The game is played by clicking on groups of the same color to eliminate them from play. Of course, the larger the group the more points awarded. But doing so also clears valuable space to fit more blocks, a new batch of which will fall into play with about every fourth click. Only by clearing very large groups (16+ blocks) can you earn a free click.
There is no "beating" this game that I could tell, the game ends when the play field fills up completely with blocks. There is a nice indicator on the bottom center of the game window that will always tell you how many blocks are in the color group under the mouse cursor. Use it to find the largest of groups available. Three Degrees is a very simple game to pick-up and play, a nice variation on a classic, and one that you will likely find yourself playing again and again.
21385, fun game
I simply love this game. i found it after you posted Kodama and have been playing it since. I love the way that the blocks act like sand, and dont just fall straight down like in other games like this. but i wish there was some way to beat it, or have levels or something.
nice, this definately comes high up the list of the 'click groups' type of game, but I have played so many like it!
still... Nice find.
I was on the last row before more poured in. Is that how it's suppose to be?
Thanks, giftedweasel, for coming up with a descriptor for the genre that this game fits under. I was having a time coming up with one myself, and eventually decided to just skip including one. And while "click groups" isn't exactly a scientific sounding type descriptor, it is an accurate one. =)
I've updated the review to include that. Cheers!
Do you know what exactly earns you a free click, jay? I've gotten around 9 clicks at the most, and I think it's around 15+, but I'm not certain yet.
Ah, yeah, I'm positive it's 15+. I just got 18 clicks from the first go by manipulating a bunch of groups, the smallest of which was 15.
Cheers for the 15+ discovery, lavkian. I've updated the review with that useful piece of info. =)
Cool game, but I'm not sure that 15+ thing is correct; I've cleared 15 blocks and had stuff fall immediately after.
Also, regarding getting extra clicks, if you clear a group of 32+ (or maybe it's 31+, I'm not sure, since I usually clear groups in even numbers), you get an extra click (i.e. if you had 3 clicks left before, you will have 4 after clearing the group). If you clear a group of low 50-ish+ (sorry, I don't know the exact threshold #), you get 2 extra clicks (i.e. if you had 3 clicks left before, you will have 5 after clearing the group).
I hope that makes sense.
Oops, I think WobL is correct. You need to clear a group of 16+ in order to get the extra click. Sorry for the confusion.
Additionally, 32 or more blocks gets you 2 extra clicks, 48 or more gets you 3 clicks, 64 gets you 4 clicks, and so on.
I'm not sure what makes the second counter (to the right of the click counter) go up, but when it reaches 6, four colors will start dropping instead of three.
Man, I want to know how the heck these guys managed 600k when I just barely broke 20. :\
Oddity: It says "Level" in Japanese, and I suppose that measures when you get another color.
The "click counter" says "Nokori Kulikku," but I dunno what Nokori means.
nokori means "remaining"
40,296 is my highest, level 33.
And eeeks! A fifth color (red) begins to drop around level 29!
I noticed that there is a short reprieve after being successful with the fourth color (navy), and it switches back to only three colors for a spell.
Must... stop... clicking... Can't seem to get much above mid twenties in the levels. Has anyone had a sharp enough eye to see "how" the sand slides when its on a slope? It seems to go several deep... I've also noticed, you can't clear just one block.
why are the letters in the picture of the game on this site not the same as those on the title page of the game?
cbeck, you definately can clear one block, i've done it by accident when i miss the group i'm aiming for.
Allegra - because I will often create my own composite images to promote the games being reviewed, and I thought this one made it look nice and appealing. ;)
The key to this is getting absolutely massive groups and clearing them all at once. My high score is 142000, and I got it by clearing a group of a little over 300, which gave me about 90k points as well as 15-20 free clicks, and then I got another group of a couple hundred shortly afterwards.
My score: http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/5383/highscorebd7.jpg
Sorry Jay hun, I still prefer the Same game. Though I do like this game, The japanace symbols etc put me off and I don't like the graphics, they're so blurey I get a headache if I play too long! If they updated it a bit (ie colours and graphics, maybe add a bonus bomb or something when you get a certain amount of points?), then it may become (only may!) better than the same game!
PS Thank you for thinking of me though hun, keep suggesting games to me!! Love you loads Jay!
Fun game!
aaaahhhh... got the red squares. I found it pretty much impossible after that. :) 39942 level 32 lol.
Three Degrees Celsius is now a Wiiware game?!
(Insert long, vulgar rant here)