Sola Rola: The Gravity Maze

Sola Rola: The Gravity Maze is a topsy-turvy turntable of a time, published by Gimme5Games. Wiz and Waz are two spherical buddies who are just cruising through space one day and happen to get caught in a series of mazes, a scenario we can all relate to. Together they must escape, but they only move when you rotate the maze. It's your job you roll them right into the red and blue beacons that represent their exits.
The controls consist entirely of the [left] and [right] arrow keys, which rotate the maze. There's a slight variation in the mass of the two balls, the red one is slightly heavier than the blue one, so if you give the maze a slight tilt you'll get more motion out of the red one. Corners have little studs on them that require a little extra momentum to get over. When a ball intersects with a switch all the gates of the same color open. When the two balls are sitting on the power-switch looking icons of corresponding colors, you've won.
Analysis: The Gravity Maze is the Web-based incarnation of an established mobile games franchise published by Gimme5Games' parent company, Eidos. The game shines with the same kind of consistency and polish you would expect from a publisher-supported title, and it also has character and a pretty clever execution. You can see the circular structure that the diamond-shaped maze is embedded in, and you can see bearings on its corners rolling along this hoola-hoop, a nice touch. Then there's the difference between the weight of the balls, it gives enough of a delta to squirm your way out of awkward situations, though there could be a bigger difference to make this process go smoother. The banter between Wiz and Waz does a great job of getting you familiar with the game, and lends a touch of humanity to an otherwise abstract dynamic.
So, go for a spin and become a Sola Rola.
I like this type of game (still trying to get that last level in Spin the Black Circle!)
helpful glitch:
You can start with a level rotated to any orientation you want by
spinning the level to where you want it, pressing pause, and then selecting Restart from the menu. The reset level button in-game re-orients the stage, but the one in the menu doesn't
Sola Rola is really amusing, especially the rope levels. But this is easy as pie when compared to Spin the Black Circle.
To make the curves, go in the direction of the blue barrier, rotate clockwise (or the pokeball will go through it), and as the pokeball goes up, turn counter-clockwise really quick. This is the way I got through this level (it sure is harder than it looks!)
I completed this game when it first popped up in LinkDump without ever realising that one ball masses more than the other :)
A nice smooth game, with good difficulty curve. Nice to have subtitled dialogue.
I enjoyed the rope levels, especially the ones that involved trapping one ball, and swinging the other on the rope.
Interestingly, the rope is slightly elastic, and will stretch on fierce swinging.
Level 23 is killing me...
...never mind. Of course I'd get it as soon as I posted it.
I also enjoyed this game when it popped up on JIG previously, my only gripe with it was that a couple of times I was really stuck on a level with the tether only to come back to it later and there be no tether! so be aware, don't know if this will still happen.
Someone didn't read the intro!
They didn't get caught, they chose to go and play in the "anti gravity maze room" while they wait for their ship to change course!
so much easier and cheerier than Spin the Black Circle. Iv played it through 2 or 3 times now and it doesn't get any duller with repetition
I am trapped in level 44. Please help :(:(:(:(
AUGH. I can't get past level 33. Is there a trick I'm missing?
This games is like Loco Roco.
Ummm...where's the complete walk-through?
Also, first time ever commenting, how do you sign up? Is it free?
Sola Rola.
Level 1.
Right Arrow Key
Left Arrow Key
I'm off to figure out Level Two.
Figured out Level Two.
Off I go to work out number three!
Level three.
Are you sure you wanna know?
Because this'll spoil the whole level.
Simply press right a total of nineteen times
Lvl 43 is impossible help anyone? I saw some people finished it.
Help please level 44... Which lets the other one out? I tried both ways and can't get them both free...
Never mind, I got it, the red one has to go through first and there is a lot of nudging them back and foth until they fall through.
Need help with level 24 please!
Jay or whichever benevolent overlords read this, ummm, the game doesn't load. Clicking on the link opens up a window to Gimme 5 games, but the game itself never loads. Don't know if you can do anything, just wanted to give a heads up, I liked the game when I could actually play it, and I love Jay's games.