Rolling Fall

Zombies have been set up throughout the girders of a construction site, and you need to get rid of them by smacking them with objects like wrecking balls and boards. To do so, use the mouse and click on a chain to cut it. Utilize physics to your advantage to clear each level; all the zombies need to be dead to move on, but it only takes the gentlest of taps to kill a zombie.
The above premise pretty much sums up the entire game. Rolling Fall doesn't pull out any game-changing shocks; you're cutting chains and squashing zombies all the way through. The game's relatively short, with only 30 main levels and 10 bonus levels, so this isn't necessarily a big problem. Since the bonus levels can only be unlocked by earning high scores, there's also incentive to improve.
All in all, this is a solid use of your time whenever you want to send some zombie heads a rolling. Rolling Fall isn't going to change the sport of zombie-slaying as we know it, but it's certainly an excellent half-hour or so of physics goodness.
Cannot get passed level 7, the guy on the bottom left never gets killed.
@canard: maybe it's a bit sensitive, but I got level seven on my first attempt.
nice game.. nothing too special..
only problem i have is that the object is to kill the zombies with a big metal ball.
its unrealistic, there is just no way zombies will die just by being touched slightly by a metal ball, which only leaves one option...
the creator wanted to get in on the recent zombie wave of popularity, although this game clearly works better(in your mind) with humans instead of the zombies.
and thats kinda cheap(:
keep in mind, im not saying that the game is bad, its very nice, just didnt like the zombies in there.
I wanted to like this, but have found it extremely repetitive. I've given up around halfway.
Also, the theme is a little off. It truly appears like the author wanted to piggyback on the recent zombie craze (the launch of Walking Dead especially) so he quickly rethemed whatever the original game was into "kill the zombies". But neither these zombies look threatening or give you any reason to enjoy killing them, nor these wrecking ball look like they could harm them at all.
So.. yeah. I'm going back to saving oranges and apples from evil tiny-shuriken dropping clouds.
Some alright puzzles. Unlocked the bonus puzzles just 'cause, but unfortunately they're not much more engaging than the regular levels.
As is said before, the zombies don't make sense. I hate to sound like a desensitized gorehound, but this game could use some more blood.
I like physics puzzlers. I also like games based on luck. I do not like physics puzzlers which are also based on luck. This is one of those.
Also, it does not only take 'the gentlest of taps' to kill a zombie. The gentlest of taps does not in fact kill the zombies. Shortly before giving up on level 23 I managed finally to touch all the zombies with a ball, but the last one was only struck with the gentlest of taps and the zombie did not die.
Who said it takes 'gentlest of taps'?
As long as the ball nudges (or bumps...same thing) the zombie, then it "dies."
I disagree that this is "an excellent half-hour or so of physics goodness." This game is not worth a review on Jay Is Games, and not worth my time to play.
Nope. It is possible, if the ball is moving slowly enough, to nudge a zombie with it too gently to actually kill.
This is particularly annoying when it is the last zombie in a level.
Does the zombie move at all? If it is displaced, it "dies." The ball can't just "touch" the zombie, the ball has to actually push the zombie (okay, so I said "nudge").
The zombie needs to move.
"gentlest of taps" is in the review at the top.