The Sea of Glomp is an adventure- themed Flash game created by Paul Kramm that draws heavy inspiration from old-style adventure games such as ... Adventure! You play a young fish whose egg has been stolen by a creature that looks like a bat. An underwater bat. You set out on a quest to find the egg, a task that takes you through some of the strangest parts of the sea you could imagine.
This is an old-school figure-it-out-yourself adventure, meaning once you start playing the game, you're on your own. Tutorials won't magically appear telling you how to progress, you just have to experiment and see what happens. This leads to remarkably open-ended gameplay and more than one possible solution to most of the puzzles.
I won't ruin any of the game in this review, as part of the fun of Sea of Glomp is wrapping your head around the mysteries and finding creative solutions to each problem. If you're stuck, try exploring other parts of the sea for clues. And remember that your chomp ability does more than bite, you can also use it to pick things up and carry them around...
Analysis: Sea of Glomp really pulled me in with its imaginitive creations, gorgeous visuals and fun gameplay ideas. Little touches like biting the fish hook and having to swim to a new body when you die bring a smile to your face, and figuring out puzzles is a challenge I was always happy to undertake.
On the down side, navigating the massive sea can be a chore, as you're never quite sure what's an obstacle and what's part of the foreground. The solution? Swim forth and see if you bump into it. As always, Sea of Glomp encourages you to try things out in order to see the results. Unfortunately for gamers who weren't raised on the tough-as-nails adventure games of yore, frustration may set in early on. If you stick with it, though, Sea of Glomp won't fail to reward you.
Inventive, compelling and stuffed with creative ideas. Welcome back, nostalgic adventuring!
Cheers to Mandypoo and Brendan for sending this one in!
Walkthrough Guide
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alright, so the maps I made are here:
Every location where an Item appears is marked by a circle. There are a few items in 'east side' that I moved there before I started making the maps. if anybody wants to make maps or fill in info that I don't have (read virtually any) feel free.
Posted by: the_corruptor
August 31, 2007 4:17 PM
Sea of Glomp Walkthrough
Firstly may I congratulate Paul Kramm on this game. It's wasted at least 5 days of my life as it was so compelling. If you really want to experience the challenge don't read any further. This is only for those who need help.
Bat steals your egg and you need to get it back to its original position
You have lots of objects to find and these are located in all different areas. There is the west sea, the sky, the cloud maze, the space maze with the space ship, the coral maze (with the sea above and the 1st cave/dragons lair), the east sea, the stomach maze, and the 2nd cave maze!!
Some of the objects are essential to completing the task. There are approx 3 items per area to be discovered.
This is going to take you some time to crack as there is lots of looping involved.
The Bat moves all the objects around on a random basis, this can either be annoying (mostly) or helpful depending on what gets moved where and when. However it only swaps items around it doesn't hide them in the original location where an item has been recovered from and moved.
The 3 Dragons appear separately or together in different screens.
The Mazes can be tricky because whilst there is a logic to the flow its not a direct one; eg. moving left out of one page may throw you into another page completely. It does all fit together but not quite how you are expecting it to.
There are 4 different starting layouts.
There is more than one way to get your egg back. Essential are the magnet and the sword (or Cutlass) and you will also need the vertical funneling device and a key in most cases.
A useful start is to try and open one of the chests with the relevant key (although this probably won't be the first thing you find/be able to get hold of). The chests are areas where you can safely store your objects and rest(effectively pause the game). Without the chest the random bat is going to keep stealing your essentials.
You ideally want to locate the magnet and the sword and carry the 2 around together. The sword gets rid of the dragons and the magnet attracts items from any location on the screen. There are at least 3 locations where you cannot retrieve the item without the magnet. Carrying the 2 together is time consuming but better than having to wait for the dragon to disappear from a screen. NB If you are quick on you controls you can sometimes retrieve some items by racing in and racing out past the dragon without the sword - but this is not easy.
I recommend finding one of the warp portals and placing this in the open chest. This guarantees that:
It doesn't get taken
You have a safe place to travel to at least at one end.
May get you to an area you have yet to discover.
If you get super lucky and the other portal is taken to the Dragons cave area, you can quickly travel back and forwards with the magnet and sword, retrieve the egg and return. This is the quickest way to win but has its dangers in that the warp portal might get moved by the bat before you can get through and if you haven't opened the metal gate previously you could be stuck.
I also recommend collecting the retrieved items in the chest and leave one or 2 non essential items above it. This then becomes your 'base' and you can start using the bats random behaviour to bring new items to you rather than have it stealing your essential ones.
Sword or Cutlass
Vertical Funnel
2 or 3 Keys
Highly useful = warp portals
mini sword is above octopus
green key in the stomoch of "belly"
blue key is in the chest in the sky
red key in cave
vertical funnel in volcano
horizontal funnel in chest above eels
big sword in starting area chest
warp portal 1 in heart of "belly"
warp portal 2 in sky
Go to the coral maze and then find the cave within to the dragons lair. Here you will find the metal gate.
Use the funnel to go through this and then swim into the button on the screen below. This opens the shutter to the key lock on the screen above.
Use the correct colour of key and the metal gate will move/open. If the bat moves the funneling device this is now not a problem.
Go to the lair and retrieve the egg with the magnet and sword. Note: A quick way to do this is to take the 2nd warp portal and then move everything you require through it. You cannot move items through the funnel so you have to open the gate (unless you have a scenario as described in point 4 above)
Use the diagonal move/arrows to get into the cloud maze which incidentally can only be seen after visiting the waterfall whilst flying.
Avoid carrying the magnet and funneling device together by the edge of a screen. The program can stop/crash (very frustrating - have to start allover again)
Eat a fish to gain life
Find a heart (or 2) as this gives you double/triple life energy
You need 3 stones to fill the bucket
I haven't worked out what all items do. There are the obvious ones like the Viking helmet which reduces damage but most (if they each have a purpose) are not essential to completing the task.
I could go on about how to navigate each maze but that would
1. Make playing the game pointless
2. Waste another 5 days of my life
Posted by: dave wright | September 6, 2007 9:48 AM