The computer game is not the strongest medium for word games. The crossword puzzle and word jumble dominate the papers; Boggle is the board game master. Computer games are often overlooked by the linguistically minded. But then, Text Twist changes all that. I'm tempted to call it the best word game I've ever played. Of course, there are lots of awesome games out there. Scrabble, Boggle, Funny Farm—you know the drill. But I think Text Twist's the best, or one of them—and here's why.
Text Twist's rules are simple. Combine the six letters on the screen to make as many words as you can. This is by no means an original concept, but it's been spruced up. The goal of every level is to get the six-letter word. Once you do that, you are allowed passage to the next level. However, there is not much pleasure in just determining the six-letter word. I found that by just typing words as they come, eventually the long one will pass through my mind. Play is at it's best when you complete every single word before time runs out, giving a huge score bonus. Very satisfying. Play is available with keyboard or mouse. This is particularly useful for the "Twist" button. Twist shuffles around the letters for you. It's annoying to have to click during a keyboard-oriented game, so press spacebar instead. The versatility is great for speed. The interface is understandable from the start, and it has a nice presentation.
Despite the great gameplay, the game does not vary much between levels. Eventually you will start to recognize some letter sequences (when I see A R E T, I think tea ate era are art tar rat rate tear etc.) Text Twist's word bank is not perfect; some words are omitted from the game that should not be. The game is not exactly built for longevity and playtime. That being said, if you want variation in levels and gameplay and a larger word bank, the full version is available to buy. The full version's strongest point is that it includes seven letter words and a high score list. However, these criticisms are from the point of view of someone who has played this game for a long time. For a beginner, none of these points apply.
Analysis: Text Twist is a wonderful word game. The joy experienced when having just uncovered a word in the nick of time is quite satisfying. The sound and interface suit the game well. The criticisms I've covered are quickly overcome by purchasing the full version. A good presentation and simple rule set make this game perfect for a quick break. And that means many, many rewarding quick breaks for you.
A last word of advice: "Ade" is indeed a word. Click.
So is "hie".
This is basically the same as another game previously reviewed on JIG: 8 Letters in Search of a Word. The differences are:
In Text Twist, the maximum length of words is six letters, not eight.
Text Twist adds the "twist" button, for easily shuffling your letters. 8LISOAW makes you do this in your head.
In Text Twist, the target is to get the maximum-length word. In 8LISOAW, the target is a certain minimum score.
Text Twist shows you all valid permutations of the letters you're given.
This is Java, whereas 8LISOAW was Flash.
Oh great - i was addicted to this game years ago (it has been hosted on zone.msn.com for a long time), and now i will be again!
This has been my favorite web game for a number of years... before I discovered JIG, that is. I'm surprised this is the first time it's review has been posted! :)
I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with the reviewer on this.
The fact that the max word length was only 6 letters took all of the fun out of it for me as it made it just that little bit too easy.
8 Letters in Search of a Word is much more playable in my opinion.
However, I think these are both have quite a boring interface, and have much more enjoyed games with a theme- Just like Fowl Words.
It's nice that you can type in this one, aside from alternatively clicking each letter. It also shows the number of possible words that can be made.
I can't play this game anymore. I got addicted to it a while back and it's quite easy, so I NEVER DIED and just had to PLAY FOREVER. Heh.
thanks for reviewing this. this has been one of my favorite games for the past few years. only, i wish that they`d get new words!
I must admit that I can't seem to enjoy any games of this nature except Fowl Words (as Razorgirl brought up) now. I believe Fowl Words is one of the most enjoyable versions of this game, because it offers seven words and one isn't limited to finding the longest word in order to survive (I'm not always good at that.) I found the game in a different place though; Merriam-Webster's online dictionary (www.m-w.com). They have some other games on their site that may be worthy of looking at. Hmm. I'm going to go play those games now.
Over the years whenever I've had 8 hours to burn in a row I'd easily rack up a few million points on the Text Twist online game. Cupola, Copula, I've memorized them all. Once in a blue moon I'd get a word or 2 that would come up once every 6 months & take me by surprise, like Apiary. That's always a nice surprise.
For those new to the game, there's a way to divine the six-letter word from the other words, AND a good way to fill gaps.
The words in each set (3 letters, 4 letters, etc) are arranged in BACKWARDS order of appearance in the top 6-letter word. So, if you've filled in a lot of 3-letter or 4-letter words, you can use the first letters reading bottom to top to get the six-letter. Also, if there is a gap between "bear" and "beat", you know the word inbetween starts with "bea" as well.
I've always enjoyed this game. I like the word games. Thanks for re-introducing me to Text Twist.
This was on addictinggames for a long time...
and this is java?!?! talent, i see...
I love this game. Although, if I keep playing it non-stop, I'm sure I'll get tired of repeated words. But so far, it's fun and it's been a challenge.
Haha this game became a family staple a few years ago...my brother would type and the rest of us would shout out words.
Freshman yr of college, same thing happened except during a large lecture...one student started playing on his laptop and soon many were whispering, then saying the words.
I liked that to advance you had to get a 6 letter word. even if you get all the short words, you still need that huge one.
Hey, I need a super genius to unscramble chartar for me...
I am about to break 1.4 million points...
This is NOT a flash game
does anyone know how the scoring of this game is calculated?
How is text twist scored? I've looked all over the web and can't seem to find out the points are calculated.
this incredebly easy!!
Very addicting game.
I got 100,000 in a few minutes with the help of a word finder :)
Up to 49,000,000 points in this game over the past 6 months. Started to track all the different words. Currently up to 4,006. Does any one have any idea what the maximum number of words is in this game?
90 for 3-letter words
160 for 4-letter words
250 for 5-letter words
460 for 6-letter words (360 + 100?)
200 for each word if you get all words
thanx for the scoring info minsan, i was trying all sorts of guesses on how the game is scored and nothing checked out. imho scoring could be improved by giving a bonus based on speed of completion.