You control a sliding platform at the center of the screen, vaguely reminiscent of Breakout. Instead of shattering bricks, however, your goal is to help bounding deer cross a forest stream. Slide the platform underneath them to give them ground to land on and make sure they make it across the gap. Click and drag the mouse to leave a stationary "shadow platform" for a limited time, allowing you to take care of several leaping deer at once. Your score accumulates as the deer leap to safety, but you can only miss five before it's game over. The occasional leaf falls from the trees that will add to your score or make the platform longer, so keep an eye for those drifting from the top of the screen.
The artwork for The Crossing is on par with Ferry's other releases, and the music is as soothing as ever. One minor difficulty is a lack of a visual cue where the stream begins and ends. When several deer are on the screen at once, each jumping at its own pace, it's often unclear whether or not the animal will land safely without your intervention. With practice you learn your boundaries, however, and before you know it you'll rack up a score in the millions.
Just like A Dog for all Seasons, Winterbells and every other Orisinal game, this one is simple but stunning in every possible way.
Honestly this is a very very nice game. But it wasnt long until I wanted to see what happened when a deer fell. Then i laughed and played some more.
Yay, a new Ferry Halim game! His games are always beautiful, gorgeous, and creative, with unique gameplay mechanics. I've just played this one once so far, so I can't speak to its lasting playability, but first impression is that it's lovely.
Honestly I didn't think this game was very good. It is really very boring and although the deer animation is good it never changes it and after the 800th time of watching the deer cross it gets kind of underwhelming. The game isn't challenging at all and the only thing have a highscore in it would mean is that your brain is numb enough to watch this thing for that long.
The game is indeed lovely and the animated deer are of the most beautiful I've ever seen in any Flash game. The simple gameplay mechanic makes the game quick and easy to pick-up and play right away. The limited "shadow platform" adds a bit of depth to the gameplay by forcing the player to ration its use to only when necessary. I was quickly "in the zone" playing this game and enjoying the experience immensely.
I agree with John: Ferry has outdone himself once again. =)
It's kinda hard to tell where exactly the landing point is for the deer. This lead to a lot of mishaps in my game. Oh well.
The deer are traveling at different rates, so predicting the landing points becomes an important element of the gameplay.
Use the red "shadow platform" to your best advantage to cover more of the chasm and reduce the chances of a deer falling.
obviously it was in the stars that I wasn't going to finish my homework tonight....
Not sure if that's a good score or not. :/
Got boring quick, but very elegant.
My high score is over 16M and even I didn't get on the high score list, so probably not so good.
It is easy to see how the scores are almost exponential though, so I am sure you weren't that far off jay :)
It reminds me of Bugs in an odd way--after a while, yes, there is little challenge, but the music is quieting and the artwork beautiful. The overall effect is very medititative.
ferry halim's stuff is consistently pretty, as you mentioned, but the preponderance of high-score mind-numbers he develops is a little off-putting. it's probably just my tastes, but i really wish he would use his considerable talents in service of something with a little more fulfilling goal, such as an rpg-style game or even adding a few more games to his site that have a defined goal and endpoint, rather than just see how long you can last before you die.
The Orisinal game site to casual gaming, and it's still my very favorite. Fabulous music, gorgeous graphics, and gameplay that is just challenging enough to give you a real break from the rest of your day.
I continually check and recheck the site to see when a new game has been posted, but i've been mad busy of late -- so thanks, Jay, for the news that another gorgeous game is up and ready to play.
Wow... beautiful game. I need to see a dentist.
That was a bit snarky, eh?
Actually, an entrancing game, but I agree with jesse (again today!)... I just had to see the deer fall. I didn't laugh, but I was a mite disappointed. I would have probably played forever if my phone didn't ring. Scared the living 'ell out of me!
Though exceedingly blurry, the background is of a river with two banks... if the front legs touch the right hand bank, the deer will land safely.
Also, as well as the 2 powerups mentioned, you can also acquire extra lives!
The artwork is amongst the most beautiful I've seen in a game and it's worth playing to experience that - both the animation and the light/shadow effects conspire to create a breathtaking whole.
However, the rules of the game are uninspired, being the mouse-based G&W 'fire' clone that they are, and unlike Winterbells, I started to feel bored after a while, with too little tension and too gradual variations for my liking.
zach - then they wouldn't be Orisinal games. ;)
it's a wonderful game... even after playing, I can just listen to the soothing music while doing other work. Absolutely love it.
Isn't it odd how the music doesn't feel like you're playing a casual game? That's why I like Orisinal.
It's a great game to just get in the flow with (like winterbells and a few others of his).
I didn't see a high score list (and I completely don't mind if there isnt, since hs lists are silly!).
I did get 15,349,950 before 2 deer suddenly decided to go swimming :(
Really beautiful - but slightly boring and too easy - though it got harder - needed to be faster!
The game is deffinitely soothing and beautiful. The music, background, nice deer animations..
It is also one of the most dreadfully boring games I have played in my life. I've been helping the deer for 10 minutes, racking up manic points until I got seriously bored. Not once did any deer come into danger of falling and I wasn't even aware that you had the option of using a "shadow platform".
I loved that four puppies in four different seasons much more.
Jeeze, that game gets rather hard around 15,000,000 points xD
31,205,950 on the second try. I love Orisinal games. They are just so... so relaxing!
This is a remarkable game, and the graphics are amazing, but I find myself getting bored. Gameplay could be improved if there was more to do, perhaps?
Other than that, I really do love this game. The music relaxes me, reminds me of Bambi heh, and I really calmed down after listening to a 13 month old baby screaming all day. Thanks Ferry, another excellent game :)
For those of you complaining of a lack of challenge-- I don't believe thats what these games are for. You explore Ferry Halim's other games, and you'll see a similar tone of calm, relaxed, and easy gameplay. These games are not meant to give you carpel tunnel trying to beat them, its a break from the excitement and ruckus of our day, or our other games, and gives us a chance to breathe and relax without too much trouble; a marvelous blend of simplistic gameplay and a little soothing music seem to do the trick wonderfully.
Cherish these games. Its rarely you stumble upon such unique creations.
I love Ferry Halim, but he must tighten up his game design, focusing less on graphics/sound/mood and more on balance. It doesn't require a genius to understand that this game gets boring fast. Maybe it's just me, but I cannot rate this game higher than a 4/10.
Sadly, a lot of his games are HOURS LONG MARATHONS before you lose your first life and this is no exception. As cutthroat as Winterbells is, in a sense, I think that most of his games should be like that one, e.g. 1-lifers.
At long last! a new game by Ferry Halim.
I never figured out where he gets his music (or in what program does he make it - it doesn't sound like midi at all)...
Possibly the dullest game ever. It was, like DeSangre said, an eternity before losing a life became eminent. Music was nice, though.
Dullest game ever? Come on. That's nothing short of ridiculous, insensitive, and so obviously not true. You evidently have not played many games because there are a WHOLE LOT of them more dull than this game is. Sheesh.
First go: 13,315,950
Fun, simple, relaxing, and easy, but with a steady buildup of difficulty.
8,638,430 -My score
:) Great game. I've been waiting for Orisinal to create a new game. It's been a while since the last one. It's good to know it was worth the wait! ^^ Very entertaining. It's adorable.
sweet, i got the highest score so far =)
50 mil
65907630--beat that! :D
I think I prefer Winterbells, but nevertheless I love this game!
Such a beautiful game - nothing more to say since it has all already been noted here. It kinda brings tears to the eyes :'(
I love Winterbells, due to its addictive nature. But I haven't gotten addicted to this. I think I'm the only person to say this, but I didn't actually really enjoy this game. (Beautiful graphics, though!)
heres my score:
100 mil
hope i got the spoiler tags right
to hairydoginparis and DeSangre: if these kind of games can be boring, i really wonder what kinds of games would'nt. If even orisinal games can be "dull" then you've obviously missed out on something in the world of casual gaming. orisinal games are some of the best. if you don't play them, you're missing out on a great gem.
this site is the best ever, keep up the great work jay! ;)
this game is amazing its very nice its so peaceful and calming try it
Augh, I want that music so, so much.
I found this game one of the most exciting things ever. I was doing my Spanish homework one night and Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back was playing on the radio. TRIUMPH! I began to jump deer across the lake and the song was on loupe for some reason and I had an ALL TIME HIGH. The deer flew of their own volition! I got 200 MILLION!!!
Hmmm ... Overall, cute. But the first time I missed one I thought I had just killed Bambi. Very sad.