttons are also useful for when you are really stuck, as there does not seem to be a "help" button.
Strategy: Early on, there is often only one route. It helps to think through the problem backwards (i.e., how can I get to the exit? how can I get to that crate? how can I get over to there?) until you get to the start square. Later on in the game, keep thinking one step ahead: If I knock this one over here, I won't be able to tip that one over there. Also, if you want to tip something but it is blocked by a stack, tip the blocking stack perpendicular to the way you want to tip the original stack. Beyond that, good luck!
Update: It appears this game is no longer available on the Lightforce site, so I am mirroring it here for posterity. If the rightful owner of the IP objects, please notify Jay at the email address in the sidebar and we will remove it.
Found this game a awhile ago and loved it then. I encourage anybody who reads this to try out the other games on the site. They're all very good, if somewhat similiar.
In case someone wants to try other version, Klas Kroon has also made similar game here:
It's nice that you changed your URL. This one's WAAAY easier to remember... not that I had to because I added jay-is to my favorites...
Jay, I really admire your efforts to link to the original copy of games, unlike some other places.
May I ask your logic in reviewing this copy, instead of the original?
Nice job on your first review grant0.
One complaint that I have of the game is the lack of cursor key control. I found clicking on every square I wanted to visit to be quite tedious compared to similar control with keys. The game is pretty fun and certainly makes you think ahead.
I'm already stuck and i'm only on the fourth level. GRRR!!
Pretty good mind bender... I am stuck on #8, tried all possibilites... so yea :)
yeah, it requires the same kind of thinking backwards as the game rush hour, i love that game. dunno if any of you've played it
i tried this game. very good. a little hard and im stuck on level 7 but yeah. good pick.
Irashtar - this review was written by grant0, so I cannot speak for him. My opinion of the Lightforce games in general, however, is quite good.
I agree with Wulfo that there are many enjoyable games like this on the Lightforce site.
stuck on lvl 10
I'm now stuck on level 10.
Irashtar (and later in the post Zengief) - I am, as the review states, aware that this is not the original game. However, basically I believe this version to be the best in several ways (appearance, smoothness of play, fast loading, etc.)
Many of the games on jay is games are not originals, or are loosely based on other games. For example, there are dozens of Arkanoid remakes on the web, but the one jay posts at https://jayisgames.com/archives/2004/07/dhtml_arkanoid.php is definitely one of the better.
Admittedly, it is a matter of choice. I did play several Warehouse-like games with cursor control. I preferred the LightForce version with mouse control. Really, after the gameplay, it's a matter of personal choice what appearance and mechanics you like most.
I do admire jay's fervent attempts at linking to the originator of the specific version of the specific game and sourcing all games correctly. I will strive to maintain this level of accuracy.
I got past level 10 WOOHOO!
stuck on 17
the magic of posting stuckness:
just starting lvl 18 now
stuck on lvl 23 and it feel like my brain turned to jelly
paul, how did you do lvl 20
im dieing here.
it is getting late but i keep reseting the stupid thing and trying again....
what block did you start with at least?
i got 21-23
but i skipped 20
good night
all intructions will be in this form:
stack height (row starting at top, column starting at left) direction left right up down
Walkthrough of Level 20
2 (5,3) R
2 (6,4) R
3 (6,1) R
3 (5,1) U
2 (3,2) U
2 (3,3) U
2 (3,4) U
3 (3,5) L
3 (4,4) U
I find it somewhat disturbing that the people playing the game I posted are better at it than I am. I'm on, like, level 11. It's sort of pathetic, really.
For 11 start like this;
2 (3,4) D
make a circle counter clockwise
There is only one piece that will work to exit.
got it all!!!
thanks to zengief for the help with level 20.
and thanks to my boss for giving me a graveyard shift. spent half of my time in my office with this game. didn't even notice my duty is finished. hehehe
Tricked you!!!
Actually I'm stuck on level 5.
Wlakthrough for all levels
There are two arrows to the right of where it tells you what level you are on, press the one pointing up untill you win
The game does not appear to be available on the lightforce site anymore.
For some reason when I click on the link to play, it says the page cannot be displayed. I've tried it on 3 different browsers and all and it wont work for me on any of them... I've also tried playing on a different comp. Is there another link to it or something. I really want to play this game. please help if you know what's goin on. thanks
I'm stuck on 13.
does 14 even have a solution?...i went through it a ton of times..and it seems like its just not possible....any help?
I can't even get past 5. I really fail at this.
Funny little game that was not so hard until the very last level. That one I was absolutely sure for a long time that it was not possible att all to solve. But it was :o)