The idea is naturally quite simple: avoid the things that would kill you, try to make it to the goal. Click the mouse to fire off your psi-power and bounce off in one of four diagonal directions determined by the location of the cursor relative to the main character. You don't have precise control over speed or movement, but you'll soon realize that harnessing your motion is the core concept that Super Mind Dungeon is built around.
When you use your psi-power, you are unable to use it again until bumping into a non-metallic surface. This leaves you vulnerable to pesky gravity and momentum, so moving through each level requires some forethought. You need to bounce off just the right part of the wall to make it through some corridors, and oftentimes you'll stay airborne as you psi-fling, recharge, and fling again several times in a row, all to avoid a pit of spikes below. Exhilarating!
Super Mind Dungeon deserves a tiny slap on the wrist for its unpredictable difficulty. One minute you're coasting through levels, maybe dying once or twice here and there, but nothing too extreme. The next minute you can't seem to stay alive for more than three seconds as you respawn dozens of times just because you can't make it past one bed of spikes. Eventually you make it (if you don't ragequit), and after that, it's back to simpler levels. You never know what's next, and throughout the game's 30 levels, you'll get stuck at really odd places, unable to continue because you have to complete each stage in order. Smoothing the difficulty and adding a group level unlock system would make it a much more player friendly experience.
All in all, Super Mind Dungeon wins huge points for its originality, loses a few points for its varied difficulty, and gets a few retro brownie points for its pixel-loving presentation and old-school sound sensibilities. A great way to spend a few minutes of your afternoon.
I'm pretty well convinced that the screen with the dude that says "Level 7" (though I'm positive I've gone through more than 6 levels already) is in no way possible. You can't have momentum enough to bounce over the second set of spikes on the top, and the ceiling is much too low to boost over them either. And if it was, I feel like I've attempted enough times that I should have achieved it already through brute force.
That level is actually possible, I made it currently to 13 and it is hating me. 7 just takes some maneuvering.
I've been doing nothing but maneuvering. No previous level had me stuck for over a minute, and I've been on this one for about 30.
Just got past that - I clicked once just before hitting the ground and once with the mouse directly to the left of the player (I went round to the right)
The game won't load any further than the "BadHed" screen.
[Try any one or all of the following: update your Flash Player, disable your browser extensions, and empty your browser cache. -Jay]
Nevermind, I reloaded it a ton of times.
LoZfan03: That was the first level I was really stuck at. Remember you can throw yourself down while at rest to get some bouncing power. Perfect for making it across that corridor.
That would require resting in that area or at least have a boost/throw at my disposal before I'm a inch from the second set of spikes. Neither of those contingencies have arisen. I launch out of the hallway and when I'm lucky, I don't die on the ceiling and land just shy of the second set so I die after I bounce no matter which way I throw myself.
Too Hard. Did Not Play.
i personally recommend adding screamo-core to the background!! |m|,
i got to level 25, cant beat the upper portion
Pretty sweet game. The "level 7" one was definitely the hardest. To get past it-
Take your time going up on the right. Time it near the top so you land on the upper floor, and like JohnB said, click downward to start your bounce, then keep clicking down to dribble yourself between the spike patches.
Once I got the hang of the controls, I started flying through the levels. Good times!
I am absolutely stuck on level 26. After the 100+ times of playing it, i can consistently get to the top of the level, but i cannot avoid the spikes on the top or bottom. :/
Also, it would be nice if there was a way to access the level selection screen other than reloading the game.
Clicks stop being responsive at level 13. As in, I click, and it doesn't always jump. In addition, at times I was able to bounce on spikes. perhaps I was able to land in that area between them, but even then it'd feel cheap if you were lucky enough to use that.
I'm having a lot of fun with this game, but I get so tired of accidentally clicking on a banner outside of the game window and dying because of the ensuing pop-up.
I want to like this game, but the ball doesn't aim anywhere near the cursor and it's impossible to fine tune your aims. Frustrating.
While the cursor can be aimed anywhere, you can basically only go 4 ways, upper left, lower left, upper right, lower right. It's all the same as long as the cursor is in that quadrant, i.e. no 'power' adjustment.
The end is sort of disappointing. I think I might have done something wrong? They just tell me to hit backspace, which takes me back to the menu.
Ah, got it. You only get the good ending if you finish "soul mode", the challenge mode.
It's good fun.
With Firefox version 3.6.10 and Flash version 10,1,85,3 (on Windows XP) this game does not appear to load (it freezes after the ad and the "Play Game" button is not clickable). I haven't had any issues with other games.
[I just loaded and played the game successfully using Firefox 3.6.10, Flash Player on Windows XP, so it must be due to something besides those factors on your computer. I'm sorry, but I just cannot reproduce this issue. Try emptying your browser cache. Also, disable any browser extensions. As a last resort, try uninstalling Flash, then reinstalling. -Jay]