That's the rather simple premise of Threesome as described by Lightforce, aka Nick Kouvaris, who ported Oskar van Deventer's small original puzzle game to Flash. Starting with a couple of easy levels, the game gets more and more challenging, but there is always a solution.
To find it, you move the symbolic protagonists around the rooms with the arrow keys, switching between them with the [ctrl] key—Mac users will find the Command key works better. If you walk on a colored symbol, for each relevant door, one half of the same color will open. If you let your three friends cooperate well, this will allow you to reach the exit room, leading you straight to the next level.
Threesome is a nice way to while away about half an hour, while looking at a pleasant composition and enjoying a challenge that is easily described but can be tricky to solve. If there's anything to complain about, it would be the small number of levels.
aaah! i'm stuck on level 7 and I can't get all three to the end. i can get one on the right, and then the one on the left, but never all three at the same time! help?
It is perhaps worth pointing out that Threesome is based on an idea by Oskar van Deventer, always a guarantee of a clever and original puzzle. - John
i give up, i can't do levels 7 or 8 :(
John259: Thanks, I have credited Oskar van Deventer now. Let me know if you know a better site to link to.
As for level 7:
Try getting two friends in the middle room. From there, it's easy to finish. (Thanks for the hint, Landon. ;)
Cute, though short. I found lvl 7 to be the most difficult one, though not as hard as to make me go insane. It really seems too short.
Amazing game... I love it :)
Excellent game, but very short. A level editor would have been nice, too, but I understand the exclusion of extra levels or an editor in the interest of preserving van Deventer's original concept.
Meh, I'm ashamed of myself :P
Got level 7 done lickety split and then Level 8.... 1300 moves later ;) (second playthrough reduced that to about 130 moves)
I am stuck in lvl 4. It makes me feel dumb.
oh sorry im stuck on 5 now
Good stuff, I remember playing through this rather a while back. Just did it again - found level 7 to be the hardest. 8 was actually pretty straightforward, I thought - the regular layout made it easy to think through what needed to be done.
I can finish all but #4 !!! lol
very nice game, at first i thought "only 8 levels" but by the 6th i was thinking "8's a nice number."
i got up to lvl 7 but didnt attempt after that - save it for later.
Thomas, that's as good a link as I can find for Oskar, who doesn't appear to have a web site himself, nor even a Wikipedia article, but whose name pops up all over the place in puzzling circles. Andrea Gilbert has implemented many of his ideas on her wonderful http://www.clickmazes.com web site - John
how is it that I can't beat level two...but I got 8 done in about 100 something moves...
Nevermind.. I beat it in 200+ though...
level 7 definitely was the hardest :)
Here's another version with nicer graphics: http://oos.moxiecode.com/examples/threesome/
I love these kinds of games. :) Simple, yet complicated. They weren't too hard after a bit of work, though. 8 levels makes a nice, short diversion.
There is a longer (3 more levels) version over at http://clickmazes.com/indexo.htm
Okay, I must just be a total retard bc I can't figure any of this out.
Really? I'm the only person stuck on 6?
Although, I AM *Jacob*, so as soon as I post this, I'll get the answer on my own.
Yep. haha every single time.
Wow, level 8 was easy! Stuck at level 7, but find the way later..cool game, I like it!
Tips for level 8 :
move all 3 balls up to the top most part, then move them down one by one, the key thing is green markers
finish all levels at http://oos.moxiecode.com/examples/threesome/
level 10 was the hardest from my point of view. The human characters are cute, makes the game look more interresting.
can anyone help me with level 9?
need help on level 5
Nice, short game. I like discovering old reviewed games thanks to the Recommended feature =D