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It's Friday and after a long time we have a new escape game from a new developer Tiny Carnival. Not long, true, but the puzzles aren't exactly easy and getting out takes some time. Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and have a good time with the game!
The first scene you see is the house from outside. Click on it - and suddenly you are inside the room! Until you solve few puzzles you can't see much from the house, but later you can explore other rooms, too. An enjoyable game with beautiful graphics and good puzzles awaits you.
The game doesn't offer a save option but has a hint system - it's the magnifying glass in the bottom right corner of the gamescreen.
Rooms Home Escape (Android, Android Tablet)
Rooms Home Escape (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
This was an enjoyable little game. The lines/dots puzzle in the loft is a bit tricky to maneuver—try dividing each button into quadrants and click quadrants successively until you get them positioned the way you want them. Might require some fiddling…
One small glitch: the arrow button in the upper-left corner might not be clickable if you have the game full-screened. If that happens, just press Esc to come out of full-screen, and go full-screen again (click the icon at the bottom-right of the game frame). Worked for me after just one try.
And just so you know, once you go through the door to the second area, you can't go back to the starting room (and you don't need to).
That was a fun game, nice visuals. For the lines/dots puzzle, dragging the buttons around in a circle seemed to help. But I only understood the solution to that one after watching a walkthrough and reading a bunch of comments. The rest of the puzzles I could handle.
Yeah, the glass box puzzle was probably the trickiest of the lot. Let me see if I can explain it clearly to anyone who needs it…
You first need to find the three circle tokens.
One token is found after solving the bookcase puzzle.
The solution is found in the Books.png image file on the computer downstairs.
After solving, check the open drawer beneath the books.
One token is behind the patch on the couch. Use the box cutter on the patch to cut it loose and reveal the token.
The last token is beneath the couch. After putting the batteries in the flashlight, use the flashlight on the dark area beneath the couch.
Place the tokens in the sockets in the bottom part of the glass box. They will become dials which allow you to finish the puzzle.
In the center, you see a pattern of lines and dots.
The lines appear to correspond with the lines on the line dials, and the dots correspond to the dot dials.
The goal here is to mix the patterns to match the lines/dots seen in the center.
More specifically, you need to mirror the patterns.
Let's look at the top half of the center first. The upper-left quadrant of the center has a pattern of three lines and two dots. The upper-right quadrant has a pattern of one (contiguous) line and four dots. We'll match the dots first.
Turn the upper dial until the two dots are at lower-left, and the four dots are at lower-right. This mirrors the dot pattern on the center.
Now that we have that, let's look at the left side of the center. The upper-left has a pattern of three lines and two dots. The lower-left has a pattern of one short line and four dots.
Turn the left dial until the three lines are at upper-right, and the single short line is at lower-right. This mirrors the line pattern on the center.
Repeat with the other two sides, mirroring the pattern in the center to each dial. When all are in the correct position, a red pattern appears in the center.
Put this pattern in the slider puzzle downstairs, and return to the opened glass box to retrieve the eagle figurine.
I never tried dragging those dials to turn them. 🤭