Are you sunburnt? Tired of the sounds of laughing children, ice cream trucks and blaring beach-weather anthems? You're in luck! Toybox, a new escape game from Polish designer Lukasz W., is here to inject a little darkness into your summertime. Okay, to be more accurate, a lot of darkness.
The game's scenario is not a pretty one: you wake, cold and alone, in a room lit only by a single, faint candle... that gleams off of the links of the chain connecting your leg to the wall. Uh-oh. From there, believe it or not, things only get worse. You are trapped in a house of horrors, and must solve puzzles and face supernatural terror in order to regain your freedom. Of course, there's also the matter of your murderous captor... where could he be? You might just find out.
The game's puzzles are on the whole only adequate, mainly of the standard "collect item A to solve code/open door B" type. One puzzle involving a piano struck me as being a bit dubious, though a quick Google search allowed me to proceed without too much difficulty. A lot of backtracking is involved, so be prepared to run back and forth between rooms quite often. It's important to note that at certain points of the game, new clues appear in previously-visited locations; so, if you find yourself stuck, retrace your steps. The game has multiple endings: a "good" outcome, two slightly different "bad" outcomes, and a bonus ending that I've yet to discover. Getting the good ending hinges upon finding a specific item, so be sure to pay close attention to your surroundings!
Without doubt, Toybox's most impressive aspect is its ominous, sepulchral atmosphere. This is a horror game, through and through: blood drips thickly from the walls, severed hands festoon the ceiling, nasty surprises wait behind every door. While the game's graphics are more than adequate, it's the additions of a handful of well-made, chilling cutscenes and a genuinely spooky soundtrack that elevate Toybox above mere goriness. All of these elements meld wonderfully together to produce an immersive, entertainingly grotesque ambience that is just cartoony enough to avoid crossing into true gross-out territory. In this respect, the game is outstanding.
While it's clear that Lukasz W. put quite a bit of time and effort into Toybox, a few small additions and alterations could have made the game better and more user-friendly. First and foremost, a save feature would have been nice (particularly when trying to discover the different endings), and a mute button would also have been appreciated. Although the game's inventory system is a little clunky, there is no pixel-hunting (yay!) and navigating around the house is easy. All in all, improvable but not bad.
As you might have gathered, this game is not suitable for the little ones; though the graphics are not realistic, the game is gory and frightening enough to upset the easily-spooked. For everyone else, especially fans of all things macabre, I'm sure you'll enjoy this very creepy and stylized, if not always substantive, escape game. Next time around, perhaps Lukasz will combine his obvious talent for creating an atmosphere with equally-fabulous puzzles; if so, we're in for some truly amazing fun.
Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
Narrative Walkthrough
The Awakening
Wha? Where am I? head is throbbing. I don't remember a single thing.
What's this thing over here in the corner?
Oh good, it's a flashlight!
Uh-oh, the light went out. But that's ok....or maybe not, there seems to be a chain attached to my ankle, with a strange symbol on the lock. Think, think...
Oh it's pi! So I guess the combo is 31415, the first 5 numbers of pi.
Ok, good, I managed to get the chain off. Woah, what kind of sicko did this? There is barbed wire and mannequin heads everywhere! Seems my abductor left me a little blood?!!? And something else....
A knife seems to be stuck in one of the heads
A compass is hanging from a rope
Ok, I really need to leave now. I'll take the door to the left, that seems to be the way to go. Wha? What is a little boy doing here? Is some one else here? Hello? Can I help you? *why is he holding that lighter that way?* Ahh! He's burning himself!!! What! It must be me seeing things. (something, something about a lighter... *cling* *cling* .....flicking fingers)
My mental apparition seems to have left me something... a lighter, perfect!
I have to leave now!
Up the ladder
Out the door and up the ladder! Dang, it's locked! But there is something else...
An arrow is affixed to the door. Can I pull it off? Yes!
finally, some clothes! I was feeling strange without some clothes...what's this?
The heavy lump turned out to be a dictaphone. Huh...
there seems to be a something recorded, a series of notes...sounds like a piano?
Maybe there is some way to open the door? I'll have to open the door probably in some unusual fasion. Wait a minute...
There is a bloody arrow pointing to the back. Upon turning I see a strange diagram...hmmm, I guess I have to write this down, but with what?
Back down
Hmm, I'll try that other door where I woke up from. Hmm... the piano where I saw that appariton. And some strange bloody card on top. I'll mess with it later.
The Sacrifice Room
Oh wow, a candle setup and everything! This guy's a devil worshipper! But what do I do here?
That same symbol on the lighter is on the floor here. It reminds me of something.
A compass! I just found one! Maybe It can help me!
I shake it and it moves in odd directions...hmmm.
3 X 1
2 * X
X 5 4
I'll have to light the candles in these directions, probably in order (or not).
Ah-hah! A secret compartment right behind the creepy picture! Another one of those arrows plus a figurine of some sort
On closer inspection I pull the head off. Ah, a flash drive!
Something about the piano...
The dictaphone!
looks like I need to play the piano
in this way from the left edge.
5 4 1 2
Upon playing the keys, another secret door opens. Geeze, this kidnapper goes through some serious measures. Wait! The card!
The diagram is similar to the one I saw upstairs. I follow the path and write down the corresponding letters
Kinky room
Huh...the creep factor just increased tenfold. But what to do?
There is a battery in the mannequin's hand. Looks like a phone battery.
There is an arrow on the bed frame
There seem to be marks on the picture...hmmm.
I cut the picture open with the knife, but there seems to be another compass mark with a cryptic word...JOY.
I put the arrows in, yet I seem to be missing one
Oh wait, my knife has an outline of an arrow on the blade! It's removable!
Aha! It's a secret door!
Bloody Murder Room
Creepy bloody chair. Wonder what I can do here? There is a locker with something inside probably. I'll leave it for later.
a duckshot shell is on the shelf!
Hmm a cabinet...I can't open it though.
a diagram is on the door, for a secret compartment in the brick close to the door leading back to the piano room
I guess there is nothing to do but go back. Wha!? The chair is bleeding! It must be me...I'm starting to slowly lose my sanity. There is a door with the word MURDER spelled backwards but I can't open that door...or maybe I don't want to. I open the right door
Going back to the ladder room
I turn around and face the door. Now where is it?
I remember the diagram and push the brick. Bingo! A paper of some sort with 2 triangles and a star in between. Could it mean something?
Somewhere a faraway click sounds
Back to Bloody Murder Room
The cabinet popped open. Perfect, a shotgun! Maybe I can defend myself now? There's something else.
On the back of the shelf there is a couple of marks...a cypher maybe?
Wait the numbers inside the shapes match the number of sides. Maybe the cypher works for the paper too? So the code must be...
but where do I use it?
Must be for the safe
Opening the safe I find...a corpse!? Insane madman must have brutally injured her. Wait... she's a blond, I'm a blond. Maybe the kidnapper was into blonds? A key, the numbers on it pushing the edge of my memory. Hmm, guess I have to take it. Oh my gosh it moved! She's still alive!!! She mumbles two words "Help them...." as her breath leaves her for the last time. Oh no!
The kidnapper, the key, the lighter, it all makes sense! The bar, last night (maybe), that man... endlessly stirring with a straw, winking, anxious for some action. Walking to his car, then brutally beaten to the edge of unconcienceness. I walked right into this. I have to get out now. I am going to have to open the Murder door.
I use the key but I hold onto it
It clicks open! I guess I have to tread with caution. This sicko might be back at any moment! I have to tread with caution!
The REDRUM room
Huge jars...probably full of body parts. Oh god! There's my name...Mary. So that corpse in the locker must be Anna. Who know what he was planning!
There's something on the floor shining. A red shotgun shell! Probably deadlier.
There's a computer behind me. That grid word I got is probably the password!
Its "18ruhofcoeenrfs"
Got it! It seems I can unlock the door up the ladder. But there is another door and I cant open that one without permission. What do I do?
Oh wait the flash drive! I'll stick it in here...
Hmm, it still prompts me with a number, and I can only think of one 3 digit number that flashes at the edge of my mind.
...217, that fateful number on the key...
It opened! I can escape!
The Ladder Room
The door clicks open without a problem
Normal Room
I remember this...hey there's my cellphone! But it has no battery...
I put the battery in the back of the phone
911 won't dial? Thats impossible! Looks like there is only one way out...
Uh-oh, he's here...with a taser.
Ending 1 Bad
Nothing in shotgun
Ending 2 Good
Red Shell in gun
Ending 3 Bad
Green Shell in gun
Bonus add-on ending
Dial JESUS into phone or 53787 then go downstairs to REDRUM room and take camera from open compartment and take a picture of any incriminating room with good ending in play
This is the best I could do since I never tried or understood spoiler tags.
Posted by: JIGuest | June 4, 2009 10:01 PM
Toybox Walkthrough
Wake-up Room
You will notice an object to the lower left of the candle. Take it, it's a flashlight (see screenshot).
Screenshot 1
Once the candle goes out, use the flashlight to sweep the room. Follow the chain to the wall where you will see a small green lock. Click on the lock.
The symbol is pi and the combination is the first 5 digits of pi, 3 - 1 - 4 - 1 - 5. You can now see the rest of the room.
Screenshot 2
Hanging on the wall between the words "for" and "me" is a compass. Take it.
Near the top left of the left door is a knife sticking out of a mannequin head. Take the knife.
Click on the left door to go through.
Piano Room
Wait for the creepy kid to immolate himself. The lighter he used will be on the floor in front of the piano, by the foot pedals. Take the lighter.
On the piano is a card with a grid of numbers and letters. Make a note of it.
Screenshot 3
Click on the door to the left.
Ladder Room
Go up the ladder.
Upper Room
Take the robe.
Take the clock hands on the door.
Go back down the ladder.
Ladder Room
Turn around.
Go out the door.
Piano Room
Go out the right door.
Wake Up Room
Go out the right door.
Candle Room
Pick up the lighter from your inventory.
Click on the top of the lighter to open it.
Click on the wheel to light the lighter.
Click on the compass in your inventory.
Click on it while it is on screen and the needle will show you the pattern to light the candles.
Light the candles in the order shown (see screenshot).
Screenshot 4
The picture of the eyes will move out of the way. In the exposed alcove take the clock hands and the little doll figurine.
Go back to Wake Up room.
Go through the left door.
Piano Room
Click on the robe in your inventory. When it is full-screen you will notice a small object in the pocket. It is an MP3 player. Click on that object.
Click on the MP3 player in your inventory. When it is full-screen click on the play button. Listen to the tune carefully.
Click on the keyboard of the piano and play the tune you just heard. The tune is c - d - d - b - a (see screenshot). This will open a secret door behind one of the posters.
Screenshot 5
Go through the secret door.
Take the clock hands that are on the baseboard of the bed.
Look closely at the mannequin on the left, it has a small object in its hand. Take the object, it is a cell phone battery.
Pull up the knife from your inventory. Notice the arrow pattern on the hilt. Click on the pattern and the arrow will show up darker. Now use the knife to slash the picture above the headboard three times. This will expose a pattern.
Fill in the pattern using the clock hands in your inventory (see screenshot).
Screenshot 6
Click on the pattern, this will open a new room.
Chair Room
Click on the wall cabinet on the left of the room, it will show a pattern of bricks (see screenshot). Memorize where the mark is.
Screenshot 7
Turn around and wait for the animation.
Go up the stairs on the right to go back to the bedroom.
Go back to the ladder room and turn around.
Ladder Room
Click on the brick to the left of the door that matches the pattern you just saw (see screenshot).
Screenshot 8
Click in the space where the brick was. You have now acquired a leaflet. Examine the leaflet.
Go back to the chair room.
Chair Room
Remove the shotgun from the now open wall cabinet.
Take a close-up look inside the cabinet and compare it to the leaflet you just picked up. This will give you the combination to the locked metal cabinet.
Enter the combination into the lock on the metal cabinet. The combination is 3 - 1 - 6 - 3. Don't forget to click on OK. Click on the cabinet handle and it will open.
Take the key from the poor dying woman's mouth and wait for another animation to play.
Examine the key closely and take note of the tag number 2 - 1 - 7.
Turn around and open the door on the left (marked "redrum").
Redrum Room
Look closely at the floor on the right by the canister marked "Anna". There is a red shotgun shell there, take it.
Open the shotgun and load it with the red shell.
Turn around.
Go back out the door to the chair room.
Proceed back to the ladder room and go up the ladder.
Ladder Room
Turn around and notice the pattern on the bricks (see screenshot).
Screenshot 9
Compare this pattern to the grid pattern on the note on the piano to get the password to the computer.
Go back to the Redrum room.
Redrum Room
Click on the computer to get a close-up of the screen. Erase whatever is on the screen and type in the password you figured out from the grid patterns.
The password is: 1 - 8 - r - u - h - o - f - c - o - e - e - n - r - f - s.
Click OK and a map of the house will appear on the screen.
Click on the little doll figurine in your inventory. When it is on the screen click on its head, you will see that it is a flash drive. Insert the flash drive into the USB port on the lower left of the laptop (see screenshot).
Screenshot 10
Click on the red door that has a yellow line in it. The computer will prompt you for a frequency. The frequency is the number that was on the key, 2 - 1 - 7. Enter the frequency and click OK. Afterwards click on the other red door. All doors should now show green.
Proceed to the ladder room and go up the ladder. You should now be able to open the door at the top of the ladder.
TV Room
Look closely at the table below the couch at the far bottom right of the screen. There is a cell phone there, take it.
Click on the cell phone in your inventory and once it is on screen click on it again to turn it over.
Remove the battery cover on the back of the cell phone.
Insert the cell phone battery from your inventory.
Take the advice of the pamphlet and dial "Jesus" 5 - 3 - 7 - 8 - 7 on the cell phone and click the green button.
Go back down the ladder and go back to the Redrum room.
Redrum Room
You will notice one of the pictures on the wall near the computer has swung open, revealing a camera. Take the camera.
Shoot a picture of any blood-soaked room.
Head back to the TV Room and leave by the gray door on the left.
Hope you remembered to load the shotgun!
There are basically three ways for this to end:
If you forgot to load the shotgun or loaded it with the green shell which can be found in the chair room then you are toast.
If you loaded the shotgun correctly but didn't mess with the cell phone or the camera (which are not essential to finish the game), you get away and get picked up by a truck driver in the end. End of story.
If you completed all the extra steps with the cell phone and the camera, there is an additional bit of animation after the credits. I call it the "Come to Jesus" ending. :-)
Posted by: grinnyp
June 12, 2009 4:35 PM