The physics behind transmotion are not entirely understood. It is widely thought that the gun itself actually takes advantage of a loophole in the principles of String Cheese Theory, which as everyone knows*, states that all matter and energy are in fact composed of a pair of vibrating subatomic particles, known as curd bosons and wheyons. Each pair is connected by a mysterious force called the yummy vector. The gun, using a process called "cutting the cheese", separates the curd bosons from the wheyons and sends them flying off in the desired direction. When the curd boson "bullet" strikes a specially prepared block, the bosons are absorbed and the yummy vector is re-established. Here, the process gets a little bit fuzzy and green: somehow, the wheyons become entangled with the gun-wielder, bringing him along for the ride along the yummy vector. Because of the law of conservation of cheddar, a mass of equal cheesiness must follow the reverse yummy vector, also known as the yucky vector.
In layman's terms, this simply means that when you fire your gun at a block, you and the block switch places. It's a neat little tactic that injects new life into the block-maneuvering platform genre. Each level contains a key, a door, and one or more types of block. Use the [Arrow Keys] to move the character around the screen to collect the key and reach the exit. Fire your gun using [WASD] at the light green blocks to switch places with them. You'll need to do this a lot, as your character suffers from what is starting to become an epidemic among puzzle platform heroes–a severe lack of game (i.e. he can't jump).
Once you've gotten the hang of constructing stairways and bridges of all kinds, Transmover starts introducing twists. Some blocks can only be shot from certain directions; some explode instead of switching spots; still others become permanently locked after being transmoved. It's enough to make your head spin! Oh, and speaking of spinning, there is one final type of block that twists your shot 90 degrees, as if the game weren't tough enough already! The instructions are all in Japanese, but they aren't really necessary to play the game. If you're unsure of what a certain type of block does, just shoot it and find out. When (not if) you get stuck, hit [R] for a quick restart.
Analysis: The Polygon Gmen (Gurabichon, Monolist) are quickly emerging as one of our favorite developers in 2009. They have a way of teaching casual classics new tricks without either ripping off the originals or losing the reason they were so much fun in the first place. Although elements of Lode Runner and Portal (among others) are present in Transmover, it plays more as if it were mentored by these classics than as if it were borrowing from them.
As usual, Polygon Gmen have topped the game off with little flourishes that could only have originated in Japan, from the curious zapping noise of the ray gun to the hysterical arm-flapping as you fall. The blocky graphics probably could not be less artistically rendered, but they get the job done while whispering hints of platformers from a bygone era.
There are 60 levels for you to enjoy, and if that doesn't satisfy your appetite, there are 100+ (and growing) user-created levels to conquer as well. Yes, Transmover comes complete with a level editor, and while your creations aren't assigned specific codes, they are cataloged numerically in the online stage section, and you need only tell your friends the level number to look for (try #104 out for a particularly zxoical experience). The 60 levels included with the original game vary in difficulty, but are roughly arranged in ascending order. However, if you find the difficulty curve too light, or a particular puzzle to be especially mind-taxing, all levels are available to play at all times, which is a nice feature for a game like this.
All in all, we're thrilled to see the creative output from Polygon Gmen continue, and look forward to many future games from them.
*There are those who do not accept String Cheese Theory on the basis that it contradicts their religious creationist beliefs: "In the beginning was the Curd, and the Curd was with God and the Curd was God." However, most respectable cheesologists maintain that these creationist theories are full of holes.
Walkthrough Guide
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Walkthrough for 1-20 (these ought to be easy, really)
This is a descriptive walkthrough. Hopefully it's not too hard to follow.
Stage 1
Climb the ladder and grab the key. Drop down (or climb back down the ladder) to the door.
Stage 2
Climb the ladder and run left over the blocks. Drop down, get the key, and climb over the blocks back to the ladder. Climb the ladder and exit.
Stage 3
Climb to the right. From the top of the ladder, shoot right so you can get the key. Grab the key and head back over to the left side. Climb to the top. Shoot right to trade places with that block to get to the exit.
Stage 4
Use the hints to see where to position the blocks. Drop down and shoot one of the blocks from below. Stand one to the right of the key platform and shoot the block you brought down. Climb up to get the key.
Shoot up to bring another block down to the bottom. Stand one to the left of the exit platform, and shoot left to bring one block over. Go and stand on the block you just shot, and shoot down to move it up one level. Then stand on the bottom, on to the left of that and shoot left to bring the other block over.
You should now have a nice staircase to take you to the exit.
Stage 5
This is a sort of 'elevator'. Drop down to the bottom and shoot the block to get into the 'shaft'. Shoot up repeatedly to bring yourself up to the same level as the key. Shoot left to get to the key, grab it and then shoot right to get back to the elevator. Travel up again to the same level as the exit, and shoot right to get over to it.
Stage 6
Position yourself directly over the key. Shoot down through the 'glass' and you'll fall to the key. Then shoot up to get back to where you were, and exit.
Stage 7
Go over and stand on one of the two bottom blocks. Shoot down to bring it up one level. Go to the corner on the second level, just below and right of the key's platform. Shoot the block you raised to bring it there.
Since you're now over by the other block, climb the ladder. Shoot down to bring it up to the glass platform.
Now head up to get the key. Shoot the block on the glass platform to bring it over, and get back over to this place. Stand on the 'corner' block that was already there and shoot down to move it up one level.
If you're blocked in by the block you brought over, do the following: Shoot it, then stand at least one to the right of its final spot (where you just shot it from). Shoot again to the left; now you have space to stand in its final spot and you'll be on the proper side of the staircase. This is a maneuver you'll do a lot.
Climb the staircase to the exit.
Stage 8
Drop down to the left. Stand on the bottom directly below the lower corner of the glass platform (one to the right of your initial position) and shoot to the right to bring over one block. Stand under the second block and shoot up to bring it to the bottom. Leave it there for now.
Climb up the ladder and get the key. Then head to the right, over the edge and on to the glass steps. Stand at the corner above the positioned block and shoot down to bring it up.
Now that you're back on the bottom, stand directly below the upper corner and shoot right to bring the second block under it. Climb back up the ladder and drop down. Climb up to the upper corner and shoot down at the second block.
With these in place, you can climb the ladder, drop down and then climb up to the exit.
Stage 9
Shoot up at the leftmost block to get to the upper area. Then shoot left twice so that you are against the left wall. Shoot down to get to where the key is, and take it.
Shoot right to get out of that area, and walk over the block you first shot. Shoot up at the other block with a downward green face to get back into the upper area. Head all the way to right, on top of the two up-down blocks. Shoot down three times to get into the exit area, and exit.
Stage 10
Drop down and get the key. Stand on top of the up-down block and shoot down to move it up one. Then shoot the other block from the right to make a two-step staircase. Climb it, and shoot through the glass to the block on the right.
Next, shoot down, and then left to get below the starting area. Stand below the up-down block, and shoot up to get into that area.
You now have two full blocks that you can make a staircase with. Shoot up to bring one down, and then set them up over against the left side. As in Level 4 or 7, stand on one, shoot down to raise it, and then position the other next to it, making sure it starts to your right when you shoot it, so you can still climb the staircase.
Once it's built, head to the exit.
Stage 11
This one's sort of a maze. To get out from where you are, shoot the green side of the blocks that you see. The exact sequence is as follows (U=up, D=down, L=left, R=right):
R,U,L,U,R,R,U,R,R (the last R is needed for exiting)
Now start by standing on the fifth block from the right. It's the rightmost of three up-right diagonal blocks.
Shoot D,R,D,D,D,R,R to get to the key.
To get out, stand where the key was and shoot up three times (U,U,U).
Climb over the blocks to the exit.
Stage 12
Explosive blocks don't transmove you, they just need to be cleared (sometimes).
Climb to the fifth level (the second highest) and shoot down three times to clear the blocks, then right to get to the key. Head over and clear the blocks to the left, and then up. Climb over the block and shoot the one on the second level from the right, then down to clear that block. Climb out to the right. Shoot the block to move it back one, and clear the remaining two blocks on the bottom.
With the path clear, head over to the exit platform, and you can shoot the block to bring it into position next to it. Head up to the exit.
Stage 13
Before getting the key, you need to clear one of the top level blocks so you'll be able to get out. Build a two-level staircase (it doesn't matter which way or where, since you just need to stand on it). Shoot the top corner block to clear it.
Now you can head down to get the key. Clear the row of four blocks on the lowest level so you can drop down to the key area. Shoot at one block to get back on the starting platform. Then move the remaining block into position next to the partial staircase you built earlier, and you can exit.
Stage 14
Purple blocks deflect to the left, blue to the right. Head over to the right, so you are under the purple block on the right. Shoot up and you'll end up in the key area. Get the key, and then walk over to the right, above the place you shot from earlier. Shoot the block that's now below you, and go to the exit.
Stage 15
You need to get the upper blocks down to the bottom. Head under the leftmost blue block, and shoot up. Move to the right one slot, and shoot down. Then shoot up, move to the right one slot again (so you're in the middle) and shoot down.
The two full blocks are now on the bottom. Build a two-step staircase with them to get the key. Go back under the leftmost slot, and shoot up to get to the top and the exit.
Stage 16
Build the exit staircase first. These will be 'full' staircases since you can't reposition them, and the order of building matters. Stand on the bottom, two to the left of the exit platform and shoot right. Stand to the right of the newly-hardened block (one to the left of the exit platform) and shoot right again. Stand on top of the block you just shot, and shoot left this time. You should now have a staircase to the exit.
Build the base of the staircase in the same way. To finish it, shoot up at the block above so you'll fall onto the proper side of the staircase. Get the key and go to the exit.
Stage 17
The first 'shoot-and-move' level. Stand near the edge of the hole. Shoot left, and immediately jump into the hole. You'll either cover the hole or be at the bottom when you switch, but either way you can get out and finish the stage.
Stage 18
Run all the way to the left, and shoot once to bring the block over and give the most time for your next shot to travel. Shoot left, then go right immediately. Each time you only need to be off the edge to be okay, but it goes faster if you can fall the whole way. With the block on the next level down, you can walk off it to the right to get the key.
Continue using the same method for the next two drops. Move to the edge, fire back at the block, and drop off.
When you get the block to the bottom, move it to the corner near the exit, and climb out (the ladder isn't needed for anything).
Stage 19
In this level, you need to move a block underneath the key area.
Shoot down to bring one of the blocks into the starting area. Climb out to the left. To get a block under the key area, start by shooting up and running right. When you're on the top, shoot down and run right again. You can stop when the block is on the bottom level, and able to be hit from the key's area. This will take about four or five shots.
If by accident you end up with the block in the middle between the two, don't worry. Just shoot at the middle block and move. Once you're in the middle section, shoot the one that was blocked and it'll end up in the middle, and you can continue with the other block as if all was normal.
Once the lower block is in position, be sure to shoot from above at the explosive block to clear it. Then head over to the middle block you left in the starting area. Shoot it, then to the right to get into the key area. Grab the key, then shoot down at your positioned block to get to the exit.
Stage 20
A little shoot-and-move with ladder positioning.
Shoot one block so it comes directly under the lower left ladder. Shoot the other block so that it's directly next to the same ladder, and you'll be able to climb on it to get to the ladder. Climb the ladder.
From the top of the ladder, shoot down and then quickly move to the left. Ideally you should be at the bottom of the upper ladder, though it can also work if you go over the edge. (If that happens, climb up, stand on that block and shoot down to move it up).
Once the second block is in a place that lets you climb the upper ladder, get the key. Leave the second block where it is and go back to the bottom. Bring the bottom block over under the right side ladder and climb the ladder. Standing under the right upper ladder, shoot left at the other block. Now you can climb both ladders to get to the exit.
[Edit: Spoiler tags added. -Pam]
Posted by: Kangra | March 6, 2009 1:17 AM
Hints + Walkthrough for 21-40. The walkthrough is a separate spoiler if you just want to see hints. I don't have more levels since I haven't finished them all.
Stage 21
Hint: You need a clear path to the block on the bottom to get out. You also need to get a block on the bottom, of course.
Elevate yourself out of the first area by shooting up. In the second area, shoot up at the purple, then back at the same purple, then shoot up, and up again so that it will be deflected into the block on the top edge.
Drop down and shoot up to bring one block down. Move it to the lower right corner. Shoot up and move exactly one square left, no more or you'll cover the exit. Get the key and escape.
Stage 22
Hint: Most of the stuff is distraction. Simple staircases will finish this; you only need a single block to build one out of the key area.
Head right and shoot down to bring the hard block up one. Move two to the left, shoot up, and you'll have a staircase up and over. Drop down the other side and get the key. Bring the upper block down and raise it one level so it's even with the platform (and when you fall through from above you'll land on it). Position the other block on the ladder so that you'll be able to bring it over to the same platform. Run up and around the ladder to do that, and then again to climb out. Go back over to the row of green blocks, and shoot down at one to escape.
Stage 23
Hint: Make a stack, and lift yourself on it.
Build up a three high stack over the right hard block. Position the fourth block somewhere over the key platform. From on top of it, shoot down at the left hard block.
Shoot up at the right hard block, and then shoot up two or three more times so that you can get to the key. Move over and shoot up to bring the fourth block down, and then drop back down below the glass. Position the last block at the end of the platform. Shoot it and drop to the left at the same time.
If you fill in the hole, you'll be able to walk out to the exit. If it's in another spot, you'll either be able to try again, or shift it around with the other blocks so that you can climb to the exit.
Stage 24
Hint: Each of those blocks floating in space wants a friend right next to it. In the second area, putting two blocks at the base of the staircase will help.
Here, you'll be repeatedly building and shifting staircases to position blocks where you want them. In the first area, you need one block set up to the left of each of those blocks. You'll build staircases alternately to the left and the right, standing on the top block and shifting it up one at a time. With the blocks in position, you can go up, stand on each one, and raise the block into final position. You'll move the bottom block around a lot to get on the right side of the staircase each time.
In the second area, you can't quite do the same thing since the bottom of the staircase is fixed and there's no space on the other side. Start by filling in the middle space by building a staircase on the right. Then position one block below the topmost space. You'll need to slowly raise it up.
Put one block to the right of the bottom of the fixed block at the bottom. Raise another block up at least two more spaces out to the right. Go up on to the bottom fixed block, and bring the raised block over to it. Then climb on to the right base block, and you can shoot left to position the block into the staircase. Climb up, land on the block you're lifting, and shoot down to bring it up one. Repeat until you can get out.
Stage 25
Hint: The walls are not what you think they are. Consider how you might get to the exit.
The only trick here is realizing that the screen wraps around. Shots going through to the left will come out on the right, and the same with those going the other way. Knowing this, it isn't too hard to bring the necessary three blocks out to form a staircase to the key. To exit, just fall off the edge of the platform and you'll go through to the top.
Stage 26
Hint: Clear only what you need, and preserve as much as you can.
This one's pretty straightforward. Start by moving on top of the first block you can climb, and shoot up to take out the two blocks in the column second from the right. Continue by clearing a path so you can climb up to the key, starting with the two blocks on the left which prevent you from getting higher. Move in and out, clearing blocks from 'inside' or using the blue blocks to get at them, until you can get to the key.
Get to the exit in similar fashion. Start in the second column from the left in the big block, on the fourth level, shooting down and around to clear a path. Move out to clear blocks using the blue blocks when needed.
Stage 27
Hint: You only need to get one block down to the bottom. Move quick so nothing ends up in the way.
Again, some silly distractions. Go up (shoot the lone purple) and over to the right side. Elevate yourself using the stack on the right side to get to the key.
Shooting the purple blocks will hit the block one level below you, so do this:
At the top of the long ladder (on the right), shoot to hit the block on the bottom of the stack that was moved when you went up. As soon as you shoot, jump off the ladder so that the block will end up above the space (currently blocked) that goes down. If needed, move it up one so you can stand on the partial block. Shoot at it, and move quickly to the right so it will end up out of the way. Now you can drop down, bring down the block you moved before, and get to the exit.
Stage 28
Hint: There are plenty of blocks to choose from. Just build a staircase.
A fairly easy level. Any of the blocks overhead or on the sides are available for you to use. Build a staircase similar to the way it's done in Stage 24.
Stage 29
Hint: You need to get the block up above before you get the key, and you'll have to be able to hit the blue block from the right to do that.
Not too much work once you know how to do it. Climb the ladder, and raise the block at the end of the platform up one. Climb back up the ladder, and move the same block all the way to the right corner. Go to the edge of the platform, shoot right and fall off to the left. You want it to end up one below the platform level, so you can stand on it and shoot the blue block.
If you miss, it doesn't matter as you can try again. If you fall too far, just keep climbing around, dropping, and raising it up one. In fact, it's possible to do this entirely by bringing the block down and repeatedly running around using the ladder until it's in position.
Once you've brought the other block down, build a two-step staircase to the exit.
Stage 30
Hint: You only need to extend the platform by one. Make sure you plug any holes you move through. As a shortcut, there's an open path to shoot from the bottom to the top.
Start by shooting the two blocks next to you to get into the center area. Go to the clear area that's underneath the highest level of green blocks, on the left side (two to the left of the center and just left of the stacks with explosive blocks). Shoot up to get onto the upper level.
From here, you'll shoot straight down to get the key's level. Move below the right gap and shoot all the blocks above you (including the explosive one blocking the exit). Move the block on the right to the center.
Drop off the right, raise the block there one level, and then move up through the right gap again. This time bring the block you moved to the center off to the right. Drop down, raising the lower block one more time so it's on the level with the glass platform.
Move up through the left gap, taking care not to leave a hole underneath the right gap as you move over. You can build a staircase to the exit with two blocks.
Stage 31
Hint: You can hit the gap from underneath as well as above.
Move up to the edge of the gap. Shoot right and go left, which should put the block into the hole so you can get the key. Stand on top of the block, but shoot up to give you time to move one square to the right. You'll fall into the upper area. From there you can clear the explosive block, and then shoot the block on the bottom to get out.
Stage 32
Hint: Shooting one of those blocks near the door will get you to the exit.
I haven't yet found a solution that doesn't involve precise timing, but it may exist. This is the easiest I can find.
The trick is to simply build a staircase that gets you to the level of the exit without having to climb right to it. Start by standing on the middle step and shoot right to move the top block one to the left. Get the key. Stand under the left edge of the exit platform and shoot the lower block on your left to make the base of the staircase.
Stand on the block you just moved. Shoot right and move left so that the block ends up either on the second level or next to the first block. If it's not in position on the second level, shoot the lower right block and run into that spot, which should be easier to do. The trickiest move is similar: Shoot the top block on the right and run up to the left, so that it ends up at the end of the staircase. If you shoot and move right away it should work. From the staircase you built, shoot at the block to get to the exit.
Stage 33
Hint: Get to the right place and leave yourself an exit path.
This one isn't terribly hard - just make sure that each time you shoot, you move so that the block you hit can be hit on the way out.
For this list, shoot from the first spot listed and then move to the space indicated:
From the start, move one square to the left.
From the top of the right purple block, move left and down one.
From the top of the blue block, move right and down one.
From the left of the fixed block sticking up, move right on to that fixed block.
From the top of the purple block, move left and down one.
From the left of the left blue block, move left and up one.
From the top of the blue block, move right and down one.
Get the key and you should be able to reverse your path (no need to move when you're shooting on the way out, though).
Stage 34
Hint: It's just a big staircase.
Build a rather large staircase to so that you can shoot the blue block from the right side. If you're having trouble getting more blocks up to the platform, position a stack just past the edge of the exit platform. Then shoot down to bring them up. Cycle around as needed until you get enough blocks high enough.
Stage 35
Hint: This can be done using just left-right blocks; no precise timing needed.
This can be done using straightforward staircase building with just the left-right blocks on the lower four levels.
Each time you want to position one, build a staircase that lets you stand directly in the spot you want to move your block to. It'll be 'offset' from the final staircase position by one. Doing this repeatedly, you can position all the blocks where they are needed to get to the key.
This can also be solved using just one left-right block and shoot-and-move to reposition the up-down blocks. It's easier to see how that's done after you do Stage 36.
Stage 36
Hint: Figure out where the left-right block needs to be.
This is a bit similar to Stage 35, if you used this walkthrough. It's easy to build a ramp up, but you need to be able to slide the bottom-most piece around, which means it has to be a left-right piece. Go over to the right to get down, and shoot at the left-right piece when you're on its level, being sure to jump down right after that. If it doesn't go to the bottom, bring down on of ones above you so you can get to its level.
Once you have the key and the left-right piece on the bottom, build a staircase by raising each block in it one at a time. Start with the block below and one to the left of the exit. Build the staircase to the left, always moving to and then shooting down at the current highest step. Add new blocks from above as needed each time until it's high enough.
Stage 37
Hint: Fill the hole from above.
Start by going up, and use the left-right block to get on the ladder. Climb the ladder and go all the way to the right; shoot left at the hard block, just to get it out of the way. Shoot the right-down block to bring it down, then position it above the hole below. Climb back down the ladder and put the left-right block against the corner so you can climb up and get into the hole. Jump down, and raise the block in there up one.
Get the key and then head back around into the hole. Shoot up at the right-down block, and now you can reach the exit.
Stage 38
Hint: The left-right block in the center needs to go, but it shouldn't go on the side.
Move the down-right block further right so that you can climb up to the blocks on the right side. From there, shoot the left-right block in the center. Then shoot right (back at the same block) but this time, jump off the stack to the right. It doesn't matter where it lands; it just needs to be out of the way.
Standing atop the right stack, shoot down to get at the key. Shoot the block just to the left, and then shoot up to go all the way to the top.
Shoot left twice and then down so that you're on top of the center stack, and shoot left to get over there. Go down to the left, shoot the block on your right, and then climb over the short stack on the left. Shoot the hard block near the exit and leave.
Stage 39
Hint: You can build a staircase off the edge. You can also raise yourself with just one block.
At the start, shoot left so that there's a block inside on the exit. You'll need that to leave. Next, shoot up and step left to bring one block over. Depending on how far you fell, you may need to move the block up by shooting up again (you'll fall through to the new position). Once it's on the level above the exit, shoot right and move left. Keep doing this - shooting right and moving left - with the rest of the blocks on the upper left side. You'll need just one more to get the key. The staircase will have you standing on the bottom of the screen, and you can shoot right to get the last block. Jump off to get the key. You'll then be able to walk down and shoot the center block you saved to get right to the exit.
Stage 40
Hint: Shoot-and-move. Get on the ladders from the side. You won't need most of the left ladder or the glass below the key.
Bring one of the blocks between the ladders. Raise it up twice, using the left ladder to get on top of it. Next, bring the other block under the right ladder.
Using this to get on the right ladder, keep raising the block that's between the ladders until it's next to the gap in the middle.
Climb up and shoot the explosive block. Then go as high as you can. Shoot down, and jump off the ladder to the left so that the block at the bottom ends up between the ladders. Move under the up-down block. Shoot up and move one-three squares left (it doesn't matter, as long as you can get on the ladder.
Once you get up, you can raise the higher block until it's next to the top gap. After you've climbed the ladder, go to the edge toward the exit. Shoot left and jump off to the right. Get the key and put the hard block against the wall so you can get out of there.
Go down toward the exit. Bring down the block that should be somewhere above that area and place it in the corner. Climb out to the exit.
[Edit: Spoiler tags added. -Pam]
Posted by: Kangra | March 6, 2009 1:25 AM
Level 41-60 Hints & Walkthrough:
Stage 41
Hint: Build a bridge with three blocks to get to where you need to go.
Climb the ladder. Get on to the top platform by shooting the lower block. Stand one away from the left edge and shoot right twice. This will bring the down-left block one space left. Position a full block and the down-right block on the right side of the platform, so that they'll be hit from the purple block later. The full block should be on the right, so it'll be hit first.
Go over and raise the block that's close to the left edge up one so you'll be able to hit it from the top of the ladder. Then stand at the edge, shoot right and move left so you fall after the shot. The down-left block should be one past the left edge of the platform (its height doesn't matter).
Hop off the platform. Bring both the block that was left on the ladder and the full block you raised on the upper platform down to the bottom. Build two steps to the lower platform, on the left side. Stand on the upper step, next to the platform and below the down-left block. Shoot it so it ends up next to the lower platform.
Bring the two full blocks at the bottom over so that they are on the bottom, side-by-side to the right of the ladder. Using the ladder, alternately raise them until they are in line with the lower platform (when you're done you should be able to walk out to the lower platform).
Stand on the ladder in line with the bottom purple block. Shoot right and move right away up and over to one to the left and below the left edge of the key platform. Bring the block there if you didn't make it in time. You have to another shoot-and-move now, from the same spot on the ladder. This time shoot and just move up the ladder three squares. Now you can stand on the full block and shoot left to bring the partial block over on top of it. Then you can move the full block to make a staircase and get the key. (It's actually possible to get the partial block in position in one step if you're fast enough, but this way is a lot easier).
Once you have the key, bring the full block past the edge of the platform (on top of the down-left block). Using the same method you used to raise the two blocks, raise all three alternately until you can reach the exit platform.
Stage 42
Hint: You don't need a full staircase - those blocks will harden in mid-air. But save one for when you leave.
This one's tricky and with the hard blocks you have to be precise.
Move to the right edge of the glass platform and shoot left. Then move on top of that block (which is now at the edge). Shoot left again, but fall to the right so that this block fills the gap. Now climb up on the block that just filled in so you're against the right wall. Shoot one more block over against that wall.
Shoot straight up - this one will actually be the 'bottom' of your staircase. Climb onto the block to your right (just below the key platform) and shoot down.
Go over and climb the little stack you made against the right wall, so that you can shoot back at the third level of blocks. Shoot left at one of them.
Move one to the right so you're standing on the hardened block. Shoot to the left, and now you can climb to the key platform. Shoot the two blocks up there out of the way - you're not going back so just shoot right through.
Once you have the key, drop down to the right and back on to the glass platform. Shoot straight through the lower row so you can drop down on the left side. From the bottom, shoot up at the one exposed block to fill in the corner. Now you can hop down and get to the exit.
Stage 43
Hint: Clear an obstacle from one direction, and then you can approach it from the other.
Another maze-like one. This will be easiest with a more precise record of steps.
S means shoot and M means move. Directions are U=up, D=down, L=left, R=right.
SU, SL, ML, SU, ML, SL, MR and you should have the key.
Backtrack a bit: SR, MR, SD, MR
Continue with: SD, MR, SR, SR, SD, SL. SL again to position the block.
Now get one block out of the way and head back: SU, MR, SD, SR, SU, ML, SL, ML, SL, MR, SU.
You should be back where the key was.
Finish off: SR, SR, SD and MR to exit.
Stage 44
Hint: Only the blocks that can move up will help you. Use the purple block to move them down when you need to.
Stand on the the two blocks on the left so you can shoot at the purple block. Once you shoot, move two squares right, one to the right of the ladder. Drop off the platform and shoot the full block from beneath to bring it down to the bottom. Go stand on the first block you moved (the right-up one) and shoot down to raise it up one. Move one right and shoot the full block to finish a staircase that takes you to the ladder. Climb up and get the key.
Stand under the purple blocks and shoot up to bring the up-right block over.
Get over onto the leftmost bottom block and shoot down to raise it up one. Shoot right to get out of there. Move the full block one to the right. Stand on it and bring the raised block over to the edge of the glass platform. Then bring the full block back so you can climb up to the platform. Climb up it and drop off to the right.
Bring the block that's under the purple blocks over one to the right. Shift the full block around and go back up on the platform to drop down on to the block. Shoot down to raise it up one. Repeat this sequence three more times, raising the block one at a time until you can reach the exit.
Stage 45
Hint: You can get to the key platform and still leave one block untouched. That'll put you far enough out get to the exit side. A lot of precise timing is needed.
Ugh. I didn't like this level too much, although the 'trick' to it is kind of clever. You may want to do it in slow motion since the timing is tough.
Shoot the upper block that's farthest to the right down to the bottom. Stand on it. Shoot right and move left. The block must end up just one to the left, diagonally from the first block. Repeat the same move with the second block on the right. The last block on the right will be needed to exit, so leave it where it is.
Stand on top of your staircase and shoot up. This will be the leftmost down block, leaving the middle one where it is.
Now you need to build another diagonal staircase to the right using the four blocks on the left. Start by standing on the middle down block that you didn't move. Shoot left and move right, but not too early. I find when the shot has just passed the gap is the time to move.
You'll pick up the key after the first shot. Continue building your steps up and over. Once all four are extended out, you can drop down to the remaining block on the right, and get to the exit.
Stage 46
Hint:Clear as much of your path as you can before you get the key. Use a shoot-and-move to keep the way out clear.
Move to below the up-down block that's in the area above you. When you shoot up at it, move one to the right (it's okay if you don't fall down, as long as the block is to the right of where you were). Shoot at the up-down block that's now directly below you (the middle of the three). Go stand on the hard block and shoot down at it. Move under the up-down block and shoot up again. Now shoot down at the up-down that's on the right (the one you moved first). Climb up to the hardened block and shoot the explosive block to your right. Get into the upper area by shooting the up-down above you again.
Stand to the left of the explosive block and shoot left. Climb over the explosive block and shoot it from the right side. Move under the down-left block and shoot up to get on it and over.
Now stand next to the left-right block. As soon as you shoot, move right one so that you're standing on the blocks. That way you'll be able to get out of the key area.
Grab the key, then shoot right to go back. Go over to where the hard block is, and shoot it from the side to get it out of the way. Then shoot down to get to the exit.
Stage 47
Hint: To get the key and still reach the exit, you need to use the blue blocks to position both the blocks. The up-left one needs to be on top when you make your staircase.
This level has some of the toughest shots to make. It's getting ugly.
Start by heading under the left blue block in the bottom area. Shoot left to bring an up-right block under it. Go and stand on the other up-right block, and shoot right at the blue block so the two blocks get stacked up. Stand three squares to the right of where the two blocks are stacked and shoot left. Stand on top of the block you just shot and do a quick shoot-and-move. Shoot left, then move right so the block ends up forming a staircase to the second level.
Head over and stand on the block to the right in that area (the up-right one). Raise it up one level. Go stand on the other block (the up-left one). Shoot left at the purple blocks and quickly run right to the corner. If you don't make it to the corner, you'll have to pull the block out and try again.
Once that block is in position, stand on it and shoot left to bring the other block over. Both should be stacked against the right wall.
Stand to the left of them under the blue block. Shoot up and immediately move over three squares to the left. Go back under the same blue block and do another shoot-and-move. After you shoot, move to the left on top of the first block, then off it to position the block. You want the block to end up completing the staircase, so don't move off the first block too early.
Climb up and drop down to get the key. This is probably the toughest shot to time in the game. Fire down, and move right so that the block will end up to the right of the lower purple block as you fall. It won't work otherwise. I think if you move as soon as the shot starts to go by the platform above it you should make it.
After this shot, go to the right corner and bring the lower block into it. Stand on that block, shoot left at the purple blocks and move four squares to the left (to position it at the bottom of the staircase). This time you have a chance to adjust it if you don't get it quite right.
Climb back up, stand under the blue square and shoot up. Do the same move you did earlier to get the block in position to complete the staircase. Go up to the exit.
Stage 48
Hint: Bring the block up, left, up just a bit, left, and then way up to get the key.
I'm going to refer to the chambers by number. From left to right, top to bottom, they are 1-12. You start in 1, the exit is in 3, the key is in 5, and the block is in 12.
Go 1-4-8-12 to get to the block. Move it under the gap to room 8 it and start raising it up. Circle around, going 12-9-1-4-8-12 several times until the block is one square up from the floor in room 8. Head to the edge in room 7. Shoot right and move left to cover or fill the gap. Stand on the block and raise it up so it's in line with the entrance to room 6.
Go 7-11-3-4-8-12-9-1-2-6. Stand in the space between 6 and 7. Shoot right and move left, so that the block is now in room 6. Get back to 6 (11-3-4-8-12-9-1-2-6). Move the block down and one square to the left, under the hole above it.
Now repeatedly go through 10-2-6, moving the block up one square each time. If you don't like to worry about timing, just move it all the way around to room 10 and then over into the gap between 6 and 10. Or, once you've moved it up high enough, you could shoot it from room 6 and jump into the gap yourself. Even if you mistime it and fall farther, this should save you a bunch of time.
With the key in hand, go 5-6-7-11-3 and exit.
Stage 49
Hint: The blue block in the middle can be used from more than one direction. You don't need to blow any blocks up.
Stand on the partial up-left block. Shoot left and move right quickly. The up-right block must end up in line with the purple block so that you can exit. That done, drop down to where the explosive blocks are.
Build a staircase to get onto the explosive blocks out of the two partial up-right blocks on the left. Climb up and bring the down-left block in the corner on top of the explosive blocks. Head down to below the (upper) blue block and shoot at it to bring the down-left block down in line with the other blue block. Now you can get the key.
Drop down, get the key. Shoot up at the blue block to get out, climb on top of the explosive blocks and shoot left at the upper blue block, redirecting into the purple and then to the block you set up at the start, and you can exit.
Stage 50
Hint: You'll just need to stand on one extra block to get to the top.
This isn't so hard, but it looks a little baffling at first.
You only need two blocks to get to each level. From the bottom, shoot the one on the right, raise it, and then shoot the one that was next to it to get up. Go up the right side since that's where the key is. Once you have the key, shoot down the block next to exit so it's where the key was.
Reverse the staircase you made to the key so you can get to the hole close to the exit. Do this by shooting the left block from above and then up at the right block. Go stand under any of the single blocks overhead. Shoot right to get the block you put where the key was in place under the hole. Go back over and stand on it, and when you shoot up you'll be able to climb out of the hole to the exit.
Stage 51
Hint: You may have to come back up more than once.
This is another one where I'll give the exact moves.
S means 'shoot' and M means move. Directions are U=up, D=down, L=left, R=right.
Although I am describing what you are doing as well, every necessary move is listed. So if you just follow all the moves you'll finish. The notes are just to help.
Go to the last block on the top row and then down: MR(8x),SD,SL,SL,SL,SD,ML,SD.
Clear two of the blocks out of the way: SR,ML,SR.
Get to the center and go down again and back up: ML,SD,MR,SU.
Climb over the middle block and then get down, clearing your exit path as you go: ML(3x),SR,ML(3x),SD,SD,MR,MR,SL.
Go down and get the key: MR,MR,SD,SD,SD,ML(4x),MR,MR,SU.
Now exit (MR 6x).
Stage 52
Hint: It's like Stage 41. Also, you're not forced to use all the purple blocks. Use the ones that are easiest.
As in Stage 41, you need to build a bridge using the ladder to help. In this one the timing isn't too hard.
Go to the top of the ladder and stand under the topmost block on the left. Shoot up. Now stand one below the top of the ladder, in line with the lower purple block of the highest pair. Shoot right and wait just a little bit, then jump off the ladder to the right. Precise timing isn't necessary since you can always raise the block to where you need it by using the ladder.
It's final position should on the right side of the ladder, in line with the block that was below it (so that you'll be able to walk straight to the key when it's finished).
Now stand under the highest block on the left side (the one across from the one that was just placed) and shoot up. Move down the ladder to one below that block, so that you'll hit it when you shoot to the right at the third pair of purple blocks.
When you shoot, you'll need to go up and run to the right, off the edge of the bridge you're building. Again, precise timing is not important since you can move the block up after. All you need to do is make sure you get off the edge of the bridge in time.
From here, you'll repeat the process with the other blocks. It's a lot easier to bring the blocks on the left of the ladder up, using the same pair of purples you used for the second block. That way you'll have enough time to run off the bridge.
Note that you don't need the last block. Once the bridge is four-wide, you can walk off of it and take the key. Then proceed to the exit.
Stage 53
Hint: Clear explosive blocks as soon as you can. Take a step to get in and out of the key area, and keep it orderly when you're in there.
This one's not so hard, just some back and forth. All you need to do is make sure you can get out each time, but it's the same maneuver.
Start by clearing the two explosive blocks on the left (hit the upper one from the ladder). To leave yourself a way to get out of the key area, do this: Stand next to the left blue block. Shoot right, and quickly go one step right. The block you hit should end up on top of the blue, next to the purple.
Grab the key. Move left into the empty space. Shoot down to clear one block, then up so that there will be another block on the left. Make sure you keep all the blocks at the bottom of this area, or you won't be able to get in or out again. Slide the middle block over to the right and shoot down to clear the explosive block below it. Shoot up at the purple block to get out.
Repeat this process, clearing the explosive blocks from the side and above until they are all cleared. Get in and out of the key area the same way as the first time - shooting the blue block and moving. Once you've cleared the explosive blocks, you can shoot the block on the exit side and get out.
Stage 54
Hint: Move back and forth to weave your way through. In the last area, you can build a two-step staircase, but you may need a quick move to get the blocks you need for it.
For this one there may be a better way to do the last section, but since you have to go through the whole stage each time I didn't try too many options.
The first two areas you need to get out of by alternating, and you have to start on the correct side. At the start, move right and shoot up. Then go up to the left and shoot up. Then up to the right, left, etc. When you hop over the top, do the same to get to the key, shooting down this time. Start on the left, shoot down, go right, shoot down, etc. Once you take the key, get out by starting on the right side.
In the second area, start by shooting the left block on the bottom to get up. Then go over and shoot the rightmost block above you. Move that block to the center and stand on it. Now shoot up, and you can climb to the left. Shoot up twice, and you can get out of that section.
In the last section, go all the way to the right and shoot up to get in. Stay under the block that's right beneath the exit. Shoot up and quickly move up to the left. You have to move at least two squares over or you can't get out. Shoot the other block above you that's underneath the exit platform (to the left of the one you just shot). That done, you can build a two-step staircase against the left wall. Climb the steps you made to the left. Shoot up to bring the leftmost block down, and you can climb to the exit.
Stage 55
Hint: Use both ladders and fill the gap with the blocks. First go up one side, then do it again to go up the other.
Although this level can be done entirely without shoot-and-move, it ends up being very tedious. So I'll show the shortcut way.
Start by standing under the rightmost upper ladder on the left side (to the left of the three-space gap). Shoot a block on the bottom over to there. Climb the left ladder and so that you're above that block. Shoot down and move right. The block should end up one square below and to the right of the ladder. Raise it if needed.
Move a second block on the bottom underneath the same ladder. Climb the left ladder again and shoot down. This time you want to position the block in the middle, at the same level as the ladders. Raise it up if needed. You can see that all the blocks could be raised all the way from the bottom if you didn't shoot-and-move.
Bring the third block up using the right ladder. Set it up underneath the leftmost ladder on the right side this time. Shoot down, and move left. Now, climb the left ladder and your little staircase to get on top of the block on the right. Raise that block and repeat until you can get into the key area.
You'll do the same thing to get to the exit, just going the other way. To do this, you'll need to bring the block on the right back down under the right side ladder as before. Shoot down, and position that block one below the ladders. Now raise the block on the left to get to the exit.
Stage 56
Hint: Glass houses. There are more directions you can shoot.
This one's a maze similar to Stage 43, only this time you need to shoot off the screen. Another one that I'll give exact directions.
S means 'shoot' and M means move. Directions are U=up, D=down, L=left, R=right.
SR,ML,SL,SD,MR,SR,SD,SR,SU,ML,SD,SL,ML and you should have the key.
To get to the exit: SL,MR,SU,MR,SU,SR,ML,SD,SL,SU. Then MR to leave.
Stage 57
Hint: Circle around the key. Move some blocks around within the chambers to get in the right position.
Again, I'll number the chambers: Left to right, top to bottom 1-9. You start in 5, the exit is 3, and the key is in 9.
In 5, stand on the block on the right side. Shoot left. To save time later, you can move left as soon as you shoot; eventually you'll want a clear path from 8 to the up-down block that's in 2. (You can also shoot up and drag the up-down block one left before you start. Either way, go from 5 into 4.)
Climb over the down-left block in 4 and move it to the left out of the way. Stand where it was and shoot down to get into 7. Move one up to the left and shoot right to go to 8. Next, stand by the right wall of 8 and shoot up to get back into 5.
Make sure the path from 8 into 2 is clear. You're about to head into 6. Make sure that the place you shoot from won't end up blocking the shot from 8 into 2, either. Step a square back to the left (moving the block out of the way if needed) and shoot right to get to 6.
If the left-right block is in the way between 8 and 2, stand on the right side block in 6. Shoot left into 5. Move on top of the other block here, making sure it's not in the way either. Then go back into 6.
Standing on the block on the right side of 6, shoot down twice. Grab the key and shoot left to go to 8. Shoot up to get to 2, then get on top of the block and shoot right to get to 3 and the exit.
Stage 58
Hint: Clear out one of the sides by moving all the pieces out. To finish, get out of the box.
Yet another maze, kind of a sliding block puzzle. I'll give exact steps for some parts.
S means 'shoot' and M means move. Directions are U=up, D=down, L=left, R=right.
Clear a path on the right side: SU,SR,SD,SL,SL,SU,SR,SR,SD,SL,SD,SR.
Now drop down and get the key.
Stand under the right side (which has the only boxes you can shoot) and do: SU,SU,SU,SL.
At this point you can walk up and on top of the box. Go over to the left side of it and shoot down, then shoot left to get to the exit platform. Exit.
Stage 59
Hint: Use the purple and blue to drop in on the key. Make your exit by coming in from the bottom.
This is one that looks tough to figure out, but is actually fairly straightforward. Just look for what needs to be out of the way. This solution uses no precise timing, either (it's probably possible to do it shorter with timing tricks).
Start by going under the purple block that you can shoot up at. Shoot up at it.
Stand on the block to the right of the blue block, and shoot down. Then shoot left at the blue block. Stand on top of the block that's higher than the others (the up-right one you shot before). Shoot up and stay there so that you're high enough to hit the block on the right between the purple blocks. Shoot that block.
Shoot up at the upper purple block. When you get to the glass platform, shoot up at the blue block near the center of the screen. You'll end up back down at the bottom. Go over and shoot up and the upper purple block again. Then step right and shoot up at the blue block above you.
This will let you drop down to the key. Hop off the key platform to the bottom. Underneath the top blue block, two left of the exit, there is a down-left block you can shoot to get up. Shoot up at it and Go to the exit.
Stage 60
Hint: Make a platform you can stand in, and reverse it with a quick move. Think Tetris.
The first part of this one is straightforward. Build a bridge up to the key. Line up all four blocks on the bottom and keep raising them until you can get the key. The second part is a bit trickier.
I spent a fair amount of time seeing if timing isn't involved at all, but I haven't found a solution without it. That said, there's only one timing move that's needed.
Bring two blocks down and over to the left ladder. Line them up side by side on its right, and then raise them up so they're on the same level, one above the top of the ladder. Put the other two blocks on the right ladder. One of them should be just above the level of the little platform you just made, and the other one square higher (even with the exit platform). You can set them up separately if you prefer.
Go and stand on the right side of the two-square platform, and shoot right to get one block over. Go back around and climb to the top of that, and shoot again to the right to get the other block.
Climb back on to your now reverse-L-shaped platform. Move the block on the right to the left side of it, and drop off and over to the left ladder. Shoot the higher block that's touching the others only diagonally. Now stand on top of the L so you can shoot back at the ladder. Shoot right, move quickly left and the block should fill the gap to the exit.
Finally, move down one and shoot the block still sitting on the platform, and you can exit.
In general, I tried to keep the number of required or difficult timing moves to a minimum. Alternate and shorter solutions exist in most cases, especially if you make some quick moves at times.
Posted by: Kangra | March 7, 2009 2:29 AM