Tasha's Game

Control Tasha with [WASD] or the [arrow] keys, and move Snoopy with the mouse. Collect floating icons with your cat cursor, and you can use them to create platforms out of thin air. If you make a mistake, you can use the [-] key (minus) to zap back in time to just before you placed the last platform—a very nice feature, if not entirely ergonomic.
True, Tasha's Game is relatively short, but I pretty much decided it deserved to be featured after a rosy-cheeked tree in the game complained that I was standing on its head. The platforming controls are simple but smooth, there's a full bevy of hats to collect (they're actually called "Pointless Unlockables", in case you're still wondering how seriously the game takes itself), and the shocking final boss encounter is, frankly, amazing.
Also, the title is randomly generated every time you play, so reload the page a couple of times for extra value. I played it while it was called "tasha's final karate zero", which, logically speaking, makes me the coolest person alive.
Pretty fun. I like it alot.
Anybody else having trouble getting the [shift] key to do anything? it seems like it's important for the gameplay, but on my mac it's doing nothing.
peter - the shift key is for pausing and using the useless unlockables. You don't REALLY need it to finish the game.
Hey, I think I'm even cooler....
My game is called Tasha's lightning nightmare ultimate
That is one fine review! and a cool game and I got
Tascha's brutal escapade extreme...I rock!!
(ok, I reloaded the page about twenty times cos first of all I got
Tascha's donkey kat bros. storm...what does that even mean? :D)
fun game...you were right, psychotronic, the boss was definitely awesome.
I was kind of confused about the random faces on things...at first i thought i was supposed to jump on them, only to realize that they weren't really there...
Loved the backwards-in-time button, that saved me a bunch of times...
Pretty easy, but really enjoyable. I think the concept could be pushed further, although I only found two unlockables which does hint that I missed a lot.
The final boss encounter is definitely the best part of the game. Which is great, because often the final boss is a let down after playing the actual game.
I got tasha's impossible chicken 7.
Nice game, but very easy. I got all but 1 unlockable. Unlockables are always my favorite feature in any game!
Just so you know, Tasha is a guy. Replay the game to see
"Tasha's double misadventure of rage"
How can you top that?
And my vote is that Tasha is indeed a woman. Even though Raz says "help me, man" (or something of the sort), I've heard girls be called "dude" before, too. ;)
I beat all of you!
Tasha's lightning the hedgehog advanced!
Officially, Tasha's a she.
"Just another day in the life of Tasha and her friends". Apparently it's the name of the artist.
Heh, I was playing around again and noticed that the "Pointless Unlockables" show up on your character portrait during dialog. Nice touch.
Yeah, at the end of the game when she wakes up from bed I'm pretty sure that thing protruding past her arm is a breast and not bad art. :) Also, I assume the poster on the wall behind her is Michael Phelps. Not sure about the guy in the photo frame (maybe a boyfriend).
I played through it again to pick up more of the "Pointless Unlockables". Again they could be a bit harder to obtain (many times I figured out ways to save up platforms to build long bridges out to nowhere where there was... nothing at all), but it's still a really fun game.
Fun game. The concept could easily be pushed out further.
No, Tasha is a woman- look at the chest! :-)
That was a really fun little game!! :-)
That was FUN!
My only complaint is when you die, you go back to the beginning of the level. Would be much easier to have death function as the - button. Would mean I don't have to guess place of it when I'm about to cease to be.
Love the old school flow to this!
I wonder, is developing online games like rocket science? Cause I like to try it some day.
definitely loved that minus button...i got tasha's rad romance of rage!!!
Does anyone know where the pointless unlockable after the action beard and before the soldier helm is?
Location of hats between unicorn horn and Mohawk wanted! No reward.
Tasha's Rainbow Busters Ultimate!
Simple, easy, and fun! I think the ending shows the reason behind everyone's faraway, dazed expressions. I disagree with the game in that the unlockables have a point: if they were truely pointless, then they'd just end up as checkmarks on a background or something. (Or am I confusing "pointless" with "useless"?)
Also: Tara's craft romance rage. Why do I keep getting the bum end of random number (title) generation?
On a mac, use 'p' to pause instead of the shift key.
Does anyone see a resemblance between the evil black cat and the first game of the last link dump? maybe she's baby sitting that cat.
I got Tasha's Ninja Island of Rage. I must be awesome.
Love it, love it, love it. Simple, straightforward, quirky and fun. The game reminds me of Fancy Pants Adventures.
I like the concept, but I found the gameplay unnecessarily fussy -- since Tasha can only jump a few pixels, it's often a pain to place the platforms correctly, especially with those elevator blocks -- and so doing it in time with the chase scene just became too annoying for me.
Especially since, after passing the chandeliers, I kept missing the jump up the stairs for no obvious reason that I could see. It looked like I was on top of the next step.
And since it sends me to the beginning of the level every time, I don't feel like finishing it.
Cute kitties, though.
...and thirty seconds after that I tried again and finished it. Cute.
Perfect casual game, over in a day of coffee breaks, put a smile on the face. Only real complaint is that it should be obvious that your progress will be saved when you exit (unless I missed something, you only find that out when you go to exit). First time, I spent twenty minutes at it for fear of losing my level before I had to stop dodging work and exit the game.
A tip for better platform placement:
Whenever you click and hold, everything in the game stops until you release the mouse button. So have Tasha jump, then near the top of the jump, place the platform right under her.
Tasha's Fatal Busters Ultimate!
This GAME is awesome.
tasha's magical soul revenge. (:I
In regards to all possible title combinations:
Why bother? Half the fun is seeing what you get!
I think the computer I'm playing on is giving the game a glitch. I'm SO close to beating the final boss:
I have the E platform, which when placed says EXIT, but the first time I tried to place it, Tasha vanished, and the second time I tried to place it, IT vanished.
Am I missing something?
I got "Tasha's eternal saga of doom"
Oh! I also found that if you use LSN's method and hold w/up, then undo, and repeat, you can fly up infinitly!
I'm one unlockable short of the full set! Does anyone know what's after the space helmet, and where it is?
I would like to replay this game with all the unlockables in place. Can anyone tell me how to clear the saved data?
Never mind, I figured it out....flash settings.
Psycho duck of doom.
It was Tasha's Impossible Crystal Myth for me, haha. :D
I have to say, I really like this game. The graphics are really cute. Plus, how many games do you get to jump on pink unicorns? ;D
You don't have permission to access /news.php/minigames/Tashas_Game on this server.
[Edit: I just tried the link and it's working fine. Perhaps try accessing through a proxy server? Maybe the site is rejecting traffic from certain IP address ranges(?) -Jay]
Such a cute game!
The hat after space helmet is the "Hero's Hat" (looks like Link cap). On level 4, go up into the clouds. Go to the right of the temple. Use a platform to drop down into the second gap between the clouds (where the rainbow ends)
I feel a little odd after typing that sentence with complete seriousness :) Great game.
Tasha's deluxe escapade plus.
This game was funny, especially:
the beginning of level 6, where Snoopy says, "I can sense the evil in the air," and the screen turns black
I couldn't help laughing every time another person was captured by the tentacles. Am I sadistic?
the villain turning out to be a cat who wants Tasha to pet him
I can't get past level 4. Any advice?
Allison - you can walk on top of the temple-looking things.
Im not sure what you mean.
you can walk on the rooftops of the temples Allison. Use an elevator or bouncy platform to get on them.
There is none available though
well if you're stuck at the beginning where you bounce into the clouds...
Go left first, get the platform, then right.
if not, where are you stuck?
The two last unlockables on level 9 are hard to find; not because you have to make a leap of faith to find them, but because everything is so rushed:
For the first one,when you get the trampoline platform, jump as high as you can, then hold-click and place it close underneath her at the peak of her jump; when she trampolines upwards, have the cat cursor at the top of the screen to find Vampire Tasha!
For the very last one,
when you're escaping in the long hallway with the period of not needing to jump, jump anyway and keep looking up to find it. The "Psychic" hat... Well, it's pretty obvious.
I got "Tasha's Brutal Realm of Doom"
This game made my day. Even though I got like 5 unlockables. Seriously great.
But I think it's kind of funny that people are saying "the concept could be pushed further" when
the villain is a disgruntled kitty cat
there's a flying cat in a wizard's hat that casts magical platforms.
Honestly I don't think pushing it was the point :)
Tasha's bionic bard plus? Heh.
This is a really funny game...
tasha is definetly a girl. loved the game. my fave part: POINTLESS UNLOCKABLES!!
this game scares me seeing as
I am both named tasha and have blond hair
Tasha's Enchanted Golf Time...
Absolutely brilliant game. But the pointless unlockables are really hard to get.
Woo! Boss battle rocks!!
Tashas's burning island plus!
Tasha's Space the Hedgehog Attack
Now, tell me that's not awesome.
Tasha's Psycho Saga X!
Tasha's a girl... at the end
when she wakes up,
her chest is noticeable.
Speaking of the end, I quite liked it. XDD
Tasha's Brutal Dream Revenge.
ROOOCKS!!! *guitar solo*
also if you ever read her webcomic, the game is even funnier and would beget you the "IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!" line.
Tasha's Legendary Ransom of Rage.
This game is amazingful. ^w^