The Tony-b Machine can be run entirely with your mouse or keyboard. The middle row of keys selects the melody note (as shown by the keyboard), the top row shoots out a sound sample (some might sound familiar), some bottom-row keys change the tonal key that the bass and accompaniment play in (a, d, or e minor), and the number keys change rhythms, add percussion, and fill your computer's room with smoke and flashing lights. (Not really, but that'd be cool.) Hitting other key combinations triggers more awesome samples to suit your techno fancy. You can even record your mixes to play back and edit your jams!
Analysis: While it's obviously not something you'd want to use on a paid gig at a nightclub, the Tony-b Machine has enough bells and whistles to make it good wholesome fun and with a quality beginner's interface. Granted, there are some basic functions that I felt were missing from this system (changing tempos, more freedom with chord movements, switching to major keys, etc.), but still a fun toy to play with. I spent a good chunk of time fiddling around trying to make a techno version of "I'm a Believer."
So if you're ready to get your groove on, get the party started with the Tony-b Machine!
Yay for techno! This is one of the better webtoys for music-making. (The Daft Punk sound clip didn't hurt, either. ;) )
Yay for techno machine.
Dvorak layout would be DVORAK, not AZERTY. hence the name... it's actually french, i think.
Fun little toy.
The Dvorak layout isn't DVORAK, Dvorak is the person's name who made the layout.
But you're right, it is AZERTY-QWERTY. No Dvorak support :(
This is sweet! Any way to share out songs? I want to hear what other people have come up with.
(Also, the fact that we can't use sharps or flats makes me sad, but it's still awesome.)
Just insert the floppy disk.
OMG! They sampled Daft Punk! Terror Whisper is the "Machiiiinnneee" from "Steam machine"!
Sorry, I kinda made that statement without actually having seen a DVORAK keyboard. I probably should have looked that one up ahead of time. Totally my bad, that was a hasty move. And haste makes paste, so I'll finish this macaroni picture frame, then I'll yank that statement from the review.
Well, this is just awesome. About as awesome as Dance Ejay (which I SO want to get at some point).
Funny thing, I have heard all but one of the specials, and can name half of them.
Only question I have is, what are the Am, Em, and Dm keys for?
Am, Dm, and Em change the chords that the bass and accompaniment options play to, either in A minor, D minor or E minor. They are (sort of) a common progression, so they usually sound good when played in any order. I don't know why the author favors the minor keys so much, but perhaps adding major keys might further include the possibility that your song will become dissonant.
I push buttons, nothing happens. '^'
same ME
to share songs
you have to register
is there any way i can download my songs??????
I also can't get it to do anything when I press any of the buttons. Am I doing something wrong or does it just not like Opera?
Dear Jayisgames.com,
The "Tony-b Machine" is a fun, and entertaining invention forall ages, but I have many ideas to improve it also. The techno theme is very amuzing to the highest point, although if we had a variety of themes, for instance, "Rock" or "Pop" we'd have more to choose from, therefore being able to express more than the same remixes I hear every day. Thank you for reading!
Try the E one just after it finishes it`s own sound.
how do you get it to work???????
Hahahh I just love this kind of thing...