An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure

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Rating: 4.6/5 (922 votes)
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DoraSissy's Magical Ponycorn AdventureSometimes I'm pretty sure developers are trying to kill me, especially in this case, where Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure is so adorable and funny I just want to keel over. Created by five-year-old Cassie and her father (33 year old Ryan), this adventure game is silly, wonderful, and sunshine in your browser. The game follows Sissy, who "friggin' LOVES ponycorns", and hey, who doesn't? After all, they're ponies and unicorns. You can't lose! But Sissy doesn't have any ponycorns, so she's going to go get some with your help. No, it's alright, you don't need to have your eyes checked; you read all that correctly.

Playing the Ponycorn Adventure is simple; just click to move and interact. The biggest issue you might encounter is trying to figure out just what you're looking at from time to time, but click on an object and Sissy will tell you what it is... even if the explanation is just as strange. In short order, you'll have a bunch of jars to put your ponycorns in when you find them (it's cool, I poked some holes in the lids), and you'll have to help Sissy travel through rainbows and solve the rather unique puzzles on the other side using little-girl-logic. If you don't have a little girl handy to help you, or if you were never one yourself, don't worry... just click around, bust out a few random magical powers, and BAM! ponycorns. Awwwww yeah.

Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure is sweet, funny, and maybe the best surprise to come across my desk in a while. It's not complicated or challenging, but it put a smile on my face, and for that it gets a massive high five. The dialogue is cheerfully absurd, the mood is light, and even though the whole thing should only take you around five minutes to play, it's definitely time well spent. Sometimes you want to save the world, program robots, or solve complex logic problems. Other times? You just want to leap astride your ponycorn and ride on off into a rainbow.

Play Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure

You can also play the game at the Untold Entertainment website. If you enjoy the game and want to help Cassie continue with her education, you can also donate to her education fund at the Untold Entertainment website.

Walkthrough Guide

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Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure Walkthrough

  • Click the goat on a pole. That is weird!

  • Go through the rainbow.

  • Click OrangeBoy to receive 5 jars.

  • Go through the rainbow again to enter the rainbow room.

  • There are 5 rainbows from left to right. Go through Rainbow #1, the farthest one to the left.

    • Click Mr. Turtle. He's upside-down and sad.

    • Click Mr. Turtle again to flip him right-side-up. Why is he still frowning? :(

    • At least he's not ungrateful, click the pink ponycorn to place it in one of your jars.

    • Say goodbye to Mr. Turtle and go back out to the rainbow room.

  • Go through Rainbow #3

    • Click the Tiger to make him close his eyes.

    • While you have him distracted, click the blue ponycorn to put it in a jar.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

  • Go through Rainbow #5

    • Click the sign. It shows a little girl leaving to go get a coconut.

    • You're a little girl! (presumably) Now, where have you seen a coconut?

    • Go to to Rainbow #3 and take the coconut from that scene.

    • Return to Rainbow #5 and use the coconut on the evil lemon.

    • Click the green ponycorn to put it in one of your jars.

    • Click the large boulder to lift it and pick up the key from underneath.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

  • Go through Rainbow #2

    • Click the mean Dragon to use your magical powers - Aw yeah!

    • Use the key on the cage to free the imprisoned ponycorn.

    • Add the purple ponycorn to your jarred collection.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

  • OrangeBoy is calling for help! Go find him in Rainbow #4

    • It isn't an OrangeBoy afterall, it's the last ponycorn!

    • Click the orange ponycorn to complete your collection.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

    The End


Be sure to click on the ponycorns' jars after you've collected them to learn their names.

My favorite is the Pink Ponycorn.

littlefish May 25, 2011 2:01 PM

Almost as cute and whimsical as a Minoto game!

Anonymous May 25, 2011 2:09 PM

Too darned cute.

And the names made me laugh out loud.

No, I'm not going to put them here. You have to go find them for yourself.


Yessss! So cute.
A little hard to tell what you can click on in one spot, got hung up for a minute, but I got through it.


Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure Walkthrough

Just kidding - pretty sure you can do this one on your own!

nerdypants May 25, 2011 3:27 PM

That... was... so... adorable... I had to play it again to get the names of the ponycorns. Totally worth it.


Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure Walkthrough

  • Click the goat on a pole. That is weird!

  • Go through the rainbow.

  • Click OrangeBoy to receive 5 jars.

  • Go through the rainbow again to enter the rainbow room.

  • There are 5 rainbows from left to right. Go through Rainbow #1, the farthest one to the left.

    • Click Mr. Turtle. He's upside-down and sad.

    • Click Mr. Turtle again to flip him right-side-up. Why is he still frowning? :(

    • At least he's not ungrateful, click the pink ponycorn to place it in one of your jars.

    • Say goodbye to Mr. Turtle and go back out to the rainbow room.

  • Go through Rainbow #3

    • Click the Tiger to make him close his eyes.

    • While you have him distracted, click the blue ponycorn to put it in a jar.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

  • Go through Rainbow #5

    • Click the sign. It shows a little girl leaving to go get a coconut.

    • You're a little girl! (presumably) Now, where have you seen a coconut?

    • Go to to Rainbow #3 and take the coconut from that scene.

    • Return to Rainbow #5 and use the coconut on the evil lemon.

    • Click the green ponycorn to put it in one of your jars.

    • Click the large boulder to lift it and pick up the key from underneath.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

  • Go through Rainbow #2

    • Click the mean Dragon to use your magical powers - Aw yeah!

    • Use the key on the cage to free the imprisoned ponycorn.

    • Add the purple ponycorn to your jarred collection.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

  • OrangeBoy is calling for help! Go find him in Rainbow #4

    • It isn't an OrangeBoy afterall, it's the last ponycorn!

    • Click the orange ponycorn to complete your collection.

    • Return to the rainbow room.

    The End


This game is so friggin' adorable! I really hope Ryan and Cassie come out with more in the future.

NisSandpaper May 25, 2011 4:22 PM

I've only been playing for 2 mins and my favourite line is

Sissy: "You're bad because you're a lemon"


omg was that cute :D

ChainsawCharlie May 25, 2011 6:19 PM

That made me smile

ben holtzman May 25, 2011 7:12 PM

wow, this was great, so funny and cute.
i really liked how with everything the girl describes my mind instanly imagined the dad asking her to draw the thing and this is the first thing she drew.
or she drew something and in her mind it was a dragon or whatever so he put it in the game.

Vertigobee May 25, 2011 7:59 PM

That is too cute! I bet there would be a lot more creative games out there if there were more fathers who could program... that would be such a cool project for a kid to do!

tigrita May 25, 2011 10:07 PM

This is officially the greatest game ever.

"What a delightful butterfly"


That really made my day, especially with an exam this afternoon. Thank you JIG!

Best line(s):

"I am the last ponycorn."
"I'm an evil lemon!"

This game should could puzzle game of the year!



Butterfly means yes! Wock means no!

Anonymous May 26, 2011 5:16 PM

i think i got a cavity from this

Movie lover in Baltimore May 26, 2011 5:50 PM

What a delightful game! It was a pleasant break from the escape games I usually play.
Her voice makes me wish that I was a little girl again.

Thanks,Cassie and dad, Ryan!!



I tried to get my sister to help me create a game (we're 8 years apart, so I'd be ~13 around the time she was ~5) but I never finished it, so it's pretty great to see something like what I was trying to do and executed better than I would have done, too.

E-Nomad May 27, 2011 3:42 AM

im ready for some ponycorn 34!

Anonymous May 27, 2011 1:51 PM

Oh god, I played this in a 14 Locks nausea-induced state.... definitely need a lie-down now.


Cute and great idea.

Little girl is lucky.


SO CU- No. Just no.

Really, a 5 year old making a game? Suh-weet.


in the end i thought that it is the

bear that is still nice not the tiger :P


nevermind i played it again ;D very cute game




Your game is loved a lot of japanese.
This game makes me happy.
thank you very much.


OMG - go to the website - they have tshirts and ponycorn stuffies.

My fav tshirt "I am an evil lemon!"

Although I kind of want one that says "That's what you get for being evil AND a lemon!"


I remember drawing just like this a long time ago... *wistful*
Oh. Wait. That was, like, a whole 7 years ago.
Anyway, I love Sissy's logic in this game, especially the way to snag a ponycorn from a hungry tiger! By far, my favorite line is, "Put me in a jar, sissy." xD I don't really know why that's funny at all, but it certainly made me have a good mood. (I forget the exact quote at the moment).

EmmyRahh July 7, 2011 6:55 AM

This game is ADORABLE! I love the green ponycorns name



arsenicsauce August 24, 2011 10:57 PM

I friggin' love this game! It has such wonderful voice acting (♥).

My favorite line:

"Magical powers, aww yeah!"


Only one problem: Its not MY little ponycorn.


The only thing more adorable than this little girl's drawings is the fact that her dad was committed enough to make a game of it and include funny voices for the characters. It takes a lot of heart to be the voice of an evil lemon and then put it on the internet for the world to hear. :)


Is anyone having an issue with the game displaying properly? I can't complete it because the right side and lower edge of the game don't show. It's like it weirdly magnified inside the window and is offset. Adorable game, though!

borateen February 24, 2016 4:22 PM replied to Lysana

I had the same display problem and was able to adjust it by right-clicking in the game window and choose Show All. Presto!


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