The Ball Game

Using just the arrow keys for navigation and the space bar to brake, the object is to avoid all walls and obstacles while trying to find the goal hidden within each maze-like level, and all in the shortest time possible. Each level increases in complexity and difficulty, and the game saves your progress so you can pick up later where you left off, or try to best your previous scores. Three difficulty modes support various player skill sets, and more is yet to come.
Once you complete all 10 levels, the game announces there are more power-ups coming as well as tournaments to challenge your friends, and even a level editor to create your own levels. Will have to keep an eye on this one.
A shout out to Chris for suggesting the game.
Did anyone have a problem with this game because I did. The ball never showed up.
I loved the game!
Somehting wrong with game or with my school iBook. The game is loading then it goes black.>?
It looks like a sperm trying to get to an egg.
Works fine here. Update Flash? Anyways, a great game. I look forward to new levels and a level editor!
Yeah I had quite the same problem as Tim, the game loaded, but the ball never showed up :/ I was looking foreward to playing this too, oh well
I was also looking forward to the game.
If you're having trouble playing this game, make sure you have the latest Flash player installed. I have played it on my PC and my Mac with no trouble at all.
this game is very cool! i enjoy this game a lot! great game
They have just released some new levels ( 11 - 20 ) which have some new power ups... I enjoyed them.
Gah! Moving things! Nasty. great game though. Can't wait to see more of it. Multiplayer version sounds worth looking out for!
couldnt get past 11
gya! I couldn't get past level 11 w/o a billion tries, either. But for a vacuum company, this game is very clever. =) Nice game!
I really liked the game. The movement was very err.....controllable.
Would anybody care to elaborate on how to pass 11? I deativate the first two switches but there's no geometrically feasible way to step on the third! (the one in the middle of the box)
Work for me im just playin....anyway compliments to the chef...i mean creator of the game, love it ......Lata
whoah. I don't know why this engrossed me so much, but I thought it was nifty and a half.
i cant get past levl 12 argh!
Ha ha, found this game quite amusing! Cleverly made
And where we are, (UK) we call them hoovers ;)
Or in extreme cases, vacum cleaners. HEHE!
this game is sik i just cant wait till the next one comes out
anyone know what to do for level 17? im stumped
Just completed this game - couldn't tear myself away - but fortunately it only takes about 30-45 mins.
To do level 11 - get the switch in the top left of the main arena, then go bottom left for the second, and finally follow the path at top right for the third switch.
There's a room at middle right that remains locked. It's either a secret or bonus or a left over - I couldn't unlock it either.
To do level 12 - just go up, grab the switch, back down and take the right hand path.
To do level 17 - go right, into the rotating wheel, grab the switch, and then back to the left hand side and into the wheel again.
rotating wheel tips - timing, and speed helps. pick your angle, and remember one wall is moving out of the way while you go through. You can also circle in the middle while you pick your moment.
I found the hardest levels were 9 to 12, then after that it got very easy.
A very good game considering it came out in 2005! At the end it promises more updates, but I really don't think that will happen.
OMG!! Ive finally done lvl 11. Did you know that you can slow down the ball by pressing space. Thats how I completed lvl 11