What? Oh, I just have a cold. And something in my eye. It's nothing.
Leap right into the game by pressing that big red FLY button. As Pichin launches into the air, it follows your mouse from left to right. Guide Pichin into collecting coins, gems, treasure chests, and other goodies, and bounce on red and gold cushions to go even higher. There are no enemies per se, only some obstacles which slow Pichin down, and can actually sometimes be a good thing if you're falling. You can keep going until Pichin falls to the ground naturally, or if you want to end the flight early, you can click the "Skip" button at the very bottom of the screen. When your launch is over, you'll get a report on how much you picked up, and open any chests. As you progress, you'll unlock four other buttons beside FLY: a achievements monitor, for keeping track of your progress; a stats and skills for boosting stats and equipping skills; a research lab, for further increase of Pichin's speed, strength, luck and bounciness; and an evolution lab, for evolving Pichin into a champion!
Pichin starts out as neutral, but evolves into one of three kinds of Pichin: plant, beast, or metal. With each stage of evolution, Pichin has a different look and different abilities. Be forewarned that if you evolve baby Pichin into, say, Chickachin, the tween beast form, but later evolve into Gadgetin, the mature metal form, you will lose access to any beast skills you didn't have equipped. While you keep the skills you had equipped, you can only add new ones that are open to your Pichin's current type. Passive skills apply automatically, while active skills require clicking, holding with the mouse to charge, and then releasing to cast. Different active skills have different casting times and cooldown times, which you can monitor in the lower right corner of the screen.
Analysis: A word of warning: the music of Reachin' Pichin is as cheerily addictive as that of Katamari Damacy. You may find yourself breaking into "ba da das" and squealing "Reachin' Pichin!" at inopportune moments. Aesthetically, this game is brilliant all around, with the soundtrack perfectly matching the colorful game world. Pichin looks as if it might bounce right out of your monitor altogether.
The game does such a good job making you identify with Pichin's desire to prove its worth that it's really a shame that the ending sequence doesn't give any plot resolution on that end. Instead, it's apparently meant to be a cliffhanger twist, bringing up something that was never foreshadowed in the slightest in the rest of the game, perhaps setting up a Reachin' Pichin 2. However, the best way to make people come back for Reachin' Pichin 2 is to give them emotional pay-off first, then hook them with Pichin's new challenge.
Despite a plot misstep at the end, Reachin' Pichin offers great launch gameplay throughout, fully up there with such classics of the genre as Hedgehog Launch. In most launch games, you begin the game hardly able to get anywhere, but once you've unlocked all the best upgrades, you almost can't lose. Reachin' Pichin takes a different approach, in that early launches are easy, but actually winning the game will not only take a fully evolved Pichin, but also a careful use of skills towards the top, where platforms become scarce.
Please give Reachin' Pichin a chance. Otherwise I think it's going to start wibbling its lower lip again, and I don't think I can take it.
No, you don't need a fully evolved little guy at all. Did it on second form with about a quarter of the upgrades at best.
Seems like a well-produced game that didn't get enough play testing. Games like Hedgehog Launch and Nanaca Crash are addictive simply because they are so difficult to succeed at, but so very easy to get that "little bit more" that hooks you on trying again. Just another few feet...
But Reachin' Pichin is just so darn easy, I didn't really feel any compunction to play it over again, even to see what the cute little guy might turn into. I just knew that it would be a series of easily-reached platforms, judicious use of the first skill the game gives you, and *poof*, time for a depressingly lackluster ending.
It isnt loading. Anyone else have this problem?
[Try updating your Flash Player and disabling your browser extensions. -Jay]
This looks like it was reviewed by virtue of being cute. And you know what? I can totally get behind that. I have a cat for no reason other than that its cute and I pay money for its food again for no reason other than that its cute. The world can use as much cute as possible.
Hi Moshimoshi & Awesome,
Thanks for playing Reachin'Pichin :) I am Yiwei from Kurechii. We did do a lot of testing and we got a lot of feedback regarding Pichin have to grind a lot before it is able to reach the end of the sky!
So we ended up making it much easier so players got no stress on collecting resources but enjoy the flight.
Please bare with us. This is the first game that we made together and we try to bring to best to the players. We will look into all of your feedbacks and improve the game over the time.
We will update the game very soon after we collecting enough of feedbacks! Thanks :D
Really cute game, however it would be nice if there was a feature that auto-saved the game after each evolution... separate from the actual save data, just in case your browser crashes, you know. And you just won the game and right as it starts the ending sequence it crashes. And you have to start all over again. Like.....what happened to me.D: Good game though, very cute! Would have loved a little more variety, also, I was extremely confused as to what the ores were for, so a little more explanation wouldn't have hurt. Really easy though.More obstacles and factors(such as wind) would have been nice, and more little bonuses(like a teddy bear floating by in a balloon. AHHHH CUTENESSS!!!!!) would have made the game ah-doh-ra-ble. Also, what's the difference between a red platform and a yellow platform? Also, boosts would have been nice( on screen bounus boosts, but don't make it so easy!)But, overall, awesome game!
Very cute and nice idea in terms of the different kinds of upgrading (made it stand out a little from other launch games), but I reiterate the "it's too easy" comments.
Hi Epicness. Glad that you like the game & thanks for the feedbacks.
We will take note on the things that you comment on.
The different between red and yellow platform is -
The red one you got to fall on it then only Pichin can bounce off
The yellow one you can fly over it and get instant boost to your speed, you can also fall on the yellow to bounce off like the red one :)
I agree with some of the above comments, the game is too easy.
Also the strength type grow items (whatever the red ones are) are way too frequent compared to the other types of grow items.
Having a day counter would also be nice, as would having achievements for making it up there with limited forms.
In addition, achievements should be tracked across multiple plays, instead of being reset for each play through.
Hi Devlin Bentley! I have work out the achievement system as you suggest :) You can have a try now.
Version 1.03 - Game difficulties adjusted.
Should be harder now :) Enjoy!
Even though I spent over 30 mins playing this game, I wish it was longer. So fun and adorably cute!! Plus a cute storyline:D
I liked it. The music was really cool. A bit too easy but still great.
This was a good game, but I still feel as if the red ores were too frequent. I wish I could use multiple Pichins to get each evolution onto the chart in one game, or get some special uber-upgrade for getting to the end of the sky and playing again.
Am I the only one mildly startled by the disconnect between the developers' English diction and the quality of the English text in the actual game? Whoever they've got writing for this game, I hope they keep him on. :3
I loved the little snark upon reaching the Twilight Zone section - "No Vampires Here!" XD
Eep! I played this game because it looks so darn cute. Imagine my surprise when the precursor to the game was an advertisement for the gorefest film Saw 7 *shudder*
This game is sooo cute! I just started and it is really fun. I really like the art direction. And the music. Yes, it is fun to hum to, or sing...
Reachin'Pichin has patched up to version 1.1.
We sincerely apologize for saved game data that were lost during the update!
A new way to save data has been implemented. This time around, it will be more secure!
Change log v1.1
Game Balance
Beast Skill : Predator's Instinct - Skill duration dropped from 6 to 2.
Players are now able to unlock Achievements under Growth Points Collection.
Fixed the bug where achievements are all unlock when one is playing the game for the first time.
When you roll over the stats button when it is 9/10 - it no longer indicates "Completed"
A perfect game is still slightly far from our reach - but until then, we are striving our best to make this game as awesome and good as possible!
If the bugs annoyed you and resulted in your voting for Reachin'Picin to be lower than 5, do give us another chance!
We hope you like Reachin'Pichin and will continue supporting us!
by Kurechii
What the difference between a red and yellow platform?
I still thought that the Predator's Instinct is just a tad broken...seriously, you basically turn the one thing making the final zones difficult into a swarm of yellow platforms for a short period of time. Honestly, THAT should be the Roarchin ability.
Either way, I enjoyed this, despite it being...slightly emasculating.
And once again, red platforms can only bounced upon and do not grant a boost going up, yellow platforms can give you a boost even as you're moving through the air.
Personally, I didn't have strong feelings one way or another regarding the difficulty. Regardless, the ending was particularly unsatisfying. A bit of foreshadowing would have gone a long way toward making this game good instead of merely a kinda fun waste of time.
I liked this game it was so fun and cute I liked the music too. But it would really be nice if the creators could make a Reachin'Pichin2
I love Reachin-Pichin. I'm on iv champion. I'm just wondering how can i get off of iv champion. That is why I came on this website.