Click on the screen to interact with various objects, and pick up items; once you've picked something up, click on it in your inventory, then click on another item you're carrying to try combining it. Some items can be manipulated with levitation; you'll know them when you find them because when you click on them... well, uh, they'll levitate. Obviously. Much of your obstacles will be in the form of humans, who you'll have to find some way to sneak around unnoticed. Even when you find your Reincarnies, you won't be able to take them back right away; you'll have to trick them into doing something that would earn them a one-way ticket to you-know-where. And bringing them back involves something a bit more gruesome than public transit. (Although not by much. Have you been on a bus lately? Phew.)
The downside is that the logic to the game is... well, it's just barely there. Puzzle solving generally tends to be an "everything and the kitchen sink" affair that could leave some players frustrated. Similar to the Reemus titles, the universe within the Reincarnations games tends to follow its own set of rules that won't make much sense to outsiders at first. Oh, you'll figure things out with a little bit of experimentation, but when you do make a connection it rarely feels like you puzzled it out... you just stumbled across it because you were patiently clicking everything against everything else.
The progression feels a bit rushed, as if it was intended to be a lot longer, and maybe a little more involved. Where the game doesn't skimp is its quality, featuring great cartoonish artwork and top-notch voice acting. (Which makes up for how obnoxiously intrusive the soundtrack is in the first area you explore.) Despite being a little on the short side, and ending rather abruptly, it's still a quirky little adventure to serve as a nice evening's snack. You know what they say, right? Laissez les mal temps roulez!
Walkthrough Guide
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Grab the top stick from the pile.
Click on the tree stump twice to remove the bark.
Go left one screen.
Grab the mug from the sleeping demon.
Hit the corpse with the stick if you want an award.
Go left again and talk to the Reaper to learn about the Locusts. You'll need to pick up 15 of them while you are in the Human realm. I've only found 13 and I'm not entirely sure if they are in random spot.
Catch the three locusts before they leave the screen to prove to the Reaper you're up to the job, get the bug poison from him.
Click the snake.
Go right three screens. Click the mug in your inventory, then click the plant just at the bottom of the screen to fill the mug with water.
Go left two screens and click the mug of water in your inventory. Then click the top "eye" of the tree to get diluted sap.
Click the bug poison in your inventory, then the diluted sap to combine them.
Click the stick in your inventory, then the mug of diluted sap to combine them.
Go right one screen to the dog. Click the poisoned sap stick and use it on the bugs on the stump.
Go right one more screen and use the sappy bug stick on the bush with the snake under it. When the fetus demon reaches for the stick, click the snake's tail. Then click the fence decoration. Pick up the fetus demon.
Use the fetus demon on the dog. Click the portal to go to the human world.
Human World:
Make sure to pick up any locusts you find.
On the left of the screen, click the brick sitting on the pot planter, then click the cat's tail. This will distract the human while you go inside.
Once inside, wait until the woman is standing to the right of the jukebox, then click the jukebox.
With the woman now knocked out, you can traverse this house easily. Pick up the scissors out of the cup by the computer.
Go upstairs and pick up the mirror on the right. Then click the drawer just above the open drawer to the left and get the rope. If you want an award later, get the sad Mardi Gras mask.
Click the window to go outside. Remember to pick up locusts. Then click to the balcony on the left to climb over.
Go left one screen. Pick up the tape out of the box below. Use the rope, then climb down to the street. Go into the door just to the right of you.
In the bar, combine the mirror with the tape. Use the taped up mirror on the temperature controller, then click it to make the room hot. While Stubs is busy drinking, click the marker to use it.
Go back outside. IF you want to learn who the first victim is, go left one screen, then come back. Then go back into the bar to watch Stubs leave.
Go left one screen. This is Amos, the first Reincarny. He has also killed Stubs and is now prime to go back to Hell. Pick up the bloody bone next to Stubs. If you want another award, and an amusing mask for the demon, go to the next step. If not, skip to 12.
Go back to the Lucy's shop (the woman you knocked out earlier). Once in her bedroom, use the bone on the dog. Then open the trunk the dog was sitting on and grab a ball of yarn. Combine the yarn with the MArdi Gras mask in your inventory for an award and a mask for the demon to wear.
Go back to Amos, if you decided to get the mask. Use the scissors on the left chain of the sign hanging above him. You've now claimed your first Reincarny. Click the fence to go to the next area.
Madam Reaux's:
Pick up the rock and the banana peel here. Then click on, in order, the barrel, the box, and the tire. Use the rock on the cracked window to open it and go inside.
Once inside, click the crowbar on the right to pick it up. Then use it on the box right next to you to find your evidence to send the next two Reincarnies back to Hell.
Go right to the next screen. This is pretty simple. Click the elevator button to distract the Reincarny. Then, click the banana peel in your inventory and place it just to the Reincarny's right. You may have to click on the Reincarny's right foot to get it to place. Two down, one to go. Click the door to go to the final scene.
When Madam Reaux is off-screen, click the alligator's tail to trip her. Click the bottle of alcohol to spill it. Finally, click the doll hanging from the ceiling fan. Three down, none to go. Congratulations on using a walkthrough!!
Posted by: KamenZero
August 27, 2010 2:27 PM