Ever wonder what you would do if you found a wand that granted an unlimited number of wishes? That is just what happens to the central character in this Flash movie that is both humorous and thought provoking.
Would it be time to say goodbye to the same old dull routine and usher in a new age of wealth and prosperity? Would you use your powers for good, or would you take a more selfish path and keep it all to yourself? Regardless of the choices you make, one thing is certain: nothing would ever be the same again.
Nick's delightful and entertaining Flash animation took top honors in the contest and earned him $45,000 in cash and prizes. Flash? Yes, please. Click.
now i ain't sayin she's a gold digga... Loved it - made me laugh, smile, a bit sad and then laugh again. So now all I want to know is where the $45,000 is going - a shiny red car or the charity of his choice?
LOL @ the shiny red car.
And I suppose 'the wand' is just a metaphor for the artist's pencil with which he created his award-winning piece. =)
A veritable Harold and his purple crayon.
I thought it was a very witty piece of work!! I really enjoyed it.
I checked out his other pieces of work as well...they are all really great. He's very talented...especially his caricatures!!
Thanks Jay!
I thought that was fantastic. I think it was made a gajillion times better with the 'endings' gag.
bruce almighty
(typekey no worky)
wow, that's great!! Thanks Jay!
Jay I LOVED HAROLD AND THE PURPLE CRAYON WHEN I WAS YOUNGER...this is an amazing piece of work and i LOVED it!!!!
wow . . . deep . . . i liked the part about the two endings. it showed the point where he had to make a decision, whether to keep his rich and stylish life, and therefore die, or put things back to normal and help others, and therefore live. hmmm . . . it'll make me thinnk twice the next time a mysterious ufo lands in my house and i find a mysteriously glowing stick. 10 out of 10.
i liked this movie it was cute i liked the first ending though its like teaching us that giving is better than receiving ^_^
I enjoyed this short film more then 4/5th of the games on this website. And I enjoy most of the games.
A darn fine piece of animation, and a well-deserved $45,000.
Excellent, both endings. At the first *Hollywood* ending, I was about to show the film to my kids, but after wathcing the second ending, I am not so sure about that. Great movie.
I like the site, by the way.
very wierd. but i liked it. a very LONG head.
its a kool movie
ooohh... nice...
I LOVE this flash. It just goes to show that it's the feel, not the eye candy.
I'm so glad you posted this. It made my day.
Excellent! I especially loved the bit where he decided to give up his rich life style. really deep stuff, how he had to learn that it was either be caged up the rest of his life with the wand all to himself, or being free but keeping low
fantastic movie! i love atom films. if you truly have a dark sense of humour, check out "i love death."
nice - a moral tale with a sense of humour. nice touch that the wand's use brings colour to a monochrome world
Loved it. Short, to the point, very well made.
it reminds me of the coneheads..
a well-made flash anime!
every time its on atomfilms, it doesnt work! it does the add, then blank! nothing! zip! somebody tell me whats wrong!
Great animation! :D
O.o That guy has a really big head!
This guy (the character) has no imagination. Good looks, nice car, nice house??? You can get that with plain ol' hard work and luck. Imagine if this guy read sci-fi and/or fantasy. The smart kind. Heck, even superhero comics!
Imagine if he realized he could do anything. Water the Sahara. Fix global warming. Create new lifeforms, even new planets! Terraform Mars and teleport half of humanity there. The list goes on. The wand isn't money--it's omnipotence!
And if any of his wishes went wrong, he could repair it with another. He could even grant himself precognition, to prevent wishes-gone-wrong, and embed the wand in his flesh so he can't drop it--after all, he could make subordinate wands, if he wanted to share the power. He could wish himself omniscient, so he'd never make a bad choice.
All the knowledge in the Universe, all the universe as man's playground... The impact on humanity would be a lot greater than any threat to "national security." I'll bet that was just an excuse: obviously, whoever's in charge wanted his hands on such power!
Ok, back to the mundane world we're all banished to, that we call reality.