Game created by Benjamin Soule of Motion-Twin Hosted here with kind permission of the author |
Unfortunately, one of the downsides to moving all the games we host is that any game saves you may have created will seem to be missing since Flash stores your data on your hard drive based on the server domain name where the game is being hosted.
Tech savvy users can resurrect those lost saves by locating the .sol file (Flash game save file) for the old domain — will be of the format:* where * stands for the first letter in the game title — and move it to where the .sol file is stored for the same game at the new domain,
If you have a problem with that, leave a comment and someone should be able to help out.
I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you, but rest assured this won't ever likely happen again, and your experience here at Jayisgames should be even better from now on. :)
Walkthrough Guide
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A list of what each upgrade does, from left to right:
Personnel: Increases the number of men working by one.
Leg Strength: Increases the speed of the men when they're coming back to RedBus.
Arm Strength: Increases the speed of the men when they're carrying cargo to Global Switch.
Throw: Upgrade once, and the men will occasionally stop and throw their cargo to Global Switch instead of carrying it all the way. Upgrade further and they'll do it more often.
Package Reinforcement: Reinforces the cargo so that if you drop it on the ground after picking it up with the cursor, it won't break.
Posted by: SonicLover
December 17, 2010 5:48 PM