As we have been doing for the last few weeks, we will give Sly away to some lucky visitor with a JIG Casual Gameplay account! All you have to do is leave a comment here on this entry by signing into your Casual Gameplay account. If it's a valid comment, our little mascot (the JIGster) will appear next to your name. That's all there is to it!
We will draw one lucky name at random this coming Friday (March 14, 2008). Be sure your email address in your profile is up-to-date and valid, as we will be sending you an email to confirm your account and to request a shipping address to send you this cute, adorable little Sly. Good luck! =)
If you're playing the game again (or perhaps even for the first time) and need some help, you might find some helpful hints, tips or even a walkthrough on one of our previous Asylum reviews.
YAY! I've been waiting for Sly, he's my favorite! Thank you!
Me, me, me, me, just joking. Hope he gets a really good home.
Woot! Sly is the cutest!
I love the way he's all multicoloured... i love him!
Uhh... Yeah... why not?
Again, Girlfriend goes "EEEEE!" I throw in my hat.
i love sly's story.
its so sad when he gets run over my the car. :(
His story was my favorite! I hope I get the chance to give him a good home!!
Huzza for Sly!
Oh, Sly, you little
snake, you!
You guys are awesome! And sly is adorable
Aww. I want to take him home and cuddle him!
One question though.
Can his tail be opened? I have some fun pills I'd like to store in it.
Don't look at me like that, I was talking about Pez.
It's really awesome to see how spot-on he resembles the ingame snake :D
Sly rocks!
i love sly and the little crocadile dude!!! So, here I am!!!
I'm assured sly will get a good home. Look at all of these asylum freaks!!(no offense)
cool! :)
please please please
Sly is adorable! I want him!
He is now mine.
He is cute also and I can give him a geat home
Sly's story made me so sad... He needs to come home to me and be snuggled back to health!
I'd love to give sly a home...
Again, worth a shot; I'm quite a fan of the series.
He's so cute!!
I love Sly :)
My dog goes nuts every time Sly's rattle makes a noise. I'm afraid if someone doesn't win him QUICK, Sly will soon be in little colored pieces. ;_;
Cute... but not as cute as having to send your Wii in to Nintendo because one game doesn't work. I HATE YOU BRAWL.
I LOVE SLY... with his cute little rattle.
Sly is by far my favorite. I want him!
Aw, how cute!!!
aww, he's adorable.
Sly's so cute.
i'll take good care of him.
one of the cutest, along with the croc.
I want sly! are you guys ever going to do Dolly? I think that dolly would be the best one to have because she's reversible.
Hehe... cute little snake :)...
Aw! Sly! He would fit in great at my house--All of my stuffed animals have sad little stories, too. He'd have lots of friends who understand him. =]
Yay snakes ftw.
I really hope i get one of these!
I love this game!!! Though my family already thinks im ready for my own asylum for playing it 4 hours in a row. But who cares what they think! :)
Well, I'm already in an asylum, so if he needs further help, The Alliance will take care of him.
Oh, I wasn't supposed to tell you that! D:
They're coming for me! O SHI-
The rattle actually makes noise? Aww! these are all so cute!
I was just about to buy Sly a couple of days ago, now I'm glad I waited. Maybe I have a chance *anxiously biting nails*
Aw. He is adorable. My favorite one.
yay sly! i hope he's mine, he is my favorite.
he's a lot cuter than i thought.
Come on!!!! I need a SLY, he is great!
I'm sure, Sly wants to come home with me. Am I right?
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please!
let's see if I've got any luck with sly.
I really liked Sly. He was the first one I worked with.
This is not a comment - oh, ok then it is..
rattling good site this!
I'm in :D
Yay! More Asylum toys!
Good luck!
yeah sly! he's a cute as dub was
I love this one's backstory!
Sly! Thank you guys for all these so-adorable toys ^^
Yesssss, Sssly iss a snake.
Third time is the charm?
Sly's my favorite patient. ^_^
Aww, I love this game. It's adorable. The first of the games featured on this site that actually made me cry (shut up, I'm pregnant). I hope this little guy gets a great home :)
i like sly best <3
To paraphrase Sly (of Sly & the Family Stone)... "You can't win if you don't try"
glad it's not just me that has dreams about chasing my own tail...
I love this game. Sly is pretty cool.
I hope you find a good home for him! :)
He's so cute!
Good luck guys! Whoo, I love these plushes!
Yay for Sly!!!
I want to win one of asylum pets!!!, i want a sly!, but i really want the sheep!!!
it would be very cool if the sheep also can change into wolf with the double side zipper XD
Let's try =]
Oh, come on, I want you too.
1 in 75 shot
You are giving away, SLY?
I want... *applies*
Sly snape!
I can't wait till they get dolly the lamb!
Oh my goodness!! It's a musical snake!
THIS is a cool one.
Aaa~ I love Sly. x3 <3
Sly is the cutest and soo fun to help out
I want to give him a good home :D
Me too! Me too! I want! I want!
Yay! They're all so spiffy. I'd love to have one.
This guy's really cute. I loved him from the game.
I want Sly! :3
ooh, snakes!
Sly was the first patient I treated :)
Sly is my guy!
:) yes please!
Sly was my fav. Only one I solved without messing its little mind up before hand
I'd really like to have it. May I? Pretty pliiiiz...
Want! It would make my cat AND my girlfriend both happy..
omg i wanna *¬*
Great game! Sly was not my favorite, but I'll give it a shot.
I'd be a good home! Call me random!
I hadn't heard of this game until JIG started posting these giveaways. I have to say, Sly is by far my favorite of the cute little guys =D (though Dub is pretty cool too)
Here's to hoping he gets a to be relocated to a more drug free environment XD
how do you play the game in english please help
Yay for Sly!
ooh! I liked doing the sly part of the game.
why is it that all the stuffed animals are fun to mess with whe you drug them?
Ack! Must have! Must have! Must have! Muuuuust have! Love sly!!!!!! Soooo cute.
Sly is probably my favorite character, and his story was the saddest too. Would love to have a plush Sly.
Sly is sooo cute
Sly is so cute with his 'shakey shakey marracca' :)
I promise to take the best care of him if i win!
I loved Sly's story but it was pretty hard. Aconstant reminder to not do drugs.
With his maraca, Sly would probably be happiest with another musician ...
I play a couple of instruments and sly could help me with the maraca :)!
He's so CUTE
Does it matter if I live in Australia?
Also, I'm not sure if I should win this. Having a collector's heart, if I have one, I will automatically desire them all, and will then have to buy the rest.
But I hope the above comment will NOT be put into consideration when choosing a winner.
By the way I still need the collector's kidneys to finish THAT collection.
awesome, another asylum character!
I loved this game when I played it the first time! Sly is absolutely adorable!
Eee! My favorite!
Poor little Sly! I have more than enough love for him.
Aw, he's absolutely adorable. I love him so. <3
I wants him! :)
Awww, such a sweetie. I'd love to give him a home.
...but not with that account. I hope I got in under the wire!!
Aw Sly, the first and most interesting patient. Pick your owners carefully, all you plushie toys out there!
omg! i has so bad chance but i wanna win
sly rocks
lol i would love a shark plushie with hydrophobia lol :P
I think he had the most depressing story of all, in my opinion. I think he might have been the longest one, too.
Hello SLy! I want to invite you to stay in Sunny Singapore FOR FREE!!! come !
I have a sister here for you!!!