Toon Crisis 2: Toon Raider

The sequel is just like the original Toon Crisis but with new locations, enemies and bosses. Once again it's an advergame for a Sony product, but don't let that keep you from playing. The variety of enemies, difficulty level and sheer hilarity of the concept make it well worth your fifteen minutes.
Play Toon Crisis 2: Toon Raider
Read our review on the original Toon Crisis game for more info, and check out Nobuyuki Forces 3 for a very similar type of action game.
Even better than the last game. Some parts were seriously frantic, particularly the second to last one.
I was struggling a bit in the final fight, before getting some green ammo and the 'double gun' powerup. That
stupid gardener
got 0wned. (Yes, that was supposed to be ironic).
JohnB, you stole my game!
Serves me right for not checking in more often than once every hardly never.
Great game, agreed, I liked it better than the first one.
*steals dancemonkey's pet turtle*
*steals dancemonkey's strawberries*
*steals dancemonkey's groove*
It's a neat game - too bad it doesn't play well for lefties.
What do I mean? If you're a righty, try to play this game, controlling the mouse with your left hand...
Thanks, but I think I gonna stick with puzzles. ;-)