An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

The Nightjar

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The Nightjar

JohnBThe most frightening things are often the ones you can't see. It stands to reason, then, that in a world where nothing is visible, just about everything is frightening. The Nightjar is an audio adventure from Papa Sangre that uses a rudimentary visual interface to allow you to explore a sci-fi horror adventure world. Every sound has a meaning, and every step moves you through a dark labyrinth of mental images. Now let's see if you can escape this ship you've been stranded on without getting eaten by one of those "complex, non-human" lifeforms!

The NightjarNavigating The Nightjar requires you to listen and locate sounds then use a few simple visual controls to move through the world. Alternate tapping the left and right "tracks" on the screen to walk, your feet making appropriate noises on every surface they strike. To turn left or right, simply swipe the top of the screen. Sounds appear to come from different locations as you move and pivot. The game often requires you to seek out a particular sound (a door lock release, for example), then find the exit to continue. That isn't to say there aren't some twists in the gameplay, however...

As the story progresses, The Nightjar becomes more of a frightening place. It's a strong story-driven game and puzzles are presented at their absolute minimum. There are 14 chapters in all, each lasting just a few minutes for around an hour of gameplay in all. It's a bit on the short side, but the experience is absolutely worth it. And yes, that's the voice of Benedict Cumberbatch you hear!

Get ready for one of the most frighteningly lifelike games on any mobile device. When a world exists only as words and sounds in your ears, you'll be surprised at the horrifying images your brain conjures up.

NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 3. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.

Walkthrough Guide

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The Nightjar Walkthrough

  • NOTE: The following instructions use cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West) to help guide and orient the player. However, these directions will only be accurate if the player begins the level facing due North..

  • If you end a level facing one direction, such as Southeast, you will often begin the next level facing that same direction. Thus, the point of origin is now Southeast, and none of the compass directions in this guide will correctly apply (although the steps and instructions are still correct).

  • To change your starting direction, simply swipe your compass to point due North, tap the screen 3 times to view the in-game menu, then press "RETRY" to restart the level facing North.

Level 1 - New Ears

  1. Once you gain control of your character, start by walking towards the door indicated by a beeping noise.

  2. To move, alternately touch the left and right rows of bars on the screen.

    • The faster you tap these bars, the more quickly your character will move.

  3. As you walk towards the door, you'll notice the sound getting louder to indicate your approach. The next scene will begin automatically once you reach the door.

Level 2 - Walk This Way

  1. Just as in the previous level, alternate between tapping the left and right bars at the bottom of the screen to walk forward.

  2. Be careful not to move too quickly or your character will fall.

  3. Continue to move forward all the way to the door to exit.

Level 3 - Brief History of Earth

  1. At the start of the level, you will be instructed to turn around.

    • You'll see a compass at the top of the screen. Swipe to rotate it, noting the long lines at each quarter section indicating each cardinal direction.

    • The set of 3 long lines at the top indicates North, left of that is West, right of it is East, and on the opposite side at the bottom is South. You can use these directions to help orient yourself in the future.

  2. Once you've turned 180 degrees (you don't need to make a full circle, just face the opposite direction of wherever you were turned when the level began), you'll need to find the exit.

  3. Turn towards the sensor (which sounds like a beeping alarm) by rotating to face East. The next stage will begin automatically.

Level 4 - Life Support

  1. Listen carefully to find the direction of the beeping sound.

    • If you hear the sound more clearly on the left, then you need to turn left to face it. Or, if you hear it on the right, then turn right. You'll know you're facing it directly when you hear it equally in both ears.

    • The sounds will be louder the closer you are to it and the nearer you are to facing it.

  2. Follow the voice's instructions and take about five steps forward.

  3. Stop and listen to locate the direction of the sensor. If you started the level facing North, it can usually be found around Northwest. Adjust your compass and turn left to face the sound, then take another five steps.

    • Continue the pattern of walking, listening, and turning until after about 21 paces total you'll reach the sensor an open the door to the docking bay.

  4. Now listen for a chiming sound that indicates the exit. Turn right until you hear the sound evenly in both ears (around North-by-Northeast).

    • Take 10 paces forward, then stop and listen again. Adjust your compass if you need to turn again, then take another few steps forward to reach the door.

Level 5 - Behind You

  1. Listen for the sensor, turn to face it if necessary so that it's equally audible in both ears, then take about 6 paces forward (towards North if you started the level facing North) until you're interrupted by a low banging noise.

  2. Take about 9 more steps ahead to hear the clicking sounds of of a nearby alien. Wait for it to go silent again so that you can better hear the sensor.

  3. Move around 5 more steps forward, then turn right to face the Northeast. Walk about 15 paces towards the sound.

    • If you get disoriented along the way, remember to stop, listen, and adjust every 5 steps to face the direction of the sound again, until you reach the sensor, which will open the door.

    • Now listen for the chime around the Northwest and walk about 10 paces towards it to reach the exit door.

Level 6 - Creep

  1. Move about 15 paces forward due North towards the sensor.

    • Although the voice instructs you to creep carefully, you can actually move at a regular pace without alerting the alien to your presence.

    • The trick to this level is actually to avoid walking directly into the sensor. Instead, come at it from a slight angle.

  2. After taking the initial 15 steps, turn about three clicks to the right (North-by-Northeast) and move another 5 steps.

  3. Stop, turn left to face due North again and take 1 step forward to hit the sensor.

  4. Once you've opened the door with the sensor, take 15 paces forward facing due North to follow the chiming sound of the door.

  5. At this point you should be hearing it fairly loudly. Turn three clicks right(North-by-Northeast), just like before, and take 5 more paces forward to reach the exit.

Level 7 - Dark Matters

  1. Listen for the beeping sound of the sensor and turn about five clicks left (Northwest) to face it. Take 15 paces forward.

  2. Stop and listen again, then adjust the camera due North and take another 16 steps to reach the sensor.

    • While walking to and from the sensor, keep an ear out for the pulsating noise that indicates the dark matter leaking from the engine.

    • If you cross it, it will kill you, so be very careful if you hear that noise growing louder.

  3. Now turn all the way around to face South and move forward 15 steps towards the door.

  4. Turn due East and take another 5 steps. You should hear the chime of the door fairly loudly at this point.

  5. Face Southeast and move 3 more paces to reach the exit.

Level 8 - Human Waste

  1. The key to this level is to know when to walk, and when to run for your life without falling.

    • If you hear your footsteps on metal, then you should be safe. However, if you hear splashing to indicate you are walking in water, the alien in the room will be alerted to your presence.

  2. Walk North 5 paces to reach the end of the drain. Now start running.

    • The alien will start to screech as soon as you hit the water, just keep moving through the water as quickly as you can until you hear your footsteps reach the metal platform again (on the 18th step).

    • It's now safe to stop and listen for the sensor again.

  3. Turn Northeast and take 3 steps. Face due East and walk 5 more steps to reach the first sensor.

  4. Next, turn the compass Northwest and take 16 paces forward to reach the second sensor.

    • Remember to adjust every 5 steps if you need to. When you hit sensor #2, the exit door will open.

  5. Walk 5 paces due East. Face North and take 4 more steps ahead. The next step is in the water, get ready to run again!

  6. Move forward 5 paces quickly to get out of the water, but the monster is still coming. As fast as you can, take 4 more steps North to escape out the door.

Level 9 - Green Eggs and Slime

  1. The most important thing to remember in this level is not to move too quickly over the goo on the ground, because it will cause you to slip.

    • Falling down at any time will alert a nearby alien who will hunt you down and kill you.

    • Listen to your footsteps to identify what you are walking over. The safe walkway makes a metallic noise when you walk over it, while the goo makes a wet splashing sound.

  2. First, you'll need to find and get the blowtorch. You should be able to hear its flame burning a short distance away.

  3. Walk 5 paces due North. Stop, turn 3 clicks to the left (North-by-Northwest) and go 5 more steps to pick up the blowtorch.

    • Now that you've got a weapon, you can start breaking some eggs. You'll hear the first of three hatchlings off to the east.

  4. Turn Northeast and move 15 steps. Adjust towards due East and take 3 more steps to find and kill the first hatchling.

    • Make your way towards the next egg in the other direction.

  5. Face Northwest and take 15 paces forward. Adjust to face due West and walk another 6 steps to destroy the second hatchling

    • Listen for the third and final egg off in the distance and turn towards it so that you hear it evenly in both ears.

  6. Go 10 paces Northeast, then stop and listen again to readjust. Turn due North and move forward 4 more steps to destroy the last egg.

    • You're now in immediate danger. Start moving Northwest as fast as you possibly can without falling in the goo.

  7. Quickly move Northwest 10 paces, then turn due North and move 8 more steps to make it out the door before the alien catches you.

Level 10 - Trust Nothing

  1. First turn Northwest to face the sound of the chiming door. Take 18 paces forward to approach it.

    • In the distance you can hear the sound of a sleeping alien. Be very careful not to approach it and do not fall; it really doesn't like to be woken up.

  2. Turn due North and walk 15 steps. Stop and adjust five clicks to the right (Northeast), then take 4 more steps to find the spacesuit.

  3. Next, face due East and go 10 paces.

  4. Rotate the compass towards the Southeast and take 7 more steps to enter the airlock.

Level 11 - Deep Space

  1. In this level, you'll need to find and unlock the three life raft clamps located around the room without disturbing the sleeping monster.

    • The first clamp is very nearby, you should be able to hear it beeping a short distance away.

  2. Turn three clicks to the right of West (West-by-Northwest) and move 4 paces forward to find the first clamp.

  3. Next, turn three clicks to the right of North (North-by-Northeast) to face the next clamp. Take 15 steps to hit this clamp as well.

  4. The third and last clamp is located Northwest of your current location, however your path is blocked by the monster who will devour you if you walk directly into it.

  5. Instead, face due North and go forward 15 steps. Turn due West and take 11 more steps to reach the final clamp and navigate around the alien.

  6. Now that all three clamps are removed, you can escape out the hatch. If you listen carefully, you should be able to hear it chiming quite a distance away.

  7. Keep your direction at due West and move 20 paces. The sound of the hatch door should be much louder now.

  8. Adjust to face the Southwest and walk 3 more steps to reach the exit.

Level 12 - Exit Pursued by an Alien

  1. All you need to do for this stage is climb down the ladder as fast as possible without falling.

  2. While you climb, you will be pursued by an alien who will push you to your death if he catches up with you.

  3. Tap quickly to keep a safe distance from it, but be careful not too fall. If you do fall, you won't die but it will slow you a couple seconds while you get back up.

  4. The next stage will automatically begin once you reach the bottom of the ladder.

Level 13 - A Jar of Dark

  1. In this level, you'll have to reach the sensors while avoiding the two sleeping aliens inside the room.

    • Taking the most direct path towards the noise is not always safest. Keep an ear open for the snoring sounds of the aliens, and move very carefully when you hear the breathing start to get louder as you approach.

  2. First take 10 steps due North.

  3. Stop, listen, and turn Northwest. Take another 15 steps.

  4. Readjust back to facing North and move forward 14 steps to hit the first sensor.

    • The next sensor is very nearby, but so is one of the aliens.

  5. Carefully move North one step. Pivot towards the East and move 5 paces to find the second sensor.

    • Be very careful when approaching this sensor, because one of the aliens is right next to it.

  6. Now, make your wait to the exit as quickly and directly as possible.

  7. First turn 3 clicks to the right of East (East-by-Southeast) and move 25 paces.

    • After about 20 steps, you'll hear the shriek of an alien as it wakes up automatically. Start running when that happens, but do not fall. You'll have to move quickly or it will catch you.

    • Quickly turn 5 clicks left of South (South-by-Southeast) and run 6 more steps to escape out the exit door.

Level 14 - Choose Death

  1. You have two choices. You can go either "certain death in the airlock" or "pressing the sensor and going home."

    • Follow the voice of the man to go to the airlock, or follow the buzzing alarm to go to the sensor.

  2. To reach the airlock, move 25 paces Northeast and 2 paces North.

  3. Or, if you wish to go to the sensor instead, turn 5 clicks left of north (North-by-Northwest) and walk 25 steps.

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The Nightjar Walkthrough

  • NOTE: The following instructions use cardinal directions (North, South, East, and West) to help guide and orient the player. However, these directions will only be accurate if the player begins the level facing due North..

  • If you end a level facing one direction, such as Southeast, you will often begin the next level facing that same direction. Thus, the point of origin is now Southeast, and none of the compass directions in this guide will correctly apply (although the steps and instructions are still correct).

  • To change your starting direction, simply swipe your compass to point due North, tap the screen 3 times to view the in-game menu, then press "RETRY" to restart the level facing North.

Level 1 - New Ears

  1. Once you gain control of your character, start by walking towards the door indicated by a beeping noise.

  2. To move, alternately touch the left and right rows of bars on the screen.

    • The faster you tap these bars, the more quickly your character will move.

  3. As you walk towards the door, you'll notice the sound getting louder to indicate your approach. The next scene will begin automatically once you reach the door.

Level 2 - Walk This Way

  1. Just as in the previous level, alternate between tapping the left and right bars at the bottom of the screen to walk forward.

  2. Be careful not to move too quickly or your character will fall.

  3. Continue to move forward all the way to the door to exit.

Level 3 - Brief History of Earth

  1. At the start of the level, you will be instructed to turn around.

    • You'll see a compass at the top of the screen. Swipe to rotate it, noting the long lines at each quarter section indicating each cardinal direction.

    • The set of 3 long lines at the top indicates North, left of that is West, right of it is East, and on the opposite side at the bottom is South. You can use these directions to help orient yourself in the future.

  2. Once you've turned 180 degrees (you don't need to make a full circle, just face the opposite direction of wherever you were turned when the level began), you'll need to find the exit.

  3. Turn towards the sensor (which sounds like a beeping alarm) by rotating to face East. The next stage will begin automatically.

Level 4 - Life Support

  1. Listen carefully to find the direction of the beeping sound.

    • If you hear the sound more clearly on the left, then you need to turn left to face it. Or, if you hear it on the right, then turn right. You'll know you're facing it directly when you hear it equally in both ears.

    • The sounds will be louder the closer you are to it and the nearer you are to facing it.

  2. Follow the voice's instructions and take about five steps forward.

  3. Stop and listen to locate the direction of the sensor. If you started the level facing North, it can usually be found around Northwest. Adjust your compass and turn left to face the sound, then take another five steps.

    • Continue the pattern of walking, listening, and turning until after about 21 paces total you'll reach the sensor an open the door to the docking bay.

  4. Now listen for a chiming sound that indicates the exit. Turn right until you hear the sound evenly in both ears (around North-by-Northeast).

    • Take 10 paces forward, then stop and listen again. Adjust your compass if you need to turn again, then take another few steps forward to reach the door.

Level 5 - Behind You

  1. Listen for the sensor, turn to face it if necessary so that it's equally audible in both ears, then take about 6 paces forward (towards North if you started the level facing North) until you're interrupted by a low banging noise.

  2. Take about 9 more steps ahead to hear the clicking sounds of of a nearby alien. Wait for it to go silent again so that you can better hear the sensor.

  3. Move around 5 more steps forward, then turn right to face the Northeast. Walk about 15 paces towards the sound.

    • If you get disoriented along the way, remember to stop, listen, and adjust every 5 steps to face the direction of the sound again, until you reach the sensor, which will open the door.

    • Now listen for the chime around the Northwest and walk about 10 paces towards it to reach the exit door.

Level 6 - Creep

  1. Move about 15 paces forward due North towards the sensor.

    • Although the voice instructs you to creep carefully, you can actually move at a regular pace without alerting the alien to your presence.

    • The trick to this level is actually to avoid walking directly into the sensor. Instead, come at it from a slight angle.

  2. After taking the initial 15 steps, turn about three clicks to the right (North-by-Northeast) and move another 5 steps.

  3. Stop, turn left to face due North again and take 1 step forward to hit the sensor.

  4. Once you've opened the door with the sensor, take 15 paces forward facing due North to follow the chiming sound of the door.

  5. At this point you should be hearing it fairly loudly. Turn three clicks right(North-by-Northeast), just like before, and take 5 more paces forward to reach the exit.

Level 7 - Dark Matters

  1. Listen for the beeping sound of the sensor and turn about five clicks left (Northwest) to face it. Take 15 paces forward.

  2. Stop and listen again, then adjust the camera due North and take another 16 steps to reach the sensor.

    • While walking to and from the sensor, keep an ear out for the pulsating noise that indicates the dark matter leaking from the engine.

    • If you cross it, it will kill you, so be very careful if you hear that noise growing louder.

  3. Now turn all the way around to face South and move forward 15 steps towards the door.

  4. Turn due East and take another 5 steps. You should hear the chime of the door fairly loudly at this point.

  5. Face Southeast and move 3 more paces to reach the exit.

Level 8 - Human Waste

  1. The key to this level is to know when to walk, and when to run for your life without falling.

    • If you hear your footsteps on metal, then you should be safe. However, if you hear splashing to indicate you are walking in water, the alien in the room will be alerted to your presence.

  2. Walk North 5 paces to reach the end of the drain. Now start running.

    • The alien will start to screech as soon as you hit the water, just keep moving through the water as quickly as you can until you hear your footsteps reach the metal platform again (on the 18th step).

    • It's now safe to stop and listen for the sensor again.

  3. Turn Northeast and take 3 steps. Face due East and walk 5 more steps to reach the first sensor.

  4. Next, turn the compass Northwest and take 16 paces forward to reach the second sensor.

    • Remember to adjust every 5 steps if you need to. When you hit sensor #2, the exit door will open.

  5. Walk 5 paces due East. Face North and take 4 more steps ahead. The next step is in the water, get ready to run again!

  6. Move forward 5 paces quickly to get out of the water, but the monster is still coming. As fast as you can, take 4 more steps North to escape out the door.

Level 9 - Green Eggs and Slime

  1. The most important thing to remember in this level is not to move too quickly over the goo on the ground, because it will cause you to slip.

    • Falling down at any time will alert a nearby alien who will hunt you down and kill you.

    • Listen to your footsteps to identify what you are walking over. The safe walkway makes a metallic noise when you walk over it, while the goo makes a wet splashing sound.

  2. First, you'll need to find and get the blowtorch. You should be able to hear its flame burning a short distance away.

  3. Walk 5 paces due North. Stop, turn 3 clicks to the left (North-by-Northwest) and go 5 more steps to pick up the blowtorch.

    • Now that you've got a weapon, you can start breaking some eggs. You'll hear the first of three hatchlings off to the east.

  4. Turn Northeast and move 15 steps. Adjust towards due East and take 3 more steps to find and kill the first hatchling.

    • Make your way towards the next egg in the other direction.

  5. Face Northwest and take 15 paces forward. Adjust to face due West and walk another 6 steps to destroy the second hatchling

    • Listen for the third and final egg off in the distance and turn towards it so that you hear it evenly in both ears.

  6. Go 10 paces Northeast, then stop and listen again to readjust. Turn due North and move forward 4 more steps to destroy the last egg.

    • You're now in immediate danger. Start moving Northwest as fast as you possibly can without falling in the goo.

  7. Quickly move Northwest 10 paces, then turn due North and move 8 more steps to make it out the door before the alien catches you.

Level 10 - Trust Nothing

  1. First turn Northwest to face the sound of the chiming door. Take 18 paces forward to approach it.

    • In the distance you can hear the sound of a sleeping alien. Be very careful not to approach it and do not fall; it really doesn't like to be woken up.

  2. Turn due North and walk 15 steps. Stop and adjust five clicks to the right (Northeast), then take 4 more steps to find the spacesuit.

  3. Next, face due East and go 10 paces.

  4. Rotate the compass towards the Southeast and take 7 more steps to enter the airlock.

Level 11 - Deep Space

  1. In this level, you'll need to find and unlock the three life raft clamps located around the room without disturbing the sleeping monster.

    • The first clamp is very nearby, you should be able to hear it beeping a short distance away.

  2. Turn three clicks to the right of West (West-by-Northwest) and move 4 paces forward to find the first clamp.

  3. Next, turn three clicks to the right of North (North-by-Northeast) to face the next clamp. Take 15 steps to hit this clamp as well.

  4. The third and last clamp is located Northwest of your current location, however your path is blocked by the monster who will devour you if you walk directly into it.

  5. Instead, face due North and go forward 15 steps. Turn due West and take 11 more steps to reach the final clamp and navigate around the alien.

  6. Now that all three clamps are removed, you can escape out the hatch. If you listen carefully, you should be able to hear it chiming quite a distance away.

  7. Keep your direction at due West and move 20 paces. The sound of the hatch door should be much louder now.

  8. Adjust to face the Southwest and walk 3 more steps to reach the exit.

Level 12 - Exit Pursued by an Alien

  1. All you need to do for this stage is climb down the ladder as fast as possible without falling.

  2. While you climb, you will be pursued by an alien who will push you to your death if he catches up with you.

  3. Tap quickly to keep a safe distance from it, but be careful not too fall. If you do fall, you won't die but it will slow you a couple seconds while you get back up.

  4. The next stage will automatically begin once you reach the bottom of the ladder.

Level 13 - A Jar of Dark

  1. In this level, you'll have to reach the sensors while avoiding the two sleeping aliens inside the room.

    • Taking the most direct path towards the noise is not always safest. Keep an ear open for the snoring sounds of the aliens, and move very carefully when you hear the breathing start to get louder as you approach.

  2. First take 10 steps due North.

  3. Stop, listen, and turn Northwest. Take another 15 steps.

  4. Readjust back to facing North and move forward 14 steps to hit the first sensor.

    • The next sensor is very nearby, but so is one of the aliens.

  5. Carefully move North one step. Pivot towards the East and move 5 paces to find the second sensor.

    • Be very careful when approaching this sensor, because one of the aliens is right next to it.

  6. Now, make your wait to the exit as quickly and directly as possible.

  7. First turn 3 clicks to the right of East (East-by-Southeast) and move 25 paces.

    • After about 20 steps, you'll hear the shriek of an alien as it wakes up automatically. Start running when that happens, but do not fall. You'll have to move quickly or it will catch you.

    • Quickly turn 5 clicks left of South (South-by-Southeast) and run 6 more steps to escape out the exit door.

Level 14 - Choose Death

  1. You have two choices. You can go either "certain death in the airlock" or "pressing the sensor and going home."

    • Follow the voice of the man to go to the airlock, or follow the buzzing alarm to go to the sensor.

  2. To reach the airlock, move 25 paces Northeast and 2 paces North.

  3. Or, if you wish to go to the sensor instead, turn 5 clicks left of north (North-by-Northwest) and walk 25 steps.


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