Three-in-a-row is the last thing you want with Tic-Tac-Logic, the latest addition to the Conceptis roster of logic puzzles. Every square in the grid needs to be filled with either an X or an O. However, you can't have three consecutive Xs or Os running horizontally or vertically (diagonals are fine). There will be the same number of Xs and Os in each individual row or column, but no two rows or columns can be identical. Those are the rules: Keep the numbers of Xs and Os equal, but you can't have identical rows or three-in-a-row. Simple, right?
Not necessarily. You're given only a handful of noughts and crosses to start with, so you've got to cycle between focusing on those three rules to sort the grid out, and even then you might still need to fall back on good old-fashioned trial-and-error Tap an empty square to fill it with an X, again to change it to an O, and once more to clear the square. Keep an eye on the tally bars on the top and left edges of the grid to quickly count up your current totals. With a bit of patience and deduction, you can fill the grid and conquer the 90 free puzzles available in this pack, with extra (and larger iPad-friendly) puzzle packs available for purchase in-app. It might not be the Tic-Tac-Toe you're used to, but this interesting new variety of puzzle is sure to keep you entertained.
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPhone. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.
Walkthrough Guide
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Tic-Tac-Logic Tips and Tricks
Note: Many of these examples are written in terms of circumstances of X and how O can be affected by them; X and O can, of course, be reversed.
Whenever you get stuck, remember to check the three rules:
Are there any places where a pair of Xs next to each other, which you can surround with the Os? Don't forget to look for pairs of Xs separated by one space; you can put an O between them to prevent a three-in-a-row.
Are there any rows half-filled with one symbol? Use the left and top edges to quickly check the current symbol totals; the numbers in the corner (in black) are the target numbers to reach. If one symbol matches that number, fill in the rest of that row with the opposite symbol.
Are there any potential duplicate rows that can be avoided? Look for nearly-finished rows (usually with two spaces open) and compare them to rows that have been finished.
If you have a row that's missing only one X but a couple or more Os, try putting the X in each of the remaining spaces, and see if that forces a three-in-a-row of Os. You can usually fill in many Os with this method, if not the whole row. For example, in the screenshot above, if the last X was placed in the second or third spot in the third column, it would force three Os in a row below. Thus, both of these squares must be Os to prevent that.
Don't forget your good pals Trial and Error! You can use the pencil tool in the top bar to make small Xs and Os to test out possible answers before you mark them in fully.
Tic-Tac-Logic Solutions
Easy Starters
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Medium Starters
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Hard Starters
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Posted by: Steve
August 3, 2013 12:17 AM