Use the [left] and [right] arrow keys for movement, press [space] to jump. Collect the air capsules to replenish your ever-decreasing supply while avoiding all the aliens that bounce around the planet. Jump into the vortex of each level to move onto the next.
Increase your score through combos by collecting capsules without hitting an enemy. Your combo score goes up with each consecutive capsule collected.
Analysis: Space Walker shows that a very simple concept paired with simple graphics can be made into an enjoyable and very pretty casual game experience. Variety in enemy type, enemy movement, and gravity for each level provides an increase in challenge, while a randomized color scheme provides something new to look forward to. Nothing earth-shattering or all that innovative here, just a well-designed package from tip to tail.
I didn't think much of this at first, but it's one of those simple games that's easy to replay for a higher score -- the key is to
collect as many capsules as possible without running into the black blobs
I agree about the replay value.
Also, it helps to clear all the capsules from each level before moving on, since later levels provide an increase in difficulty.
I also agree that skillfully dodging the enemies is key.
It took me a little while to realize I wasn't supposed to be jumping on the enemies. >.>
A good strategy is to
Head towards the vortex, collecting about half of the air capsules. Then keep going past the vortex, going all the way round, so you get all the capsules. If you don't hit any aliens you can get a high score by level 3 or so.
The scoring system could be more sophisticated - perhaps rewards for completing a level, or avoiding enemies...as it is it simply rewards an unbroken chain of air capsule collections regardless of how good you are at avoiding enemies.