Robot Wants JIG Banner Game by Hamumu
This game is no longer available.
Today we launched a new banner game for the site, created by Mike Hommel of Hamumu Software. Mike is the author of the entire Robot Wants series of games, and this new game plays very similarly to those.
The objective is to light all the letters of the Casual Gameplay logo, as well as find all the JIGman bits scattered around the game. Use the [arrow] keys to move the robot, jump and duck. As you progress the robot will acquire additional abilities and power-ups to access areas previously unavailable. The game will save state only at Transmatter Computron checkpoints placed in strategic locations around the map.
Sign in with a Casual Gameplay account and collect all the letters and JIGman bits to get your name added to the Hall of Fame!
The game is playable right in your Flash-enabled browser in the banner across the top of every page. The banner game will allow only one instance of the game to be played at a time, so there should be no concern for having multiple pages open at once slowing things down.
We have also added a new Themes page off the Home menu option in the site navigation menu that will allow you to change the site theme any time you wish. From there you can revisit some of the older themes we've featured, including our first banner game that was created for us by Rob Allen back in 2007. Switch themes any time you'd like, including if you don't wish to have a Flash game load on the page.
Congratulations to repairmanman for being the first player to complete the game during our soft launch beta test late last night. Thanks for helping us test out the Hall of Fame! :)
Walkthrough Guide
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Robot Wants JIG Walkthrough
This walkthrough will explain how to get all the letters of "CASUAL GAMEPLAY" in the order that they are acquired. The numbers beside the letters indicate where they are located on this map.
The L in casual (1)
Simply move up and to the left of your starting position, jump across the small spike pit, and walk under the crusher. The L gives you a cannon you can use by holding [X] and aiming with [UP] and [DOWN]
The first A in casual (2)
Use the cannon to shoot the orange switch, and continue moving up and to the left. Shoot the next switch and jump over to the oil. Jump across the spike pit using the metal platform. Shoot up and to the right to hit the switch (jump if you can't see it), and jump up using the newly created platforms. The A gives you air jump.
The E in gameplay (3)
Jump across the pit to your right, and shoot the switch to open a new path heading right. Take note of the Jigman, We will refer to him later as Jigman 1. Head right past the crusher, and go up and to the right. once you hit the gunner start going left again. Shoot the switch and jump across the platform. to get across simply walk off the wooden platform and jump before you hit the spikes. The E will give you an EMP bomb you an use by hitting [X] while holding [DOWN].
The second A in gameplay (4)
Go back to the gunner you just had to turn away from and use an EMP on it. Follow the path until you get to the next letter, there is only one way you can go. You can shoot the switch you need to hit by aiming through the grate. Jump up and grab the A, this gibes you the ability to swim. Also note Jigman 2, which you can't access yet, try as you might.
The G in gameplay (5)
Head back down to where you got air jump, and jump into the oil. Follow the path down passed the checkpoint. Walk passed the three crushers, and swim up to the little air hole and shoot the switch to open up the way to the G.
The P in gameplay (6)
Swim back up and to the right of the checkpoint, and use double jump and glide to make it across the pit. Back where we started \o/!. Go down and to the right across the spike pit. Get passed the crusher and the spikes and make your way over to the P. You will need to shoot through the grate to hit the switch. Now you can detonate red blocks with your EMP bombs.
The first A in gameplay (7)
Head back towards point 7 on the map, by going by point 2 where you got the air jump. Use your strong bomb to blow up the red block and get access to the new area. First turn off both switches you can see. Once both switches are off, turn on the left switch from inside the wall it creates. Jump over the spikes and turn on the second switch. Be sure to jump so the blocks don't crush you. There is a third switch you can now access by shooting into the grate. Once you get the shot through the tunnel simply turn off the fourth switch, and jump to the A. Now you can drop bomb by tapping X in the air.
The L in gameplay (8)
To get this letter just head back towards the start and enter the same tunnel you did for the letter P, instead this time go to the right and glide down the pit of spikes. When you land you will be right beside the L. You can now hang on to metal walls.
The S in casual (9)
use the lateral magnets to jump up the wall to the right. Then head left and jump up the tunnel lined with metal walls and spikes. The S is in the room at the top. You now have the Shield.
The C in casual. (10)
Go back down the tunnel you came up to get to the S, only go into the room blocked off by spikes on the right side. You can get in now that you have a shield. Glide over the three holes in the spikes and drop bombs in them. Once you have dropped a bomb in each hole you need a drop a fourth bomb in the middle. Head back down the tunnel, and to the right. Go up passed the three crusher. Use a bomb to stop them (You can walk through frozen crushers). Glide over and get the C. Your bomb will now crawl when you place them. If you didn't lose your shield gliding over, jump to the right and go down the tunnel to get JIGman3
The M in gameplay (11)
Reka's Note: before you even attempt to acquire the M, make sure you have enough time to also acquire the U and then JIGman bit #4 in the same session.
Go back down to the little area before the three crushers you just had to get passed. Use a crawly bomb to blow up the red block behind the teleporter. Jump down the tunnel to the right and swim through the spike field. Jump across to the left after you get out of the oil, and climb the wall. Shoot a laser through the grate in the upper left. Then drop a bomb on the red block in the middle of the teleporters and glide across. Jump up the metal wall and blow up the red block on the platform above you to grab the M.
The U in casual (12)
Head back over to the oil on the far left of the map. Go to where you needed to shoot the switch to get the G, and let a crawly bomb go heading right. It will blow up the red block and you can access a new area. Just follow the path to get to the U. There is only one tricky jump you need to make. Also note that you can shoot lasers while upside down.
The A in casual (13)
So close yet so far! Head back to where you got the L in casual (8 on the map), and dig through the ground and follow the path to the left to get to the A. You will need to be careful when using bomb to stop the crushers and make sure you don't blow yourself up in the process. Drop a bomb into the spike so it will blow up the gunner. Then glide over the teleporter and drop another bomb in to blow up the red block and disable the gunner. You can now glide across and climb up the metal wall on the left. One more to go!
The Y in gameplay (14)
You can pretty much see this one from where you started. Simply head to he starting area and climb up the metal wall in the middle. Stand on the cieling and shoot a laser into the grate. Hop back down the right, and go into the area you opened up. Let a crawly bomb loose to the red block, jump down and make the computer happy! Dig to the Y, and you win :D!
JiGman bits
JiGman bits are marked on this map in yellow! Once you have all the powers it's just a matter of getting to each one.
All you need to do for this one is double jump and use the magnet jump super easy.
For this one you will need to get to the top of the map and make sure you still have a shield when you get to the spike pit.
You need to use the upside down magnets to walk across the spike pit beside where you got the C, or you can just use a shield.
You need the Digging ability to get this one, just head the same way you did to get the M and dig down instead of jumping up the metal wall on the left.
This one you just need crawly bombs and the dig ability, no tricks here.
Just need to be able to make the computer happy, no tricks here either
This one is the tricky one. You need to glide down the pit like you did to get the L, but stop half way. Take a hit from you shield so you can jump up into the little ledge and shoot the switch. Blow yourself up and then jump back down with a shield and land in the new area. Drop a crawly bomb to disable the Gunner, take a hit on your shield from walkthrough through the spikes, and cling to the ceiling. Drop down above the JiGman
And here's a complete, full-sized map (Thanks, Raz!)
Posted by: Kero
November 30, 2010 12:59 PM
To Reset the game (and start over):
Hold [A] while pressing [B]
Posted by: Jay
February 1, 2011 11:26 PM