Here's something you'll never in a thousand years have considered... boring games are boring. It's true that there's a time and a place for a laugh, but when you really need one, games that truly level creatively in their own hilarity as the point of it all can be hard to find... unless you crack open the Vault, of course!
Llama Adventure - Kuzco wasn't such a fan of it, but I think you make llama look good, personally. jmtb02 serves up this delightfully bizarre and hilarious text game that asks you to solve a puzzle in each room... and insists you're a llama to boot. If it sounds weird... well, that's because it is, but wonderfully so, and the sort of effortlessly whimsical cleverness (with a twist!) most games just have to wish they could pull off.
Defend Your Honor - Tower defense games are a lot of things, but you don't typically think of them as being all that funny... unless we're talking about Anthony Lavelle's silly and engaging little gem. Riffing off classic RPG tropes and concepts, you begin the game as a bored young elf whose parents boot him out of their basement so he has no recourse but to get a Golden Walrus... and then things get strange. Though perhaps lighter in depth than other titles in the genre, its gleefully goofy concept and snappy dialogue makes this one the perfect choice to pass the time with a laugh or dozen.
Stealing the Diamond - Puffballs United puts a wacky spin on the choose-your-own-adventure style of gameplay as you control an ambitious stick figure looking to fatten his pockets with some very flashy bling. Trilby he ain't, so you'll have to make his choices for him... and more often than not it results in hilarious failure, illustrated by some very funny cutscenes. It's the sort of thing that's mainly just trying to make you laugh as hard and as often as possible, and even if you do a lot more watching than playing, you'll love every second of it.
While we welcome any comments about this weekly feature here, we do ask that if you need any help with the individual games, please post your questions on that game's review page. Well, what are you waiting for? Get out there and rediscover some awesome!
R.I.P. What-Do-You-Do. The webcomic(which was the basis for Defend Your Honor) died Feb 16.
P.S. If there are anymore lost members out there, there's a refugee center at